Absolute PROOF 911 was FORETOLD

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If he can make many more perditions at a accuracy ratio beyond 10%: like tell us who the next president will be in 2008, or who is going to win the next $100million+ lottery or some other tragic event like 9/11, ect, then I would believe but until then its just a coincidence brought on by 911 meaning emergency here in the states and him randomly choosing the right year and one of the right places.
Re: Some NEW ASK SOLLOG questions/answers

Originally posted by Jahiro
For anyone interested in SOLLOG

There were some recently answered questions over at the paranormal forum that he has agreed to check from time to time

Oh, this is the chance for anyone who has ever had a specific question for Sollog to answer to go ahead and post it

It's rare he does this, so take advantage of it. Many look to Sollog for guidance, ESPECIALLY when it comes to questions pertaining to the future. So anyways, like I said now is your chance

Here are the recent questions with their answers: (from http://www.theparanormal.net/forum/)

>finismundi wrote:
How close are we to the LA/NY quakes?


>I live in Tennessee and I was wondering when you see the New Madrid earthquake happening or any other earthquakes in this area?

::Great Quakes shall occur all over the world in the near future. 8.0 to 9.0+ range

>Hey Sollog,
My Question is ....
Is the U.S.A going to go to War with North Korea ?

::It has been at war with NK for close to 50 years

Sollog is so smart and wise. Here are some questions I asked and the answers from him...

>Great Sollog, will there be rain in California next year?

::Yes, water shall rain down in California in 2004.

>Who will win the US presidency in 2004?

::A human with great financial backing.

>Whose going to win the World Series this year?

::A baseball team.

WOW! All I can say is that I'm sold.:rolleyes:
Sir, I say this in all honesty and out of respect

You will truly EAT your WORDS when LOS ANGELES CRUMBLES soon

Since you live there and all

YOU Have been WARNED


P.S. What you posted can be considered LIBEL, as Sollog said no such thing. I would advise you to watch yourself and what you post.
And if Los Angeles does not "Crumble soon" then what? Will you report back to us for a through spanking?
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Originally posted by Jahiro
Sir, I say this in all honesty and out of respect

You will truly EAT your WORDS when LOS ANGELES CRUMBLES soon

Since you live there and all

YOU Have been WARNED
Oooh, Scary! People have been predicting us falling into the ocean for the past few decades now, but we're still here.
P.S. What you posted can be considered LIBEL, as Sollog said no such thing. I would advise you to watch yourself and what you post.
And everything Sollog posts can be called LIEING...

Here's more of Sollog's answers to my questions:

>Sollog, who will win the Oscar for best actor next year?

::An actor.

>What GREAT predictions do you have for the rest of 2003?

::There will be earthquakes, Hurricanes, Storms and Rain throughout the World. The Matrix 3 will gross over $100 million, Bush will mangle the English language, and Carrot Top will make a lame 1-800-Call-ATT commercial. SOLLOG the great has spoken!
Your posts are the very reason why these things must come to pass. You feel that? Better get out of LA before its too late smart@$$

Originally posted by Jahiro
Your posts are the very reason why these things must come to pass. You feel that? Better get out of LA before its too late smart@$$

LOL, When is LA supposed to crumble???
Don't worry you'll be there when it does, LOL right to the grave


P.S. I'm through with answering your posts. The thread is devoted to 911 being foretold, and that is all I will speak about anymore or respond to, as it relates to the post through Sollog as well as the Xino material
Oh California will suffer from a very large earth quake within the next 50 years so predict geologist, if this is “Crumble soon” then that is another cold reading by Sollog.
Originally posted by Jahiro
P.S. I'm through with answering your posts. The thread is devoted to 911 being foretold, and that is all I will speak about anymore or respond to, as it relates to the post through Sollog as well as the Xino material
Sollog's fake prediction has already been debunked by everyone in this thread, wake up.

Sollog is a criminal, a con artist, and bad liar.
Well ,actually, guys I didnt see any "debunking " of 911 prophecy . Just flaming.

I was kinda familiar with usenets a bit ago - it's kinda hard to forge (because mesages pass through many hubs ,and are archieved locally on many computers ,so its practically impossbile to forge things like that if any scrutiny happens -e.g just checking a few independent archives) . though imho its indeed should be done -I am not very familiar of how google makes its archive ,but it could be very well possible to forge the messages .

Sollog imho is very suspicious (his site ,money he asks -clearly a scammer) . But still..... If its indeed not forged. You know ,guys, odds making prediction on 9/11 on the exact day, 3 years ago , then those prediction confirmed (xeno could be very well exactly same person as sollog ,but still it doesnt explain how sollog had any clue first place about it) - well odds are running very slim. He stated date and place - imho pretty solid.

Well now those earhtquakes he -states LA/NY 7.0++ . "very soon" . That kinda prediction which states exact nature of disaster and exact place . You know odds of predicting this stuff in a timeframe of 1-5 years are practically impossible . Well it these indeed happen anytime soon ( e.g. in next 5 years) .That imho would be sufficient proof of something .

Heh I am still puzzled by this 9/11 prediction .If it will be proven thats its not forged in any way... Still could be coincidence - you know 911 number is for actual emergency in US. And actual terrorists could very well planned this thing for this date (and not 9/10 or 9/12) -just for some kind of evil irony.

p.s. I am sceptic and atheist , but guys let's be objective - no one actually in this thread debunked this prohecy .Sollog could be very well scammer and cheater ,but so far I did't see anyone caught him by hand with this prediction. He could cheat and lie all the way around ,but in this *specific* case no trace of scam/fraud is found so far.

p.s.s. I am kinda thinking about usenet server forging. You know usenet is not exactly "hack proof" -having open architecture and stuff....
Darkmadmax, he didn't locate the "place" correctly ; just that something horrible would be happening by 9/11

Btw, I have read in nastradamus books that the actual DATE is the hardest thing to predict, not the location. So this could very well be a scam but that is assuming nastradumus was a true prophet, which is entirely as subjectable as SOLLOG.

It is unlikely that it was a guess because he claimed to be a real prophet before than and I didn't see him suggesting more dates that destruction will happen so its a 1:365 chance ; you swallow the odds.
Originally posted by 420Joey
Darkmadmax, he didn't locate the "place" correctly ; just that something horrible would be happening by 9/11

I see washington DC clearly mentioned. And one plane crashed into pentagon.

From: eLnIn, (eLnIn@hotmail.com)
View: Complete Thread (5 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 1998/09/11



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It is unlikely that it was a guess because he claimed to be a real prophet before than and I didn't see him suggesting more dates that destruction will happen so its a 1:365 chance ; you swallow the odds.

Odds are much lower . Its predicting right date AND posting it on same day ( 1 in 133225 - afaik ) . Well and predicting DC.... well odds are low...

Also one funny thread I found :) Ppl speculating about plane crashes in big skyscrappers :) None of them claiming to be a prophet :)

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Sorry for some reason I think of New York when 9/11 is mentioned. ah... ALL HAIL SOLLOG
Oh, sorry about that, i guess i posted in the wrong thread, so hes a Prophet, has every prediction come true or just 6 out of 5000.
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Here's Sollog's qoute from Google:


The key point is that it was written on 9/11/1998. Sollog was talking about 1998 not 2001, and would claim any crime or emercency as a hit. If there was fire that day, he would have said he was correct, this is what he does and has been doing for years.

As I asked Jahiro, if 9/11 happened in in the year 2350 instead of 2001, would it still be a hit???

How was saying that is was a coincidence and that I have to see many more accurate and more detailed predictions before I believe, flaming?
Static, as I read in some nastradamous and other prediction based books the date is the most hardest thing to toi predict - 2 years off isn't much off. The date and the place being his ONLY destruction based prediction is a 1:365 ratio you swallow the odds.
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