Absurd things Christians say...

Why should RIP be such a subject of wit, albeit unfounded. Rest in Peace is a statement not a religious one either. I believe that there is something after death, but nothing at all to do with religious fervour or misconception. It simply 'is'. Its also a note of respect.

Regarding the late Carl Sagan. Can I recommend that you read Cosmos by him, a remarkable book and weeekly tv documentary that goes an hell of a long to way explain how the universe came about and how science has put the bible in the bin, where it belongs.

Here we go again, I thought we were past this reprinting of statements in the bible to 'explain' something. I was wrong.
Regarding the late Carl Sagan. Can I recommend that you read Cosmos by him,

of course i have read it years ago.

a remarkable book and weeekly tv documentary that goes an hell of a long to way explain how the universe came about and how science has put bthe bible in the bin, where it belongs.

that is a separate issue but it does not seem likely.
"I believe that there is something after death, but nothing at all to do with religious fervour or misconception. It simply 'is'."

You do realize that an Atheist believing in something unprovable as existing is generally anathema, right? Only theists are supposed to believe in such ridiculous things as the supernatural and such.

I guess you are a curiosity then? Sort of like a two-headed dog or something... Don't tell Q.

"I believe that there is something after death, but nothing at all to do with religious fervour or misconception. It simply 'is'."

You do realize that an Atheist believing in something unprovable as existing is generally anathema, right? Only theists are supposed to believe in such ridiculous things as the supernatural and such.

I guess you are a curiosity then? Sort of like a two-headed dog or something... Don't tell Q.


Not true. Atheists just do not believe in God. They can believe in whatever other unprovable somethings all they want and still be atheists.
ok, Red Devil.

does this sound right:

4.5 billion B.C.
Planet Earth formed.

3 billion B.C.
First signs of primeval life (bacteria and blue-green algae) appear in oceans.
600 million B.C.
Why should RIP be such a subject of wit, albeit unfounded. Rest in Peace is a statement not a religious one either. I believe that there is something after death, but nothing at all to do with religious fervour or misconception. It simply 'is'. Its also a note of respect.

Regarding the late Carl Sagan. Can I recommend that you read Cosmos by him, a remarkable book and weeekly tv documentary that goes an hell of a long to way explain how the universe came about and how science has put the bible in the bin, where it belongs.

Here we go again, I thought we were past this reprinting of statements in the bible to 'explain' something. I was wrong.
What type of 'something after death' do you speak?
The Law came AFTER the knowledge of good and evil was taken by humanity. taken against the expressed warning of God.

actually god told adam and eve 'do not eat from this tree' which is the equivelant of obey gods law since it was the only law..

What is "IOW" ?

me too also wanna know
IOW = In Other Words.
I doubt it was used to mean Isle of Wight in this case. :D
Psychotic episode
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
How do you reconcile divinity (ie being free from material contamination) coexisting with free will (ie the propensity to make mistakes) in a population that is subordinate to the forces of the universe (ie cannot occupy the position of the summum bonum)?

I was merely pointing out that it is totally unreasonable for God to publish laws for perpetual lawbreakers. I don't care how much free will they supposedly have. What it comes down to is that since everyone is predisposed for sinning then actual rule making is absurd.
given that laws operate even in jails (I guess its due to jails reconciling a standard of citizenry co-existing with the propensity to make mistakes in a population that is subordinate to the community it appears in), I don't see your point..
If I was in a religion that believed such a thing as God 's laws then I would be forced to question their validity, just like I am now. God is supposed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer and He should be able to realize the unworthiness of such laws for inherently lawless people, so there's no reason for Him to legislate or enact anything.
You find the notion of a universe that delivers punitive measures on a completely unsuspecting audience more palatable? How would you feel if a traffic cop pulled you over and gave you a $300 fine for no reason you could hope to ascertain?

actually what you are proposing is a perfect recipe for social madness
Which means that any law God has been given credit for cannot have been originated from Him, ergo mankind has written in these parts. Sorry to break it to you this way.
needless to say, the universe doesn't have a requirement to tally with the opinions of those who don't have scope to occupy the position of the summum bonum .......
Funny how the pride in you must build up a false image of me in an attempt to justify your hate.


The Law came AFTER the knowledge of good and evil was taken by humanity. taken against the expressed warning of God.

Obeying God is not a law? I'm fine with that. No matter how you slice it, God told us to obey him before G&E became known to us. Why then be warning those with no knowledge of G&E?

If we are not lawfully bound to obey God then we did not break any laws. Anything God puts out there that demands obedience is not a sin because no laws are broken. What exactly then is the original sin? If it isn't disobeying than what is it? Knowing you've committed evil? How is that possible post facto?

I'm supposed to know this but can you take each one of the 10 commandments and tell us why God considers them evil? For example: why is killing another human being considered evil? It sounds cut and dried but why is it evil? I have some idea why I wouldn't want to do it but why does God consider it evil? Is all killing evil? Is there good killing? good stealing? good coveting? good false god worshiping? etc. Because God said so is not the answer, so please tell us why.

God did not create us as sinners, because sin only came with the knowledge of Good and Evil.

That is original sin, isn't it? The gaining of knowledge is the one thing that really pissed God off. If God only created non sinners then we have never sinned, it is as simple as that. Non Sinners do not sin, period. Non sinners created by God cannot sin. Only if He created sinners can sin be applied to us.

In the literal sense, non sinners don't sin, non swimmers don't swim, non smokers don't smoke. Did God instill within us the power to change how He made us and why would He do this? If He did then He had to have created sinners.
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Why should RIP be such a subject of wit, albeit unfounded. Rest in Peace is a statement not a religious one either. I believe that there is something after death, but nothing at all to do with religious fervour or misconception. It simply 'is'. Its also a note of respect.

So your not a true athiest. You believe in existance past death.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So your not a true athiest. You believe in existance past death.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But he is still going to hell right ?

I mean he doesn't believe in the same god as you and therefore it's a false belief according to you.

So what god or afterlife is he believing in ?
he still created us with the ability to choose..

he asks us to obey him instead of forcing us to..

which is better..train you kid to 'do as your told' or teach him/her to 'think for themselves'...to train them as 'do as your told' would not equipt them to handle situation that they were not trained to do..

some parents will warn their kids that they will be hurt if they continue a particular action, then let the kid make the choice as to whether to continue that action or not.

it means more to god that we obey out of choice rather than to be programed to 'do as you told'...
he asks us to obey him instead of forcing us to..

Where did you read that? It is quite common to see the Bible shaped in such a way as to wriggle out of a tight situation. I don't remember God asking A&E if they would obey. Just think if He did, that would mean any answer is sufficient....yes or no. Can't be faulted.

It's no different than saying we are all born sinners (as Adstar has stated) and then turning around and saying God only created non sinners(as Adstar has stated). How many times have we seen Christians interpret their Bible to suit their cause? It's countless times.
Where did you read that? It is quite common to see the Bible shaped in such a way as to wriggle out of a tight situation. I don't remember God asking A&E if they would obey. Just think if He did, that would mean any answer is sufficient....yes or no. Can't be faulted.

It's no different than saying we are all born sinners (as Adstar has stated) and then turning around and saying God only created non sinners(as Adstar has stated). How many times have we seen Christians interpret their Bible to suit their cause? It's countless times.

that would require some serious bible study to be able to see where i see that..
and i really dont wanna get into a Quote war..

IF ... there were to be say 100 ppl all over the world in complete isolation from each other and the world..tasked to write the answer to the question "who is God'.. if 90 percent of those ppl came out of exile with the same answer would you believe?..(this is in response to christians interpret)
IF ... there were to be say 100 ppl all over the world in complete isolation from each other and the world..tasked to write the answer to the question "who is God'.. if 90 percent of those ppl came out of exile with the same answer would you believe?..(this is in response to christians interpret)

Depends who they say God is.

NMS....before you start defending Christianity I think you should take a good look at what you're going to say before you say it. Then ask yourself why you are doing this. There are fringe Christians and those who are totally immersed. You are somewhere in the middle, still trying to make sense out of all of religion's nonsense. You can still get out but by trying to convince yourself that you're backing the right horse with each statement, you're moving nearer to (c)losing your mind.