Aether Displacement

The squished beachball shape of the Bubble around the Milky Way is taken from orbits of bodies travelling around the bubble. If you were to consider pressure inside the bubble it would be perpendicular to the flat sides. This means that the bubble could in fact be spherical. The higher pressure would look like flat sides, and result in flatter orbits. Say you had a snowdome with disc with a gap inside it. The disc causes water pressure to increase around the edges. The snow at this point would speed up, and shoot straighter than the snow above, and below the disc. I think that the Aether is more compacted around the disc, and therefore the flat sides are an illusion.
Stating something pops into and out of existence out of nothing is dogma. It isn't testable.
Except it is. It leads to predictions about the Casimir effect, which is due to an alteration of the virtual particles between the plates. Virtual particles also make up central components of scattering processes in quantum field theory. They contribute to modifications of propagators, which in turn define how coupling strengths change as you vary the energy of collisions. They facilitate ways in which to test grand unified theories via proton decay.

All of those things in quantum field theory involve virtual particles and the predictions output by quantum field theory have been tested and found to be accurate. The accurate prediction of reduced coupling strength in the strong force at high energies led to the 2005 (I think) Nobel Prize for Physics. The Casimir effect is beginning to be used in small scale electronics.

You know you haven't looked into this stuff and that you don't understand it. Why you think just flat out making shit up to someone who does understand is beyond me. Is saying "I was mistaken" too difficult? Any reasonable person should be able to say that when presented with evidence they are mistaken. But clearly you have trouble hearing things which contradict your presuppositions. It's ironic that hacks complain about the supposed close mindedness of the mainstream, hacks are often the most close minded of all.

Simply because you are incapable of understanding what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether and aether is physically displaced by matter does not mean virtual particles physically exist.
Nice try to twist things. You said virtual was particle physicists just making stuff up. I demonstrated that to be false. You said it was untestable. I demonstrated that to be false. What you think goes on, aether-wise, is irrelevant to those statements you made. You were wrong about the thought processes and development behind virtual particles and you were wrong about the testability of the predictions. Whether or not that is how the universe actually works is independent of those.

Besides, I find it funny you whine about supposed untestability, nothing you have ever provided can be tested, it's all arm waving. Yet more hypocritical nonsense from you.
Except it is. It leads to predictions about the Casimir effect, which is due to an alteration of the virtual particles between the plates. Virtual particles also make up central components of scattering processes in quantum field theory. They contribute to modifications of propagators, which in turn define how coupling strengths change as you vary the energy of collisions. They facilitate ways in which to test grand unified theories via proton decay.

All of those things in quantum field theory involve virtual particles and the predictions output by quantum field theory have been tested and found to be accurate. The accurate prediction of reduced coupling strength in the strong force at high energies led to the 2005 (I think) Nobel Prize for Physics. The Casimir effect is beginning to be used in small scale electronics.

You know you haven't looked into this stuff and that you don't understand it. Why you think just flat out making shit up to someone who does understand is beyond me. Is saying "I was mistaken" too difficult? Any reasonable person should be able to say that when presented with evidence they are mistaken. But clearly you have trouble hearing things which contradict your presuppositions. It's ironic that hacks complain about the supposed close mindedness of the mainstream, hacks are often the most close minded of all.

Nice try to twist things. You said virtual was particle physicists just making stuff up. I demonstrated that to be false. You said it was untestable. I demonstrated that to be false. What you think goes on, aether-wise, is irrelevant to those statements you made. You were wrong about the thought processes and development behind virtual particles and you were wrong about the testability of the predictions. Whether or not that is how the universe actually works is independent of those.

Besides, I find it funny you whine about supposed untestability, nothing you have ever provided can be tested, it's all arm waving. Yet more hypocritical nonsense from you.

Exactly as I told you in the previous post. The reason why you believe in the absurd nonsense of virtual particles is because you are unable or unwilling to understand aether is displaced by matter.

The aether displaced by each plate encompasses the other plate. This displaced aether exerts force toward the plates. The aether displaced between the plates exerts force equally toward each plate and the forces cancel. The force exerted toward the plates by the displaced aether which encompasses the plates along with the cancellation of the force of the displaced aether which exists between the plates forces the plates together.

"a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a ball from its rest position."

a "field" in physics is space filled with aether, and the strength of the field is the displacement of the aether from its rest position.
You whine about untestable and then make a bunch of claims you cannot justify. You have no working models, no testable predictions, no ability to apply anything you say. The models involving virtual particles make some of the most accurate and tested predictions in the history of science.

For you to complain others are unwilling to understand is just hypocritical. You have been demonstrated to be dishonest in this thread and you demand things of others you cannot provide yourself.

Where is the honest science in that? How do you hope to achieve anything by lying and being dishonest?
You whine about untestable and then make a bunch of claims you cannot justify. You have no working models, no testable predictions, no ability to apply anything you say. The models involving virtual particles make some of the most accurate and tested predictions in the history of science.

For you to complain others are unwilling to understand is just hypocritical. You have been demonstrated to be dishonest in this thread and you demand things of others you cannot provide yourself.

Where is the honest science in that? How do you hope to achieve anything by lying and being dishonest?

I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. That there is an offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves because the galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the aether. I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand the Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether. I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment are caused by the moving particle having an associated aether displacement wave.

Continue to believe particles are able to be created from nothing which is nothing more than dogma.
Same crap, same exact posts, this just keeps going on and on and on...
Same crap, same exact posts, this just keeps going on and on and on...

I can't help it if you are unable or unwilling to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

I can't help it if you choose to remain ignorant of understanding what occurs physically in nature to cause there to be an offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring a moving galaxy cluster and the galaxy cluster itself.

If you choose to remain ignorant of understanding aether is physically displaced by matter then that is your choice.

Force exerted toward matter by displaced aether is gravity.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
But you CAN help it that you haven't posted one single shred of evidence.
You CAN help it that you can't address the discrepancy already pointed out.
You CAN help it that all you've done is repeat the same inane unsupported claims throughout (word for word - maybe you suffer from sort of autism?).
But you CAN help it that you haven't posted one single shred of evidence.
You CAN help it that you can't address the discrepancy already pointed out.
You CAN help it that all you've done is repeat the same inane unsupported claims throughout (word for word - maybe you suffer from sort of autism?).

I can't help it if you are unable to understand there will be greater gravitational force exerted toward a planet the size of Jupiter which consists entirely of lead then the gaseous Jupiter.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by the matter is gravity.
I can't help it if you are unable to understand there will be greater gravitational force exerted toward a planet the size of Jupiter which consists entirely of lead then the gaseous Jupiter.
Can you help it if you can't produce evidence of this "planet the size of Jupiter which consists entirely of lead"?

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by the matter is gravity.
Already shown to be incorrect.
I can't help it if you are unable or unwilling to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

Just about every post you makes has this line. And it's all you say about it.
I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.
It isn't a matter of not understanding, it's a matter of having insufficient reason. For example, I understand the reasons theists say they believe in a god or gods, I just don't accept them as sufficiently justified to also believe in a deity.

I read the ArXiv paper you linked to and I'm absolutely certain I understood it more than you did. It's an interesting approach but like so many hypothesised theoretical physics models it needs to have some justification beyond the fact it is conceivable. You complain I don't accept what you're peddling yet at the same time you dismiss things in quantum field theory, things with much more evidence than an aether. At present your arguments are entirely "I'm making stuff up", yet you complain that virtual particles are just "I'm making stuff up". At least virtual particles lead to testable predictions.

I know you want to think that the reason I don't agree with you is I don't understand, it helps feed your delusions of mediocrity, but the fact is I do understand, I just don't accept it as reasonably justified.

That there is an offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves because the galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the aether.
Can you construct a working model which leads to precise predictions of the offset which match observations? If not why should anyone think your claims are any more valid than you think virtual particles are?

If you think virtual particles are nonsense every time you post ask yourself "Is there more evidence for what I'm claiming than I think there is for virtual particles?". If not, don't bother to post. If you're honest you'll just not post any more.

I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand the Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.
What precisely am I ignorant of? Observations and experimental results in particle physics, dark matter and cosmology? I've demonstrated I'm more up to date than you are. Am I ignorant of the working models of said things? I'm a great many times more knowledgeable of them than you are. How much of the aether paper you linked to did you understand? If I asked you to explain a particular bit of it, to talk us through some of the methodology the authors use could you? I doubt it.

The only thing pertaining to aether I know less than you about is your model, because your model is something you just make up as you go along. There's no structure or independent formalism, it's all your subjective opinion. If you got hit by a bus tomorrow no one could continue your 'work' because there's nothing to build upon. This is a way of distinguishing between potentially viable physics and hacks. If two physicists are given the postulates of relativity and put in separate rooms for a couple of months they'll both derive the same results, like the mass-energy-momentum relation. Two people given a second quantised QFT Lagrangian would (though it would take a long time) end up deriving the same perturbation constructions, including virtual particle processes. If two people read all you've said about your ideas and were put into different rooms they'd end up producing completely different outcomes, if any outcome at all.

That's a sign what you're doing is not viable physics. It's not even viable proto-physics. As such by any rational measure the ignorance is between your ears, not mine.

I can't help it if you are too ignorant to understand the observed behaviors in a double slit experiment are caused by the moving particle having an associated aether displacement wave.
If you're such a whiz at physics why aren't you an actual physicist? I was good at maths and science as a kid so I continued doing it, I enjoyed it. Now I'm a professional mathematician/physicist (I work where the line between them is blurred). I've taught the physics behind the double slit experiment to undergraduates. I'm employed because I can think out of the box on problems of a mathematical nature in real world situations. How come you are stick whining about your supposed insight and genius on forums, every one of which has told you the same stuff about your work (ie not good)?

If you're so right why can't you provide any predictive models? Why can't you model anything? Why can't you produce anything other than vacuous arm waving? Each time you whine about others supposedly making stuff up and being untestable you're just being a hypocrite.

Continue to believe particles are able to be created from nothing which is nothing more than dogma.
So a predictive, tested, accurate model of observed physical phenomena is dogma but you just making stuff up and being unable to predict or model anything isn't?

Are you a troll or are you actually mentally handicapped? No one could really be so stupid as to not see the blinding hypocrisy in what you've just said, even you.
Can you help it if you can't produce evidence of this "planet the size of Jupiter which consists entirely of lead"?

It's an analogy.

Already shown to be incorrect.

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Force exerted toward matter by the displaced aether is gravity is correct.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave is correct.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether is correct.
It isn't a matter of not understanding, it's a matter of having insufficient reason. For example, I understand the reasons theists say they believe in a god or gods, I just don't accept them as sufficiently justified to also believe in a deity.

Believing particles can pop into and out of existence out of nothing is nothing more than saying God did it.

The Casimir effect is caused by the displaced aether which encompasses the plates and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the plates forcing the plates together.
It's an analogy.
Why can't you explain (or even address) the discrepancy between observed results (reality) and your *cough* "theory" (junk)?

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Force exerted toward matter by the displaced aether is gravity is correct.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave is correct.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether is correct.
Yeah well done. Another meaningless unsupported copy-paste.
Why can't you explain (or even address) the discrepancy between observed results (reality) and your *cough* "theory" (junk)?

Why are you unable to understand there would be more gravitational force exerted toward a planet the size of Jupiter which consisted of lead than the gaseous Jupiter?

The reason for the additional gravitational force is the lead Jupiter contains less aether which means the lead Jupiter displaces more aether. This additional aether exerts more force toward the lead Jupiter which is gravity.
Why are you unable to understand there would be more gravitational force exerted toward a planet the size of Jupiter which consisted of lead than the gaseous Jupiter?
I'm not unable to understand that.

The reason for the additional gravitational force is the lead Jupiter contains less aether which means the lead Jupiter displaces more aether. This additional aether exerts more force toward the lead Jupiter which is gravity.
No, it's because a "lead Jupiter" would mass more.

And G depends on mass, not "aether displacement".

"Every year the number of collisions rises, until it peaks late in May. And every year it then falls back to a minimum in late November. Dr Bernabei and her colleagues believe this is strong evidence that some of the recoils are caused by dark matter, because the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter, making interception of WIMPs respectively easier and more difficult."

What is this special property WIMPs have which cause them to be gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time "the motion of the Earth round the sun would be added to the speed with which the solar system moves through the halo in the summer (and thus increase the number of WIMPs that sweep through the crystal) and subtracted from it in the winter"?

Why are WIMPs gravitationally bound to the Milky Way at the same time the solar system and the Earth move through the halo?

The Milky Way, solar system, and Earth all move through and displace the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

Force exerted toward the Milky Way by the displaced aether is gravity.
Believing particles can pop into and out of existence out of nothing is nothing more than saying God did it.
They aren't literally out of nothing, they are excitations in a quantum field which always has excitations going on within it.

Besides, how many times do you plan on ignoring the fact they made testable, tested, validated, accurate predictions? You can turn off virtual particle contributions in quantum field theory and you end up with relativistic quantum mechanics. It's good but it's not precise, like saying pi is equal to 3.1. Turning on virtual particle effects leads to predictions so precise we can't find a mistake in them, our ability to measure isn't good enough to find the mistake. To use the pi analogy again, we go from 2 significant figures to twelve, an increase in precision of 10 billion times.

Compare that with what you have predicted precisely, nothing. There's justifiable reason to trust quantum field theory as an accurate model of particle physics up to 100GeV, it's demonstrable. That isn't dogma, it's rational, evidence based reasoning. There's no reason to trust your claims, your only argument is "Because I say so" and "Everyone is too stupid to understand". That sounds an awful lot more like religious dogma, ie "God works in mysterious ways, just accept he can see the big picture".

The Casimir effect is caused by the displaced aether which encompasses the plates and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the plates forcing the plates together.
And when you can provide a formula for the amount of force between two plates, as a function of their charge and separation and it is accurate when compared to experiments then I'll listen to you. Until then you have nothing more than "I'm getting a message from God!" bullshit.