
Do 'aliens' exist?

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I think they do exist, but that they are far away from earth and so all so-called "alien abductions/flying saucers" etc must be fake.
SkinWalker said:
How should I know? You don't even know. Nor have you supplied any data of empricism.

My data of empiricism was stated, regarding directly what I had seen, the lack of what I heard, and then I added my ESTIMATIONS of what I believed.

SkinWalker said:
You are apparently reading a different thread. I never mentioned any of the above labels.

However, you did infer that I was lying at one point and inferred that I was too stupid to understand at another.

SkinWalker said:
So you're "bullshitting" us? .

I meant it as an analogy, you can't bullshit a bullshitter like you can't manipulate a manipulator...Bad analogy if you have to explain it, sorry.

SkinWalker said:
He is nameless and I don't eat toast..

You really should give him or her a name, and why don't you like toast?

SkinWalker said:
I apologize if you inferred any hostility from my earlier posts, but in a forums such as this, where we discuss pseudoscience and its negative effects on society, we often have people jump in and sensationalize their "experiences" as proof of the supernatural and paranormal..

I did feel quite antagonized, with everything I said about what happened being prodded with a Skeptic Stick.
SkinWalker said:
They often appear shocked and amazed when they receive a skeptical and rational response. If I were to say, "wow, they were probably aliens!" you would undoubtedly feel some satisfaction but that satisfaction and my statements would be irrational. .

I would be quite disappointed if someone told me they were aliens like that, because it would show how many people are content to follow the words of a paranoid. In the meantime however, it is really not necessary to throw the lack of information that someone has in there face, nor to question what little information that they did have. I do not honestly believe that were aliens myself, but then who is to say that they aren't here right now pointing their ray gun at me to make me say that. No, in truth, I believe it to be a military project, but I always keep the unexplained open to any possibility that I can't disprove.
I suppose that my main issue here is that you criticized my belief, or possible belief, without offering me some alternative. By saying I was wrong and not giving me some clue as to what was right, I felt that you insulted my intelligence, saying at one point that my mind was changing what I remember to dramaticize it. This is one of the four things that actually hurts me deeply, which is why I added the little tell myself that you weren't really my enemy, which I do all the time.
To the uneducated person I suppose seeing a satellite could be thought of a UFO.

Satellites can't change direction quickly. They are going about 15,000mph, if they were to somehow stop they would drop like a rock. They are constantly falling towards the earth, following the curvature of space around the globe.

If you see a satellite that abruptly changes direction then its not a satellite.

Arquibus said:
Many sightings can be attributed to satellites. I have on occasion seen them moving at night, and if you don't know what they are it can be quite puzzling. You can see one just sitting there, thinking that it's a star, when all of a sudden it will change position. It can go in any direction, any distance, and can be active or dormant for any length of time. However, most satellites have a pretty distinct appearance when you see them, and it doesn't always appear the same as the UFOs. Still, a nice theory that anyone with a satellite could probably take advantage of...where did I put that thing?
I thought that when they changed orbits that they stopped lateral motion to change the level of orbit? I don't know to say for sure though, so I have little doubt that you are right. I always just assumed that what I saw that day was a satellite...Now what?
No they don't change lateral motion. Think of taking a string with a ball on the end of it and and twirling it around in a circle. If you let a little string out the ball will be further from your hand, you don't need to stop the motion to let more string out (ie changing orbit)

Oribits do decay from dust particles that slow the satallite down. They will use boost thrust to change the orbit. They do not stop when this is done, they move a little further from earth but they never stop moving around.
Arquibus said:
I have a great ability at estimating distances as part of my marksman skill. My estimation of speed comes from seeing spacecraft such as satellites and once a space shuttle in motion. The distance is comparable to other aircraft that fly through the area (I live several miles from a commercial airport). The size of the aircraft again were comparable to the size of others, plus I could see the dark patches in between the lights to give them mass. This in turn gave me a size to work with. The wonderful thing about estimates is that they don't have to be right, so long as they were made with some kind of intelligence in the guess. I guess for you I would have to say something like, "Uhhh, it was dark, and there were these things, and they did stuff, and they went off fast." You scoff at anyone's experiences regardless of the fact that you weren't there to witness them. It would seem that you have a serious trust issue. You should see a psychiatrist, that is, if you can trust that they have a degree. Anyway, what kind of alien intelligence would it take to make a toaster glow and fly?

he has every right to be skeptic, everyone does, because a lot of people lie for attention, it sounds petty but true.
Yes, "aliens" exist...

UFO sighting witnesses have witnessed more actual UFOs than they have "aliens".
Some UFOs are "unmanned", while most are manually operated by humanoid pilots.
If this was the case, then someone/something has to fly the thing.
Or... UFOs aren't "alien craft." Perhaps most aren't even "craft" at all, but natural phenomena and figments of active imaginations.
Some probably are "craft." But the terrestrial kind... misidentified or unrecognized by the observer.
action should be taken regardless of scientific disagreence and the unknown deduction of science. if goverment is of serious mind even in common sense then it would appear that action should be set in motion to carry the human race through a magnetic reversal

So, rather than seeking scientific data thus understanding the possible effects of a magnetic reversal, governments should act solely on your limitied knowledge and tenuous grasp of reality?
You'll note that I began the first post above on this page with the word "or," indicating an alternative. Certainly, extraterrestrial visitation via UFOs is a possibility. I just don't believe it to be the most credible or probable in light of the amount of hoaxes, misidentifications, fabrications, natural phenomena, and more prosaic explanations that people tend to sensationalize or see too much into.

In all the years of UFO activity, no one has ever gotten a clear picture of a craft that clearly demonstrated it to be "alien." Nor has anyone, in all the years of alleged abductions, knicked an operator's manual or flight log (or any artifact) from a UFO. Yet many of the observers and abductees claim that the UFOs have a message to humanity...
SkinWalker said:
In all the years of UFO activity, no one has ever gotten a clear picture of a craft that clearly demonstrated it to be "alien." Nor has anyone, in all the years of alleged abductions, knicked an operator's manual or flight log (or any artifact) from a UFO. Yet many of the observers and abductees claim that the UFOs have a message to humanity...

Yeah, and some people think aliens came down and gave a stone tablet to Moses with the Ten Commandments on it...psychos...anyway, what would really denote something as alien? A picture or video really just can't do it...You would really need DNA evidence or continued contact to prove anything without the government (or skeptics) finding some way to assume (or hope) that you're wrong. Continued contact being a way to have them communicate in person with officials that would in turn allow the information to come to the public. It is very difficult to prove anything to anyone these days. I remeber scaring little kids at the pool by telling them there was a monster in it. Now, if I say anything they ask for an electron microscope slide to show a tissue sample or something of that magnitude, but enough of that.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
To add some prespective, here are a few of my notes i grabed from my laptop.
I thought i make a quick post, so you will have to forgive my grammer.

It just seemed to fit the topic.why would aliens come to earth

I see absolutely 'no' reason why aliens with an advanced intelligence would ever want to visit earth. Even with the remotest possibility, they made an attempt to visit here and meant us 'no' harm, the government would immediately seize and impound their spacecraft, tear it apart, steal it's advanced technology and propulsion system and of course, rush the friendly alien visitors away to parts unknown for medical research and study and probably never seen again. Even if they were fortunate enough to 'not' be dissected in some government medical laboratory or put in a government laboratory cell for continous medical and psychological study and research, they woudn't be able to leave this planet again even if they wanted to. Thanks to the government, it has torn it apart, stripped it down and robbed it of it's advanced technology, all for the sake of science! Warning!!! Watch out 'all' alien visitors. Don't land here if you want to ever return to your own planet again. Good advice for some friendly advanced aliens who might want to visit here someday.

Okeydoke :D
Because there's no ABSOLUTE proof that they exist as yet. We have theories that they do however until they are proven I'd say they don't exist but if they are found I will ve happy to change my thinking.
There was this one guy [creature] in my neighbourhood a while back that wore this towel on its head to, presumably, hide its tentacles or ....something else.

It had a pungent odour and was often seen walking with slippers and pyjamas during our Canadian winters in the -30 snow.

It spoke English in a bizarre way with the tongue touching the upper surface of the mouth and it was far too polite to be natural.
It’s skin was dark but it was not African.
Weird man.

I’m convinced this creature, many called Paki, was an extraterrestrial explorer.
Satyr said:
There was this one guy [creature] in my neighbourhood a while back that wore this towel on its head to, presumably, hide its tentacles or ....something else.

It had a pungent odour and was often seen walking with slippers and pyjamas during our Canadian winters in the -30 snow.

It spoke English in a bizarre way with the tongue touching the upper surface of the mouth and it was far too polite to be natural.
It’s skin was dark but it was not African.
Weird man.

I’m convinced this creature, many called Paki, was an extraterrestrial explorer.

Are you certain it wasn't your father? :D