Accepting Defeat

Not an easy thing to do for anyone. From kids to adults and in all facets of life we will be faced with defeat. It could be as simple as losing a coin toss or as complicated as losing a war.

I'm not an American and I like history which means I've read about their exploits now & then. When I think about their Civil War I often have wondered why the South never really took on the North again once it was over. Sure there was the usual animosity, sporadic skirmishes and the like but in general not much happened. The South still maintains an identity of sorts but the overall picture paints a united country.

In WWII Europe was under German occupation. I don't think you will find too many people from that time and place today that would admit they accepted defeat. Resistance and partisan groups were proof that at least some didn't. Anyway, the Germans lost for the second time and it appears that they too finally accepted defeat and moved on. Japan too.

Is there a good side to admitting defeat?


understanding the reality of which your in

When should one admit defeat?

when you realize without any delusions of grandeur that you actually are

you understand the reality of your position

Should the defeated be trusted?

in what way do you mean

Is there honor in defeat?

if you gave your best


oops! forgot this one: Are statistics for those who cannot accept defeat?

does it matter , really

why shame a people based on mathematics
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Not an easy thing to do for anyone. From kids to adults and in all facets of life we will be faced with defeat. It could be as simple as losing a coin toss or as complicated as losing a war.

I'm not an American and I like history which means I've read about their exploits now & then. When I think about their Civil War I often have wondered why the South never really took on the North again once it was over. Sure there was the usual animosity, sporadic skirmishes and the like but in general not much happened. The South still maintains an identity of sorts but the overall picture paints a united country.

In WWII Europe was under German occupation. I don't think you will find too many people from that time and place today that would admit they accepted defeat. Resistance and partisan groups were proof that at least some didn't. Anyway, the Germans lost for the second time and it appears that they too finally accepted defeat and moved on. Japan too.

Is there a good side to admitting defeat? When should one admit defeat? Should the defeated be trusted? Is there honor in defeat?

oops! forgot this one: Are statistics for those who cannot accept defeat?

Accepting defeat is nothing more than a euphemism for giving up - and there is no honor in giving up. It doesn't matter what's happened to make you think you can't win, if you surrender, you have no chance of turning the tables. If you refuse to accept defeat, though, and remain determined, then you just might eventually win out.
Well I'm certainly glad Indians did not face reality as native americans did
Good loser (accepting defeat):


Bad losers (not accepting defeat):


How to be a good loser

Step 1
Ask yourself, is it worth it to get mad at something or someone? Are you a competitor that needs to win at everything? Have you ever asked yourself why you are the way you are? What prior experiences led you to make you who you are?

Step 2
Being a good loser at anything denotes that you have the self confidence to know you made a mistake and are not ashamed to admit it. Admitting to a mistake takes a lot of work if you believe you are always right. Someone that always thinks there are right may have a great deal of confidence, but you cannot be right one hundred percent of the time.

Step 3
If someone believes they are infallible, then they are delusional. Being a good loser at anything makes you take a step back, look at the situation from an outside perspective, and realize it really doesn’t matter if you were wrong about something. Who cares? If you care, then you should learn the reason why you care so much. Do you think your friends would think less of you? Give me a break. If you think you are correct all the time, it would be a refreshing change for people to admit that you could have been wrong.

Step 4
I am not implying that when you are wrong you are a loser. I am stating that if you admit to someone that you were wrong, being a good loser about it changes people’s perception about you. If you do not care what people think of you then it's best to stay inside your cubicle, your limited view of the world and continue to be right about everything and see where that gets you in life.

Step 5
Being a good loser means that you do not get mad if you made a bet and lost or you were ridiculed in public and you plan on getting revenge. What I am saying is that being a good loser means that you are human and prone to mistakes and are willing to freely admit it. I have seen some silly stunts people have done because they were wrong but refused to admit it. I have also seen the antithesis. Learning to own up about something may prove to people that you are a good person and it may enhance your relationships.
Good loser = Native American

Bad loser = Indian

But hey if all of you are mentally prepared to lose, it's okay with me.
SAM, if someone convinces you mid-discussion, do you admit that you were wrong or do you stubbornly continue to argue your point ?
Don't be silly why would I argue if I thought I was mistaken?

I don't consider losing a game as defeat.
Sure but it's a game. If you accept defeat you can still come back and play another day.
That's not what happens in life. If you lose, there are no do overs