Absurd things Christians say...


in our own understanding of things..we assume that just because one person is right the other person is wrong..what about the possibility that they are both right?? for that matter how do we define what is right?? its all relative. the point isnt who is right who is wrong..its about sharing what you know to be true..the responsibility of how the other decides to use that info is theirs alone..we cant force a person to believe as we believe..we can only communicate why we believe...

When dealing with true unknowns like the idea of god, sure.

But when dealing with information that is contradicted by what we do know to be reality, then we can not just wave our hands and pretend that the opposing argument is correct as well.

So I would draw the line on information that is presented as fact that is contradicted by reality and mere interpretations of a story message, which of course is limited to being deemed as non-factual.
But you've figured out enough to positively know God. You must be brilliant, especially when God is more than we, as in not you but us, could ever comprehend. Congrats on another absurd saying.(you're not the 1st by the way)

i have figured out enough to positively know that God is not a bad thing,its man that makes it into a bad thing..

When dealing with true unknowns like the idea of god, sure.

But when dealing with information that is contradicted by what we do know to be reality, then we can not just wave our hands and pretend that the opposing argument is correct as well.

test all things...hold onto what is good..

have you ever had an argument with someone only to discover later you were both arguing about the same thing?..

how many different theories are out there concerning the age of the earth?
just cause one theory is the opposite of the other does not make the other wrong..

So I would draw the line on information that is presented as fact that is contradicted by reality and mere interpretations of a story message, which of course is limited to being deemed as non-factual.

the part about 'being deemed as non factual' is an interpretation,

when it comes to trying to measure god we cant even agree on which measuring stick to use....(which is kinda my point..we learn from the disscussion of why your measuring stick is different from mine)((lets not go there about whos is bigger!..lol))
how many different theories are out there concerning the age of the earth?
just cause one theory is the opposite of the other does not make the other wrong..
I'm sorry but if one says 6,000 years (with no evidence) and the other says 4.5 billion (with evidence) then one of them HAS to be wrong.

the part about 'being deemed as non factual' is an interpretation
If it's contradicted by evidence then its not an "interpretation" it's an error.
i have figured out enough to positively know that God is not a bad thing,its man that makes it into a bad thing..

You score marks for referring to God as a thing and it.

However, any thing or it that is beyond comprehension cannot be figured out. You contradict yourself. You cannot have positive knowledge about something you cannot comprehend. If you say God is incomprehensible then you are claiming positive knowledge, a direct contradiction. Thus anything you say about God is meaningless.
statements not designed to elicit understanding but more to elicit an emotional response to which i am arguing against..in order to understand a thing we have to take our emotional state of being out of the arguement..

Ahhh But the emotional state of hatred for the word of God is what must be revealed to someone before they can have a chance to step back and take a good hard look at themselves.

Emotion must be acknowledged and noted and should not be ignored or denied because emotion does effect judgement to an incredible extent.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
This thread is a response to my amusement at the things that some people say in regards to their feeble, must-have faiths, particularly of the Christian type [and in the 'Someone who knows God' thread].

I've heard alot of absolutely bizzare things come out of Christian's mouths in my lifetime, but even moreso lately. And I'm sure many of you have as well.
By all means, share them!

[I'm not sure if I should have put this in Free Thoughts, but I'm sure someone will move it for me if need be].

And all of you that think I am being unjust, I'll start a thread about the rediculous things atheists say [I am an atheist]. So don't get you're feelings hurt.

Absolutely brilliant thread!

And you and you alone know the truth, how vain.

See here you impute a lie upon me. Quote where i said that i alone am the only one who knows the truth.

If you cannot do that then you are a liar.

Scripture from a book filled with errors is your justification. Brilliant.

It is an absolutely brilliant book with an astounding message. :D

If you want to preach, then get yourself a stage, start a church, I am asking you to provide your justification. You apparently haven't considered it, just accepting the scripture as truth. That is faith and that is all it is.

You have already rejected the Message of God therefore you dismiss it as justification. Sorry mate no about of repetition of asking the same question makes the Word of God any less of a justification then it is. Reject my justification if you like as you have rejected the Word Of God but don't expect me to bow to your belief that it is not justification.

No they are not lies. They are justification form my position. That if there is a god, it is not the god you think it is. And since there is no evidence of god, the best answer is there is none.

I don't believe because there is no evidence.

No. There is evidence. You just hate it. Therefore you reject it as evidence. And that is what i expect. Because those who reject the Love of the truth are given over to deception.

You believe in spite of the lack of evidence, you have faith and that is all.

No. :D

Do you believe in dinosaurs ? Do you believe the earth revolves around the sun ?

Sure. I believe there is a Dino described in the Bible. Yeah and we orbit the sun. No worries.

Look at the body of all my posts on this forum. I will admit I have been short a few times, but I do my best to offer the same level of respect I am offered.

If you’re short then you don't respect. If you respected then you would have no need to Do Your Best to be respectful, It would come naturally. When someone admires the other and thinks whatever they say is right then they respect the other without effort.

And in many instances if I feel I wasn't respectful, I have apologized. Have you ever done so here.

I say again i am not here to respect men. Truth is that i have a different definition of the word.

But even if i am "short" or if i act in a way that is not the way Jesus wants me to act that does not make one iota of difference to the truth of God. I am a mere man with all the limitations that implies. I thank God through the Messiah Jesus that i am forgiven my faults.

At lest i don't go around lying claiming i respect the other point of view when i don't.

Yeah, like parents of kids I have coached and spent hundreds and hundreds of hours donating my time free of charge to help.

Yes them.

Neighbours who I have donated my time to help build decks and patios etc etc all free of charge.

Yes them.

Well blow a trumpet and Glory Glory Glory to you. Oh what a incredible goody goody you are. Praise be to you boastful one.

You are assuming that I don't leave open the possibility of god. I do.

No you don't, you have considered His message and decided that God does not exist. Because there is only one God and that is the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible.

First of all, I never said she was a liar, crazy or delusional. But some here have. I have merely questioned whether what she experienced could be something else that has more earthly explanations.

Oh come on man. You have joined in the feeding frenzy just like the rest.

I don't see the belief in god as foolishness, you aren't not listening to my posts, just listening to respond. I am questioning the justification that people have for the belief.

It seems that when asked they don't really know, and when they do try to answer, they start reciting scripture.

Ha Ha Ha You mean they don't give you an answer YOU want.

Right, so we are back to you believe in god because the bible says so. Why don't you ask Lori about that and see what she says.

If Lori says that the Message of God is not given through the bible then she would be wrong. I don't think she has stated that. what i have seen her write is that the Holy Spirit is needed for one to gain understanding of the Bible.

I don't believe the bible is filled with the words of god. I have very good reasons and justification to believe that is the case.

Telling me it's in the bible is not good enough.

Yeah that’s right. You have already made up your mind on the issue.

So to be clear, your saying that only your way is right and all other believers including those of god are wrong because they don't believe in your path. Correct. And you have the nerve to call me arrogant and vain.

Once again. Others believe as i do. Therefore i am not the only one. Therefore your putting words into my mouth when you claim that i said i was the only one who knew what way was right.

Also if i am lead by the Holy Spirit into understanding and everyone else in this world rejected the truth then i would be the only one but it would not be arrogant for me to claim it. Because it would be the doing of the Holy Spirit that would cause me to know. Not my own ability to know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

“ Originally Posted by jpappl

And you and you alone know the truth, how vain. ”

See here you impute a lie upon me. Quote where i said that i alone am the only one who knows the truth.

If you cannot do that then you are a liar.

Ok, here

Because there is only one God and that is the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible.

Good enough.

“ Scripture from a book filled with errors is your justification. Brilliant. ”

It is an absolutely brilliant book with an astounding message.

and not evidence of a god at all

“ If you want to preach, then get yourself a stage, start a church, I am asking you to provide your justification. You apparently haven't considered it, just accepting the scripture as truth. That is faith and that is all it is. ”

You have already rejected the Message of God therefore you dismiss it as justification. Sorry mate no about of repetition of asking the same question makes the Word of God any less of a justification then it is. Reject my justification if you like as you have rejected the Word Of God but don't expect me to bow to your belief that it is not justification.

Your response had nothing to do with my statement. You responded by saying I am rejecting god, still haven't given me one shred of evidence to provide justification for god. Just that you believe just because it's in the bible.

No. There is evidence. You just hate it. Therefore you reject it as evidence. And that is what i expect. Because those who reject the Love of the truth are given over to deception.

I don't hate it. I just disagree that it proves there is a god. Why do you keep saying "those who reject the love of truth" this sounds like you know the only truth the only way, ironic since you have no evidence to back your way.

Do you believe in dinosaurs ? Do you believe the earth revolves around the sun ? ”

Sure. I believe there is a Dino described in the Bible. Yeah and we orbit the sun. No worries.

Show me where the bible talked about dinosaurs exsiting hundreds of millions of years before us. Well if you believe the earth revolves around the sun then you are contradiciting your bible. How do you reconcile the two ?

Is that an error Adstar or do you want to retract your claim there are no errors in the bible. If there are errors, how can it be the word of god and the only way ?

When someone admires the other and thinks whatever they say is right then they respect the other without effort.

Why would I ever think whatever they say is right. I question things and if I am not sure I would do some research. I learn to trust those that earn my trust. I respect people who treat me as they would want to be treated.

“ And in many instances if I feel I wasn't respectful, I have apologized. Have you ever done so here. ”

I say again i am not here to respect men. Truth is that i have a different definition of the word.

But even if i am "short" or if i act in a way that is not the way Jesus wants me to act that does not make one iota of difference to the truth of God. I am a mere man with all the limitations that implies. I thank God through the Messiah Jesus that i am forgiven my faults.

At lest i don't go around lying claiming i respect the other point of view when i don't.

So instead of you being a man and saying your sorry, you just have Jesus forgive everyone for you.

I do respect them, but since I am not religious, I don't go along with their thinking about god. I don't lie to them, if they ask me about my opinion, they will get my answer, like it or not.

But they are not so vain to think that I am bad person because I don't agree with them.

Well blow a trumpet and Glory Glory Glory to you. Oh what a incredible goody goody you are. Praise be to you boastful one.

Adstar, you accused me of only doing things for my personal gain. I gave you examples to realize you shouldn't judge me, which is all you seem to be able to do. Attack me because you have no good answers to my questions.

“ You are assuming that I don't leave open the possibility of god. I do. ”

No you don't, you have considered His message and decided that God does not exist. Because there is only one God and that is the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible.

I don't leave open the possibility for your god because it is derived from the bible which is full of errors. That doesn't mean there isn't a god, but again there is no evidence for one yet.

I don't see the belief in god as foolishness, you aren't not listening to my posts, just listening to respond. I am questioning the justification that people have for the belief.

It seems that when asked they don't really know, and when they do try to answer, they start reciting scripture. ”

Ha Ha Ha You mean they don't give you an answer YOU want.

That's the difference between you and me. You are looking for an answer to line up with your belief and so will always find it.

I am looking for the correct answer, which is what we do not know and may never know. Until we do, I am not going to act like I have the answer. Just keep asking questions and try to find the best questions to ask.

Right, so we are back to you believe in god because the bible says so. Why don't you ask Lori about that and see what she says. ”

If Lori says that the Message of God is not given through the bible then she would be wrong. I don't think she has stated that. what i have seen her write is that the Holy Spirit is needed for one to gain understanding of the Bible.

You will have to take that up with her.

“ I don't believe the bible is filled with the words of god. I have very good reasons and justification to believe that is the case.

Telling me it's in the bible is not good enough. ”

Yeah that’s right. You have already made up your mind on the issue.

That the bible is not filled with the word of god yes.

“ So to be clear, your saying that only your way is right and all other believers including those of god are wrong because they don't believe in your path. Correct. And you have the nerve to call me arrogant and vain. ”

Once again. Others believe as i do. Therefore i am not the only one. Therefore your putting words into my mouth when you claim that i said i was the only one who knew what way was right.

Also if i am lead by the Holy Spirit into understanding and everyone else in this world rejected the truth then i would be the only one but it would not be arrogant for me to claim it. Because it would be the doing of the Holy Spirit that would cause me to know. Not my own ability to know.

You have clearly stated that your path is the correct and only one. Yes, a billion people agree with you, but your claim of being with numbers doesn't provide any validity to it. Otherwise, if you want to use that as a yardstick, then the Quran is the true way and we should all be muslims.

So once again, without any evidence to justify your belief, you tell me that you know the way and that we should all just accept it as fact. Don't question, don't think, just believe.

Can't do that, sorry.

They, The ones given over to the satanic deception have already by their own will rejected the love of the truth plus they have pleasure in unrighteousness and that includes false religion masquerading as being from the God of Abraham.

People can reject the Christian faith at one point of time in life, sometimes when they are young, and accept it later in life.

I am still missing why God has to ever prevent someone who has supposedly already permanently made this decision for all time, from doing something which is supposedly impossible for him to do. Why does He have to personally send a deception to stop them from changing their mind, if their mind cannot be changed. Is it not because their mind could actually change and He wants to prevent them from being saved? What other reason is there especially when that is the very reason that is given in the text?

You have never explained this in a way that makes any real sense to me.

People can reject the Christian faith at one point of time in life, sometimes when they are young, and accept it later in life.

I am still missing why God has to ever prevent someone who has supposedly already permanently made this decision for all time, from doing something which is supposedly impossible for him to do. Why does He have to personally send a deception to stop them from changing their mind, if their mind cannot be changed. Is it not because their mind could actually change and He wants to prevent them from being saved? What other reason is there especially when that is the very reason that is given in the text?

You have never explained this in a way that makes any real sense to me.


It's never been explained in a way that makes any real sense because it doesn't make sense.
ok..as far as the bible being factual..there are lots of facts in the bible..lots of characters that history has proven existed..lots of places that existed/exist

you cant say just cause one thing in the bible hasnt been proven,that all the bible is just a bunch of lies..(notice we have been pretty good about not getting into specifics about which part is true and which parts are not..)

that would be the same as saying 'i found an error in the book of laws that govern our country so that must mean all the laws are bogus..'
(did you know there is no law that says we have to pay taxes? if you say there is then PROVE it)

and lack of evidence is not proof of nonexistance. evidence keeps coming up but ppl ignore it or argue against it..because....(see my next post)

as far as the bible PROVING there is a god..i say NO..the bible is there as a tool to help you find god for yourself..if you argue strongly against the bible then you had better study it (includes history of it)
isnt that what scientists are supposed to do? study ALL aspects of a thing before drawing any conclusions....
Oh, really?

How is it that people are always using that ignorant excuse?
Fuck that. Does that excuse make it easier for you?
Science is possible due to what, takethewarhome?

It's just there, isn't it? For no reason? Huh?

There's a beginning and an end to everything. Always a creator.

WOoohhhhh...I thought you were a Christian? Where is your respect? Your moral value? Cursing someone out who is an atheist and "does not have any standard for moral value"? Hypocrite.

i copy'd and pasted this from another message board..

let me just throw this out there...

It is my belief that the struggle of our existance (nowadays anyway)is our own personal struggle with our sense of worthyness..or more to the point a struggle against our feelings of worthlessness,

some turn to science to get a sense of A always equals B, to discover a definitive solution that applies to everything and everybody,to conform to that standard to be able to say 'I am not worthless cause A=B=Me'

some turn to religion (understand i believe in GOD, not religion)
for the same reasons,'I am not worthless cause i am doing good things for my God'.. they look to the pastor for the definitions of what worthyness is, they attemp to conform to the pastors ideals of how they should feel worthy..

others turn to drugs,alchohol,gambling,porn or anything that distracts them from their own feelings of worthlessness,

there is also the Authority seekers looking to be in a position of power to dictate their own beliefs on other ppl hoping to see their beliefs reflected in the other persons life only to validate their own beliefs..(if only everyone believed what i believe,the world would be a better place)

And the Slammers..those ppl who insult and slam other ppl to try and scare them or bully them into believing like they do to validate their own opinions (maybe if they are scared of me they wont tell me i am wrong)

there are many other examples,way to many to get into here..ive only covered a few,

As i said earlier i do believe in GOD,
I believe GOD has been with me my whole life (through other ppl) i did not read the bible at all till i was about 30 took the next 10 years to read all the way through it..(WOW..most things that god has been teaching me my whole life is in the bible!)

one more point to mention..(have yet to find it in the bible but sure it is there somewhere)

I am not who you think I am..
I am not who I think I am..
the only one that knows who I am is GOD..

this applies to our own sense of worthlessness..

I am not as worthless as I think I am..
I am not as worthless as you say I am..

Only GOD knows our Value and he aint telling...

yes i wrote it

ok..as far as the bible being factual..there are lots of facts in the bible..lots of characters that history has proven existed..lots of places that existed/exist

you cant say just cause one thing in the bible hasnt been proven,that all the bible is just a bunch of lies..(notice we have been pretty good about not getting into specifics about which part is true and which parts are not..)

That's the problem, the specifics are at odds with what we have learned is reality.

that would be the same as saying 'i found an error in the book of laws that govern our country so that must mean all the laws are bogus..'
(did you know there is no law that says we have to pay taxes? if you say there is then PROVE it)

No, one is the words of man, the other is supposed to be the word of god. No, your right.

and lack of evidence is not proof of nonexistance. evidence keeps coming up but ppl ignore it or argue against it..because....(see my next post)

But you can't prove something doesn't exist. So I could just as easily say, there is an elephant that flys I saw him.

What evidence keeps coming up that advances the creation story as valid ?

as far as the bible PROVING there is a god..i say NO..the bible is there as a tool to help you find god for yourself..if you argue strongly against the bible then you had better study it (includes history of it)
isnt that what scientists are supposed to do? study ALL aspects of a thing before drawing any conclusions....

More reasonable because your not advocating the bible as proof of god and again the stories of value or not are not claimed as evidence of god.

But the evidence in the bible which clearly spells out how we became and how things are is clearly false. Where does that leave someone who will also question the teachings and not just follow them ?
People can reject the Christian faith at one point of time in life, sometimes when they are young, and accept it later in life.

I don't believe they can. Having said that Yes a lot of people reject false twisted religion that they call christian. Hey i used to be a catholic altar boy and i used to pray to Mary at lest once a week sometimes twice. There are a lot of supposedly "bible based Christian denominations" who give a false view also. I guess i was blessed in being born into a false Christian religion that was so far from the truth that it was easy for me to see it after read the Word.

So if someone, when they are young had a clear understanding of the Love of the Truth and then they came to reject it. I do not believe they would ever return to accepting it again. Scripture also says this.

But if someone when they are young came to reject what they where falsely lead to believe was Christianity but in fact was false. Then yeah they can indeed come to the love of the Truth and accept it. Because they never truly rejected it in the first place.

I am still missing why God has to ever prevent someone who has supposedly already permanently made this decision for all time, from doing something which is supposedly impossible for him to do. Why does He have to personally send a deception to stop them from changing their mind, if their mind cannot be changed.

I guess it is part of the judgement He brings against them for Rejecting the Love of the Truth. It must be considered by him to be an incredible act of evil to reject the Love of the Truth.

Is it not because their mind could actually change and He wants to prevent them from being saved? What other reason is there especially when that is the very reason that is given in the text?

You have never explained this in a way that makes any real sense to me.


I guess He does not want them to be saved, AFTER they have been given the knowledge of the Love of The Truth and they have rejected it. It must be the greatest insult to God one could commit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i copy'd and pasted this from another message board..

let me just throw this out there...

It is my belief that the struggle of our existance (nowadays anyway)is our own personal struggle with our sense of worthyness..or more to the point a struggle against our feelings of worthlessness,

some turn to science to get a sense of A always equals B, to discover a definitive solution that applies to everything and everybody,to conform to that standard to be able to say 'I am not worthless cause A=B=Me'

some turn to religion (understand i believe in GOD, not religion)
for the same reasons,'I am not worthless cause i am doing good things for my God'.. they look to the pastor for the definitions of what worthyness is, they attemp to conform to the pastors ideals of how they should feel worthy..

others turn to drugs,alchohol,gambling,porn or anything that distracts them from their own feelings of worthlessness,

there is also the Authority seekers looking to be in a position of power to dictate their own beliefs on other ppl hoping to see their beliefs reflected in the other persons life only to validate their own beliefs..(if only everyone believed what i believe,the world would be a better place)

And the Slammers..those ppl who insult and slam other ppl to try and scare them or bully them into believing like they do to validate their own opinions (maybe if they are scared of me they wont tell me i am wrong)

there are many other examples,way to many to get into here..ive only covered a few,

As i said earlier i do believe in GOD,
I believe GOD has been with me my whole life (through other ppl) i did not read the bible at all till i was about 30 took the next 10 years to read all the way through it..(WOW..most things that god has been teaching me my whole life is in the bible!)

one more point to mention..(have yet to find it in the bible but sure it is there somewhere)

I am not who you think I am..
I am not who I think I am..
the only one that knows who I am is GOD..

this applies to our own sense of worthlessness..

I am not as worthless as I think I am..
I am not as worthless as you say I am..

Only GOD knows our Value and he aint telling...

yes i wrote it

The yearning to be worthy is linked to ones pride.

People go to incredible lengths to try to pacify their pride to be in a state where they think they are worthy.

Often people are able to convince themselves that they are worthy. But it is never a state of self deception that can be maintained indefinitely. That’s why people fall into depressions of different kinds, that’s why they seek refuge in drugs and such, trying their best to divert their think away from contemplating their own state of being.

The best way to deal with the unworthiness issue is simply to accept that one is unworthy and know that it is a normal state of affairs. Acceptance of ones own unworthiness leads to one forgiving themselves for being less that worthy. A person who has accepted their own unworthiness can relax, they can be at peace. Once pride is removed the burden of striving and the hurt of failing can dissipate.

I am not as worthless as I think I am..
I am not as worthless as you say I am..

Only GOD knows our Value and he aint telling...

:) i am of great worth to God, The bible tells me so. He suffered death to Redeem me. I am unworthy and of Great worth at the same time. Cool hey.

All Praise The Ancient of Days