"Allah" is the god of the christians, muslims, and jews

Yes, but their interpretations of that God is distorted.

I would not say their interpretations are distorted, I would say they have different ways of expressing their beliefs. They are as free to choose their beliefs as Muslims are to choose theirs.
Jesus’ entire message is opposite to Muhammad. Muhammad brings hate and violence. Jesus brings love and grace.

ogh yes, when the Quran tells Muslims to fight those people who fight them then all its doing is spreading hate and violence :rolleyes: Btw, are you saying there is no violence allowed in Christianity?:confused:

Christianity is flawed because as you claim its message is of love and grace, those are only 2 faculties endowed to mankind. Thats all great but its also available in Islam. On top of that Islam has teachings which make use of ALL human faculties, not just 2.

Someone above mentioned the Christian and Islamic eschatology are similar. They are, but as mirror images. Each tells the story from the opposite side. Christianity has the Antichrist. Islam has the Mahdi. Christianity has the False Prophet who comes and kills Christians and Jews. Islam has the Islamic version of Jesus who comes and kills all non-Muslims. That includes atheists.

You do know that the debate about the Mahdi and the Anti-Christ in Islam is not as simple as you would put it right?

Also, the reason Bahaiullah is not accepted is simple: he claimed divinity for himself and said he brought a new Sharia. That is against Islamic teachings and thats why he is not accepted as a true Prophet. Besides, the whole Bab thing is an old Shiite custom and nothing new. Bahaism has its roots therefore in Islam.
That doesn't make any sense. If they believe they are following the God of Abraham, then that is what they are doing.

You must have a very loose definition of the term follower. A follower knows the will of their leader agrees with and submits to the will of their leader doing their best to follow His teachings and never preaching doctrines against His teachings.

If a person does not know the rules of their leader what worth is their in their statement that they are a follower? Even if they believe they are a follower, if they do not know the will of their leader then they do not know their leader and therefore their belief is founded on nothing of worth.

Originally Posted by Adstar
muslims are trying to hold on to the law as a basis for salvation.

Same as Christians.

Same as some christians who also believe they are followers of Jesus but who do not know His will and therefore their faith is founded on nothing of worth as well.

The same can be said between Christian sub-religions. In Christianity, the 'full law' and the importance of those laws changes depending on whether you are Roman Catholic, or Anglican, or Protestant, or (on and on). What type of Christian are you? Are you saying that other Christians are also being deceived into believing they are following the God of Abraham, when they are really not? How many Christians live by exactly the right rules, and follow those rules to the letter? 6? 7? Does it not have to be exact? Is close good enough? How close?

I do not know, But from what i have experienced and the personal contacts i have had i would put down an optimistic ration of 1 in 1000. But i have a sad feeling that the actual figure might be more like 1 in 10,000.

Not many people who profess to be Christians actually are. Most of them come from smorgasbord religions made up of some elements of Christianity mixed with pagan concepts and other traditions of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You say that Muslims do not follow the God of Abraham, because they were deceived to believe they are beliveing in the God of Abraham. On the other hand, what muslims say is a bit more simple. Muslims say it was the same God who sent his angels to Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed (not to count the many other prophets), so according to Islam all these religions basically believe(d) in the same God.

Angels talked to them?

Abraham's first contact with God was when God talked directly to Him. God Himself introduced Himself to Abraham and gave Abraham His will for him and His descendants.

Moses first contact with God was when God himself talked to Him when He was tending a flock, God talked to Him when He saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire.

Jesus of course is a different matter. As far as i know, and i am open to correction from any bible believing Christian who can quote an incident, there is no biblical record of an angel talking to Jesus. The first utterances of God mentioned in the gospels where Jesus was present was when he was baptised by John the Baptist and God said “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” I cannot even think of a recording in the bible of God giving Jesus directions as to what to teach and what to preach. But when we talk about the prophets in the Torah it is full of God telling them where to go who to talk to what to say and so forth.

So of the 3 you mentioned only 2 are prophets Abraham and Moses and their first contact was with God himself. Now for muhammad whom the quran claims is the greatest prophet was supposedly visited by a mere angel? So God choose to reveal himself directly to both Abraham and Moses decided that muhammad (who the quran claims is the greatest, the seal of the prophets) was not worthy of such an introduction? How odd.

If you claim that muslims do not believe in the same God, then just tell us who the God of abraham is actually? Tel us his attributes so we can compare and see what are the difference? Or tell us what is there in the God of Abraham that the God of muslims lacks? I'm ready for a soul search if you just make me understand the differences..

I doubt the anti-christ atheists who moderate this forum would allow such a discussion to continue beyond one or two posts. If you want to discuss this feel free to PM me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Angels talked to them?

Abraham's first contact with God was when God talked directly to Him. God Himself introduced Himself to Abraham and gave Abraham His will for him and His descendants.

Moses first contact with God was when God himself talked to Him when He was tending a flock, God talked to Him when He saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire.

Jesus of course is a different matter. As far as i know, and i am open to correction from any bible believing Christian who can quote an incident, there is no biblical record of an angel talking to Jesus. The first utterances of God mentioned in the gospels where Jesus was present was when he was baptised by John the Baptist and God said “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” I cannot even think of a recording in the bible of God giving Jesus directions as to what to teach and what to preach. But when we talk about the prophets in the Torah it is full of God telling them where to go who to talk to what to say and so forth.

So of the 3 you mentioned only 2 are prophets Abraham and Moses and their first contact was with God himself. Now for muhammad whom the quran claims is the greatest prophet was supposedly visited by a mere angel? So God choose to reveal himself directly to both Abraham and Moses decided that muhammad (who the quran claims is the greatest, the seal of the prophets) was not worthy of such an introduction? How odd.

Ok, I agree. I made a wrong generalization. What you said about God talking with Moses and Abraham is right quite possibly. But please reply my original question:
just tell us who the God of abraham is actually? Tel us his attributes so we can compare and see what are the difference? Or tell us what is there in the God of Abraham that the God of muslims lacks? I'm ready for a soul search if you just make me understand the differences..
I would not say their interpretations are distorted, I would say they have different ways of expressing their beliefs. They are as free to choose their beliefs as Muslims are to choose theirs.

Well said!
Look at all the expressions of the same God that exist here on earth then think of how many there may potentially exist in the vastness of the universe.
Perhaps God does not have hangups about religous idealogies after all ;)
Well said!
Look at all the expressions of the same God that exist here on earth then think of how many there may potentially exist in the vastness of the universe.
Perhaps God does not have hangups about religous idealogies after all ;)

Most people get so caught up in what they think Islam says that they don't bother to find out what it actually says.
The teachings of muhammed are in rebellion to the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the Messiah. His teachings are the will of God for His followers on earth.

That’s the basics.

And there is absolutely no way that The God of Abraham would direct one of His Prophets to tell a people to use the name of an idol to refer to Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And speaking of proud people....
Unless you can be sure you are interpreting your bible correctly, your comments above are hubris. God, for all you know, might have set up a number of ways to reach him. Thus the good Mulsim teenager who dies in his village in the mountains of Afghanistan does not have to go to Hell because he did not accept Jesus as his savior - having barely even having heard of him and also being a good son who honors his mother and father, both Muslims, and joining his community in prayer in the Muslim tradition until the year of his death.

Only a sadist would worship a God he believed would send such a young man to hell to suffer torture for all eternity.

To love such a God would be to love, say, Pinochet or Stalin, but on the spiritual plane.
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And speaking of proud people....
Unless you can be sure you are interpreting your bible correctly, your comments above are hubris. God, for all you know, might have set up a number of ways to reach him.


[4:164] Messengers we have told you about, and messengers we never told you about.
Can you translate those numbers into language for a pagan not having any luck with an online bible search.

It was from the Quran, but didn't Jesus say he came to uphold the law, not change it?

Thats what Mohammed said too.:)
Well you were making the point that the Qur'an comments on all manner of human faculties and the Bible only two!

So I thought I'd ask :)
And speaking of proud people....
Unless you can be sure you are interpreting your bible correctly, your comments above are hubris. God, for all you know, might have set up a number of ways to reach him. Thus the good Mulsim teenager who dies in his village in the mountains of Afghanistan does not have to go to Hell because he did not accept Jesus as his savior - having barely even having heard of him and also being a good son who honors his mother and father, both Muslims, and joining his community in prayer in the Muslim tradition until the year of his death.

Only a sadist would worship a God he believed would send such a young man to hell to suffer torture for all eternity.

To love such a God would be to love, say, Pinochet or Stalin, but on the spiritual plane.

I do not believe that such a young man would necessarily be barred from eternity with God. To me rejection of the atonement of Jesus is what causes one to spend eternity in the lake of fire. In your example the young man never heard the truth about the Messiah Jesus, therefore it cannot be said that your young man rejected the truth, can it.

But for those who have received the Message of Jesus and have rejected it. Well i believe their eternal destination is the Lake of Fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ok, I agree. I made a wrong generalization. What you said about God talking with Moses and Abraham is right quite possibly. But please reply my original question:
just tell us who the God of abraham is actually? Tel us his attributes so we can compare and see what are the difference? Or tell us what is there in the God of Abraham that the God of muslims lacks? I'm ready for a soul search if you just make me understand the differences..

The God of Abraham is merciful towards those who have contrition for their wrong thoughts and doings.

The God of Abraham is long suffering towards rebellious sinners putting up with their attitudes to give those who will come to repentance the time they need to come to wisdom.

Jesus who gave us the Will of God taught us to be long suffering towards evil doers and merciful to those who come to repent of their past attitudes.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I do not believe that such a young man would necessarily be barred from eternity with God. To me rejection of the atonement of Jesus is what causes one to spend eternity in the lake of fire. In your example the young man never heard the truth about the Messiah Jesus, therefore it cannot be said that your young man rejected the truth, can it.

But for those who have received the Message of Jesus and have rejected it. Well i believe their eternal destination is the Lake of Fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I actually said 'barely having' heard of Jesus. How much does one have to have heard of Jesus and his message? And remember that Jesus is honored in Islam so every devout Muslim knows something of him.