Absurd things Christians say...

And I thought, where the f*ck was the lord while these kids were being molested ?

The worst part is that LG believes the molester is coming back. He could grow up in your neighborhood, be your kid`s or grandkid`s teacher, priest or scout leader. He could end up molesting kids until time immemorial, all the while God is waiting for him to rid himself of pathetic desires. Is this why a god would create? What a fucked up mess theism is.
The worst part is that LG believes the molester is coming back. He could grow up in your neighborhood, be your kid`s or grandkid`s teacher, priest or scout leader. He could end up molesting kids until time immemorial, all the while God is waiting for him to rid himself of pathetic desires. Is this why a god would create? What a fucked up mess theism is.
Issues of karma extend beyond the human form of life. While the laws of karma are certainly intricate and difficult to anticipate, there are numerous forms of life that award the opulence of incest, if that's what floats one's boat ....
Issues of karma extend beyond the human form of life. While the laws of karma are certainly intricate and difficult to anticipate, there are numerous forms of life that award the opulence of incest, if that's what floats one's boat ....

It would be more rewarding for a molester to come back as one of the young molested. Maybe that`s why God doesn`t give a shit about those kids, because He`s too busy punishing molesters by making them return as the molested. I repeat...what a fucked up mess theism is.
It would be more rewarding for a molester to come back as one of the young molested.

that's also an option


Maybe that`s why God doesn`t give a shit about those kids, because He`s too busy punishing molesters by making them return as the molested. I repeat...what a fucked up mess theism is.
Cheer up

pigs don't suffer from the same moral quandaries as humans (what to speak of snails)

Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
My idea to deprogram all theists was turned down. Should have won.

man proposes god disposes

A Clockwork Orange coercive persuasion style deprogramming should do the trick for you.:D
A Clockwork Orange coercive persuasion style deprogramming should do the trick for you.:D
Given the wager of eternity and the paltry offers of material existence, your metamorphosis into a fully fledged theist is already on the cards.

The only question is how long your recalcitrance can hold out.
Given the wager of eternity and the paltry offers of material existence, your metamorphosis into a fully fledged theist is already on the cards.

Not every one is a shiftless coward who fears a imaginary petty and vindictive god as you do.
Given the wager of eternity and the paltry offers of material existence, your metamorphosis into a fully fledged theist is already on the cards.

The only question is how long your recalcitrance can hold out.

Not the first thing you ever got wrong.

Recalcitrance is a good thing in religious parlance, Better than thinking you know a god you can only believe in. You couldn't resist its allure and look where it got you...the chance to hang around airport lobbies.
Not the first thing you ever got wrong.

Recalcitrance is a good thing in religious parlance, Better than thinking you know a god you can only believe in. You couldn't resist its allure and look where it got you...the chance to hang around airport lobbies.
indicating the perceived shallowness of others in no way rescues you from the issues that surround your own situation
(btw I live on a few hundred acres)