Absolute PROOF 911 was FORETOLD

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Originally posted by static76

The key point is that it was written on 9/11/1998. Sollog was talking about 1998 not 2001, and would claim any crime or emercency as a hit. If there was fire that day, he would have said he was correct, this is what he does and has been doing for years.

As I asked Jahiro, if 9/11 happened in in the year 2350 instead of 2001, would it still be a hit??? [/B]

Well it did happen in 3 year timeframe , not 350 (a big difference) Odds are still very low . But well ,there is yet another thing - someguy , Xenophoel (spellling ? ) , wrote similar shit 10 days before events . Late he accredited his prediction to Sollog.

Well if someone shows that sollog spammed predictions like that on every day of the year , then I be convinced it was pure luck . Odds as of right now it being pure luck are relatively low . Well Predicting DC actually its not that hard (its a capital after all -obvious target for terrorists atacks) .

Thing is - he make predictions on the same day exactly 3 years ago . 7 days beofer events Xeno posts exact same shit - confirming 3 old year old prediction made by Sollog (some freaking obscure guy) -and after that actually gives credit to Sollog! Of course Xeno ,Sollog (heh and even Jahiro :) ) could be very well all the same person .But still that doesn't explain how this exact prediction is made 3 years ago and confimred 7 days before those events.

, has every prediction come true or just 6 out 5000.

Do you have a lsit of his predictions? You know if we want be serious aobut that you caan't throw away words like 5000 without hard proof. List all of them . If he indeed made 5000 predictions ,then of course it nullifys his credibility .

OK now we see that actualyl there was no facts shown debunking this exact predictions . What I suspect atm - Sollog looks like first class scammer, thing I read about him -that he was a web programmer ,making porno sites and stuff one time. Well when you deal with pornosites you have to know some mechaincs about putting it upfront in search engines ,some tricky web programming is often needed .Sollog may had very well needed qualification (or he knew someone with enough qualification) to forge the said usenet mesasges. I just suspect right now that those messages are forged .

Actual odds of him being lucky and predicting it by chance are practically nil guys ,unless he spammed thousands of similar predictions ( but this is not the case as far as I can find).

I mean this case need a real solution ,because so far its indeed looks like Sollog is a prophet :)
Lets see 3 years off out of 365 days possible that’s 1/121.75 chance not bad, but lets also consider this 911 is the emergency hotline number here in the states so it possible Sollog choose 9/11 not out of seeing the future but because it represent emergency. Also why did Sollog not mention New York which far out shadowed the pentagon on 9/11? Also seriously lets see how many predictions he made and how many have come true.

When static76 siad "has every prediction come true or just 6 out 5000." I think he ment: "has every prediction come true or just 6 out 5000?"

by the way DarkMadMax none of the above is flaming, unless your definition of flaming is very different from mine no one had flamed anyone here.
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Lets see 3 years off out of 365 days possible that’s 1/121.75 chance not bad, but lets also consider this 911 is the emergency hotline number here in the states so it possible Sollog choose 9/11 not out of seeing the future but because it represent emergency. Also why did Sollog not mention New York which far out shadowed the pentagon on 9/11? Also seriously lets see how many predictions he made and how many have come true.


Well I agree the entire "emergency" thing is crap . -Way too vague . But odds do not work like "1/121.75" . - It would be if we had one GUARANTEED emergency once in 3 years in DC . But its not like we have emergency guaranteed at all . Statistics of catastrphoes should be brought up, to see what are exactly the real life estimates for "emergency" happening in DC.

So in the odds thing - first is predicting emergency it self in 3 year time frame . -well ok its practically 100% hit . Somewhere in the world pretty big emergency happens pretty often.

Next thing is predicting place. Well this is much trickier -what are the odds of those stuff actullay happeing in 3 years? - well I can bet its pretty low . well say its 1/50 - odds that at least once in 3 years emergency happens in area size and importance of DC (you know odds for emergency happening in big cities are much higher than in the country - technogen factors ,terrorists atacks ,revolts ,crashes -etc. -like look at Tokyo Aum sinrike gas atack, then terrorists atacks in Moscow ( we have them freakign every year ,and one year we had a few thousands ppl blown up in the big condominiums " ) . To have actual odds we have to get statistical mean based on real events happened in pretty long time frame . -But lets just assume its 1/50 .

So we got it to 1/50 hit . But then we have this thing that he month and day .Thats 1/365 alone . Combined its 1/18250 .And then we have that he predicted this on the same day 1:6661250.

Thats assuming it acted as a random generator :) He could wait and post prediction on the same date to emphasize the meaning if its actualyl happend - but still odds of hitting him the date and place are 1/18250.

Same with Xeno's confiramtation -it could be very well not random at all. -Just to emphasize the final effect . But heck still -how the fck he made initial prediction?

Sollog doesnt look to me like he is playing lottery -scammers dont play lotteries ,they make idiot ppl play them .So I assusme its some hgih quality scam and fraud , soem very smart fraud ,but exact details how he did it elude me (well I assume forery of messages for lack of other options) .

As about fire/car crashes .etc... Well sollog didn't used it to prove any fire or shit -he had 3 years to do it. Au contraire he(well technically maybe not He -it was Xeno) posted confirmation 7 days before 9/11/01. Maybe though he actually knew about the event... after all I heard(jsut rumors -but heck some rumors are true -especially when they are about governement sloppiness :) ) many times that FBI had information about the said terrosits atack -they just didnt take it seriously.
The only relevant statistic is the accuracy of all his predictions: how many does he make and how many does he get right? As of yet we don’t have any numbers to work with in this because no one is willing to do a count. The chance that he guest 9/11 in Washington is very unlikely but if he made thousands of guesses of similar nature he would get a lest a few right or close to right. If you roll a par of dice once it unlikely you will get the number you want, if you roll a par of dice 1000 times the chances are you will get that number.
Originally posted by DarkMadMax
Well it did happen in 3 year timeframe , not 350 (a big difference) Odds are still very low . But well ,there is yet another thing - someguy , Xenophoel (spellling ? ) , wrote similar shit 10 days before events . Late he accredited his prediction to Sollog.
Actually, Xineohpeol wrote it on Aug. 31, 2001 and originally said something would happen in 3 days. Then on 9/4 he said in seven days.

Here's the thread to his "prediction": http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...digibel.org&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=320&sa=N

The post he made isn't on Google anymore, perhaps the FBI took it down.

Here's a link to all of his posts: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=author:tesnal@psl.moc&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&sa=N

This is the typical kind of rants he spewed: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=a...TF-8&selm=3b259272@monitor.lanset.com&rnum=45
Well if someone shows that sollog spammed predictions like that on every day of the year , then I be convinced it was pure luck . Odds as of right now it being pure luck are relatively low . Well Predicting DC actually its not that hard (its a capital after all -obvious target for terrorists atacks) .
Wade through all of this, it's just a sample of the usnet spamming of Sollog and his mindless followers: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=sollog+predicts&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&scoring=d

I wouldn't even call Sollog's prediction luck, because I feel he predicted nothing. All he said is that there would be an emergency in DC on 9/11, and he was talking about 1998, they same day he posted the message.
Thing is - he make predictions on the same day exactly 3 years ago . 7 days beofer events Xeno posts exact same shit - confirming 3 old year old prediction made by Sollog (some freaking obscure guy) -and after that actually gives credit to Sollog! Of course Xeno ,Sollog (heh and even Jahiro ) could be very well all the same person .But still that doesn't explain how this exact prediction is made 3 years ago and confimred 7 days before those events.
Sollog predicted nothing. If I say today, that a great emergency will take place in New York on 8/2, does that make me a prophet if there is a fire in 2005? And Why didn't sollog say any thing about New York?
Originally posted by 420Joey
Static, as I read in some nastradamous and other prediction based books the date is the most hardest thing to toi predict - 2 years off isn't much off. The date and the place being his ONLY destruction based prediction is a 1:365 ratio you swallow the odds.
All Sollog said was that "a great emergency" would take place in DC and he was talking about 9/11/1998, they same day he posted the message.
Yay finally some good discussion on the validity of the 911 post to USENET

Now it's time to state the facts

Let's see, what arguments do we have so far... ?
Ah yes, Static's numerous references to how it states it would happen on 9/11/98

FACT - It never said that. Reread the post. Only your ASSUMPTION says the post MEANS 1998. Anyone with a brain in this forum who is reading this, will agree.


A date was never given. You assume it meant 1998... so now that's dealt with.

Guys, as far as the VALIDITY of the POST to USENET, do the following logical things

1) Email usenet/google groups, and ask them about forgery and if it's possible, how hard it would be, etc...
2) Look at the 911 thread on usenet that's posted in this thread, and attempt to EMAIL the other posters who replied to the original Post. Why?

Because they were potential witnesses to confirm the date of that post, since many of you would not believe it even if all evidence suggested it was real. I have never tried emailing the other posters on that tread--it would be interesting to see what comes of it. Ah but let me think--if it is confirmed by a potential witness who posted a reply back then, what will you then say?

"oh, they must all have been in on it, they created other accounts to reply to it just in case someone ever did"

Something pathetic like that I bet. Anyways, if someone does that--post it in this thread, i'd be curious to see myself

Static76 also said "Actually, Xineohpeol wrote it on Aug. 31, 2001 and originally said something would happen in 3 days. Then on 9/4 he said in seven days."

Caught you LYING again.


XINO wrote the ORIGINAL on 8/31 at 11:13 pm PST (113 for Sollog fans), and said TOMORROW something bad is going to happen

TOMORROW's date would have been 9/01/01 - The ONLY date that reads 911 numerically by removing the zero's.

THEN on 9/4 he said to "wait 7 days"

Ha, couple that with the FACT that his FIRST POST to USENET on alt.prophecies.nostradamus was on 6/11/01 or 9/11 if you FLIP it, and its frigin weird!

Research XINO and you'll see the HIT is all too clear--if youre objective and not someone like, say, Static (ill tell you right now man you'll never admit or see it, too bad)

The post XINO made is still on google groups, although it was taken down for a while

And lastly, if nothing had happened that easily constituted a "Great Emergency" on 9/11 in 10-15 years, i would have called it a miss (although say, in 17 years the world was hit by a meteor on 9/11-then I'd have to do some rethinking). But since it hit within 3 years, it warrants extreme concern. Your logic is OK here... You just eventually have to ask yourself--was it really coincidence?

That is for YOU to determine. But the point is to keep an open mind and get ALL the FACTS BEFORE you determine it. That, static, is why I call you ignorant

Rightfully so

Specific detailed questions relating about XINO or SOLLOG I can answer

Oh and lastly, I'm not SOLLOG or XINO. I have spoken with XINO before though. And I cannot prove to you that I'm not them-sorry.

Great so 9/11 3,5,100 years it did not matter chances of being "wrong" are reduced greatly.

Can you please give us other great predictions by SOLLOG or XINO that have come true? Better yet just give us a list of all of their predictions.
It's good to see people know who they are in this forum, judging by their usernames

For instance, WELLCOOKEDFETUS hit it right on the head. He obviously was well cooked IMHO, or is that a name for the future?

Oh and Static, he knows he doesnt understand statistics and the LAWS of PROBABILITY judging by his posts

Here's a prediction both SOLLOG and XINO gave that came true:


You remember what happened?

Now if YOU want to do the RESEARCH about other hits then I already have provided the necessary links to get you started

Look through this thread and a response I gave to 420Joey states the best way of going about your research AND pending SOLLOG prophecies (So you can witness some for yourself)

I'm not here to do your homework, just to point you in the direction to see more of the facts.

911 was the first True Large warning

The next one isn't far off

well aren’t you a festering pit of Ad Hominem fallacies Jahiro?

Oh yes the chances are unlikely sure, but its even more unlikely that he has psychic powers and can see the future. Until I have proof that he makes repeated accurate predictions I’m putting it down as a coincidence.

Also those links seem to cost money and we don't want to spend money.
If you outrule 9/11 as a coinsidence than you also assume that all his earthquake predictions before 9/11 was coinsidence and the coinsidence of so much coinsidences logically outrule the coinsidence of actual considence.

:m: WHAT... :eek:
Originally posted by Jahiro

Here's a prediction both SOLLOG and XINO gave that came true:


I'm sorry, could you give me a link to where they make this prediction? I saw the one where SOLLOG mentioned "911", but I never saw the one where he breaks it down into day/month/year format and put a specific year.

Thank You!
Xinoehpeol's False Claims

Here's the original Xino-911 prediction made on Aug 31,2001:
Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against everyone on this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it sucks. REPENT! You
are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy. You are going to get me killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am not telling you what is going to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation seeks for
a sign.
Note - Xino says TOMORROW, and is talking about 9/1/01. So right off the bat, his prediction is wrong.

After nothing happens, this post is made:
Dear Xin,

Well, your tomorrow was yesterday. Will you tell us now
what the thing was that happened?

Tom McDonald
This was made on 9/1 when nothing happens, and here's Xino's response:
"This is a witness against everyone on this newsgroup."
Xino posted this on 9/2, and it's clear that he was Bullshitting.

Read the original thread for proof. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...s_maxy=2001&as_mind=29&as_minm=3&as_miny=1995

After Xino's BS prediction, this was written:
That's it? "This is a witness against everyone on this
newsgroup."? That's your big friggin' deal? You underdid
yourself this time, Xin. Usually I can at least rely on you
for some interesting reading. This sucks.

Basically saying what every sane thinks about Xino's "prediction".

Then Xino posted this after on 9/6, and it proves that he didn't predict anything.
I said it was a witness, ie. a testimony. The testimony always comes before
the prophesied judgment. For if I no testimony had been delivered, you would
not be guilty of sin. If you've been tracking me at all, you know the
prophesies I have made. The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm
as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this
reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are
yet blind.

Xino says here, "The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm as you now suggest." shooting any claims that he was predicting an event like 911.

Then, all he said on 9/4 was:
Wait 7 days, and then maybe I'll answer this post. You see, I am going away
in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.

What? No, I am just going away, that's all. What challenge? Ok, I'll be
proud if you want me to.

So he NEVER said something was going to happen on 9/11. He just said he might answer THAT post.

It's obvious that there is no 911 prediction here, just a kook trying to claim one.
From: eLnIn, (eLnIn@hotmail.com)
View: Complete Thread (5 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 1998/09/11



You have the day, 09. The month, 11. The year is not given. But you have The location

Its there if you wish to open your eyes

Note: Read SLOWLY there are alot of DETAILS within this post about the 911 thread


Thousands of people took XINO's post very seriously and reported him to the FBI. So you're wrong in your assertion

Now this post is for you. This is the only time i'm going to waste doing this. Line by line-post by post-explanation. This material is KNOWN TO A FEW. The interpretation of it at least, so listen up. Someone may want to save this if you know what's good for you.

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-08-31 11:03:37 PST

Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against everyone on this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it sucks. REPENT! You are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy. You are going to get me killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am not telling you what is going
to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation seeks for a sign.
Note: Time of FIRST Post = 11:03
Date of first post 8/31/01 = Huge Sollog day, in that Sollog claims to have predicted the death of Diana on this day, as well as the 183 significance (he says that the Pope dies connecting to 183)
**TOMORROW here in the nature of PROPHECY (and if you bother to read ALL of Xino's other posts, its an obvious hint) is a reference to 9/01/01. It's a SIMPLE code that you REFUSE to even give possible merit to Static, in that is shows 911. It becomes obvious that it was intentional when you take in all of the information surrounding the thread. **
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-02 07:11:16 PST

"This is a witness against everyone on this newsgroup."
**A WITNESS always comes before the JUDGEMENT. It is a call for people to listen/repent.**
Note: He also chose 9/02 to state it was a witness. 9/02 is also Sollog's most famous prophecy, or the Prophecy of 902

Message 5 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-04 09:41:41 PST

Since when do I post prophecies, other than end of the world cataclysmic ones?
**You say it isnt about cataclysms, but what is this post then? It obviously references what he means... And i'll show you why in the following post he says what he says, as you wrongly concluded.**

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-04 12:40:28 PST

Wait 7 days, and then maybe I'll answer this post. You see, I am going away in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.

**An all too OBVIOUS reference to the date he was driving at, 7 days from then, or 911. You also FORGET to REMEMBER XINO himself Started the thread, and what is the TITLE he chose for it?


It is all too clear this was absolutely intentional. **

Message 11 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-09-06 23:16:24 PST

I said it was a witness, ie. a testimony. The testimony always comes before the prophesied judgment. For if I no testimony had been delivered, you would not be guilty of sin. If you've been tracking me at all, you know the prophesies I have made. The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this
reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are yet blind.

** It is OBVIOUS what he means here if you read it carefully! Because people ASSUMED and ASSUME that the TESTIMONY was the cataclysm or JUDGEMENT, it is part of the reason people must be destroyed. He goes on to explain exactly what he means. FIRST comes the testimony/witness, as a call for repentance. Then, and Only then AFTER does the judgement come. So when he said "This is a witness" it is just that, a witness. He is stating that the Cataclysm does not occur with the witness; rather, it occurs with the judgement. You, Static, wrongly concluded that the WITNESS and JUDGEMENT were the same because you didnt read his words carefully. This itself is what he is referring to when he says "The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are yet blind."

read it carefully, it is there.**

Now, all that itself is just amazing. I have something more though, to add. Even on top of all this... Check XINO's first post to Alt.prophecies.nostradamus! What is the date??

It is 6/11/01. Easily something he would have done on purpose, or at least has meaning cause of the 911--and if you study Sollog's writings, inverting the 6's and 9's are something he regularly does. It is all too strange if you ask me.

Also note he makes all ODD posts in that thread before 9/11. His 7th post is the ANSWER post. Don't you see it? Its so nuts... Wait 7 days, you see in 7 days... and then the 9/11 Post that he answers is the 7th. What you think thats a weird coincidence? The triple 7 is within his writings... RESEARCH

Did Xino know way back on 6/11 about 9/11? Who knows... I know he claimed he didn't in that way. I've actually spoken with him. It still is somewhat of a mystery today to me, even with all the inside information I know.

here is that first post by XINO - to verify the date

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: Your confused retard
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Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-06-11 20:53:29 PST
A post to archive and save since Xino will forever be linked with Sollog in the future due to this HIT

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Also note he makes all ODD posts in that thread before 9/11. His 7th post is the ANSWER post. Don't you see it? Its so nuts... Wait 7 days, you see in 7 days... and then the 9/11 Post that he answers is the 7th. What you think thats a weird coincidence? The triple 7 is within his writings... RESEARCH

Triple 7 and BS like that doesn't touch me one bit . I think somehow sollog /xino either got incredibly lucky (which imho is highly improbable - I have given the odds in the post above) . or Its a very smart forge/scam/fraud .

Btw I d like to see link on NY/LA quake prediction . All I heard so far is rumors.
1) its not a forge, at least the XINO post I know firsthand isnt cause I read it with others at APN. Therefore under your ASSumptions, he got lucky

Evidence shows that is COMPLETE HORSECRAP. It wasn't luck as the evidence shows. The triple 7 warrants attention if you BOTHER to read EVERYTHING you're commenting on. You have a brain as you sort of showed, so use it instead of making assumptions like others in this forum do

2) The link has been given, its www.sollog.com/prophecies/thefinalsign.txt

If you really READ what I just posted about the 911 thread you'll see some amazing "coincidences." There are too many. He knew, ie it was divine/supernatural/paranormal he knew beforehand - someway, somehow. Answer: Sollog


I still uphold my confusing post about the matter of coinsidence :p.

I still have doubt, I mean... to be required to believe this you must assume pre-destination and belief in the biblical concept of god..

also isnt he commiting a sin when he says he is god?

Just wondering and adressing a new aspect of doubt in this argument ; pre-destination , god reverence, etc.
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