Absolute PROOF 911 was FORETOLD

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If you read all of it, you should have read the admitted hoaxs and the few suspected to be real.

Why don't you click on MrMynomics link there. It say clearly that Nostradamus did not say that at all.
Jahiro, do you also believe in his books?
The mathematical equation proving god exists.
UFO Proof
The best of the Death Gallery
Love is the awnser
The Book OF Lucifer 666
and all that other crazy shit?

Quite a coinsidence all his support sites are run by one webring. And all his books corrrespond with them
Have you read what you Deem Crazy?

Was Einstein crazy when he lived, before validation/acceptance?

Was Galileo crazy when he lived, before validation/acceptance?

Since when has TRUTH ever not been persecuted or NOT UNDERSTOOD in its beginning stages?

It is normal

I've read nearly every single Sollog book. My favorite is probably Jesus is Not God, or Prophecies of Sollog. I dont know I'd have to think about it

All the sites link back to Sollog.com and are run by AIS for a reason, and that reason is the message, and that message is most of you will be dead soon

Originally posted by Jahiro
Have you read what you Deem Crazy?

Was Einstein crazy when he lived, before validation/acceptance?

Was Galileo crazy when he lived, before validation/acceptance?

Since when has TRUTH ever not been persecuted or NOT UNDERSTOOD in its beginning stages?

It is normal

I've read nearly every single Sollog book. My favorite is probably Jesus is Not God, or Prophecies of Sollog. I dont know I'd have to think about it

All the sites link back to Sollog.com and are run by AIS for a reason, and that reason is the message, and that message is most of you will be dead soon


Einstein and Gilileo were scientists. Sollog thinks he's god. Big difference. Oh and by the way I plan to live for a very long time thank you. And in no way thanks to the GREAT SOLLOG (still sounds like a shitstick).
GODS plan or SOLLOGS plan? eh what is the difference they both claim to be the ame thing.. :eek:
Originally posted by Jahiro
Your plans mean next to nothing in the Plan of GOD

Face it, Soiled dog has been proven a fraud time and time again. The 911 guess isn't a hit, or anything close to one.
Originally posted by Jahiro
Your plans mean next to nothing in the Plan of GOD


My definition of god, is that he/she knows what i'm doing right now , and he helps people around.. Sollog doesn't do it , he charges people. God wouldn't need, money he would have power (not evily using it). Sollog's predictions are full of BS. There will be an earthquake tommorow. Of coarse there will be!!!
Let me reply to this moron:

1) Your definition of God is merely your opinion which boils down to just a concept. Concepts don't exist, and therefore your opinion doesn't exist.

2) "Sollog doesn't help people." Merely an opinion stated by one who bases their words on assumptions and speaks on something they cannot prove from an individual perspective. Sollog "helps" me, and therefore your statement has been shown to be a misleading lie

3) "Sollog's predictions are full of BS." Something you state with no evidence to back up your claim, which is BS (Sorry I had to be a hypocrite so you can see your own hypocrisy).

4) "God wouldn't need money." Merely a statement based on your concept of God which is obviously flawed when attempting to understand or debate who or what Sollog is or is doing.

5) "There will be an earthquake tomorrow." Obviously you have not studied Sollog or his writings.

Originally posted by blackholesun
Einstein and Gilileo were scientists. Sollog thinks he's god. Big difference. Oh and by the way I plan to live for a very long time thank you. And in no way thanks to the GREAT SOLLOG (still sounds like a shitstick).

Who's Gilileo?

So Sollog says he is God. Is that so hard to believe? You claim to be Blackholesun, and we all seem to believe that. It is a title if you may, but does it mean next to anything? Not really. You just have no room for allowing Sollog to call himself god inside your head. And like I said, you can believe all you want that you're going to live long yadda yadda. But, like the rest of us, your day is set in stone and known-and there is no way out of it.

Yes and i can claim im god, is that hard to believe? I can predict things in the future too, Like for instance at some point in the future you are going to press the spacebar, some point in the future you will piss someone off, I can also say that i just healed the sick and dieing at the hospis but you know without video proof it does nothing.
Jahiro... If you want people to accept SOLLAG, basically saying that they are stupid and their beliefs are false isn't going to make them convert. Just because i'm wiccan doesn't mean I go around forcing people to believe in my gods, say they are the only ones, etc...

Plus, if he truly is a god, a good god.. why would he charge people? Yes, he needs money, but if he's a god shouldn't he be above the concept of greed and selfishness? And avoid going around and shouting prophecies of death in people's faces?
I don't care if people accept or reject Sollog, the Truth shall still remain

I am just showing people the door


P.S. Comments people make are stupid/ignorant, which in turn makes them stupid/ignorant in some regard

Beliefs can be false. Truth is past belief. Some of your other comments and questions have already been answered.
Basically your saying your faith in sollog and you are promoting your religion? Why thank you I think I will start a fetus cult.

The great one SOLLOG sent me this email yesterday:
Tomorrow a great darkness shall befall us, bad things will happen. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

All I can say is WOW!
Ya great darkness falls every night so what, if I said that for tomorrow it I would be accurate about a sand storm in Egypt! There no chance he is wrong, it just today he was lucky to hit on a particular event and happens to be "darkness" and very important.
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