Aether Displacement

So, you don't understand when an ice cube placed into a glass of water displaces the water the displaced water exerts force toward the ice cube.

If you can't understand the displaced water exerts force toward the ice cube then there really is no reason for you to participate in this thread.

I prefer flow to displacement, it is just more dynamic.
The displaced water exerts force against the ice simply because water has mass . . . and ice has mass . . . and BOTH are under the influence of another force . . . . GRAVITY! If the gravity force were not present, the ice's buoyancy in water, and displacement thereof, would not be observed! Try this experiment in zero-G!

According to both Pinnochio and The Tron character, everything is an analogy. That's all they're able to describe. Analogy.

on edit: I'm sorry I meant Pincho, not pinnochio. I have no information regarding the state of his nose whenever he posts.
There is zero evidence something can physically pop into and out of existence out of nothing.
You're like a creationist repeating "There are not transitional fossils!", despite having been presented with several.

Reality isn't going to bend to your desires just because you repeat yourself a lot. Do you really think that's the way to do science?

Aether displacement is a theory of everything.
And yet it explains and models nothing.

You said it explained the Casimir effect. I've now asked you multiple times to show it does by deriving the strength of the force in terms of the plate sizes and charges. You've ignored me. You know it, I know, everyone reading the thread knows it. You won't 'win' a discussion by ignoring honest, relevant questions. You won't get anywhere in science by ignoring relevant requests to justify your claims.

What precisely are you trying to accomplish? You won't ever get anywhere in science with your current attitude. Even in forum discussions you won't end up 'winning' a discussion with your current attitude. As I said, you were like this 3 years ago on PhysOrg and you've achieved nothing in the mean time. Doesn't that tell you something? Doesn't that suggest you might be taking the wrong approach?

Maybe your endless repetition of the same lies is a defence mechanism. You know you won't achieve anything and you're wrong but you can't face up to it, like a religion person who starts praying whenever something shakes their delusions. Remember, I'm trying to have a discussion with you, you're the one not rising to the challenge.
I prefer flow to displacement, it is just more dynamic.

Flow does not explain gravity. Gravity still exists if an object is at rest with respect to the state of the aether.

It is the physical displacement of the aether which causes the displaced aether to exert force toward the matter which is gravity.
The displaced water exerts force against the ice simply because water has mass . . . and ice has mass . . . and BOTH are under the influence of another force . . . . GRAVITY! If the gravity force were not present, the ice's buoyancy in water, and displacement thereof, would not be observed! Try this experiment in zero-G!


Aether and matter have mass.

As far as we know, there is no space, nor any part of three dimensional space, devoid of mass.

Aether exists where matter does not. Where the Earth moves to through its orbit is presently occupied by aether. When the Earth moves into the space presently occupied by aether the particles of matter the Earth consists of displaces the aether. Where the Earth was 'fills-in' with aether.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
You're like a creationist repeating "There are not transitional fossils!", despite having been presented with several.

Reality isn't going to bend to your desires just because you repeat yourself a lot. Do you really think that's the way to do science?

And yet it explains and models nothing.

You said it explained the Casimir effect. I've now asked you multiple times to show it does by deriving the strength of the force in terms of the plate sizes and charges. You've ignored me. You know it, I know, everyone reading the thread knows it. You won't 'win' a discussion by ignoring honest, relevant questions. You won't get anywhere in science by ignoring relevant requests to justify your claims.

What precisely are you trying to accomplish? You won't ever get anywhere in science with your current attitude. Even in forum discussions you won't end up 'winning' a discussion with your current attitude. As I said, you were like this 3 years ago on PhysOrg and you've achieved nothing in the mean time. Doesn't that tell you something? Doesn't that suggest you might be taking the wrong approach?

Maybe your endless repetition of the same lies is a defence mechanism. You know you won't achieve anything and you're wrong but you can't face up to it, like a religion person who starts praying whenever something shakes their delusions. Remember, I'm trying to have a discussion with you, you're the one not rising to the challenge.

I have explained to you what occurs physically in nature to cause the Casimir effect.

Unfortunately for you, you are incapable of understanding aether is physically displaced by matter.

It is understandable you can not understand what actually occurs physically in nature.

Your the one who believes in the absolutely ridiculous absurd nonsense of virtual particles.

This is how science works for you. There is an observation which occurs physically in nature. Say, the Casimir effect. Your conceptually deficient and completely clueless as to what occurs. However, you can make it work mathematically if you invent particles which pop into and out of existence out of nothing. Never mind it is physically impossible for a particle to pop into existence out of nothing. That doesn't matter. All that matters is these magical particles can be represented mathematically.

Your belief in thinking since you can invent something which can be mathematically represented means it exists is nothing more than saying God did it.

It must be God who creates these virtual particles which pop into and out of existence out of nothing because if there truly were nothing, then there would be nothing for the particles to be created from.

More absurd nonsense from you is when you stated, "they are excitations in a quantum field which always has excitations going on within it."

It would be funny if it weren't so sad as you represent how screwed up physics is today. All in order to not understand what you refer to as the quantum field actually physically exists as aether.

Each plate displaces the aether past the other plate. The force exerted by the displaced aether which encompasses the plates, along with the cancellation of the force of the displaced aether which exists between the plates, forces the plates together.
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Flow does not explain gravity. Gravity still exists if an object is at rest with respect to the state of the aether.

It is the physical displacement of the aether which causes the displaced aether to exert force toward the matter which is gravity.

Hmm, actually it seems that I use displacement more that I thought I did. I have entropy as displacement. And because I have a zero space vacuum, the displacement creates a push force that is flow, but you cannot remove flow from displacement, the two things work together. Like you would get a displacement chain, but that would be called flow. You also have to add a force to displacement, like an electron bump.
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Hmm, actually it seems that I use displacement more that I thought I did. I have entropy as displacement. And because I have a zero space vacuum, the displacement creates a push force that is flow, but you cannot remove flow from displacement, the two things work together. Like you would get a displacement chain, but that would be called flow. You also have to add a force to displacement, like an electron bump.

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid.

There is no reason for the use of the term 'flow' when discussing gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

Obviously then you must be able to explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity, the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment, the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves, and why the Milky Way halo is in the shape of a squished beach ball.

You are not so ignorant as to reply with a simple 'nope' without being able to explain all of the above now are you?

Oh yeah, that's right, you are that ignorant.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.
Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
Obviously then you must be able to explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity, the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment, the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves, and why the Milky Way halo is in the shape of a squished beach ball.
Uh, wrong again.
All I need to do is spot the flaws in your claim. Which I have done. And you have failed to explain those flaws.

You are not so ignorant as to reply with a simple 'nope' without being able to explain all of the above now are you?
Oh yeah, that's right, you are that ignorant.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Then, one more time, explain the discrepancy between the observed values of g (as explained by it being related to mass) and g as "explained" by your crackpot "theory".
The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid.

There is no reason for the use of the term 'flow' when discussing gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

Is there no reason to use the term flow when talking about ice displacing water, and superfluid? It seems that you are just ignoring that you are using flow. Fluid practically means flow.
Uh, wrong again.
All I need to do is spot the flaws in your claim. Which I have done. And you have failed to explain those flaws.


Then, one more time, explain the discrepancy between the observed values of g (as explained by it being related to mass) and g as "explained" by your crackpot "theory".

All you have done is shown you are incapable of understanding I used mass per volume as an analogy to explain how it is aether is physically displaced by matter and it is the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter which is gravity.

You are still unable to understand I used two planets the same volume as Jupiter where one is made of lead and the other is the gaseous Jupiter to explain the lead Jupiter displaces more aether which means there is more force exerted by the displaced aether toward the lead Jupiter than there is toward the gaseous Jupiter which results in there being more gravitational force exerted toward the lead Jupiter than there is toward the gaseous Jupiter.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Is there no reason to use the term flow when talking about ice displacing water, and superfluid? It seems that you are just ignoring that you are using flow. Fluid practically means flow.

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid.

There is zero reason to use the term 'flow' when describing gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
All you have done is shown you are incapable of understanding I used mass per volume as an analogy to explain how it is aether is physically displaced by matter and it is the force exerted by the displaced aether toward the matter which is gravity.
Er no. YOU claimed specifically that it is density that displaces "aether".
Post #8
Aether is displaced based on the mass of the matter per volume. The more mass per volume the less aether the volume contains the more aether which is displaced by the matter the more force exerted toward the matter by the displaced aether.

You are still unable to understand I used two planets the same volume as Jupiter where one is made of lead and the other is the gaseous Jupiter to explain the lead Jupiter displaces more aether which means there is more force exerted by the displaced aether toward the lead Jupiter than there is toward the gaseous Jupiter which results in there is more gravitational force exerted toward the lead Jupiter than there is toward the gaseous Jupiter.
Also wrong. As previously shown.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Um, what's the word I'm looking for here?
Oh, hang on: nope.
Er no. YOU claimed specifically that it is density that displaces "aether".
Post #8

Also wrong. As previously shown.

Um, what's the word I'm looking for here?
Oh, hang on: nope.

Are you suggesting the more mass per volume doesn't change the gravitational force?

That is the point of what I was saying. The more mass there is per volume increases the gravitational force.

Density does affect gravity. The denser a volume of space, the greater the mass of the matter which exists in a volume, the greater the gravitational force exerted toward that volume.

Yes, I understand you are so conceptually deficient you can't understand I was using mass per volume to explain how aether is displaced by matter.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.
Are you suggesting the more mass per volume doesn't change the gravitational force?

That is the point of what I was saying. The more mass there is per volume increases the gravitational force.
Wrong. As shown by your own example of the expanded Sun.

Density does affect gravity. The denser a volume of space, the greater the mass of the matter which exists in a volume, the greater the gravitational force exerted toward that volume.
I think you're getting confused. It's not the density, it's the mass. Full stop.

Yes, I understand you are so conceptually deficient you can't understand I was using mass per volume to explain how aether is displaced by matter.
And you keep coming back to this despite the fact that it is untrue.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

Please explain the discrepancy between observed values of g (that vary with mass only) versus those "predicted" by your "theory".
Can you do this?
The aether is, or behaves similar to, a superfluid with properties of a solid.

There is zero reason to use the term 'flow' when describing gravity.

Force exerted by displaced aether toward matter is gravity.

All fluids are made from the properties of a solid. A fluid is just the motion of a solid that has been arranged in bonded strings. And if you are talking of the Aether you can't keep mentioning Gravity as the output. The output of the Aether if displaced is all known properties including those of water, and superfluids. You can't avoid flow if water is made from the Aether, and earlier you said that atoms were created from Aether.