Absurd things Christians say...

there's also more than 12 different words for "water" on the planet too .... this doesn't establish the notion of "water" being man-made however ....

what you dont subscribe to the cycle of things?..we contribute water to the enviroment...everytime we pee....:p

how many different words are there for religion?....and those words were made by man...:)

my questions concerning man made religion..how far away have they gotten from what god had intended it to be..each successive managment (IE;pope/preacher/pastor..etc) had to have added their own 'flavor' to the mix...they are still susceptible to their own humanity no matter how Holy they claim to be...

imho 90% of ppl that got 'turned off god' are excatholics...
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what you dont subscribe to the cycle of things?..we contribute water to the enviroment...everytime we pee....:p
and lo and behold there are more than twelve different words for pee also ...

how many different words are there for religion?....and those words were made by man...:)
much like the words for pee and water are man made ....

my questions concerning man made religion..how far away have they gotten from what god had intended it to be..each successive managment (IE;pope/preacher/pastor..etc) had to have added their own 'flavor' to the mix...they are still susceptible to their own humanity no matter how Holy they claim to be...

imho 90% of ppl that got 'turned off god' are excatholics...
on one side you have humans screwing things up and at the other you have god (or god's representative) re-establishing religious principles.

But you're right about one thing - most atheists will gripe more about persons who (claim to) represent god than the philosophical issues that surround a universe governed by a supreme conscious entity.
But you're right about one thing - most atheists will gripe more about persons who (claim to) represent god than the philosophical issues that surround a universe governed by a supreme conscious entity.

Like this: Ah c'mon LG, if you were only Christian then this quote would have qualified you for the OP title but alas only an honorable mention.
But you're right about one thing - most atheists will gripe more about persons who (claim to) represent god than the philosophical issues that surround a universe governed by a supreme conscious entity.

so..what if..that supreme conscious entity lives in each of us? a shared conscience so to speak..each one of us have a piece of that conscience and in order to begin to understand that conscience we would have to learn to communicate that element which resides in each of us..

ironically your comment, and indeed the OP title, confirms which is the bigger issue with atheists

Is the only defense you have for God & religion all about rules and principles of argument? You'd think God would just settle it once and for all. Wouldn't you like to see God do something to at least give you the satisfaction of being right?
you really think jesus died on the cross just to turn his back on us??

I truly believe that the salvation of Jesus is not accessible to those who turn their backs on the salvation of Jesus.

Jesus has given the offer free to all whom will accept it. When people reject it then they are given over to deception.

he knows we screw up..he wants us to be with him..and he has ALREADY forgiven us..salvation is already guarenteed (again he died for it)..you dont have to jump through some religions hoops to feel worthy.

Sounds like universalism type garbage to me. Salvation is not guaranteed for all.

And i have never felt worthy of salvation. If i did then it would be a payment for my worthiness. But it is a Gift so no boasting can i do.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Originally Posted by Adstar
So your not a true athiest. You believe in existance past death.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But he is still going to hell right ?

I don't know. He/She may have a lot of living to do between now and his grave. Lots of things can change over time. One day He might accept the Gift of Jesus. God knows.

I mean he doesn't believe in the same god as you and therefore it's a false belief according to you.

So what god or afterlife is he believing in ?

A god that does not exist. And an afterlife that will not be as he thinks it will be.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Where did you read that? It is quite common to see the Bible shaped in such a way as to wriggle out of a tight situation. I don't remember God asking A&E if they would obey. Just think if He did, that would mean any answer is sufficient....yes or no. Can't be faulted.

It's no different than saying we are all born sinners (as Adstar has stated)

"It's no different than saying we are all born sinners (as Adstar has stated)"

Quote where i said we are all born sinners. Or Edit this out of your post.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It seems like you are twisting the text to make it say what you want it to say. The Bible teaches in one place that God is not the author of confusion and in another, this text, that He is.

It was a legitimate question since he is reported to do things such as this in the Old Testament.

Of course He is not a man and of course I am not Him, but is God moral? I thought that the Laws He gave us had basis in His character. Is God "Love"? Is God "Justice"? If so, then how can He actively prevent someone from being saved who could otherwise be saved? This is neither "Love" or "Justice" in my mind.

Your mind is faulty.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is the only defense you have for God & religion all about rules and principles of argument?
I think its more the case that an argument is refuted on the grounds that arguments have to follow certain principles to be valid. It doesn't really matter what the topic for the argument is.

Otherwise you would get discourse that goes something like this

Person A - Fructose does not gather on the belly of citrus aphids.

Person B - If that was the case, you would expect all giraffes to have two heads.

You'd think God would just settle it once and for all. Wouldn't you like to see God do something to at least give you the satisfaction of being right?
No need.
The folly of an anti-god outlook is self fulfilling.
so..what if..that supreme conscious entity lives in each of us? a shared conscience so to speak..each one of us have a piece of that conscience and in order to begin to understand that conscience we would have to learn to communicate that element which resides in each of us..

then you have difficulty explaining the phenomena of ignorance.

(the notion of an omniscient entity manifesting a separated expansion of themselves to accompany all living entities through their sojourn of ignorance by empowering them with knowledge , remembrance and forgetfulness avoids that issue however)
Me little chickadee, you flip and you flop and still on thin ice you tread.

No reading skills for the one-eyed.
ALL opinions are interpretations of reality....and they are validated as more probable or discarded as absurd ramblings of desperate little birdies, by comparing them with reality, constantly.
and how do you propose to compare them to reality without calling on observations, oh effervescent one?
This constant reaffirmation of interpretation is called stream-of-thought or consciousness.

The discrepancies between one abstraction and the next is called change.
this says absolutely nothing about an interpretation being valid or invalid
My little wallabe, wannabe, if ya wanna show us a beginning and an end, then please proceed; if ya wanna show us the perfect immutable, then do so...and we will wait. If you cannot then be considered another desperate religious fanatic.....even Bin Laden can use one of you fantasy hoppers.
whenever you're ready to apply yourself, let me know and we can begin.

Alternatively, you can sit on your laurels cruising atheist hate-sites till you drop dead from arthritis.

The choice is yours.

Pulling rabbits out a your arse can be painful....I would offer an ointment, but I've only got vitriol and dat shit stings.
I take it this is sage advice garnered by experience.
One more time fellas....

Da practical application of observation.

Ya, see my closed-minded enlightened chum, da observation is compared, via action, to the observed...creating the relationship we all luv and hold so dear.

Da interpretation is always a simplification a generalization of the phenomenon...but, me fears, it is not totally in error, because the senses have evolved, troo millions of years and their success proves their accuracy.

Dis from the one who inserts something he found in a book, and has no way of justifying?

Me chum, me lord, the validity of an opinion is determined by tis application or its comparison with a reality dat is indifferent to all interpretations of it.

The humour of your posts certainly doesn't require the pretense of a ghetto accent

Showa me, one of does beginnings and perfect beings or blame it all on the magical universe of beyondness, me lord.
Pull anoder one outa your arse, and shape it inta a brown anthropomorphise idol, and then worship it....
But not even it is your own creation, for such tings depend on far more clever minds than yours.

so follow the creativity of does you have placed all yur trust on, outa of fear and a sense of insecurity.

I also deny the existence of Big Foot....I will also call meself an ABig

Wuz dat a veiled threat, me chum?
Me 'arthritis' is doing well, has your mysteriously invisible, hypotetical god, cured yours?

I tend to ask for proof....and just like Big ol' Foot, your beginning and your end only exists in your brilliant mind's multifaceted complicity.

Den you ask for a what, when noting like dat is needed, me foggy flabbergaster.

I'm a simple drunkard, me chum...enjoying the warm glare from your shining 'truds' or 'turds'.
better you stick to your booze big guy
(I smell a sock)
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Your mind is faulty.

Perhaps, but then it would not be my fault, now would it?

According to the Bible, God Himself is deliberately deceiving me so I will believe a lie, to make absolutely sure I will burn in hell in unending torment for all of eternity. And it would not be possible for me to see it or do anything about it. Or in other words it would be impossible for me to resist His will in this.

"Insert Title of thread here"
Pretty much this entire thread are Absurd things Christian Say.
Hmmm, interesting fellow, by charming bed-wetter.
Was he one of the ones that shamed you or do you have a crush?

Is my "slandering" like this beginning you need to explain, me boy or is it another ways outs?
Christians are known for their ways out or uncomfortable corners, my chum, my man.

Point to one slander, and then we'll go on to the beginning you presume because you read it in a book.

Shadows is what you deal in, and dat is what you see, everywheres.

Even yur mates are laughin' at ya, me boy.
But dey know you better than I, doppelganger fetish-hound.

I am just pointing out that the speed that you settled into a chummy relationship of ad hom with myself tends to indicate you have experience beyond 14 or so posts here. Your exuberant wordiness and anal and genital fixation leads me to think you are satyr (who periodically comes back from the dead in a different sock ... and is probably due for another appearance now).
