
Do 'aliens' exist?

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I believe the very idea that life cannot exist on other planets is ludicrous. With the tens of billions of stars in every galaxy, hundreds of millions of galaxies currently visible in the universe and the percentage of stars that have orbiting planets, the chances for life occurring on some other ones is relatively high. This assumes that everything in the universe is visible to us--which may or may not be the case. The universe could be a million times larger than its perceived diameter, and we would never know, since light has only been able to travel for 13.7 billion years, and the rest would be invisible to us.

However, the chances of such life visiting earth are profoundly low, given our current knowledge of physics. If intelligent, space-faring life is to be found out in the universe, it cannot be able to travel faster than the speed of light (again, according to current theoretical physics). This puts the ability of anything to travel to Earth at practically zero, given the enormous distances between the stars and the time it would take to travel even at light speed.

Secondly, Einstein's theory of relativity actually works against light speed travel, much less superluminal speeds. A spacecraft would need an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to light speed, because its mass would increase the closer it came to the speed of light. Our particle accelerators can get electrons and protons to 99% the speed of light, but these are subatomic particles and the mass is tiny, though the gain in mass at these speeds is measurable and significant.

The evidence cited by pro-UFO and pro-alien camps is flimsy at best. Most UFOs end up being weather phenomenon, aircraft, stars, or balloons. The best explanations for the unexplainable saucers is that Area 51 is a test site for advanced Air Force craft, run by humans, since the secret government technologies tend to be 20-30 years ahead of our current knowledge of them. Alien encounters themselves only seem to be experienced by rednecks, which greatly decreases the likelihood of truth.
Not quite, frightfully British. It requires energy to move mass. The faster you go, the more mass you have, the more energy to further accelerate, until the energy requirements reach infinity. So yes, I suppose there would a be a fuel problem.
I don't know of any scientific reason or law existing that says "aliens shouldn't exist", every rule says there is a high probability that they do!!

And religiously speaking, if God was capable of creatingus on Earth, then he is capable of creating something else somwhere else in this universe!!!

However, with respect to encounters with "aliens", I think that most of the stories are not true, and the rest are misinterpretation of something else that took place.
-Bob- said:
Aliens do exist, I have no doubt about it. I've met them.

It happened on an isolated country road, at the time I had no idea what had happened, only that I woke up in my car with my clothes put on differently and leaves on my shirt, and it was a couple hours later than I thought it should be.

Later on through hypnosis, the details came out and my memory was restored. They put implants in me. They don't show up on the x-rays but I know they're there.

No, that was from when you decided to experiment with shrooms and decided to stop for a "pit stop" on the way to your boyfriends.
i checked i don't know, unless you are nieve you can not say no, and unless you have actually seen aliens you can not say yes
Communist Hamster said:
I think they do exist, but that they are far away from earth and so all so-called "alien abductions/flying saucers" etc must be fake.


So... (using the same type of logic)

If ETI is close to earth then the flying saucers/alien abduction's would be true? :D
Fukushi said:
Yes, because I have met them.
are you japanesse
how conscious are you any super develop minds my hobby is to challenge them please come fourth super minds after a flying suacer and a conscious machine is devised how many in your species will suffer stroke are heartattacks innorance is bliss only when your blind sleep peacefuly in perdictable slumbers because the day humans start seeing there would be nomore peace but hey lets be optimiststic after all anything is possible
are you japanesse

Mostly a questionmark follows after a question,....and indeed: there is a big questionmark in my mind, when I see your post,...

First of all, nationality of such great importancy to you?
second, what if I told you that my designation is not Japanese but ARIAN,....would you think I'm an Alien? I don't believe in different human races, there is but one human race: humanoïd.

I'm humanoïd alright,...and more humain than some 'other' scum of my species if I may say so.

I'm not extraordinary smart nor superintelligent,...let's say I just use the 'common sense' and I always give people the benefit of the doubt before making preliminary prognoses about there personality, without judging too soon.

So tell me, what should I make of your post, not mentioning your personality?

i put "i don't know"

i honestly don't understand the people who would answer either yes or no, It's close minded. Even though i think it's likely that aliens do exist , none of us knows for sure if they do or not.

ugh...these humans that think they know everything. :mad:

If you don't understand,'re not entitled to judge,...

you think,...that's alright,...that's subjective tought,....

then you go on: no one knows for sure,... who are you to say others don't know?

what you proclaim is this: that you know that others don't know. Are you shure? I don't think so,...but that is only MY humble opinion.

Then you make a hint that you're not part of 'those humans' , in fact: that you are alien.

than you say that they think they know everything,...altough you formerly described that you thought that they don't know.

Man, your post is fucked-up,...not mentioning your personality of course.

Strange. I thought blackwinded's post was clear, logical and self consistent.
But to get back to the main point. Are you Japanese? ;)
Indeed, I also thought blackwinded's post was understandable, moreover, I agree with him. Your line that resorts to saying it's "fucked-up" along with the ad hominem that followed actually says more about yourself than blackwinded.