Absurd things Christians say...

Because for most people, God doesn't talk back.

i think it's the other way around spider. most people would rather read books and debate about god than experience god, and most people would rather be a member of an institution and attend a service on sunday, follow some rules, or keep up appearances, than to actually humble themselves enough to have an ongoing relationship with god.
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Yes. But that ship has sailed for any religions notion of god. ”

i reiterate...god is not religious.

So says you and if there was a god I am sure it would not be.

But that isn't what the religious believe.

AND, that's not true. for example, where in the bible does it describe someone interacting with, learning from, or experiencing god from reading a book?

It's the other way around. The texts are supposed to be filled with the words of god. This is where the understanding comes in. The interactions in the book are with god itself but the stories are passed on and believed and accepted by the faithful via the book

Thus, the book is the justification for the belief for billions. They aren't claiming a direct interaction with god. They are accepting these other peoples words only.

My issue is the book, which is supposed to be the words of god has a dilemma, because it has been proven to be full of errors.

So where does that leave the faithful.

Most reasonable people, understanding this paradox either choose not to believe or believe the books are not the words of god.

Which is why I started an op a while back asking people this. Many danced around the first question. Is their religious text the word of god ? but couldn't help but come back and start quoting from it.

Which is meaninless to me as evidence of god.

Like you said, god isn't or shouldn't be religious.
i think it's the other way around spider. most people would rather read books and debate about god than experience god, and most people would rather be a member of an institution and attend a service on sunday, follow some rules, or keep up appearances, than to actually humble themselves enough to have an ongoing relationship with god.

I don't disagree with this, but that doesn't mean that people are speaking and interacting with god at all. No matter how hard they try.

The historical facts don't prove their is a god and really have nothing to do with the notion.

Where or when has science proved the religious text prove there is a god ?

That would be news to me. I am assuming you are talking about historical reference which has nothing to do with evidence for God.

several times you have changed the question to mean 'proof of god'
see below...

Proving god's existence would be the greatest discovery ever. It wouldn't change what we have done and it wouldn't change what we have learned through science, but of course it would have a massive impact on us as a species.

really? how would it impact us?? jesus did exist and what he fought against still exists today..ppl tend to do what they want and justify after the fact..the only thing i can think of it affecting us is there would be a sharp increase in the amount of suicides...

If it's the bible or the quran or any other religious texts, what is the certainty that I have that the information in the text is the word of god ?

If it's not, what am I believing in and why ?

It I believe it is, what justification do I have to accept this considering the contradictions with reality ?

If I am not using a religious text for my faith, what kind of god is it ? Does it really have any say in any individuals life ?

etc etc.

see below

The message is one thing. The actual claims which the message is built around are bogus. So the message can be of great value to humanity, but the claims do nothing to prove their is a god and not only don't offer a justification for the belief, they offer evidence against the belief.

see below

It's not worth it. None of us have the truth market cornered.

ah..there is the point..
see below

I don't claim to reject messages from religious texts, there is of course value in them, I reject the notion they prove god and that they are filled with the words of god.

Which one is right and why would god allow so many to be proposed ?

again..see below

well there you go. and now for some reason that religion has become a substitute for the interaction itself. why is

its easier to do as your told than to think for yourself...

how i came to believe in God..

My mom took me to sunday school once in awhile(she needed a babysitter) didnt get much out of it(learned some stories)..learned how many ppl are hipocrites..(do as your told,not as i do).. avoided church for a long time

always felt god was there with me, but i tended to be rebelious against him..he slowly but surely put things and ppl in my life to teach me certain lessons..(i tended to collect wise sayings..IE its not the use, its the abuse)

when i was 30+ i had a neighbor that finally got me to goto church..it wasnt what i thought it was..the pastor wore shorts and t-shirt when he did his messages..i though that was cool..the ppl actually didnt make me feel worthless

i didnt actaully read the bible till i was bout 35..(there is ALOT of stuff in there that i already knew through my own experiances....)

like spider said
If there is a God, and you talk to him, it is not unreasonable to assume other people have talked to him and wrote down their thoughts in the texts that created Religion.

it is not the bible alone that confirms or denies the existance of god,the bible is stories to pass on to consider and reflect when the situations in your life parallel with it.

MAN has tried to make it something more than it is, to justify their own worthyness

god has given each of us a piece of the puzzle (what its all about)
it doesnt do any good to argue 'my piece doesnt look like your piece so that means my piece is wrong..' we must discuss the differances without bringing in our own feelings of worthyness..
the bible helps with trying to figure out where our piece goes..

so again..its not one is more right than the other..its about discovering what it is that god really wants from us..not what man wants from us..

and i believe if we were to study the koran and other religious texts as much as the bible has been studied we will find some pieces to the puzzle in them also..

anyway im rambling..
several times you have changed the question to mean 'proof of god'
see below...

Your question was what impact would their be if gods existence was proven was it not ?

really? how would it impact us?? jesus did exist and what he fought against still exists today..ppl tend to do what they want and justify after the fact..the only thing i can think of it affecting us is there would be a sharp increase in the amount of suicides...

As I said it wouldn't change what we have done with or without god. Jesus may have and probably did exist as a person but that doesn't mean he is the son of god anymore than David Koresh is.

It would have a huge impact on our understanding of our universe and how we theorize it's existence and processes.

The problem is yet to be dealt with because there is no evidence of god. So how would a god, knowing what we know fit into this equation. Knowing how much suffering humans have put each other through and how much we have suffered from disasters. What kind of god would it be ?

it is not the bible alone that confirms or denies the existance of god,the bible is stories to pass on to consider and reflect when the situations in your life parallel with it.

MAN has tried to make it something more than it is, to justify their own worthyness

god has given each of us a piece of the puzzle (what its all about)
it doesnt do any good to argue 'my piece doesnt look like your piece so that means my piece is wrong..' we must discuss the differances without bringing in our own feelings of worthyness..
the bible helps with trying to figure out where our piece goes..

so again..its not one is more right than the other..its about discovering what it is that god really wants from us..not what man wants from us..

and i believe if we were to study the koran and other religious texts as much as the bible has been studied we will find some pieces to the puzzle in them also..

anyway im rambling..

Ok, well I respect your life experiences which have led you to believe this is of value to you.

And I can also accept the value in some of the lessons and messages found in all religious texts.

I don't view people who have come into my life as placed their by god for me becuase then it places more value on my life than theirs.

Like they are their to serve my needs. To me, it really has more to do with us humans interacting. There are 7+ billion of us now.

But I can respect your position.
First of all thanks for not quoting scripture.

Here is a statement of a person with a hatred for the love of the truth.

That is correct. It is both of our choices. But in being happy to give me the opportunity, it boils down to preaching the gospel and not offering me justification for your own belief, why you believe short of the scripture.

Scripture can be a justification within itself. Just because you hate the message does not disqualify it as resion enough.

Step back away from that


and tell me what your justification is because the bible can not be the word of god unless you accept that everything we have learned from our scientific discoveries are lies.

Nope. But the conclusions you are drawing for the discoveries of science that there is not God are indeed lies.

The message is one thing. The actual claims which the message is built around are bogus. So the message can be of great value to humanity, but the claims do nothing to prove their is a god and not only don't offer a justification for the belief, they offer evidence against the belief.

Once again the Message can in itself justify belief in God. And they do not offer evidence against God.

The message has the power to change attitudes so does any self help book or any other inspirational book.

How is it the word of god if it's rife with errors. Explain please.

I don't believe it is.

Well you don't know me and I have no reason to lie. I have friends that are christian and muslim, people who I respect and interact with all the time.

I still don't believe you. This forum allows a level of anonymity that allows people to truly express their real opinions. You can put up a fake show of respect in the "real world", but your real arrogant superior attitudes come out under the cover of the Internet.

I also don't like to discuss religion and politics with them too much, as that is not an area of common ground in which we interact.

You mean you do not have the courage too be an arrogant pig to their faces.

But we do discuss it, just not going to ruin our friendships over it.

Of course in the real world you need to use your social contacts to get ahead in the material world. Isn't that right. So you make "friends" of the people you have contempt for, for you own personal gain.

It's not worth it. None of us have the truth market cornered.

Oh but it is worth it in here RIGHT. Where your anonymous and your not dependant on the social network.

The question can be turned around, do you have respect for me as an atheist ?

Of course I have no respect for any human being, God is the only one worthy of respect. Because respect means bowing ones head to the other. There is no way that i am going to place disbelief as being equal to belief in God,

I tolerate men and hope for them.

I can't prove something does not exist correct.

The justification is not for me, it's for you, what justification do you have for the belief based on reason. There is none, only faith that there is a god.

I did say that i had received confirmations outside the Bible. So no it is not only the scriptures that my belief is based on. Oh and i have seen the way Lori_7 has been mocked and denigrated when she revealed her Non biblical experiences. You all called her either crazy, delusional or a liar. See it matters not a jot if i give you my non biblical experiences your pride ensures that you will discount any other justification because deep down you don't want to believe. Because the Word of God either offends you or you see it as foolishness.

I don't claim to reject messages from religious texts, there is of course value in them, I reject the notion they prove god and that they are filled with the words of god.

Ha Ha Ha then you reject the most basic message of the Bible. That there is a God.

This is not just you against atheists. If you choose a religious text to be devoted to, it's you against all of the other religions notions of who and what god is.

So what? And it is the Word of God against atheism and false religion. It is not the Word of God against atheists and followers of false religion. Got to get that distinction right you know.

Which one is right and why would god allow so many to be proposed ?

To test your faith ?

I answered that one before on more than one occasion. God allows false religion to allow people who believe there is a God but who have a hatred for the Love of the Truth a path that they agree with that leads to nowhere.

If so, then everyone else is just here for your entertainment.

That's vanity.

No. I am here to give an opportunity to seekers to have the option to consider the Word of God. The fact that most of the atheist posters on this forum have closed their minds to it makes not a jot of difference. There are many others who visit here and other believers in God who visit here who are not so overcome with arrogance and hate for the love of the truth. Also even the most proud and pompous atheist can experience life-changing moments in the future. So maybe in the future when they are more open to the truth they will remember the seed that was planted here on these boards.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So says you and if there was a god I am sure it would not be.

But that isn't what the religious believe.

It's the other way around. The texts are supposed to be filled with the words of god. This is where the understanding comes in. The interactions in the book are with god itself but the stories are passed on and believed and accepted by the faithful via the book

Thus, the book is the justification for the belief for billions. They aren't claiming a direct interaction with god. They are accepting these other peoples words only.

My issue is the book, which is supposed to be the words of god has a dilemma, because it has been proven to be full of errors.

So where does that leave the faithful.

Most reasonable people, understanding this paradox either choose not to believe or believe the books are not the words of god.

Which is why I started an op a while back asking people this. Many danced around the first question. Is their religious text the word of god ? but couldn't help but come back and start quoting from it.

Which is meaninless to me as evidence of god.

Like you said, god isn't or shouldn't be religious.

J, the fact that the book alone is the basis of belief for many completely contradicts what it says in that very book!!!

AND you are basing your beliefs regarding god's existance on the book alone just like they are!
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Here is a statement of a person with a hatred for the love of the truth.

Just because you hate the message does not disqualify it as resion enough.
your real arrogant superior attitudes come out under the cover of the Internet.
You mean you do not have the courage too be an arrogant pig to their faces.

Oh but it is worth it in here RIGHT. Where your anonymous and your not dependant on the social network.

Of course I have no respect for any human being,

statements not designed to elicit understanding but more to elicit an emotional response to which i am arguing against..in order to understand a thing we have to take our emotional state of being out of the arguement..

Originally Posted by jpappl
First of all thanks for not quoting scripture. ”

Here is a statement of a person with a hatred for the love of the truth.

And you and you alone know the truth, how vain.

“ That is correct. It is both of our choices. But in being happy to give me the opportunity, it boils down to preaching the gospel and not offering me justification for your own belief, why you believe short of the scripture. ”

Scripture can be a justification within itself. Just because you hate the message does not disqualify it as resion enough.

Scripture from a book filled with errors is your justification. Brilliant.

“ Step back away from that ”


If you want to preach, then get yourself a stage, start a church, I am asking you to provide your justification. You apparently haven't considered it, just accepting the scripture as truth. That is faith and that is all it is.

“ and tell me what your justification is because the bible can not be the word of god unless you accept that everything we have learned from our scientific discoveries are lies. ”

Nope. But the conclusions you are drawing for the discoveries of science that there is not God are indeed lies.

No they are not lies. They are justification form my position. That if there is a god, it is not the god you think it is. And since there is no evidence of god, the best answer is there is none.

I don't believe because there is no evidence.

You believe in spite of the lack of evidence, you have faith and that is all.

The message is one thing. The actual claims which the message is built around are bogus. So the message can be of great value to humanity, but the claims do nothing to prove their is a god and not only don't offer a justification for the belief, they offer evidence against the belief. ”

Once again the Message can in itself justify belief in God. And they do not offer evidence against God.

They do offer evidence against the notion of god in all of the religious texts. Absolutely.

“ The message has the power to change attitudes so does any self help book or any other inspirational book.

How is it the word of god if it's rife with errors. Explain please. ”

I don't believe it is.

Do you believe in dinosaurs ? Do you believe the earth revolves around the sun ?

Well you don't know me and I have no reason to lie. I have friends that are christian and muslim, people who I respect and interact with all the time. ”

I still don't believe you. This forum allows a level of anonymity that allows people to truly express their real opinions. You can put up a fake show of respect in the "real world", but your real arrogant superior attitudes come out under the cover of the Internet.

Look at the body of all my posts on this forum. I will admit I have been short a few times, but I do my best to offer the same level of respect I am offered.

And in many instances if I feel I wasn't respectful, I have apologized. Have you ever done so here.

I also don't like to discuss religion and politics with them too much, as that is not an area of common ground in which we interact. ”

You mean you do not have the courage too be an arrogant pig to their faces.

It's a two way street between myself and them. They don't want to get in to deep either for reasons I have mentioned. Now I am an arrogant pig. Great.

“ But we do discuss it, just not going to ruin our friendships over it. ”

Of course in the real world you need to use your social contacts to get ahead in the material world. Isn't that right. So you make "friends" of the people you have contempt for, for you own personal gain.

Yeah, like parents of kids I have coached and spent hundreds and hundreds of hours donating my time free of charge to help.

Yes them.

Neighbors who I have donated my time to help build decks and patios etc etc all free of charge.

Yes them.

It's not worth it. None of us have the truth market cornered. ”

Oh but it is worth it in here RIGHT. Where your anonymous and your not dependant on the social network.

Nobody has it here either.

You are assuming that I don't leave open the possibility of god. I do. But I am atheist because I see no evidence that points to one or any. Nobody can know there is no god, but neither can anyone prove something does not exist. So in the end the discussion of gods or no gods is a mute point, but the justification for the belief can be debated.

“ The question can be turned around, do you have respect for me as an atheist ? ”

Of course I have no respect for any human being, God is the only one worthy of respect. Because respect means bowing ones head to the other. There is no way that i am going to place disbelief as being equal to belief in God,

I tolerate men and hope for them.


“ I can't prove something does not exist correct.

The justification is not for me, it's for you, what justification do you have for the belief based on reason. There is none, only faith that there is a god. ”

I did say that i had received confirmations outside the Bible. So no it is not only the scriptures that my belief is based on. Oh and i have seen the way Lori_7 has been mocked and denigrated when she revealed her Non biblical experiences. You all called her either crazy, delusional or a liar. See it matters not a jot if i give you my non biblical experiences your pride ensures that you will discount any other justification because deep down you don't want to believe. Because the Word of God either offends you or you see it as foolishness.

First of all, I never said she was a liar, crazy or delusional. But some here have. I have merely questioned whether what she experienced could be something else that has more earthly explanations.

I don't see the belief in god as foolishness, you aren't not listening to my posts, just listening to respond. I am questioning the justification that people have for the belief.

It seems that when asked they don't really know, and when they do try to answer, they start reciting scripture.

“ I don't claim to reject messages from religious texts, there is of course value in them, I reject the notion they prove god and that they are filled with the words of god. ”

Ha Ha Ha then you reject the most basic message of the Bible. That there is a God.

Right, so we are back to you believe in god because the bible says so. Why don't you ask Lori about that and see what she says.

I don't believe the bible is filled with the words of god. I have very good reasons and justification to believe that is the case.

Telling me it's in the bible is not good enough.

“ This is not just you against atheists. If you choose a religious text to be devoted to, it's you against all of the other religions notions of who and what god is. ”

So what? And it is the Word of God against atheism and false religion. It is not the Word of God against atheists and followers of false religion. Got to get that distinction right you know.

So to be clear, your saying that only your way is right and all other believers including those of god are wrong because they don't believe in your path. Correct. And you have the nerve to call me arrogant and vain.

Which one is right and why would god allow so many to be proposed ?

To test your faith ? ”

I answered that one before on more than one occasion. God allows false religion to allow people who believe there is a God but who have a hatred for the Love of the Truth a path that they agree with that leads to nowhere.

You just answered the above question.

“ If so, then everyone else is just here for your entertainment.

That's vanity. ”

No. I am here to give an opportunity to seekers to have the option to consider the Word of God. The fact that most of the atheist posters on this forum have closed their minds to it makes not a jot of difference. There are many others who visit here and other believers in God who visit here who are not so overcome with arrogance and hate for the love of the truth. Also even the most proud and pompous atheist can experience life-changing moments in the future. So maybe in the future when they are more open to the truth they will remember the seed that was planted here on these boards.

Your here to preach.

Start a church.
J, the fact that the book alone is the basis of belief for many completely contradicts what it says in that very book!!!

AND you are basing your beliefs regarding god's existance on the book alone just like they are!

No, I am not.

I am challenging their reasons and justification for the belief when it comes from the texts.

I am challenging the notion that god is the entity described in the texts.

I don't have a problem with the idea of god, I have a problem with:

It's this god, from this text and this is the only path.

Lori, this is what people have been fighting over and debating for thousands of years, killing each other because one side doesn't believe the same way the other side does and they all claim they are right.

These texts are the reference for all of the excursions against each other, whether opposing religions, gays, blacks, browns, women, you name it.

What kind of god would allow for such nonsense.

Either someone is right or they are all wrong. The texts indicate to me they are all wrong.

That still doesn't exclude the possibility of a god however. Just not the entity that anyone thinks is described in their texts.
No, I am not.

I am challenging their reasons and justification for the belief when it comes from the texts.

I am challenging the notion that god is the entity described in the texts.

I don't have a problem with the idea of god, I have a problem with:

It's this god, from this text and this is the only path.

Lori, this is what people have been fighting over and debating for thousands of years, killing each other because one side doesn't believe the same way the other side does and they all claim they are right.

These texts are the reference for all of the excursions against each other, whether opposing religions, gays, blacks, browns, women, you name it.

What kind of god would allow for such nonsense.

Either someone is right or they are all wrong. The texts indicate to me they are all wrong.

That still doesn't exclude the possibility of a god however. Just not the entity that anyone thinks is described in their texts.

Jesus never taught anyone to hate each other j. Never. So instead of focusing so hard on all of the negativity perpetuated by PEOPLE twisting scripture, why don't you just find out for yourself? Take a look around in the world j. There's some stupid hateful motherfuckers out there. You really want them making this decision for you?
I am challenging their reasons and justification for the belief when it comes from the texts.
I am challenging the notion that god is the entity described in the texts.
I don't have a problem with the idea of god, I have a problem with:
It's this god, from this text and this is the only path.
Lori, this is what people have been fighting over and debating for thousands of years, killing each other because one side doesn't believe the same way the other side does and they all claim they are right.
These texts are the reference for all of the excursions against each other, whether opposing religions, gays, blacks, browns, women, you name it.
What kind of god would allow for such nonsense.

and here is the answer to all that..;

Either someone is right or they are all wrong. The texts indicate to me they are all wrong.

in our own understanding of things..we assume that just because one person is right the other person is wrong..what about the possibility that they are both right?? for that matter how do we define what is right?? its all relative. the point isnt who is right who is wrong..its about sharing what you know to be true..the responsibility of how the other decides to use that info is theirs alone..we cant force a person to believe as we believe..we can only communicate why we believe...

That still doesn't exclude the possibility of a god however. Just not the entity that anyone thinks is described in their texts.

God is more than we can ever figure out..
God is more than we can ever figure out..

But you've figured out enough to positively know God. You must be brilliant, especially when God is more than we, as in not you but us, could ever comprehend. Congrats on another absurd saying.(you're not the 1st by the way)
Jesus never taught anyone to hate each other j. Never. So instead of focusing so hard on all of the negativity perpetuated by PEOPLE twisting scripture, why don't you just find out for yourself? Take a look around in the world j. There's some stupid hateful motherfuckers out there. You really want them making this decision for you?

Never said he did, but are people whether religious or not focusing on what the messages are or if they are in the right ?

Which is you point and mine, the only difference between you and I is that you believe the answer is going to come from god and I believe it's going to come from us.

We can keep hoping for god to step in and clear up the mess, but if there is no god, we are just wasting time in which we need to act and solve the issues at hand.

It's the reverse of the afterlife question.

Nobody can make the decision for me because I won't let them.

I am and always will look for something to support and justify my beliefs and decisions.