Aether Displacement

They aren't literally out of nothing, they are excitations in a quantum field which always has excitations going on within it.

Besides, how many times do you plan on ignoring the fact they made testable, tested, validated, accurate predictions? You can turn off virtual particle contributions in quantum field theory and you end up with relativistic quantum mechanics. It's good but it's not precise, like saying pi is equal to 3.1. Turning on virtual particle effects leads to predictions so precise we can't find a mistake in them, our ability to measure isn't good enough to find the mistake. To use the pi analogy again, we go from 2 significant figures to twelve, an increase in precision of 10 billion times.

Compare that with what you have predicted precisely, nothing. There's justifiable reason to trust quantum field theory as an accurate model of particle physics up to 100GeV, it's demonstrable. That isn't dogma, it's rational, evidence based reasoning. There's no reason to trust your claims, your only argument is "Because I say so" and "Everyone is too stupid to understand". That sounds an awful lot more like religious dogma, ie "God works in mysterious ways, just accept he can see the big picture".

And when you can provide a formula for the amount of force between two plates, as a function of their charge and separation and it is accurate when compared to experiments then I'll listen to you. Until then you have nothing more than "I'm getting a message from God!" bullshit.

Why don't you explain why WIMPs are gravitationally bound to the Milky Way but not the solar system or the Earth.

"Every year the number of collisions rises, until it peaks late in May. And every year it then falls back to a minimum in late November. Dr Bernabei and her colleagues believe this is strong evidence that some of the recoils are caused by dark matter, because the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter, making interception of WIMPs respectively easier and more difficult."

What is this special property WIMPs have which cause them to be gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time "the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter"?

Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through the halo?

The Milky Way, solar system, and Earth all move through and displace the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

Force exerted toward the Milky Way by the displaced aether is gravity.
Why don't you explain why WIMPs are gravitationally bound to the Milky Way but not the solar system or the Earth.

The article does not say that whimps are not gravitationaly tied to the solar system you are assuming that .

"Every year the number of collisions rises, until it peaks late in May. And every year it then falls back to a minimum in late November. Dr Bernabei and her colleagues believe this is strong evidence that some of the recoils are caused by dark matter, because the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter, making interception of WIMPs respectively easier and more difficult."

What is this special property WIMPs have which cause them to be gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time "the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter"?

It sounds like this theory is saying that the whimps do not orbit the milky way like the stars do.

Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through the halo?

I do not know of the reason that this theory does not think that whimps orbit the milkyway.

The Milky Way, solar system, and Earth all move through and displace the aether.

The aether is an antiquated idea. What is your evidence of aether. Saying it exists over and over and over is not evidence.

The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

Nah, I need more than just your belief for that.

Force exerted toward the Milky Way by the displaced aether is gravity.

You can say it all you want it doesn't make it true. You need evidence.
mpc755;2818894[url said:[/url]

I am somewhat skeptical of references like the above link. Though they reference results claimed to have been submitted to arXiv and comment by known physists, they provide insufficient information to follow up. I could not even find an author for the article in the link.... However, the same article had the following disclaimer,

The Economist, Sep 17th 2011
The dark at the end of the tunnel?

Not everyone agrees. So many things vary with the seasons that such an annual cycle might have another explanation....

...This identified 67 collisions that generated the kind of energy expected from a WIMP interaction. Of these, the researchers calculated that fewer than 50 came from the four known types of interference produced by radioactive decay in and around the experimental apparatus. The rest, they say, could therefore be WIMPs.

Statistically, the result appears plausible. The researchers conclude there is less than one chance in 10,000 that all 67 events are caused by known forms of background interference. But that does not necessarily mean they have spotted WIMPs. The accepted threshold for a discovery in particle physics is one chance in 3.5m that the result is an accident, and Dr Pröbst’s colleague Leo Stodolsky points out that the extra collisions could be caused by unknown background sources, or that he and his colleagues may have underestimated the effects of the four known sources.

Note the Sept. 2011 date for the article. They must have been working from a pre-publication copy of the results submitted to arXiv, which means any real review of the research will have to wait for public release of the research.

Sorry but at this point the article just sounds like someone hyping pending data for the sake of meeting an Economist's publication dead line quota.
Listen people, smarter people than you and me (Einstein and Hawking for instance) have said the Aether is BS, I'm going to go with them.
Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through the halo?
Why do coments go around the Sun but not the Earth? Because they are moving fast enough not to be caught by the Earth's gravity but not fast enough to escape the Sun's. Likewise with a lot of interstellar stuff.

As it turns out I've even met one of the people who work at that experiment, gave a talk to my old department during my PhD.

And don't think I didn't notice your attempt to change the subject. You whine about lack of testing but the fact remains virtual particles made predictions, they were tested, they were verified and they are extremely accurate. They contribute to the most accurate predictions in all of science.

Compare that with your claims. You claim to explain the Casimir effect. Provide a testable prediction. Provide the equation for the force between the plates. Virtual particle based quantum field theory did and was vindicated.

Show some honesty and at least admit that your claims have less evidence than virtual particles. Admit your claims have no testable quantitative predictions. Admit you were wrong about what virtual particles were and their origins. You clearly are aware you've been corrected, else you'd have not skipped over what I said. You clearly know you can't provide a testable predictive model of the Casimir effect, else you'd not have skipped over my request you provide one. Do you think people don't notice you do it? You know you've got nothing. We know you've got nothing. If only you were mature enough to admit it instead of constantly accusing everyone else of not understanding.
The article does not say that whimps are not gravitationaly tied to the solar system you are assuming that .

The article says the solar system and the Earth move through the Milky Way halo which consists of WIMPs.

How is this possible if the WIMPs are gravitationally bound to the solar system and to the Earth?
Listen people, smarter people than you and me (Einstein and Hawking for instance) have said the Aether is BS, I'm going to go with them.

What part of the following quote are you unable to understand?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein
Why do coments go around the Sun but not the Earth? Because they are moving fast enough not to be caught by the Earth's gravity but not fast enough to escape the Sun's. Likewise with a lot of interstellar stuff.

As it turns out I've even met one of the people who work at that experiment, gave a talk to my old department during my PhD.

And don't think I didn't notice your attempt to change the subject. You whine about lack of testing but the fact remains virtual particles made predictions, they were tested, they were verified and they are extremely accurate. They contribute to the most accurate predictions in all of science.

Compare that with your claims. You claim to explain the Casimir effect. Provide a testable prediction. Provide the equation for the force between the plates. Virtual particle based quantum field theory did and was vindicated.

Show some honesty and at least admit that your claims have less evidence than virtual particles. Admit your claims have no testable quantitative predictions. Admit you were wrong about what virtual particles were and their origins. You clearly are aware you've been corrected, else you'd have not skipped over what I said. You clearly know you can't provide a testable predictive model of the Casimir effect, else you'd not have skipped over my request you provide one. Do you think people don't notice you do it? You know you've got nothing. We know you've got nothing. If only you were mature enough to admit it instead of constantly accusing everyone else of not understanding.

There are no such things a 'virtual' particles. There are no such things which can pop into and out of existence out of nothing. What you have made up to be virtual particles is the state of displacement of the aether.

Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way but not the solar system or the Earth? Why do WIMPs travel with the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through them?
What part of the following quote are you unable to understand?

"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein

Yeah and Einstein also believed in a static universe and disbelieved quantum theory. I thought they had this wrapped up by his time, my mistake.
There are no such things a 'virtual' particles. There are no such things which can pop into and out of existence out of nothing. What you have made up to be virtual particles is the state of displacement of the aether.
Again, you ignore direct questions only to spew more baseless claims.

Virtual particles have evidence, they lead to tested, validated predictions. Where are your predictions. You claim to explain the Casimir effect. Provide a testable prediction. Provide the equation for the force between the plates.

Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way but not the solar system or the Earth? Why do WIMPs travel with the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through them?
It appears you're not even reading what you quote, you just want a reason to repeat your "I can explain everything with aether" stuff.

You were like this on PhysOrg about 3 years ago. You've accomplished nothing in that time. You must make your parents proud.
Again, you ignore direct questions only to spew more baseless claims.

Virtual particles have evidence, they lead to tested, validated predictions. Where are your predictions. You claim to explain the Casimir effect. Provide a testable prediction. Provide the equation for the force between the plates.

There is zero evidence something can physically pop into and out of existence out of nothing.

What I have done is figured out the cause of the condition of the state of the aether of relativity as determined by its connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places.

The state of the aether as determined by its connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

It appears you're not even reading what you quote, you just want a reason to repeat your "I can explain everything with aether" stuff.

You were like this on PhysOrg about 3 years ago. You've accomplished nothing in that time. You must make your parents proud.

Aether displacement is a theory of everything.

It explains gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

It explains what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

It explains the relationship between the concept of spacetime and what it physically exists as in nature.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
To see a visual representation of the state of the aether as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places, which is the state of displacement of the aether, watch the following video starting at 0:45. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
To see a visual representation of the state of the aether as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places, which is the state of displacement of the aether, watch the following video starting at 0:45. What is referred to as a twist in spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.

The videos also say exactly what I said, but I don't use displacement, I use flow. Not only that but you give displacement an unknown force, you just call it.. the force. What is the force?
The reverse force, the gravity force. What's that one? Because so far, you have us being pushed up in the air.

When you take an ice cube out of a glass full of water is there a void in the water where the ice cube had been?

No, the water fills-in where the ice cube had been.

This filling in of the space where the ice cube had been by the water is evidence the water exerted force toward the ice cube.

Replace ice cube with the Earth and the water with the aether and the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the Earth is gravity.
When you take an ice cube out of a glass full of water is there a void in the water where the ice cube had been?

No, the water fills-in where the ice cube had been.

This filling in of the space where the ice cube had been by the water is evidence the water exerted force toward the ice cube.

Replace ice cube with the Earth and the water with the aether and the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the Earth is gravity.

The ice was already bonded, so using displacement where does the bonding come from? Especially near the edges of the Earth where the ice starts to combine with the water. You get a mixing of the two mediums. In other words, you have atoms which are Aether condensation, and gravity which is the displacement. The two should merge as a sort of soup.
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The ice was already bonded, so using displacement where does the bonding come from? Especially near the edges of the Earth where the ice starts to combine with the water. You get a mixing of the two mediums. In other words, you have atoms which are Aether condensation, and gravity which is the displacement. The two should merge as a sort of soup.

Let's just stick with displacement for now.

Do you understand water displaced by the ice cube exerts force toward the ice cube?
It's hard to tell, but it might create a curve.

So, you don't understand when an ice cube placed into a glass of water displaces the water the displaced water exerts force toward the ice cube.

If you can't understand the displaced water exerts force toward the ice cube then there really is no reason for you to participate in this thread.