
Do 'aliens' exist?

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I admid the ad-hominem,...that's fucked up,...

sooo sorry Blackwinded! :) shall I edit the post?

And to aswer your question: "No, I'm not Japanese" (I thought I'd already answered that question :confused: )
to quote myself:
my designation is not Japanese but ARIAN

Hell, I'm not even asian is what I meant! :D
Fukushi said:
And to aswer your question: "No, I'm not Japanese" (I thought I'd already answered that question :confused: )
to quote myself:
The repetition of an answered question in this instance was application of irony, a common rhetorical tool of Britons. (Warning: irony, when used by non UK citizens,generally comes out as sarcasm, a clearly inferior product. ;) )
Live started as enzymes that formed a pattern which allowed the new enzymes to be a duplicate including the ability to make more self replication enzymes, lets face it life is a mathematical glitch, like trying to find the last Decimal place to PI. The only purpose of life is to make more of itself, Which goes on and on, sure species become extinct, others take their place, even if most of the higher organisms don't survive the next wave of Destruction, some Bacteria probably will, this is the kind of Action easily produced on numerous worlds throughout the universe, life as we know it may not have even started her but arrived as spores, it only takes one single celled organism capable of duplication, and an environment that could just support it, and 2 billion years later you got a primordial planet, there is probably forms of life so radical out there that we could not even call them life by our standards.
blackwinded said:
i put "i don't know"

i honestly don't understand the people who would answer either yes or no, It's close minded. Even though i think it's likely that aliens do exist , none of us knows for sure if they do or not.

ugh...these humans that think they know everything. :mad:


So you would not bet on it? Despite the fact there are estimated to be 70 billion trillion stars only in the visible universe?

I mean, our single star almost had two Earths... that leaves another 69,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 stars to find one set of conditions or another to have thriving life
and they've already discovered that there ARE planet around some of them,...and some of them are Rocky too!

A question I always asked myself is this: when TPF (terrestial planet Finder) will finally come online, and it discovers the FIRST EXO EARTHLIKE PLANET, then what will happen?

and what if we can determine by the refraction of light on it's atmosphere that there's biological life there! Then what?

What will humanity do then?!?!?!
Of course aliens from another planet exists. You see, we didn't evolve from primates, nor were we created from a supernatural god. All life on Earth, including us, were created by alien scientists from another planet (and solar system). Ther are an infinite number of humanites living in this universe since the universe is infinite in time and space. If you're interested in learning more, go to The Raelian Movement website and download the free e-book "Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers".
All life on Earth, including us, were created by alien scientists from another planet (and solar system)

So, who created the alien scientists? And then who created them, and so on...?

Eventually, you're going to have to admit either gods or evolution. What say you, Raelian1?
(Q) said:
All life on Earth, including us, were created by alien scientists from another planet (and solar system)

So, who created the alien scientists? And then who created them, and so on...?

Eventually, you're going to have to admit either gods or evolution. What say you, Raelian1?

Finally, someone asked me the question wher the alien scientists came from. The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point. If we don't destroy ourselves, we too will create life on oter planets, including intelligent life just like us. Therefore neither gods nor evolution is the answer.
A foolish response. There must be a beginning, just as there is an end. Even a circle must be drawn or made. There is no endless cycle. Anything that can be made can be destroyed, there is a balance. Though your theory would possibly be a good hook for a scifi, to place it in your mind as science without stipulating evidence or even possibility is not acceptable by the science world, and I warn you before others lay into you if you persist, it won't be accepted here.
The answer is that they were created from other alien scientists from another planet and these aliens were created from yet other scientists from another planet. This is an infinite process. There is no starting point.

That would mean there was no beginning to the universe, that it was always here and those alien scientists were always here, is that what you mean?
Although I'm not sure if they have or are visiting earth now. I do believe they exist because I can't believe that this planet we are on is the only one with life and intelegent life in the entire universe because although it seems to be rare for life to evolve on a planet and intellegent life to be much more rare our galaxy alone has about 200 billion stars and the universe so far estimated to have about 100 billion galaxies and more than 70 sextillion stars (that's a 7 followed by 22 zero's). The problem to why we haven't found any yet is because we've just begun the search for other life in space because so far we've only searched a small part of the galaxy were in around earth. So how can anyone say that were alone in the universe considering how big it is and since we've only so far looked for them on a small spec of the Milky Way Galaxy. With that being said it may take us thousands of more years untill we find life on another planet. As for the people who believe in God and think we must be the only life forms in the universe because of his existance: I believe in God too but if he only created life on this planet in the entire universe then that would make him sinfull because that would mean he's wastefull, very wastefull!!
I think they are out there. What fascinates me is the thought of what they are doing. What are their lives like? What do they value? What do they think of us? What are they doing right now? How advanced are they?
I agree with logical it just doesn't seem logical *coughhacough* that we would be the only planet in however many planets and however big the universe is that have people or some sort of life existing on it.
Raelian you hardly quilify as intelligent, when you drink your doped wine the whole lot of you have naught but darkness awaiting you
This is an opinion pool, not pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is when someone postulates or attempts to "prove" something as true without any logical argument or serious hypothesis....
A question I always asked myself is this: when TPF (terrestial planet Finder) will finally come online, and it discovers the FIRST EXO EARTHLIKE PLANET, then what will happen?

and what if we can determine by the refraction of light on it's atmosphere that there's biological life there! Then what?

What will humanity do then?!?!?!
You imply that you expect there to be a powerfull reaction to this news, if and when it comes. This seems to me unlikely. It seems that the majority of humanity, at least those who have time to consider such issues, already believe there is life onother planets, and that includes intelligent life. Confirmation of this will have a much more profound effect on a few small sub-sets of humanity: certain religious sects; philosophers; exobiologist budget analysts.
You imply that you expect there to be a powerfull reaction to this news
so you say there won't?
It seems that the majority of humanity, at least those who have time to consider such issues, already believe there is life onother planets, and that includes intelligent life.
yeah! obviously! But it will also tell all those desbelievers and debunkers in their face that there's plenty of life out there,.....unless, they keep it a secret and don't announce it to the media: in other words: a new cover-up, I hope this won't happen.
Confirmation of this will have a much more profound effect on a few small sub-sets of humanity: certain religious sects; philosophers; exobiologist budget analysts.
yeah, well...go on! What effect precisely are we talking about?

couldn't this mean a paradigm-shift?