Alpha and Beta Males?

Of course they aren't property

well how about...


Is this not something you posted and supported?

and ...

I wouldn't call it "manipulating" at all.

what about some of the things from the 48 laws of power? such as...
Learn to keep people dependent on you.

Keep others in suspended terror.

Work on the hearts and minds of others.

Play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following.

Never put too much trust in friends, learn to use enemies.

Are these not manipulation? Did you not support this book, claiming it should be called "the book of life'?
Originally posted by Xenu
Is this not something you posted and supported?

Yep I fully support that 100%, no woman is above me.

what about some of the things from the 48 laws of power? such as...

Are these not manipulation? Did you not support this book, claiming it should be called "the book of life'?

Criticize it all you want. Not my lost.
I find everything the chosen posted stupid, idiotic, moronic, and foolish but yet he thinks it is some sort of dating bible.

It says a lot about the person.
Oruginally posted by ~The_Chosen~
I think I'm going to delete all my posts concerning women...

I think this a very good idea. Just hit "edit", go to the top of your reply and you will find a little box through which you can delete your posts.

You are not sounding very mature. In fact you are behaving like a moron, I am sorry to say so.

Why not try to recover your dignity a little and delete/edit all the garbage you posted.

It may do you good,. Then post in another way and show some respect for the women, which you totally seem to lack. Respect I mean. For others as well as for yourself...
edit: deleted post, not going to argue anymore.

Going to let Banshee's post stand, her's is very wise.
Originally posted by Banshee
I think this a very good idea. Just hit "edit", go to the top of your reply and you will find a little box through which you can delete your posts.


You are not sounding very mature. In fact you are behaving like a moron, I am sorry to say so.

Please do crticize me even more.

Why not try to recover your dignity a little and delete/edit all the garbage you posted.

Garbage? Not my lost...tsk tsk...

It may do you good,. Then post in another way and show some respect for the women, which you totally seem to lack. Respect I mean. For others as well as for yourself...

Show me where I lack respect for woman.

As for the few that privately messaged me, thanks for being open minded about all this. :)

More power to you! ;)
Originally posted by Xenu

It doesn't say that, you're twisting the words around. Look at the last three words of the rule to live by, I'll bold them for you:

Not at all, you are the one doing it.

"Make her mine" = possession

hmm...your point? why assume they are property if they are "yours" I call MY gf, "my baby", where's the error in that? How about "Be my Valentine"?

Yes I will, what you post is degrading and manipulative, but yet you won't take responsibility for it. The way you keep posting responses trying to defend yourself shows me that you do care what other people think about you.

degrading? how so? manipulative? how so? elaborate

Umm, why else would I defend myself??
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Show me where I lack respect for woman.

Everything. Women are not cattles. Everyone is different.

Again for the Nth time, be yourself and self improvement are completely independent.

You think you are posting stuff to educate people or help people out or whatever, but instead you are infuriate people with your worthless garbage. Not too many people here need tips from a 17 years old schmoe.

If you want people to take you seriously from now on, start respecting people is a good way to start.
Originally posted by Joeman
Everything. Women are not cattles. Everyone is different.

Stop debating here. But I'll just state one thing, they all respond to certain things.

Again for the Nth time, be yourself and self improvement are completely independent.

Sure, sure pal. Do you know how many sites there are? I mean, why would these sites be so damn popular if they simply don't work or even worse, garbage?! Gee...where's the common sense there. Educate yourself, and I don't mean in disrespect. You first told me I was the rookie, I realize you don't know much compared to what I know.

You think you are posting stuff to educate people or help people out or whatever, but instead you are infuriate people with your worthless garbage. Not too many people here need tips from a 17 years old schmoe.

I'm simply delievering the tips, not "my" tips at all. NLP and all that, you bet they work. Worthless garbage? If you say so.

If you want people to take you seriously from now on, start respecting people is a good way to start.

Of course, I posted the advice and naturally people would come in and criticize. This happened at every forum that DJ's try to convince people.

You will see in the end, if it is really garbage or not.

It's not my lost buddy, I have lost nothing posting my information, people who don't bother to consider it aren't open-minded, period. You say it's crap, why don't you apply it first then comment?
Hypnosis, subconscious cues, lies and manipulation... Am I the only one who thinks it's a very short trip from TheChosen's "How to manipulate women into bed in 12 easy steps" to date rape drugs? Might we have a potential date-rapist on our hands?
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

You first told me I was the rookie, I realize you don't know much compared to what I know.
It is not about what you know but who you are.

I don't need to go that route to get women. Exactly what Adam said.
Of course, I posted the advice and naturally people would come in and criticize. This happened at every forum that DJ's try to convince people.

This makes me think that my first suspicions are right, you are/were (depending on how far you've amended) spamming the board.

Do you own this Don Juan web board? Do you get commission?

Aside from that,
I am happy that you took liberty to remove some of your posts, it's a first step in building respect with some of the posters around here.
Originally posted by Adam
Hypnosis, subconscious cues, lies and manipulation... Am I the only one who thinks it's a very short trip from TheChosen's "How to manipulate women into bed in 12 easy steps" to date rape drugs? Might we have a potential date-rapist on our hands?

LoL!!! You don't even know how it works and you say that already, what a pity...

Date-rapist? Go to hell you damn asshole!

What do you actually know about hypnosis? NLP? hmm? I mean seriously, trancing and etc. are alot weaker forms of hypnosis. Hypnosis can be used for therapy, NLP can treat criminals and people with certain problems.

neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) From Xev since you probably failed to look at my nice nlpinfo site...pity you Adam.

NLP can enhance all aspects of your life by improving your relationships with loved ones, learning to teach effectively, gaining a stronger sense of self-esteem, greater motivation, better understanding of communication, enhancing your business or career... and an enormous amount of other things which involve your brain.

As for hynosis: American Psychotherapy & Medical Hypnosis Association
  • The subject must want to be hypnotized.
  • The subject must believe he or she can be hypnotized.
  • The subject must eventually feel comfortable and relaxed.

Seduction is a much much weaker form of hynosis, also depending on the person's mental state and personality, an entire hypnotism process can take anywhere from a few minutes to more than a half hour. Seduction works instantly, and I can't successfully seduce any woman that doesn't not want or even like me - I must get past the attraction stage. Comprehende? It's not manipulating at all you fool, get that part of the equation straight. What do you seriously understand about these kinds of things?? Before you make baseless assumptions. Every woman I have met liked being seduced, they liked feeling relaxed, connected to me, understood by me and etc. For me to be able to put them in such a relaxing and comfortable state, I have to actually listen to what they say so I subtly echo back to her, eliciting values, feelings. I would have to understand what she is saying, how many men you know actually listen to women? Women liked being listened to, answering back a plain "uh huh" won't cut it.

And as for the woman that have been seduced and say it's a bad thing, it's not the technique's fault, it's the man so don't blame the technique. And most importantly, I'm a unique man like no other, different in many ways - that creates even more attraction. I basically become the man women want. If you are rejecting what I am saying, I really feel sorry for you, you refuse to open your mind to a world that you simply don't wish to understand.

I mean seriously, who would you want? A unique woman that can make you feel relaxed and comfortable around her, she definitely knows how to please you, easily carry a fun and interesting convo -- or -- a woman that doesn't know what to do in a date, doesn't know how to carry a successful or fun conversation, doesn't bother about how she dresses or her appearance, etc. Advice/NLP would teach you not to be that type of person, and you say it's crap? Go figure yourself Sherlock.

Well that's enough babbling, I don't wish to give further advice to anyone anymore, only to those that privately message me.

Originally posted by Joeman

It is not about what you know but who you are.

I don't need to go that route to get women. Exactly what Adam said.

That's good to hear, I am happy for you Joeman, but where you go wrong is saying my advice is crap, idiotic, garbage, etc. - the sign of ignorance, can you give me reasons - I'll debunk them all. :)

Let me ask you a simple question, what if "who you are" is a unconfident, low-self esteem male? He's not even a man by his actions, he acts like a boy. Would you seriosly destroy any improvement for him and tell him "just be yourself and eventually you'll succeed", what if he never had a date in his entire life? Nice job there, you just gave him the advice that would ruined his life with women. He was raise wrongly and you are reinforcing this on him. I give advice for a reason, to help, not to prove myself or argue or even fuckin make money (damn idiots), not all men are capable of finding a right girl for them because basically their traits don't click in the attraction stage.

Originally posted by Xenu
This makes me think that my first suspicions are right, you are/were (depending on how far you've amended) spamming the board.

Do you own this Don Juan web board? Do you get commission?

Spamming the board??? LMAO!!! :D The few that understand, realize it was a big favor. No I don't own it, go to the board and figure it out, and hell no I do not get commission. How is offering dating advice that works, spamming?

It was a mistake trying to help out the fellow male population.

Aside from that,
I am happy that you took liberty to remove some of your posts, it's a first step in building respect with some of the posters around here.

No, you shouldn't be happy, now you'll be closed to a world that you refuse to understand - big mistake.

I was like most, I mean at first, I never had trouble with women, I saw the advice on the site - it went against alot of the things I was raised as, so naturally I would protect my pride and flat out say it was stupid and useless advice, someone just trying to make $$ right? Boy, was I totally wrong! :D

As for respect, don't talk about it to me, I'm not a chump desperately desiring and wanting respect and attention from anyone here, understand?
Careful Chosen, EDITED!!!

Who the hell do you think you are anyways. You are still wet behind your ears!

Get the fuck a life!
Last edited by a moderator:
Originally posted by Banshee
Careful Chosen, EDITED!!!

Who the hell do you think you are anyways. You are still wet behind your ears!

Get the fuck a life!

Excuse me, but may I ask, what the hell warrants this anyway? Reasons?
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

LoL!!! You don't even know how it works and you say that already, what a pity...

Date-rapist? Go to hell you damn asshole!

What do you actually know about hypnosis? NLP? hmm? I mean seriously, trancing and etc. are alot weaker forms of hypnosis. Hypnosis can be used for therapy, NLP can treat criminals and people with certain problems.
First paragraph: Assumption.

Second paragraph: Thanks for demonstrating your wisdom.

Third paragraph: Assumption that I have not studied psychology.
Originally posted by Adam

First paragraph: Assumption.

I asked you questions, not assume at all. Answer them, what do you know about NLP and what it is capable of? hmmm? Can you answer or make baseless assertions again?

Third paragraph: Assumption that I have not studied psychology.

Where did I state you did not study psychology? What do you explicitly mean by manipulation? Do you believe in mind control? Seriously Adam, I am not your enemy, I want to see how much you know, you could know more than I do, and we can correct each other along the way.

There is no harm in sharing knowledge unless someone starts taking it personally.
As for respect, don't talk about it to me, I'm not a chump desperately desiring and wanting respect and attention from anyone here, understand?

Yes you are.
Xenu, respect yes...

There you go. That was exactly my point, Chosen, however, has chosen not to understand what was meant.

Further more, no more reactions from my part. It's a waste of energy...

maybe you should be glad not to know what was originally written under "edited", Chosen.
I don't want respect from close-minded individuals, think what you want. :)

PS - Answer my questions if you still have at least some sort of deference.

Thanks :cool: