Absolute PROOF 911 was FORETOLD

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There are also many mistakes like 901 and 902 events never happening. Do to extreme vagueness you can put those numbers together anyway you want and come up with many possible dates. Why can’t these psychics be more accurate and be far more up front?
To the Contrary

If you see he did know the future it is evidence to suggest that pre-determination exists, rather than assume it does the other way around as you suggested

You don't need to believe in any biblical God. It is simply about the post, which shows 911 was foretold. That is what the evidence suggests, that the events were known beforehand.

Saying he is God is nothing more than saying everyone is God, which is what he has written in his books. He happens to be able to see the future and therefore is a prophet, and it is said prophets speak for God to the people so that the few may be saved through the prophets words. you also learn from the OT that prophets are never accepted nor understood in their own village/home etc. Stick to the 911 thread. Those things have little to nothing to do with what is posted. he could call himself satan, but does it prove he didnt predict 911? No, its irrelevant. The question is, did he or didn't he (as well as Xino) predict 911 by analyzing the evidence and connections (coincidences for all those who believe in such a thing)?

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
There are also many mistakes like 901 and 902 events never happening. Do to extreme vagueness you can put those numbers together anyway you want and come up with many possible dates. Why can’t these psychics be more accurate and be far more up front?

Even though your post addressed nothing of concern I will answer it. First of all your "many mistakes like 901 and 902 events never happening" is a lie. Show me where anything was stated of what youre suggesting that didn't occur? You can't, cause it wasn't. Stop pulling things out of your @$$.

And secondly, those true psychics, the few that there are--Sollog being one of them, aren't more "accurate" because truthfully, they want to see you destroyed. The accuracy is there if you choose to see it and look deeper. You are comfortable living in the illusion of free will, and to shatter that illusion, would be damaging to one's progression and growth UNLESS they are ready. So prophecy at its root deceives, causing only those who seek deeply to see and understand it, while it doesn't threaten the belief systems of those who choose to not want to look deep enough.

This is an honest answer and there to help you.

If you see he did know the future it is evidence to suggest that pre-determination exists, rather than assume it does the other way around as you suggested

I did not assume anything. Many people do not believe in pre-destination or god so sollog may be problematic to accept.

Saying he is God is nothing more than saying everyone is God, which is what he has written in his books. He happens to be able to see the future and therefore is a prophet, and it is said prophets speak for God to the people so that the few may be saved through the prophets words. you also learn from the OT that prophets are never accepted nor understood in their own village/home etc. Stick to the 911 thread. Those things have little to nothing to do with what is posted. he could call himself satan, but does it prove he didnt predict 911? No, its irrelevant. The question is, did he or didn't he (as well as Xino) predict 911 by analyzing the evidence and connections (coincidences for all those who believe in such a thing)?

The First Commandment is "You shall have no other gods", he suggests he is a god and that he is a prophet descended from god this seems a bit contractionary to me so that is why I mentioned it.

Furthermore I believe that faith of god and pre-destination plays a huge role in this.

Anyways, if he is a true prophet I have another question on the requirment of money. Why make money like that? why can't he predict non-cataclysmal things and take advantage of it in favor of economic gain.

I am not trying to belittle your opinion of prediction.. I am just trying to expand this further than the intrepetation of soft evidence. I know this is only about the evidence of 9/11 but I believe that there is more aspects than just that.
Originally posted by 420Joey
If you see he did know the future it is evidence to suggest that pre-determination exists, rather than assume it does the other way around as you suggested

I did not assume anything. Many people do not believe in pre-destination or god so sollog may be problematic to accept.

Saying he is God is nothing more than saying everyone is God, which is what he has written in his books. He happens to be able to see the future and therefore is a prophet, and it is said prophets speak for God to the people so that the few may be saved through the prophets words. you also learn from the OT that prophets are never accepted nor understood in their own village/home etc. Stick to the 911 thread. Those things have little to nothing to do with what is posted. he could call himself satan, but does it prove he didnt predict 911? No, its irrelevant. The question is, did he or didn't he (as well as Xino) predict 911 by analyzing the evidence and connections (coincidences for all those who believe in such a thing)?

The First Commandment is "You shall have no other gods", he suggests he is a god and that he is a prophet descended from god this seems a bit contractionary to me so that is why I mentioned it.

Furthermore I believe that faith of god and pre-destination plays a huge role in this.

Anyways, if he is a true prophet I have another question on the requirment of money. Why make money like that? why can't he predict non-cataclysmal things and take advantage of it in favor of economic gain.

I am not trying to belittle your opinion of prediction.. I am just trying to expand this further than the intrepetation of soft evidence. I know this is only about the evidence of 9/11 but I believe that there is more aspects than just that.

Then make a new thread. Read the title of this one.

Who cares if people have a hard time accepting Sollog or predestination? What im saying is, if the facts show that he saw 911 or Anyone did... it is reason and evidence to suggest predestination exists. WHO CARES about others beliefs. Seek the truth, it is past beliefs. Respect beliefs but seek the truth.

Sollog claims to speak for the GOD of the OT (HAYAH, YAWHEH, what have you-although HAYAH is the true name). Saying we are GOD or Sollog stating everyone is GOD should be understood as - the SPIRIT of GOD flows through all that is Living, therefore GOD is inside you and therefore you are GOD. That's how it shoud be understood.

Prophecy is a call for repentance, hence the cataclysmic things... Jeez Jesus predicted the end of the world, no one gets on him for that with what youre suggesting. People dont LISTEN unless faced with tragecy and therefore that is why Prophecy is usually about large tragic events. Think about it Joey...

My opinion of prediction doesnt matter. Facts show prophecy and prediction are real and true at least regarding Sollog, and in my head due to my research. It the facts showed otherwise I may conclude differently about prediction/prophecy, but the facts are in favor of it completely. Its all about the facts Joey. You can spend multiple lifetimes debating opinions, but that is no fun.

BTW if you're going to write the Commandment write the entire thing... you forgot "Before me," or before GOD of OT, which is who Sollog says he speaks for

Here is falsly predict something for 901:
"From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: 911
View this article only
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Date: 2001-08-31 11:03:37 PST

This is cold reading, he say something going to happens, nothing happened so then he say something like it going to be a witness to something and then he says that he’s going to go in 7 days when luck my have it something big did happen. If you look deep enough you can see coincidences in everything. It about 911 steps from the place I park my car to the laboratory I work in, does that mean my parking route predicts the date of bad events?

Thanks for the link. Well its too apolycaptical to my tastes (and I am moving to NYC soon :)) No date about quakes though ,nor any info about the strength of those quakes .

But I will surely remember this - if quakes indeed happen simulatnesouly in LA and NY (which by itself are crazy odds ) I will have to rethink my skepticism . Maybe.
I do not believe george bush is the antichrist like he suggests :-( he seems to be to stupid to be the antichrist
Originally posted by 420Joey
he seems to be to stupid to be the antichrist

I assure you, the man is not stupid. He's a very poor public speaker. Watch "journeys with george" (an HBO thing) if you don't believe me. He's pretty sharp. I mean, he's no ME, but I mean come on. Who can else can be?


Sorry, you know I was just about to get over myself... and I totally blew it. :bugeye:

Originally posted by DarkMadMax
Thanks for the link. Well its too apolycaptical to my tastes (and I am moving to NYC soon :)) No date about quakes though ,nor any info about the strength of those quakes .

But I will surely remember this - if quakes indeed happen simulatnesouly in LA and NY (which by itself are crazy odds ) I will have to rethink my skepticism . Maybe.

Occuring in the same Year are "crazy odds"

Moving to NYC is about the stupidest thing you can do in the present day IMHO. Enjoy the end of your days on earth

And BTW, the strength is given you just didn't see it. Here's a quote from it:

"Two great cities in the United States of America shall soon be struck with major earthquakes!
Both earthquakes occur at almost the exact same moment.
The two cities struck by the two great quakes are Los Angeles in California and New York City!"

He says major and then says Great. Major quakes are 7.0+. Great quakes are 8.0+. Either of the 2 scenarios, to occur in the same year, would be astronomical odds. Especially the 8.0+, that would just be insane. I dont even think that will/could happen. Well, let me rephrase--anything CAN potentially happen. But 8.0+'s in and around those two cities near the same time, would be one heck of a wake up call to humanity.

"major" and "great" calculate out on the Richter scale. :bugeye:
perhaps a asteroid or comet impact in the center of the USofA would induce a simultaneous quake of course he did not say anything about the state of Kansas being turned into a giant crater.
Sollog "Predictions" that didn't happen

Here is Sollog's take on the DC sniper shootings while it was going on. If this doesn't prove he's a kook, I don't know what will: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...q=SOLLOG+WARNS+BUSH+&btnG=Google+Search&meta=

Here is where Sollog predicts New Years Eve terrorism. Doh! http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...ps?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=SOLLOG+WARNS :p

And finally, another missed target by Sollog in regards to DC getting nuked: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...ps?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=SOLLOG+WARNS

Three strikes and your out...
Sollog is under the influence of Nostradamus, the believers dont waste your time, Nostradamus is his source.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
"major" and "great" calculate out on the Richter scale. :bugeye:
perhaps a asteroid or comet impact in the center of the USofA would induce a simultaneous quake of course he did not say anything about the state of Kansas being turned into a giant crater.

yeah look it up, www.usgs.gov
Major = 7.0+
Great = 8.0+

Just another thing you comment on that you haven't looked into

Re: Sollog "Predictions" that didn't happen

Originally posted by static76
Here is Sollog's take on the DC sniper shootings while it was going on. If this doesn't prove he's a kook, I don't know what will: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...q=SOLLOG+WARNS+BUSH+&btnG=Google+Search&meta=

Here is where Sollog predicts New Years Eve terrorism. Doh! http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...ps?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=SOLLOG+WARNS :p

And finally, another missed target by Sollog in regards to DC getting nuked: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...ps?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=SOLLOG+WARNS

Three strikes and your out...

DC Sniper stuff is archived and saved at APN to understand the hits (plus its not a prophecy or warning, you've done little to no research to understand the difference)

New Years Eve terrorism is either a future event, or hit some other way. Truthfully I forget

DC was hit by the Fear of Nuclear Terrorism all along that time frame. It was the only thing in the news. USA also learned usama had nuke capability (11/9) I believe. You gotta do a lot more research than you have to really see anything...

Re: Re: Sollog "Predictions" that didn't happen

Originally posted by Jahiro
DC Sniper stuff is archived and saved at APN to understand the hits (plus its not a prophecy or warning, you've done little to no research to understand the difference)
The point is we all know that his "theory" on the DC sniper shootings was BS. He didn't even know that two people were involved, he refers to a sniper, not snipers.
New Years Eve terrorism is either a future event, or hit some other way. Truthfully I forget

Wrong again. Sollog is talking about 2001. Sollog said "On New Years Eve 2001 the seven-year reign of the utmost pernicious and
iniquitous terrorism and war shall commence."

I love how you say that it must be a hit "some other way".

Keep saying "BAAA!!", sheep.
DC was hit by the Fear of Nuclear Terrorism all along that time frame. It was the only thing in the news. USA also learned usama had nuke capability (11/9) I believe. You gotta do a lot more research than you have to really see anything...
WTF are you talking about???

Sollog isn't talking about fear, he's talking about an attack. "The fact is, Sollog has been giving exact details about future events since
1995 in public forums to save a few people from the CERTAINTY OF NUKE
TERRORISM that will be hitting the USA very soon."

Sollog is a FRAUD, a FAKE, a KOOK, and a bad one at that.;)
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Why thank you for the information I did not know that, but also i don't see how that question was a failure on my part to look it up, I ask because I did not know. All I have been asking for is can he can accurately predict the future, and apparently he cannot, he make a prediction and when it does not come true do to the extreme vagueness and willingness on your part to reinterpret them he can never be wrong.

Watch this: on Charismas eve a Terrorist will attack! As spoken by Well Cooked Fetus your new God! There is virtually no chance I am wrong on this in within 100 years across the globe someone is going to attack on Xmas!

But Sollog is not even that smart:

Watch this one: I have found how to calculate the pattern of pi! its simply sqrt((1/n^2)*6), n = [1:1:inf]! now with this information I can predict the future based off data which correspond to the pattern. I predict that on 416 there shell be a evil event! The fetus has spoken!
I predict that the new world trade center will be attacked exactly 7 years from the first event.
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