"Allah" is the god of the christians, muslims, and jews

Most certainly not.

I reason that God is perfect and I am Not.

Therefore I reason Gods decisions and guidance is Good irrespective of my understanding or lack of understanding as to reasons behind His will for us.

I know i do not have perfect understanding so therefore my reasoning on this is Good, that’s where faith/trust in God must come into play.

The greatest wisdom anyone can come to understand is that one lacks wisdom and must rely on the guidance of Someone who is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But your reasoning has decided something rather enormous. You not only have figured out that the Bible is correct and complete and no human errors have messed up this Bible, but that your interpretations of this text are correct - since you have made it clear that most Christians out there are not Christians. You have amazing abilities to sift through all the world's texts and decide that this one is the correct one and is error free. You have tremendous faith in your interpretations - for example knowing that all the world's millions of Muslims are actually not believers in the real God and all those who have heard the message of Jesus and do not join your religion will go to Hell and deserve to go there.

You know that this is what the true God wants.

You have amazing faith in your own skills. You know that you have not been fooled or manipulated or partly confused by texts written by fallible men.

You are as prideful as any humanist. Perhaps more so.

Such abilities you have.

And yet you pretend to be humble.

While indirectly asserting your own amazing intuition in every post and implying that you will go to heaven and most people here should go to hell unless they change their ways - hence a higher moral ground.
Well, even you must admit that he has a dysfunctional family

You perceive He has a dysfunctional family because you believe all the dysfunctional people who claim to be a part of His family, are a part of His family.

In fact scientific type investigation seems to be thrown out the door by most athiests on this question because many athiests want to believe that His family is dysfunctional and are only too willing to believe the claims of the dysfunctional because it serves their own need.

A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
hummmm hummmm.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But your reasoning has decided something rather enormous. You not only have figured out that the Bible is correct and complete and no human errors have messed up this Bible, but that your interpretations of this text are correct - since you have made it clear that most Christians out there are not Christians. You have amazing abilities to sift through all the world's texts and decide that this one is the correct one and is error free. You have tremendous faith in your interpretations - for example knowing that all the world's millions of Muslims are actually not believers in the real God and all those who have heard the message of Jesus and do not join your religion will go to Hell and deserve to go there.

You know that this is what the true God wants.

You have amazing faith in your own skills. You know that you have not been fooled or manipulated or partly confused by texts written by fallible men.

You are as prideful as any humanist. Perhaps more so.

Such abilities you have.

No my abilities are very low. Anything that i have ever said that is worthy of being said in regard to God has come by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Not from my own intellectual abilities. Therefore your attempt to construct a statue of me as pompous and proud falls flat on it's face.

And yet you pretend to be humble.

I am confident, being humble is not my strength. I am humble towards God, i neither bow towards humans or lord it over them. But because i am confident in the message i have to give, others (like yourself) need to construct mental images of me as being prideful and arrogant to help you in your desire to reject the message i have to give. You can paint a distorted image to sater your own needs if you like but your attempt makes no impact on me. :)

While indirectly asserting your own amazing intuition in every post and implying that you will go to heaven and most people here should go to hell unless they change their ways - hence a higher moral ground.

Blab blab blab. Same old, same old attack the messenger when you have nothing left to attack the message with.

Yes all people deserve to go to the lake of fire, me included. At this moment in time i will have eternity with the God of Abraham, Yep I know i am saved. As long as i persevere in the Faith in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus my eternity is secure. I have what i have because i am forgiven, they have nothing because they are not forgiven, and you have nothing because you have not been forgiven. I believe this because i believe Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No my abilities are very low. Anything that i have ever said that is worthy of being said in regard to God has come by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Not from my own intellectual abilities. Therefore your attempt to construct a statue of me as pompous and proud falls flat on it's face.

Adstar, His description of you was very accurate but you have been blinded from seeing it. His description is exactly how other people perceive you.

I am confident, being humble is not my strength. I am humble towards God, i neither bow towards humans or lord it over them. But because i am confident in the message i have to give, others (like yourself) need to construct mental images of me as being prideful and arrogant to help you in your desire to reject the message i have to give. You can paint a distorted image to sater your own needs if you like but your attempt makes no impact on me. :)

Sowhatifit'sdark's comments were full of wisdom, insight, and truth but you disregarded them anyway. Again, you have been blinded to them.

Blab blab blab. Same old, same old attack the messenger when you have nothing left to attack the message with.

The "Message" attacks itself over and over again in contradiction. No one else need add anything to the text. It self-destructs all by itself.

You do indeed only seem to love your own opinions.

I was like you once. It is almost like being under the influence of a hypnotist who puts you back under his spell every single week for a small fee, a mere 10% of your wages. It is a mental drug and it really can enable a person to ignore the pain of real life so they never really have to face the hard things, but at what a terrible cost?

Perhaps, only a truly genuine desire for truth can ever hope to bring a person out of it. You would say the very same thing about Islam, Catholicism, Calvinism and every other belief system on the face of this earth that is different from your own opinion.

And so, you will likewise disregard all of this.
Adstar, His description of you was very accurate but you have been blinded from seeing it. His description is exactly how other people perceive you.

Sowhatifit'sdark's comments were full of wisdom, insight, and truth but you disregarded them anyway. Again, you have been blinded to them.

The "Message" attacks itself over and over again in contradiction. No one else need add anything to the text. It self-destructs all by itself.

You do indeed only seem to love your own opinions.

I was like you once. It is almost like being under the influence of a hypnotist who puts you back under his spell every single week for a small fee, a mere 10% of your wages. It is a mental drug and it really can enable a person to ignore the pain of real life so they never really have to face the hard things, but at what a terrible cost?

Perhaps, only a truly genuine desire for truth can ever hope to bring a person out of it. You would say the very same thing about Islam, Catholicism, Calvinism and every other belief system on the face of this earth that is different from your own opinion.

And so, you will likewise disregard all of this.

No and Yes.

I have read all the above and considered it all and then i chose to disregard it as the twisted ravings of another blinded anti-christ and then i chose to right this to tell you so.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No and Yes.

I have read all the above and considered it all and then i chose to disregard it as the twisted ravings of another blinded anti-christ and then i chose to right this to tell you so.


It is fine and your right to disagree with others and me. I am all for that. But why must you stoop to insults, religious profiling, and character assassinations when a person disagrees with your view and attempts to even demonstrate why they do? Your religion appears to have stolen even common courtesy from you.

Here is how you typically respond to a different opinion than yours...
"twisted ravings of another blinded anti-christ"

Do you really think that this will "win" more people to Christ? If not then what kind of "witness" is this to the world? To me, it just says that there is no difference between you and the “world” at all. It is as though your faith is making you into even a worse person not a better one. What kind of a person were you before you “got saved”. Better or Worse? More caring for others or less so?

I am guessing that you used to be better than this. Most people are, right out of the box.
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It is fine and your right to disagree with others and me. I am all for that. But why must you stoop to insults, religious profiling, and character assassinations when a person disagrees with your view and attempts to even demonstrate why they do? Your religion appears to have stolen even common courtesy from you.

I am giving a message from God. A message that i believe. If i am giving the message of God and another rejects it then they mark themselves out as either misguided needing patience and longsuffering to bring them to understanding or they clearly demonstrate by their wilful rejection of the Love of God that they are evil. In the end anyone who has received the message of God and has declared it evil has marked themselves out as evil. You have demonstrated that you are not just a misguided one, You have been on this forum for a long time now and have continued with dedication your work for satan( it does not matter if you know who you are working for or not). I show patience and compassion for the lost, but i will never have courtesy for an anti-christ.

Here is how you typically respond to a different opinion than yours...
"twisted ravings of another blinded anti-christ"

No, I reserve that for ones who have demonstrated wilful rebellion against the will of God over a long time period. People like you.

Do you really think that this will "win" more people to Christ?

I do not expect people i reserve the description of "anti-christ" for to ever come to Christ. I believe they have resisted the Holy Spirit and will never come to salvation. So i do not ever expect you to accept Jesus. I engage in discussion with people like you for the sake of those who are reading on and who many be meek and therefore open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

If not then what kind of "witness" is this to the world?

The Truth. Irrespective of the worlds reaction to it.

To me, it just says that there is no difference between you and the “world” at all.

To you, yeah, to your twisted logic it may seem that way but your perception is darkened so what value is your perception?

It is as though your faith is making you into even a worse person not a better one.

To those who hate the truth the more they communicate with those who love what they hate the lower their opinion of them will become. I have no doubt your dislike of me will grow the more you read what i say and decide to remain in communication with me. Jesus told me the more one loves His Word the more the worldly will hate them, And i see it is true.

What kind of a person were you before you “got saved”. Better or Worse? More caring for others or less so?

I was a teenager with an attitude problem and I was a bit self centred like most are. That does not mean that i did not feel compassion on the suffering or i never shed a tear for the starving children i saw on the TV news from Ethiopia. But in general i was mostly obsessed with self. After i came to Jesus i came to understand my condition and i hated it. The Holy Spirit does a lot of convicting even after one accepts the Messiah Jesus, even today i get a spiritual kick in the pants from time to time, i realise the Lord disciplines whom He loves. I am caring more often now then i was before i accepted Jesus.

I am guessing that you used to be better than this. Most people are, right out of the box.

Once again i believe your guesses come from a warped perception. You can take that as an insult or just take it as a view of another person, your reaction is your business, my business in here is to give what i believe i am lead to give.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I am giving a message from God. A message that i believe. If i am giving the message of God and another rejects it then they mark themselves out as either misguided needing patience and longsuffering to bring them to understanding or they clearly demonstrate by their wilful rejection of the Love of God that they are evil. In the end anyone who has received the message of God and has declared it evil has marked themselves out as evil. You have demonstrated that you are not just a misguided one, You have been on this forum for a long time now and have continued with dedication your work for satan( it does not matter if you know who you are working for or not). I show patience and compassion for the lost, but i will never have courtesy for an anti-christ.

You are only teaching people your own personal message of hate. And then you are condemming anyone who dares to disagree with it to hell. Hitler had a very similar kind of mindset.

You have no right to judge me or anyone else. According to Jesus you will be condemned yourself for condemning me because you have taken the authority of God into your own hands. I have tried to warn you of this many times but you remain completely blind to it.

No, I reserve that for ones who have demonstrated wilful rebellion against the will of God over a long time period. People like you.

Yes, I dare to question the writings of men. Especially men who claim that their very words are equivalent to the words of God, like the Quran, the Bible, and yes even you Adstar. Insofar as you choose to think that your thoughts are equivalent to the thoughts of God when you freely condemn others to hell.

I do not expect people i reserve the description of "anti-christ" for to ever come to Christ. I believe they have resisted the Holy Spirit and will never come to salvation. So i do not ever expect you to accept Jesus. I engage in discussion with people like you for the sake of those who are reading on and who many be meek and therefore open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Why would the opinion of a truely meek person ever be swayed by your verbal abuses of others? I am really missing the connection here.

To you, yeah, to your twisted logic it may seem that way but your perception is darkened so what value is your perception?

Why is it that my perception is darkened when you are the one who is verbally abusing me? I am missing that connection as well.

To those who hate the truth the more they communicate with those who love what they hate the lower their opinion of them will become. I have no doubt your dislike of me will grow the more you read what i say and decide to remain in communication with me. Jesus told me the more one loves His Word the more the worldly will hate them, And i see it is true.

I do not hate the truth. The exact inverse is true.

You are completely correct, according to the Bible, I am supposed to hate you. But very simply, I do not. I guess I do not make a very good “antichrist”. Why in the world should I hate you anyway? I missed that one. I mean you may not be the nicest person I ever met but I have no reason to hate you or wish you any ill. Instead I wish good things for you not bad. What is wrong with me anyway? I must be really messed up!

According to you I am supposed to hate you. O.K. then Adstar, could you please give me one single reason why I should hate you, because I most certainly do not.

Just one?

In fact it seems more like the exact inverse is going on here. From the way you treat me it appears that you really do hate me. I have no reason at all to hate you while you seem to have every reason in that fantasy world you live in to hate me.

Please explain this.

I was a teenager with an attitude problem and I was a bit self centred like most are. That does not mean that i did not feel compassion on the suffering or i never shed a tear for the starving children i saw on the TV news from Ethiopia. But in general i was mostly obsessed with self. After i came to Jesus i came to understand my condition and i hated it. The Holy Spirit does a lot of convicting even after one accepts the Messiah Jesus, even today i get a spiritual kick in the pants from time to time, i realise the Lord disciplines whom He loves. I am caring more often now then i was before i accepted Jesus.

I am glad that you have improved from where you were. That is great!!! I just think you can improve even further than you are right now.

So can I!

Once again i believe your guesses come from a warped perception. You can take that as an insult or just take it as a view of another person, your reaction is your business, my business in here is to give what i believe i am lead to give.

I understand!

I used to demonize anyone who thought something different than I did. Just like you are doing now. I don't do that anymore. What kind of monster have I become?

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to adstar

you're a religious fanatic. you're justifying accusing people of being evil, working for satan etc. by saying the holy spirit touched you. did he come and say 'hey its the holy spirit! sup my bitches!' isn't it possible you experienced something which the bible describes as the holy spirit, but is a regular old feeling? haven't u noticed every religion does that, portraying everything as religious proofs?

the whole 'its satan's work' defense. why would satan even be so intent on getting us into hell? what's he get out of it, seriously. i mean is he that annoyed about getting his own kingdom, and being immortal? If God's so great why doesn't he spend a little time with Lucifer to calm the dude down, surely everyone deserves that much? the guy is taking it out on everyone else, he just needs some tlc. or some kfc. both are good.

i know your response will be A) you're going to hell for questioning God. B) just cos i don't understand God, doesn't mean i shouldn't do everything my book tells me to do. but seriously, no one deserves to go to hell for things within a lifespan of less than 100 years. that's just ridiculous. i mean what are they guilty of, not appeasing god's ego? god's supposedly gonna have that 'end of days' thing anyway, what happens then? everyone just hangs out in heaven for the rest of time? sure that's nice, but is God gonna get bored again, and throw another species into a world of turmoil. wait no sorry, its our fault there's turmoil, because God's creature satan tempted us, using our flaws which god created. well i hope next time God doesn't piss satan off. dumb shit.
p.s. the whole issue of who's god is it is just a personal opinion. Its what you identify as the most important aspects of worshipping God. I would call Muslim and Christians' God the same, they just disagree about Jesus. i question whether catholics follow God to a greater extent than muslims, they worship and pray to saints, the imply the pope is somewhere between man and God. I feel the oneness of God, and identical nature of all men as being entirely separate from God, as of central and utmost importance to worshipping him. that's an athiest perspective though.

also pretty interesting to note that islam means submission, as in submission to God, and christian means one who believes in Christ, who is arguably separate from God, given God is separate from everything as the sole creator. The opinions of some christians today, which is that the trinity is inseparable and all God, comes after religious debate which caused major strife within 4th century Byzantium. "An Alexandrian priest, argued on the basis of the uniqueness, self-existence and immutabiliity of God that Jesus, who is mutable, cannot be God." (A new introduction to Islam). Such arguments led to priests being exiled, and the banning of their teachings, and we end up with the trinity idea, that despite everything, and even though we don't understand how, jesus and god are one. Protestants, Catholics etc. didn't even exist back then. the same is true of Islam, Sunnis aren't identifiable until 1100 onwards.

So to all the fundamentalists thinking everyone outside ur sect is going to hell, the place is probably already full, given ur specific church has only been filling it for the past however many hundred years.
Suppose there is no God.

Just for a moment - stop and suppose there is no God.

HOW did the Bible come about?
HOW did the Qur'an come about?

I think you'll find the answers are as easy as reading a Dianetics novel.
I feel the oneness of God, and identical nature of all men as being entirely separate from God, as of central and utmost importance to worshipping him. that's an athiest perspective though.

Its also the perspective of the Dvaita school of the Vedanta Hindu philosophy

Whereas the Advaita tradition emphasizes the non-difference (abheda) between the self and the absolute, Madhva insists on their complete distinction.

This is however, the lesser school. The much larger school is of the Advaitas

Brahma satyaṃ jagat mithyā, jīvo brahmaiva nāparah — Brahman is the only truth, the world is illusion, and there is ultimately no difference between Brahman and individual self