Alpha and Beta Males?

I don't really know who you are, and don't judge me by my experience on this forum, but I simply changed to become a person who doesn't need to brag. Why brag? Remember the saying "talk is cheap"? I mean, if you're so secure, or so acknowledged of yourself, why do you need to do that? Why do you need to tell us? OK, this is an INTERNET forum, but wouldn't you find that you impress people more when you DO but don't SAY THAT YOU DO?

So you can talk and show, but don't you think that people would like you more if you just do things instead of saying and doing? It makes people want to even hate you by bragging first and doing number one in what you do...

Just be...

I don't blame anyone for being perfect or near so, but to say that "I am 100%" and "I do well for my age" is a bit like saying "My daddy is better than your daddy". It's sort of like a defence mechanism known as "Identification". The need to want to identify yourself to become accepted by society. There are other and more effective ways to become accepted.
"nope, I would try it first, if it works great. Why don't you try it? This figure you deem an "authority" happens to be right on the money for your information, it's not my lost if you don't understand."

As I stated, I did try it. And I didn't enjoy it. I prefered being who I am. Chosen, you are misunderstanding me. I have no problem with you becoming more confident in your attitude. It's when you start changing who you are as a person that there's a serious problem.

"LMAO!! Go on the forum Tyler, tell that to the older and more experience DJ's than I am, go ahead and watch them PROVE YOU WRONG at every little thing you say"

Or how about I ask my dad. He got my mom with being himself. Or my grandfather. Or many of the other happy people who didn't have to better themselves.

Now, I saw a Ross site, not a Don Juan site. So if you would provide the adress?

"It's a fact in life, men compete for women. Admit it."

Definetly. Most men compete for women. Doesn't mean all do. If you don't beleive me, ask Cris. If there's a woman I like I will try and attract her attention. If that's what's meant by competition then yes I compete. But I have never, ever had to better myself to get a woman. Every woman I have liked I have either gotten or they have not desired to be with me because they don't want to be romantically involved with my personality. And like I said, I'm not changing my personality to get a woman. Never once have I been called too impolite, or too unchivalrus, or too little of a gentleman, or too unconfident or anything. The few women I've truly liked who didn't like me back enough to go out with me were those who wanted to just continue being a friend with me.

As it stands, I have never failed to get a woman I just met. Actually quite the opposite. I was at a local sports clothing store today getting running clothes and a cute girl in from Queens University turned to me and asked me what University I went to. After explaining I was in high school she goes 'oh, so you're in OAC (grade 13)'. I just left it at me being in grade 12 (I just finished grade 10, actually) and accepted her phone number. I didn't even start the conversation with her, just talked to her like I talk to anyone.

"It's bad advice, but I never said it "never works." Depends on your varying degree of what "works" is."

Works as in I have yet to truly fail. I'm sure I will eventually. Quite soon, I'm betting. But to say that your method never fails is quite arrogant, no? And no, it's not the best advise. Simply because not everyone is naturally confident enough to get the women they want.

"I'm an over achiever, I don't settle for "good enough" - people don't become successful businessmen thinking this way, they don't win gold medals thinking this way."

Haha! Hilarious! Twisting my words eh? I've clearly said I'm good enough naturally to get any woman I truly want. Call it cockiness, but it hasn't failed yet and while I'm sure it will and will many times I am not one to deny that I can fail.

"Improving Tyler, I am more aware of who I am, not altering, you have such a sick perspective. Acting like what huh? It's not about being a fake person at all, it's about becoming a better person, what part of that don't you get?!"

Now let's get the details down. What have you done to improve yourself?
Say what you will, being yourself is the best "ploy". Sooner or later you have to measure up to what you stated you are or implied you are. If you have falsely advertised "the goods" then you are left for what you really are. It is better to be yourself, hence not a liar, and then you have nothing to live up to.

Now it has been a long time since I dated. I have found that there are many ladies who think that they prefer the criminal because it is exciting. Only sooner or later the criminal has to toe the line and pay his dues. It is not so much fun anymore then for those who are around him. In the long haul the ladies learn something from it. It changes a lot of them into a more mature person. It is then the criminal loses out.

Those ladies and lads in their younger years are quite different from when they mature. Their values change. They learn to see things differently. The bum who will not earnestly work for his living and will look for someone to syphion off of. It does not take long for anyone to learn what a life of that is like. Nor does it take long to wisen up.

I wish you well, ~The_Chosen~ but I fear you have a bit of growing up to do...
Right on the money Wet1

Originally posted by wet1
Now it has been a long time since I dated. I have found that there are many ladies who think that they prefer the criminal because it is exciting. Only sooner or later the criminal has to toe the line and pay his dues. It is not so much fun anymore then for those who are around him. In the long haul the ladies learn something from it. It changes a lot of them into a more mature person. It is then the criminal loses out.

Yes criminals, "bad boys" are dangerous, adventurous and fun. Why do girls go with them? Because of the attraction. That's it, simply as that. They are not long term relationship mates, they aren't ideal husbands, they are just there to attract and have fun. Some women stay with them to change the criminals to the guy she wants, this is why some women stay with crimianls that beat them.

But you speak truth, and I can tell. When women reach a certain age, they will eventually settle down, this is where nice guys win. When women become sick of the game of sex, attraction, and games.

Those ladies and lads in their younger years are quite different from when they mature. Their values change. They learn to see things differently. The bum who will not earnestly work for his living and will look for someone to syphion off of. It does not take long for anyone to learn what a life of that is like. Nor does it take long to wisen up.

I wish you well, ~The_Chosen~ but I fear you have a bit of growing up to do...

Of course :) Thanks for your input Wet1. You are right.

I do what works for me, and sure things change. For older and much more mature men, they may go directly to the site and speak to the truly experience older DJ's.

My advice I directed mostly at the age around 18 years.
Thank you for the site. As it stands, most of the stuff on this site I've seen so far (haven't covered it all) is just common sense.

"Yea most don't, but it happens alot. You sound kinda artificial Tyler."

Artificial in what way?

"Everyone changes, period. You probably learned through trial and error what works with women and what doesn't, simply as that you are bettering yourself. Don't you agree?"

How to read women is one thing. Not being who I am by nature is another. I have never gone out of my way to please a woman unless it was already something I would naturally do.

"Good, you talk to her like everyone. You respect her for the woman she is, instead an object of sex. Holding her on a pedestal or anything like that is the wrong way to approach."

Worked for me.

"It can fail, I never stated it can never fail. The techniques teach you to respond to certain types of women, they are all categorized on the site. Read and learn."

They won't always work. To suggest that they always work is to suggest that all women of a certain type are looking for the same personality in a man.

" wish you lived where I lived, we pick out a girl and see who gets he in the end. Too bad though..."

Hmmmm. If I lived where you did I'd win, being a foreigner and all with my exotic Canadian accent and French!!! Haha!

"Women like cocky and funny guys, as David Deangelo correctly states."

Not all. But a good majority that I've encountered seem to be attracted to that.

"I wanted to beat them, now i'm fully capable of handling them. When you do meet one, you will understand. or have you already?"

Still considering it a game to be won or lost.

I actually have run in to women who have tried to play me like I was part of a game. Only went out with one of them. Didn't last very long. I was far too laid back and natural for her and she hated it. I think at first she figured I was someone who would play a game. I didn't. And I simply didn't respond to her attempts to play a game. She ended up hating me because of this. The only other time's I've met a girl who wants to play it as a game to that extent they've despised me from the beginning. And generally, I have felt no attraction to them (beyond the physical, of course!).
"Tyler, that's what I exactly thought also. Common sense. But without that site, how would you know all this works? It serves as a foundation, a insurance that it works, and tells you what doesn't work. It saves the stupid trial and error doing everything yourself."

Trial and error will teach you much more about yourself.

"You have never better yourself to get a woman? I'm sure you have."

Not for about 2 years, as I've been saying. Subconsciencly I'm sure there's a happy part of me about getting in better shape for the looks. But I've never done anything to better myself in order to get a woman.

"Hahaha, me being full-azn and experienced...hmmm...I know French also...pimping has always been fun"

You continue to look at me as inexperienced eh? Well, think what you will.

And I don't pimp. Not into that attitude.

"Most are. Deadbeats are no fun...what if a sexy girl said to you, "hehehe hottie, i'll be the best you ever had *winks*!" That would certainly increase my attraction for her! Same way for how women would respond"

I'd go find us a room. Who says no to a confident, attractive woman?

"It's higher level than a game, a sexy girl that can dance, shake her body and respectfully express her sexuality is hard to avoid. Seducing you also, not giving you what you want when you want it, creating anticipation, desire...some way works for women"

I never let a game beat me. Being attracted to someone is one thing. Letting that someone have any kind of control over me or 'beat me' is another altogether.
"Now he saves us the trouble. Thinking, ratonalizing, on your own and stuff is where trial and error is important, how you come to perceive the world."

Your choice. I still prefer trial and error.

"I don't mean in the deragotory word "pimp" It's a new generation, pimp here means "getting all the girls to like you, winning their attention" not that sex and selling crap, fuck that, I will never go down that low."

I know. And I despise the term. Such a pick-up off of rap.

"Seduction is indirectly controlling you and your reactions. They tap into your mind, it's amazing and I like being seduced, women do also - it creates romance and desire"

A woman trying to seduce me is alluring simply because it shows interest. Like I said, never once bended over backwards for a woman in 2 years. And some women hate that.
Exploring early maths does help you understand the advanced maths and I'm quite sure Newton and Einstien did just this.

The point to trial and error is to understand more about who you are. You're more concerned with winning the game. That's all it is.
It's advice from real people, Allen Thompson, Rose Geoffries, David DeAngelo, etc.

Yes these guys are rrrrrreally successful! ;) They don't have any published books, at least on amazon. They don't have any education to back up their claims.

They know how to push your buttons however. They get you to come back for more and more and they make money off of ya from your advertisements. And if you are one of the webmasters, then you should be booted for spam.

edit to add:

Okay found a book by the Geofferies guy, but it's on a no name publishing company and is a whoppin' 70 pages.

Really successful man.
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Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Bragging and boasting are just 2 other ways to tell the world that you have a little pecker:D
Well said *stRgrl*.
Well, have any of you ladies been charmed by the Chosen and his "confidence"? Speak up, let's see the Chosen's magic at work.

I just had a friend read this thread. As far as she is concerned, women do not at all give a damn about these silly little games and tricks, but sometimes will "fall for it" just because they need a shag. They use the stupid guy up and throw him away.
At this point I think it fair to say that some of what ~The_Chosen~ has said is from experience. Certainly he shows he knows his way around the bedroom, or more precisely he knows female anatomy. The way it is expressed I would say it is not book learning.

I could not say that this is the way you might pick up the ladies, not through this subject on a forum. It is hardly the way you would go about it. Not very romantic to say the least.

At one time when I was young, I thought that maybe I needed that extra edge. I looked, I studied, and it all came down to one thing. I found nature will take it's course. There is someone for every one.

Many is the time that I purposely ignored the come on from an interested party after I had matured. I knew what I wanted and that wasn't it. I thought it kinder to play dumb, like I didn't get it. I found that the grass isn't always greener. But it took a long time to see that and even more importantly to take it to heart. You see, these are people. They have feelings too. They are not play things. Not something to be manipulated and then to pull out when you have had your fun.

Prehaps I am old fashioned. I no longer have to go and look in the window and window shop. Maybe age has made it easier. I don't know. It just doesn't seem to be the problem it once was. For the younger people here, I know this isn't much help for the now. But remember, when you go looking and when you are ready, you will find or it will find you. I know of no better way to put it.
Originally posted by Xenu
Well, have any of you ladies been charmed by the Chosen and his "confidence"? Speak up, let's see the Chosen's magic at work.

I am not in the least impressed. In fact I would walk by him in a wide circle...
Originally posted by Adam
I just had a friend read this thread. As far as she is concerned, women do not at all give a damn about these silly little games and tricks, but sometimes will "fall for it" just because they need a shag. They use the stupid guy up and throw him away.

Adam is right everyone!!! Listen to all the women!! :D
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Originally posted by Banshee
You are sharing your overloaded testoron device...

Ok ok, I did come off as arrogant, I admit, my fault indeed. Everyone can all let out their frustration and anger at me now - if it makes you feel better.

But who has the balls here to say Pook's article is wrong? :D If you do think it isn't right, frankly you can believe whatever you want, like religions, it's your choice ;) Meanwhile I think I'm going to delete all my posts concerning women...I'm just wasting my time trying to help...

whoa, how are these posts just disappearing...gee? :D
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Who gives a damn, this is an internet forum. Like someone said earlier talk is cheap, but if I were to meet them in person...

Oh really, even some of the most anti-social geeks can hook up on the internet, and so far you haven't woohed one person.

Just playing with you dude :p

One thing, women aren't property. You think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread right now, but manipulating people is going to get you a bad reputation in the long run. So what if you are "fucking a lot of hot chicks", your life will never be fullfilling because you'll always be looking for the next lay. With manipulation comes hurt feelings; it's going to be one bad situation to the next.

You're going to laugh at all this right now, because you can only see with your dick, but you'll learn eventually. Hopefully before most of your life is wasted.
I'm the same way, Adam.

"His gentleness was uncompromising; because he would not compete for dominance, he was indomitable." -- Ursula K. Le Guin
Originally posted by Xenu
One thing, women aren't property. You think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread right now, but manipulating people is going to get you a bad reputation in the long run. So what if you are "fucking a lot of hot chicks", your life will never be fullfilling because you'll always be looking for the next lay. With manipulation comes hurt feelings; it's going to be one bad situation to the next.

Of course they aren't property, if you notice how I post, I respect women. Women don't sleep with guys who treat them only as sex objects, just to let you know. I wouldn't call it "manipulating" at all. It's about being the man women want, that is all there is to it.

There's no way you are manipulating anyone anyway. What do you exactly mean by manipulative? I don't quite understand. If you are talking about hypnotizing, that isn't the case at all. Modern understanding of hypnosis contradicts the conception of actual hypnotism - in which you totally control the subject. No such thing. Subjects in a hypnotic trance are not slaves to their "masters." Instead, they have absolute free will. And they're not really in a semi-sleep state, they're actually hyperattentive. This is basically similar to eliciting trance states. It's funny when people state "controlling and manipulating" when they have no idea of how it works. A trance is a state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination. You sort of tip into their subconscious, all women like this, hell even I do, I have been seduced before. One thing important, it's in no way manipulative or controlling. It's getting in within a woman's comfort zone, they will feel as if they actually known you for a long time, manipulative? Hell no, I call it skill. With in trance, people still have their complete free will. Yes you heard me, you are just influencing their actions but you can't control them.

Anyway I'll stop, but if you would like me to elaborate further, then I's very interesting :D

You're going to laugh at all this right now, because you can only see with your dick, but you'll learn eventually. Hopefully before most of your life is wasted.

Not wasted at all, I'm a hedonist, so if that's bad to you then I can't help to change how you think. Bad girls from the Swirl understand all about it. I make no apologies for my sexuality, period. I'm a male.

Learn? I have alot to learn, I'll admit that, but meanwhile I'm enjoying my life, I don't take advantage of women and I certainly don't just "fuck them." Plain derogatory. If you are imagining as someone that just picks up a woman and fucks her - get rid of that image please. I had a one night stand before, and frankly woman that give it up that easy aren't even close to relationship material. I have done bad, but does it mean I'll continuing doing bad and "wasting my life" away? of course not, there is more to life than this, philosophy, science, etc.