Accepting Defeat

According to historians, this period of Roman history was best described by a later Roman poet in a single line: the victor is not victorious if the vanquished will not consider himself so
According to historians, this period of Roman history was best described by a later Roman poet in a single line: the victor is not victorious if the vanquished will not consider himself so

What is your point ?
that accepting defeat is merely a sign you have run out of steam or lack the commitment or conviction to stand and fight
Can someone translate this?

Easy, Accepting defeat in the face of overwhelming odds and assured destruction of your troops is honorable. You could go down fighting and become a bloody page in history, but your men and cuase would be dead. By accepting defeat, you can keep both alive untill a more fruitful time may come.
The best example I have heard of this is the almost complete destruction of the Romans by Hannibals army. If the Romans had accepted defeat (which by every rational criteria they should have) there never would have been a Roman empire, the spread of Latin, Jesus or Christianity as we have it today, the English language as it is today or the systems of government based on the Roman Senate.

So should they have accepted defeat?

We'd be much better off without having had the Roman Empire or Christianity.
What government is based on the Roman's???

that accepting defeat is merely a sign you have run out of steam or lack the commitment or conviction to stand and fight

Spoken like a true apeshit barbarian.

honor in saving lives is when defeat is an honor.

Can someone translate this?

Saving as many innocent lives that otherwise would be killed because you know that you are outgunned and will lose the battle to protect them, I believe.

The honor isn't in defeat but in risking or sacrificing to protect others.
There is no honor or dishonor in defeat or victory. There is in how & why it's done.
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that accepting defeat is merely a sign you have run out of steam or lack the commitment or conviction to stand and fight

Or perhaps it is an acknowledgement that sometimes resistance can cause more harm than good? That perhaps it is best to bide your time and wait for either your own standing to improve, or for the enemy to over-extend.

To be completely honest with you, you sound like an armchair guerilla. You are pretty hot for the notion of 'resisting at all costs', but I think you'd change your tune pretty quickly if your family was getting killing due to occupiers retaliating against insurgents. You dream of resistance against Western imperialism, but live within the U.S.A, the very country you despise. Why aren't you standing by *your* convictions?
I think you're deluded. I believe in self determination and sovereignty of societies. The question is, why don't you?

Back on topic:

The English were able to stand up to Hitler and rope in the americans to fight Hitler before the japanese because of one man and only one man who said to the French after they accepted defeat within a month

no matter what you do we shall fight on forever and ever and ever
While the English were fighting on forever & ever in India, Africa, Arabia & elsewhere in their quest to conquer, control & oppress as much of the world as possible & the French were not accepting defeat in Vietnam which they conquered & oppressed.
Churchill, among many others, was a hypocritical ass.
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When I think about their Civil War I often have wondered why the South never really took on the North again once it was over.

The issues weren't really important to the average person in the south and the ruling elite were displaced.

Also the south was devastated by the war and then "reconstruction" and by the time they had rebuilt the people who might have cared had died or retired.

Finally the opening up of the western frontier doubtlessly helped alleviate a lot of the pressure.
I think you're deluded.

No, I'm sensible.

I believe in self determination and sovereignty of societies.

You clearly don't believe in any of those things, or you don't have the conviction to stand by those beliefs. Because if you did, you wouldn't be residing in a country which you feel engages in imperialism and mass murder.

It makes me feel physically ill that you exist within a country that you denounce, while arguing in favour of people that you have done fuck all to support. You denounce the West for supposedly obtaining its wealth and splendor through exploitation and genocide, but then you take some of the bounty for yourself.

How hypocritical! Where's your conviction?! You have none! You're just a bourgeois Indian woman living a cushy life of comfort, sassing off on the internet about the big bad U.S.A while they allow you to make a good living in the civilisation that their ancestors created, through theft, war and bloodshed, exploitation, exploration, research, innovation, construction, fortitude and just good ole fashioned hard work.

Some American ancestors stained their hand red with the blood of those they exploited to build that civilisation, and now you get to live within it guilt free, sneering and criticising about how bad Americans (hell, all Westerners) are. What the fuck!? If you exist within that civilisation, if you benefit from that bounty, you are in no place to condemn others.

The question is, why don't you?

Oh, I do. I don't just believe in pointless acts of resistance that result in the needless deaths of my fellow citizens. Perhaps if you didn't live in bubble wrap you might realise that violent resistance isn't always as noble and beneficial as you believe. Attempts at resistance in the face of impossible odds tend to backfire badly.

Just look at Hamas. They fire puny rockets at the Israelis, and what does it achieve? Fuck all.

They kill a couple of civilians (big deal!), giving the IDF an excuse to blow the shit out of hundreds of Palestinians, demolish their homes, impose embargoes, and establish Jewish settlements on the debris. Everything the Palestinians built is flattened, and they have to go back to square one. Meanwhile the rest of the world watches, going 'Yeah, Israel is being a bitch, but Hamas fired the rockets first.'

How about Hamas take a different angle on fighting Israel? Instead of launching futile rocket attacks that achieve nothing whatsoever, Hamas looks inwards. That would include:

-Dealing with Fatah (preferably through compromise) and trying to achieve some solidarity amongst the Palestinian people.

- Extending its authority over the West Bank and Gaza, so that the Palestinian people don't have a failed state with an ineffectual government.

- Gaining legitimacy as a government from other nations, especially the Arab nations (pan-Arabism, anyone?)

- Pressing its case in the UN.

- Establishing some sort of infrastructure.

- Raising a decent army to complement the insurgents. Hell, conscript citizens if you must. All while presenting an acceptable face to the world.

Then you'd wait for the U.S to lose its influence (it is already on the decline), and for the neighbouring nations to get sick of Israel's bullshit. Then maybe the Palestinians would have their chance to wipe Israel off the map.

Back on topic:

You're never on topic.
that accepting defeat is merely a sign you have run out of steam or lack the commitment or conviction to stand and fight

Uh.. to use a weathered metaphor: Having lost a battle does not mean the war is lost.
You need to accept your defeat in order to learn from your mistakes. And learning from your mistakes makes you stronger the next time around.
If you keep blaming having lost on others or other things you will not learn from your mistakes and, thus, never improve.
I have to say I'm a bit surprised at your stance on this.
Uh.. to use a weathered metaphor: Having lost a battle does not mean the war is lost.
You need to accept your defeat in order to learn from your mistakes. And learning from your mistakes makes you stronger the next time around.
If you keep blaming having lost on others or other things you will not learn from your mistakes and, thus, never improve.
I have to say I'm a bit surprised at your stance on this.

if you're considering a next time around then you haven't accepted defeat, merely a ceasefire. Accepting defeat means laying down your arms and surrendering
if you're considering a next time around then you haven't accepted defeat, merely a ceasefire. Accepting defeat means laying down your arms and surrendering

Really ? What about sports ?
When you get beat you either accept it and work on your technique, strength, whatever to get better, or you blame your loss on something else and don't improve.

"It was too hot"
"It just wasn't my day"
"The referee had it in for me"

It's all bullshit. Accept your defeat and learn from it.
Defeat can actually be interpreted as winning in some situations.

Consider a game of chess. The winner reveals a strategy. The looser gains the winning strategy. What does the winner get? Nothing. A loosing strategy and a loss of time. For the looser, their time invested paid off.

What doesn't kill me (I loose against), makes me stronger (educated).
Defeat can actually be interpreted as winning in some situations.

Consider a game of chess. The winner reveals a strategy. The looser gains the winning strategy. What does the winner get? Nothing. A loosing strategy and a loss of time. For the looser, their time invested paid off.

What doesn't kill me (I loose against), makes me stronger (educated).


The aim is to win. The winner wins. :mad: