"Allah" is the god of the christians, muslims, and jews

God doesn't and needn't have a son or a wife or any other entity to help him, guide him or advise him, but he sent down the prophets from human beings to.....
Ha, it really is funny isn't it.

God needn't have a son because I don't believe in that shit. BUT God did see fit to use human Prophets because I do believe in that shit....
It doesn't really matter what Christians believe as far as Muslims or any other religions are concerned.

The Muslims believe that their God is the God of Abraham.

The Christians believe that their god is the God of Abraham.

Therefore both religions worship the same God.

No. We do not worship the same God. End of story.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It doesn't really matter what Christians believe as far as Muslims or any other religions are concerned.

The Muslims believe that their God is the God of Abraham.

The Christians believe that their god is the God of Abraham.

Therefore both religions worship the same God.

it's useless, dude. you're banging your head against a wall here. he believe what he want to. this is not a discussion. :D
One of the many idols that where worshiped in mecca before muhammed and his followers imposed islam upon the region.

muhammed simply adopted one of the idols names to be the name of god.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

and the christian adopted three.
Ha, it really is funny isn't it.

God needn't have a son because I don't believe in that shit. BUT God did see fit to use human Prophets because I do believe in that shit....

Where were you raised, in a cave? I wrote there in that same post why exactly God doesn't need any wife or child and why He sent down human prophets.. why do you just try to distort my words.. this is sophistry not reasoning, you can counter me with reason, if you can that is..
One of the many idols that where worshiped in mecca before muhammed and his followers imposed islam upon the region.

muhammed simply adopted one of the idols names to be the name of god.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Does similarity of names makes them the same being. I mean can you not just compare the attribute to the two. I do not think it will be a very enlightening discussion if you just pour out whatever you read in some sites or books without thinking deeply about them. As a person living in an Islamic country I used to feel sorry that my muslims fellows, mostly muslim in name only, do not bother their butts to use their brains and rationalize, but after I learnt more about this world in sites like here I can say, that is, unfortunately, a worldwide epidemic.
Does similarity of names makes them the same being.

Ohh So you know about this, but you have decided to disregard the information, right?

For those who do not know about this let me let you in on the info.

muhammad's father was named abdullah, that name means servant of allah.

muhammad's uncle was named Abdul manaf that means servant of manaf, one of the many idols what where worshiped in pre-islamic mecca.

Now both these brothers where named by their father who was muhammads grandfather who was an idol worshiping pagan.

Now would an idol worshipping pagan name one of his sons abdullah (servent of allah) if allah was the name of the Monotheistic God of the Jews who would not tolerate any idols before Him?

Simple answer. Not on your life. He was naming his sons to honor the idols he worshiped in the hope that they too would faithfully worship the idols they where named after during their lives.

An interesting side note is that muhammads uncle Abdul manaf held on to his pagan beliefs right up to just before the time of his death seems like he was determined to remain loyal to manaf.

So it is clear that the name of allah is Not the name of the God of Abraham in anyone’s language but the name of a pre-islamic arabian pagan idol that muhammad or the one that directed him choose to use as the name of the God of Abraham YAVEH.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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One of the many idols that where worshiped in mecca before muhammed and his followers imposed islam upon the region.

muhammed simply adopted one of the idols names to be the name of god.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

So he adopted a name for God. It sounds like you feel he chose the wrong name, but for God. (I did note that you have a small g there). Do you mean then that when Muslims pray they do not pray to the real God. That they cannot connect to God through their religion?
So he adopted a name for God. It sounds like you feel he chose the wrong name, but for God. (I did note that you have a small g there). Do you mean then that when Muslims pray they do not pray to the real God. That they cannot connect to God through their religion?

Their religion has never given them a connection to the God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You cannot know that all Muslims are not praying to and loving the same God you do. You cannot know this.

But i do. :) Indeed i do.

muslims do not follow a god because there is only one God the God of Abraham. muslims follow the one who communicated with muhammad, an "angel" or should i say, formerly an angel.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But i do. :) Indeed i do.

muslims do not follow a god because there is only one God the God of Abraham. muslims follow the one who communicated with muhammad, an "angel" or should i say, formerly an angel.

I was wondering when one of these discussions would eventually come up, where the three little orphans play the ultimate game show:

"Whose Your (Sky) Daddy"
The Aramaic word for God, spoken by Jesus, is Elah.
Isn't Allah just the word for God?

Some Hebraic scripture is about people reverting to old Gods.

None of these religions sprang out of nowhere.
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Ohh So you know about this, but you have decided to disregard the information, right?

For those who do not know about this let me let you in on the info.

muhammad's father was named abdullah, that name means servant of allah.

muhammad's uncle was named Abdul manaf that means servant of manaf, one of the many idols what where worshiped in pre-islamic mecca.

Now both these brothers where named by their father who was muhammads grandfather who was an idol worshiping pagan.

Now would an idol worshipping pagan name one of his sons abdullah (servent of allah) if allah was the name of the Monotheistic God of the Jews who would not tolerate any idols before Him?

Simple answer. Not on your life. He was naming his sons to honor the idols he worshiped in the hope that they too would faithfully worship the idols they where named after during their lives.

An interesting side note is that muhammads uncle Abdul manaf held on to his pagan beliefs right up to just before the time of his death seems like he was determined to remain loyal to manaf.

So it is clear that the name of allah is Not the name of the God of Abraham in anyone’s language but the name of a pre-islamic arabian pagan idol that muhammad or the one that directed him choose to use as the name of the God of Abraham YAVEH.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I mean what's your point then? Yes according to some sayings, authentic or not, there was an idol in Kaaba called Allah. So what? Do you mean that muslims are worshipping an idol? What characteristics do you attribue to Abrahan's God that does not exist in Muslim's Allah? If same characteristics, then they are the same. No need for sophistry..