Absurd things Christians say...

"God bless you. . ."

When people sneeze, like it somehow effects the aftermath.


Well, you know that came from the period when the plague was rampant. The fist symptom, often times, was sneezing, so they began to start saying 'god bless you' in hopes that you wouldn't... well, die.

But yeah, utterly useless.
Depends who they say God is.

NMS....before you start defending Christianity I think you should take a good look at what you're going to say before you say it. Then ask yourself why you are doing this. There are fringe Christians and those who are totally immersed. You are somewhere in the middle, still trying to make sense out of all of religion's nonsense. You can still get out but by trying to convince yourself that you're backing the right horse with each statement, you're moving nearer to (c)losing your mind.

i dont believe cause christianity tells me to..
i search for a church to attend that most resembles what i think god has taught me..
my relationship with god is from questioning everything (test all things hold onto what is good)
God teaches me things and the bible usually backs up those lessons..
if it comes across as a particular religion its an accident..

i have been in catholic,baptist,pentacostal,a few non-denominational churches and a few others ive forgotten..i dont go with the label..i look at the ppl and see whether its a 'Do as your told' church(imho evil) or a 'think for yourself' church..
i dont believe in religion..but i do believe in hanging out with ppl that believe as i do,
i dont believe cause christianity tells me to..
i search for a church to attend that most resembles what i think god has taught me..
my relationship with god is from questioning everything (test all things hold onto what is good)
God teaches me things and the bible usually backs up those lessons..
if it comes across as a particular religion its an accident..

i have been in catholic,baptist,pentacostal,a few non-denominational churches and a few others ive forgotten..i dont go with the label..i look at the ppl and see whether its a 'Do as your told' church(imho evil) or a 'think for yourself' church..
i dont believe in religion..but i do believe in hanging out with ppl that believe as i do,

As an atheist, I think this is great.
i dont believe cause christianity tells me to..

That's what I meant by being somewhere in the middle.

i search for a church to attend that most resembles what i think god has taught me..

More of the same

my relationship with god is from questioning everything (test all things hold onto what is good)

If you are questioning everything then you must have questioned God? How did you test the answer you received?

God teaches me things and the bible usually backs up those lessons..

Anything in particular? Example maybe?

if it comes across as a particular religion its an accident..

Has it ever come across as a religion other than Christian? How does the answer in one bible come across as another's religion?

i have been in catholic,baptist,pentacostal,a few non-denominational churches and a few others ive forgotten..i dont go with the label..i look at the ppl and see whether its a 'Do as your told' church(imho evil) or a 'think for yourself' church..

I don't think the thread is asking for denominations, It's just focusing on Christianity which seems like your choice here. Out of curiosity which denomination is the think for yourself church?

i dont believe in religion..but i do believe in hanging out with ppl that believe as i do,

Who, people who don't believe in religion?:confused: I had no idea that churches are attended by those types. Or are you a non attender? Please set the record straight, do you or do you not hang out with people who go to church but don't believe in religion? I find this arrangement uniquely rare, or is that my prejudice showing...people actually attend church without believing in the religion of that church? If so then why do you go?
i dont believe cause christianity tells me to..
i search for a church to attend that most resembles what i think god has taught me..
my relationship with god is from questioning everything (test all things hold onto what is good)
God teaches me things and the bible usually backs up those lessons..
if it comes across as a particular religion its an accident..

i have been in catholic,baptist,pentacostal,a few non-denominational churches and a few others ive forgotten..i dont go with the label..i look at the ppl and see whether its a 'Do as your told' church(imho evil) or a 'think for yourself' church..
i dont believe in religion..but i do believe in hanging out with ppl that believe as i do,

I once went down that path, looking for the "right" church (denomination/organization) but having never found one that conformed to the Message of Jesus i came to realise that the true Church is a body of believers who are independent in thought from the doctrine enchained "churches" or this world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well, you know that came from the period when the plague was rampant. The fist symptom, often times, was sneezing, so they began to start saying 'god bless you' in hopes that you wouldn't... well, die.

But yeah, utterly useless.

It was believed that when you sneezed, your soul momentarily left your body. God bless you was said in order to ward of any lurking demons who might take advantage of that momentary absence and possess your body before your soul could re inhabit it. Superstitious nonsense, and why I say gesundheit (good health) instead. I would say nothing, and let the superstition die, but it's considered poor manners.
So, No, i am not stating that God is actively lying to you. How can one say that God has prevented them from the Way when they have already assessed the way and rejected it? What the scripture are saying is that once you reject God's way then He gives you over to delusion and satan will be able to use his great deception to snare you.

God does not Lie He only gives one to delusion when they have already reject His right hand of friendship. It is the anti-christ and his followers with the power of satan that will be lying to you.

God often cause confusion and panic and other things among the ranks of the enemies of His will. Read the bible again. God is who He is. And He is justified in doing What He wills to do. As He did with Pharaoh and others He will do again.

It seems like you are twisting the text to make it say what you want it to say. The Bible teaches in one place that God is not the author of confusion and in another, this text, that He is.

Silly question.

It was a legitimate question since he is reported to do things such as this in the Old Testament.

I have stated before to you time and time again. That the Laws God has given us are designed for mankind. He is God not a man therefore to assume that the Laws He gave us applies to Him is false. If you think they do then you are either raising yourself to God status or dragging God down to human status. You are not equal with God. But of course many people who reject God think they are.

Of course He is not a man and of course I am not Him, but is God moral? I thought that the Laws He gave us had basis in His character. Is God "Love"? Is God "Justice"? If so, then how can He actively prevent someone from being saved who could otherwise be saved? This is neither "Love" or "Justice" in my mind.
I don't think the thread is asking for denominations, It's just focusing on Christianity which seems like your choice here. Out of curiosity which denomination is the think for yourself church?

the 'think for yourself' churches are mixed in with all the other religions..gotta look for them..hard to find..

Who, people who don't believe in religion?:confused: I had no idea that churches are attended by those types. Or are you a non attender? Please set the record straight, do you or do you not hang out with people who go to church but don't believe in religion? I find this arrangement uniquely rare, or is that my prejudice showing...people actually attend church without believing in the religion of that church? If so then why do you go?

LOL..funny you say that...my pastor is often anti-religious he hates how religion has screwed up what god is supposed to be about...
i believe in god..not religion..
But God is religion if you seperate the two you dont have anythng but a gathering of people talking about a fictional charactor. The only way to remove God from religion would be to proclain ones self as God and then we have the problem of the cult folowing which inturn brings us back to religion. So you see God and religion are indeed one and the same now matter what your God is in any opart of the world.
But God is religion if you seperate the two you dont have anythng but a gathering of people talking about a fictional charactor. The only way to remove God from religion would be to proclain ones self as God and then we have the problem of the cult folowing which inturn brings us back to religion. So you see God and religion are indeed one and the same now matter what your God is in any opart of the world.

god is not religion. that's a ridiculous statement. god is also not fictional.
But God is religion if you seperate the two you dont have anythng but a gathering of people talking about a fictional charactor. The only way to remove God from religion would be to proclain ones self as God and then we have the problem of the cult folowing which inturn brings us back to religion. So you see God and religion are indeed one and the same now matter what your God is in any opart of the world.

This really doesn't make much sense. I mean... I understand what you're driving at, but it just doesn't mean much. What point, exactly, are you trying to make with this?
god is not religion. that's a ridiculous statement. god is also not fictional.
M*W: Unless you have solid proof that god exists, I'm afraid he/she/it remains a myth. What happens inside your head, stays inside your head.
M*W: Unless you have solid proof that god exists, I'm afraid he/she/it remains a myth. What happens inside your head, stays inside your head.

god proved it's existance to me, and it used a lot more than my head to do it.

you're thinking of las vegas.
Religion is man made, not god made..
proof is 'how many different types of religions are there?'

at least 12....
Religion is man made, not god made..
proof is 'how many different types of religions are there?'

at least 12....
there's also more than 12 different words for "water" on the planet too .... this doesn't establish the notion of "water" being man-made however ....
It proves that the general principles being applied to determine the argument (namely, that religion is man made) don't stand the rigors of being tested in different scenarios.

Applying principles of argument maybe but religion, no way. If the argument for religion being a human construct cannot be made then are you saying it supports the contention that religion is divinely sent?
Applying principles of argument maybe but religion, no way. If the argument for religion being a human construct cannot be made then are you saying it supports the contention that religion is divinely sent?

I am saying that a valid proof for religion being man-made hasn't been provided.

Testing the divinity of a theistic claim is something else entirely.