Aether Displacement

The more mass of the matter per volume means there is more mass.
Er yes: I did state that.
But you appear to be neglecting this:
It's not the density, it's the mass. Full stop.
And, of course, this:
Please explain the discrepancy between observed values of g (that vary with mass only) versus those "predicted" by your "theory".
Can you do this?

Wrong. As shown by your own example of the expanded Sun.

I think you're getting confused. It's not the density, it's the mass. Full stop.

And you keep coming back to this despite the fact that it is untrue.


Please explain the discrepancy between observed values of g (that vary with mass only) versus those "predicted" by your "theory".
Can you do this?

Er yes: I did state that.
But you appear to be neglecting this:

And, of course, this:

It is the mass of the matter which determines the force of the displaced aether exerted toward the matter.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Are you suggesting the more mass per volume doesn't change the gravitational force?

The more mass in a given volume does affect the force of gravitation proportional to that volume. While mass density is not the direct cause of gravity it is a measure of the total mass involved.

Gravitational force is proportional to the total mass involved and the distance between the center of the total involved mass and the point at which the gravitational force is to be determined.

I believe I earlier expressed my opinion on the issue of aether displacement and gravity... It is a terribly flawed model and is not consistent with experience, unless one includes imagination, dreams and nightmares as experience.
The more mass in a given volume does affect the force of gravitation proportional to that volume. While mass density is not the direct cause of gravity it is a measure of the total mass involved.
Yep, that's my claim (albeit badly expressed due to the way the questions were phrased).

It is a terribly flawed model and is not consistent with experience, unless one includes imagination, dreams and nightmares as experience.
Flaws mpc refuses to address. ;)
I have explained to you what occurs physically in nature to cause the Casimir effect.
No, you've explained what you think happens. You haven't presented any evidence.

That's the very definition of baseless faith.

Unfortunately for you, you are incapable of understanding aether is physically displaced by matter.
I understood the paper you linked to, I'm certain you did not. I offered to discuss it with you but you've ignored that request.

Such obvious deceptions on your part make it obvious you know you are in the losing position but you can't admit it.

Your belief in thinking since you can invent something which can be mathematically represented means it exists is nothing more than saying God did it.
'God did it' provides no testable predictions, just like your 'aether did it'. Saying 'virtual particles did it' leads to predictions.

You are so desperate to avoid admitting even the slightest mistake you're laughable.

It must be God who creates these virtual particles which pop into and out of existence out of nothing because if there truly were nothing, then there would be nothing for the particles to be created from.
Straw man. Misrepresenting the mainstream model, after you've had it explained to you, particularly to the person who explained it to you, is so obviously desperate it's amazing you think it'll work.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad as you represent how screwed up physics is today. All in order to not understand what you refer to as the quantum field actually physically exists as aether.
You say physics is screwed up, while using a computer built using quantum mechanics to communicate across the internet, initially developed by CERN, via electromagnetics understood by Maxwell.

You are using an achievement of physics to complain about physics.

Each plate displaces the aether past the other plate. The force exerted by the displaced aether which encompasses the plates, along with the cancellation of the force of the displaced aether which exists between the plates, forces the plates together.
Translation : "Aether did it". You're a preacher for aether, with nothing more to say than "Aether did it".
Er yes: I did state that.

Then you understand the greater the mass of the matter per volume the greater the gravitational force exerted toward that mass.

The reason for this is the greater the mass of the matter per volume the less aether the volume contains the greater the force of the displaced aether exerted toward the matter.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Then you understand the greater the mass of the matter per volume the greater the gravitational force exerted toward that mass.
Volume has nothing to with it.

The reason for this is the greater the mass of the matter per volume the less aether the volume contains the greater the force of the displaced aether exerted toward the matter.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

To quote your own words:
mpc755 said:
It is the mass of the matter which determines the force of the displaced aether exerted toward the matter.
NOT density.
All fluids are made from the properties of a solid. A fluid is just the motion of a solid that has been arranged in bonded strings. And if you are talking of the Aether you can't keep mentioning Gravity as the output. The output of the Aether if displaced is all known properties including those of water, and superfluids. You can't avoid flow if water is made from the Aether, and earlier you said that atoms were created from Aether.

The following is the correct definition of what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
The more mass in a given volume does affect the force of gravitation proportional to that volume. While mass density is not the direct cause of gravity it is a measure of the total mass involved.

Gravitational force is proportional to the total mass involved and the distance between the center of the total involved mass and the point at which the gravitational force is to be determined.

I believe I earlier expressed my opinion on the issue of aether displacement and gravity... It is a terribly flawed model and is not consistent with experience, unless one includes imagination, dreams and nightmares as experience.

Gravitational force is proportional to the total aether displaced and the distance between the center of the total involved matter and the point at which the gravitational force is to be determined.

The greater the mass of the matter involved the greater the displacement of the aether. The greater the displacement of the aether the greater the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter.
No, you've explained what you think happens. You haven't presented any evidence.

That's the very definition of baseless faith.

I understood the paper you linked to, I'm certain you did not. I offered to discuss it with you but you've ignored that request.

Such obvious deceptions on your part make it obvious you know you are in the losing position but you can't admit it.

'God did it' provides no testable predictions, just like your 'aether did it'. Saying 'virtual particles did it' leads to predictions.

You are so desperate to avoid admitting even the slightest mistake you're laughable.

Straw man. Misrepresenting the mainstream model, after you've had it explained to you, particularly to the person who explained it to you, is so obviously desperate it's amazing you think it'll work.

You say physics is screwed up, while using a computer built using quantum mechanics to communicate across the internet, initially developed by CERN, via electromagnetics understood by Maxwell.

You are using an achievement of physics to complain about physics.

Translation : "Aether did it". You're a preacher for aether, with nothing more to say than "Aether did it".

Maxwell's displacement current is a physical displacement of the aether.
Volume has nothing to with it.

The reason why I used mass of the matter per volume is to explain the more aether displaced by the matter the greater the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter.

Using volume helps to visualize the more matter which exists within the volume the less aether there is in the volume, the greater the displacement of the aether which would otherwise exist in the volume the greater the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter, which is the gravitational force.
The reason why I used mass of the matter per volume is to explain the more aether displaced by the matter the greater the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter.

Using volume helps to visualize the more matter which exists within the volume the less aether there is in the volume, the greater the displacement of the aether which would otherwise exist in the volume the greater the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter, which is the gravitational force.
In other words you're spouting drivel.

Tell me, which exerts the greater "gravitational force" (according to your "theory"): 1 megatonne of feathers or 1 megatonne of lead?
In other words you're spouting drivel.

Tell me, which exerts the greater "gravitational force" (according to your "theory"): 1 megatonne of feathers or 1 megatonne of lead?

In this gedanken the volumes under discussion are spherical.

Aether is displaced based on mass per volume. If the feather and the lead occupy the same volume then the same amount of aether is displaced from the volume which means there is the same amount of force exerted by the displaced aether toward the volume. Since the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the volume is gravity the gravitational force in this scenario is the same.

If the feathers occupy less three dimensional space then the lead does then the force of the displaced aether at the surface of the volume consisting of the feathers is greater than the same distance from the center of the lead. The reason for this is there is less aether in the volume consisting of the feathers, which means more aether is displaced from the volume consisting of the feathers, which means there is more force exerted by the displaced aether at the surface of the feathers. Since force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity the gravitational force at the surface of the feathers is greater then the same distance from the center of the lead.

If the lead occupies less three dimensional space then the feathers do then there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the surface of the lead then there is an equal distance from the center of the feathers. Since gravity is force exerted by displaced aether toward matter and there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the surface of the lead then there is exerted an equal distance from the center of the feathers there is greater gravitational force exerted toward the surface of the lead then there is an equal distance from the center of the feathers.
If the lead occupies less three dimensional space then the feathers do then there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the surface of the lead then there is an equal distance from the center of the feathers. Since gravity is force exerted by displaced aether toward matter and there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the surface of the lead then there is exerted an equal distance from the center of the feathers there is greater gravitational force exerted toward the surface of the lead then there is an equal distance from the center of the feathers.
In other words your "theory" does not agree with observed results.
Please account for this discrepancy.
For the zillionth time of asking.
In other words your "theory" does not agree with observed results.
Please account for this discrepancy.
For the zillionth time of asking.

What part does not agree with observed results, or are you thinking the greater the mass in a particular volume does not affect the gravitational force exerted toward that volume again?
What part does not agree with observed results, or are you thinking the greater the mass in a particular volume does not affect the gravitational force exerted toward that volume again?
At a given distance, say 100 km, it doesn't matter whether the megatonne is 1 km in diameter or 5 km.

Ever seen:


Where does volume come into it?
At a given distance, say 100 km, it doesn't matter whether the megatonne is 1 km in diameter or 5 km.

Ever seen:


Where does volume come into it?

Why don't you actually accurately read what I wrote.

If the lead volume has a radius of 100km and the feathers has a radius of 500km then the gravitational force of the lead volume at 100km from the center of the lead is greater than the gravitational force exerted toward the feathers at 100km from the center of the feathers.

And that is exactly what I wrote.

The reason for this is there is less aether contained within the 100km volume from the center of the lead then there is in the 100km volume from the center of the feathers. This means there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the center of the lead 100km from the center of the lead volume than there is 100km from the center of the feathers. Since force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity, there is greater gravitational force exerted toward the lead 100km from the center of the lead than there is 100km from the center of the feathers.

Before you are once again incorrect in your post, go back and read what I wrote.
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Why don't you actually accurately read what I wrote.
I not only read it I quoted it.

If the lead volume has a radius of 100km and the feathers has a radius of 500km then the gravitational force of the lead volume at 100km from the center of the lead is greater than the gravitational force exerted toward the feathers at 100km from the center of the feathers.

And that is exactly what I wrote.
Um, no. You wrote what I quoted.

And please try to address my example: lead 500 metres radius, feathers 2500 metres radius, at a 100 km distance.

The reason for this is there is less aether contained within the 100km from the center of the lead volume then there is in 100km from the center of the feathers. This means there is more displaced aether exerting force toward the center of the lead 100km from the center of the lead volume than there is 100km from the center of the feathers. Since force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity, there is greater gravitational force exerted toward the lead 100km from the center of the lead than there is 100km from the center of the feathers.
Inane diversion.
What about at 1,000 km radius from each?

Before you are once again incorrect in your post, go back and read what I wrote.
Please stop lying.

And please address my question re the oberved, measured and verified equation. Where is volume mentioned in that equation?