"Allah" is the god of the christians, muslims, and jews

But i do. :) Indeed i do.

muslims do not follow a god because there is only one God the God of Abraham. muslims follow the one who communicated with muhammad, an "angel" or should i say, formerly an angel.

Says you.

A name is just a name. Regardless of how the name came about, Muslims currently worship the God of Abraham. It doesn't matter IF the name started out as the name of an idol. Today, Muslims believe that the God of Abraham is the one true God... just like you do. There's no denying this FACT.

Certainly views have split since the Old Testament. I, personally, do not believe in any God... but from my perspective, the Muslims are holding much closer to the God of Abraham than any Christian sub-religion. Don't mistake that I believe this to be a good thing.
I wrote there in that same post why exactly God doesn't need any wife or child and why He sent down human prophets..
My point was it's ALL bullshit. See here:

God needed to have a Son. God also needed a wife. God did not need a Prophet - so any thing about Gods sun... I mean son, Jesus is based on fact anything about God's wife Sophia is also fact anything about Mohammad is completely made up.

You see chuuush, that's the funny thing about believing in an invisible flying spaghetti monster - you can make the sauce whatever flavor you like because it's all bullshit anyway.

BUT, what is pathetic is to see people argue over the flavor of the sauce. Kill in the name flying spaghetti monster over the flavor of the sauce.

See it goes JUST like this:

God doesn't and needn't have a son or a wife or any other entity to help him, guide him or advise him, but he sent down the prophets from human beings to guide their fellow humans to His path. Believing in more than one God is not monotheism.

God doesn't and needn't have a son (because chuuush doesn't believe IT had a son) or a wife (because chuuush doesn't believe IT had a wife [note: God did have a Gay lover once]) or any other entity to help him, guide him or advise him, but he sent down the prophets (because chuuush believes he had Prophets) from human beings to guide their fellow humans to His path. Believing in more than one God is not monotheism.

Or this makes EQUALLY as much sense and, funny enough, we have EQUALLY as much evidence for it, as evidence we have for you're assertions about God chuuush:

the flying spaghetti monster doesn't and needn't have a spoon or a fork or any other plate ware to serve him, portion him out him or mix him, but he sent down the great fork for human beings to guide their fellow humans to His noodles. Believing in more than one type of spaghetti is not monopastaian.

The main difference is the God of Xians is three parts: Jesus, the Holy Ghost and Jehovah all rolled up into YHWA. The Muslims God is one part - Allah.
Of course they are the same, unless there is more than one God?
Remember, Christianity has roots in Judaism and Islam has roots in Christianity and Judaism.

For instance, all three religions believe in Adam and Eve.
Remember, Christianity has roots in Judaism and Islam has roots in Christianity and Judaism.

And judaism comes from the Sumerians and base their adam on adamu, eden on e-din, the nephilim on the anunnaki and so on and so forth. Ultimately they're all worshipping Marduk.
The Quoran talks about Jesus as a prophet. What more proof do you need?

The Qu'ran also says that Abraham was the first prophet of god. And instead of him attempting to sacrifice his son Isaac, he attepts to sacrifice his other son, Ishmael, instead. That change in strory leads to the religion Islam.
Of course they are the same, unless there is more than one God?
Remember, Christianity has roots in Judaism and Islam has roots in Christianity and Judaism.

For instance, all three religions believe in Adam and Eve.
How about the Shinto Gods? Are they all a part of God too? Or the Egyptian ones or the Aztec ones?

How about the Mormon God? Is that the same God?
There is no God but Jehovah and John Smith is his messenger.....
How about the Shinto Gods? Are they all a part of God too? Or the Egyptian ones or the Aztec ones?

How about the Mormon God? Is that the same God?
There is no God but Jehovah and John Smith is his messenger.....

The Aztec and Egyptian gods are in no way related to Abrahamic religion. Since Abrahamic religion is very much so tied together, it is reasonable to assume that the three do indeed worship the same God, but have different interpretations on how to do so and His history.
The teachings of muhammed are in rebellion to the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is the Messiah. His teachings are the will of God for His followers on earth.

That’s the basics.

And there is absolutely no way that The God of Abraham would direct one of His Prophets to tell a people to use the name of an idol to refer to Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Says you.

A name is just a name. Regardless of how the name came about, Muslims currently worship the God of Abraham. It doesn't matter IF the name started out as the name of an idol. Today, Muslims believe that the God of Abraham is the one true God... just like you do. There's no denying this FACT.

I do not deny that muslims believe that they are following the God of Abraham. I am saying that they have been deceived into believing they are following the God of Abraham.

Certainly views have split since the Old Testament. I, personally, do not believe in any God... but from my perspective, the Muslims are holding much closer to the God of Abraham than any Christian sub-religion. Don't mistake that I believe this to be a good thing.

What worth is the view of a person on whom is following the will of the God of Abraham when they are an unbeliever?

muslims are trying to hold on to the law as a basis for salvation. But they are not even teaching the full law. They do not eat pork but they fail to follow the many other dietary laws established in the Torah. Christians embrace the Grace of the New Covenant established by the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Aztec and Egyptian gods are in no way related to Abrahamic religion. Since Abrahamic religion is very much so tied together, it is reasonable to assume that the three do indeed worship the same God, but have different interpretations on how to do so and His history.
Ahhh I see BUT I thought you were making the point that there is One God and hence everyone must ultimately be worshiping the same entity.

Anyway, I see your point. With this in mind then. Are the Mormons and the Baha'i worshiping the same God? they are both extensions of the Abrahamic religions after all.
I do not deny that muslims believe that they are following the God of Abraham. I am saying that they have been deceived into believing they are following the God of Abraham.

What worth is the view of a person on whom is following the will of the God of Abraham when they are an unbeliever?

muslims are trying to hold on to the law as a basis for salvation. But they are not even teaching the full law. They do not eat pork but they fail to follow the many other dietary laws established in the Torah. Christians embrace the Grace of the New Covenant established by the Messiah Jesus.

You say that Muslims do not follow the God of Abraham, because they were deceived to believe they are beliveing in the God of Abraham. On the other hand, what muslims say is a bit more simple. Muslims say it was the same God who sent his angels to Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed (not to count the many other prophets), so according to Islam all these religions basically believe(d) in the same God.

If you claim that muslims do not believe in the same God, then just tell us who the God of abraham is actually? Tel us his attributes so we can compare and see what are the difference? Or tell us what is there in the God of Abraham that the God of muslims lacks? I'm ready for a soul search if you just make me understand the differences..
I do not deny that muslims believe that they are following the God of Abraham. I am saying that they have been deceived into believing they are following the God of Abraham.

That doesn't make any sense. If they believe they are following the God of Abraham, then that is what they are doing.

What worth is the view of a person on whom is following the will of the God of Abraham when they are an unbeliever?

An unbeliever in what way? Because they don't believe that Christ was God himself (or the Son of God, or 1/3 of God, or the Messiah, or whatever)?

muslims are trying to hold on to the law as a basis for salvation.

Same as Christians.

But they are not even teaching the full law.

The same can be said between Christian sub-religions. In Christianity, the 'full law' and the importance of those laws changes depending on whether you are Roman Catholic, or Anglican, or Protestant, or (on and on). What type of Christian are you? Are you saying that other Christians are also being deceived into believing they are following the God of Abraham, when they are really not? How many Christians live by exactly the right rules, and follow those rules to the letter? 6? 7? Does it not have to be exact? Is close good enough? How close?
Is Allah the God of the Mandaeans?
Is John the Baptist the most honored of Allah's messengers?

Is Allah the God of the Mormons?
Was John Smith the Last Prophet?

Is Allah the God of the Baha'i?
Was Bahá'u'lláh the Last Adam?

These are ALL extensions of the same mythology - they all have something to say on Adam, Moses, Jesus, etc... etc... etc...

So? Do they ALL worship the same God?
Is Allah the God of the Mandaeans?
Is John the Baptist the most honored of Allah's messengers?

Is Allah the God of the Mormons?
Was John Smith the Last Prophet?

Is Allah the God of the Baha'i?
Was Bahá'u'lláh the Last Adam?

These are ALL extensions of the same mythology - they all have something to say on Adam, Moses, Jesus, etc... etc... etc...

So? Do they ALL worship the same God?

If they believe in one God which is invisible, omnipotent, all-knowing and merciful without any human needs, yes they are actually worshipping the same God.
If they believe in one God which is invisible, omnipotent, all-knowing and merciful without any human needs, yes they are actually worshipping the same God.
That's interesting.

What about these questions:

Is John the Baptist the most honored of Allah's messengers?
Was John Smith the Last Prophet?
Was Bahá'u'lláh the Last Adam?
The Muslim God Allah has no relation to, and is completely different, from the Judeo-Christian God. Most Muslim beliefs are actually quite the opposite of Christianity.

Muhammad claims he was just one in a long line of prophets and Islam is an extension of Judaism and Christianity He needed to do this to claim legitimacy for his made up religion. Muhammad claims the prophets (Abraham, all the way to Jesus) prophesied the coming of Muhammad. They did not of course. So Muhammad had to claim also that the Christian and Jewish books were corrupted and forgeries (the Old and New Testaments).

So when Muslims are ecumenically generous to Christians or Jews, they are lying. The Qur’an says Christians and Jews are cursed and eternally in enmity with Muslims. And that’s how they act.

Jesus’ entire message is opposite to Muhammad. Muhammad brings hate and violence. Jesus brings love and grace.

Someone above mentioned the Christian and Islamic eschatology are similar. They are, but as mirror images. Each tells the story from the opposite side. Christianity has the Antichrist. Islam has the Mahdi. Christianity has the False Prophet who comes and kills Christians and Jews. Islam has the Islamic version of Jesus who comes and kills all non-Muslims. That includes atheists.
Muslims recognise Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc as Prophets. They also recognise the Judeo-Christian God as the Islamic one. Whether you believe it or not, does not change the fact that Muslims believe there is only one God.
Ahhh I see BUT I thought you were making the point that there is One God and hence everyone must ultimately be worshiping the same entity.

Anyway, I see your point. With this in mind then. Are the Mormons and the Baha'i worshiping the same God? they are both extensions of the Abrahamic religions after all.

Yes, but their interpretations of that God is distorted.