
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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so what do you see as the essential difference between an abortion and, say, a mastectomy .... since both involve the removal of lumps that are "nonsentient".

Well duh. One comes from the breast and one comes from the uterus.

what if it's born in a coma and on life support?

if it's outside the woman's body, then how is this relevant?
i think that the same pro-abortion arguments and rationale that i've heard, if extrapolated upon, also should defend a practice like this.
Again with the pro-abortion.:rolleyes:

To be honest with you, I have a hard time extrapolating aborting a 12 week old embryo and growing a human being to adulthood artificially to harvest their organs. I've heard some wild and weird arguments from the pro-life section in my time, but that one has to take the cake.

i mean, either the glob of dna has an identity and individual rights or it doesn't.
Before it is viable, it has no rights. The woman's body can expell it at any time without warning and it is not deemed a crime. If it did have individual rights, then you'd have women having to have their menstrual wastes being tested in case she committed involuntary murder. Nor does it have an identity.

if because a mother is providing sustenance to the glob in the womb, she has a right to with that glob whatever she wants, even to kill it, then if the science community provides that sustenance artificially, they should possess those same rights, and be able to do with the glob whatever they want to, even harvest it's organs and run tests on it.
You are aware that the scientific community does do tests on embryo's they 'bring to life' themselves, don't you? But such tests are tightly controlled and they cannot grow the embryo's past a certain point. You are aware of that, aren't you?

The harvesting of organs would entail growing it to the point where it is viable and beyond, where it is given rights by law, ergo growing it to that point and beyond simply for the purpose of harvesting for organs is not ethical.

You might have read earlier how I suggested having recourse to abortion (or some other nefarious act) is the default position of a society that is slack in asserting a sense of control or responsibility for its actions...

It is my understanding that for most women, abortion is not in any way a "default" position. Those who want sex without procreation tend to default to using contraception first and foremost. Those for whom contraception fails for whatever reason, or who are raped, have a very difficult decision to make regarding abortion. Most do not take that decision lightly.

Basically their are one of two world views that one can encompass

1. where one is the center of the universe (looking at everything in terms of "I" and "mine")
2. where one is but a part of the universe

Lets call the first one animal consciousness and the second one human consciousness.

That is doing a disservice to non-human animals, who are not "lower/worse" than human beings.

Human consciousness enables a departure from such a necessarily egoistic world view and can move into such realms as morality, philosophy and art (and even science).

I've noticed that artists often have lots of casual sex. That suggests to me that art and sex are not mutually exclusive. Not to mention all the art that has sexual themes.

It is my understanding that for most women, abortion is not in any way a "default" position. Those who want sex without procreation tend to default to using contraception first and foremost. Those for whom contraception fails for whatever reason, or who are raped, have a very difficult decision to make regarding abortion. Most do not take that decision lightly.
actually I was talking about the default position of society and not just women in particular. IOW there is a whole attitude to the act of sex (which is after all, the very means of procreation) which makes abortion (or some other nefarious solution) the default position.

Kind of like if one is planting seeds, expect trees to grow ... and if you don't to grow trees, why plant seeds?

So if one takes the act of sex lightly, the it comes as no surprise of the default scenario that threatens to arise.

That is doing a disservice to non-human animals, who are not "lower/worse" than human beings.
To be lower is not to render something worse.
For instance preschool mathematics is certainly lower in contrast to tertiary mathematics. That doesn't make it worse ... unless of course one has a tertiary student that is stabilized on such a level of performance ... in fact it probably makes them worse than a preschooler.

In the same way, human society that insists on being socialized around lower propensities is certainly worse since the unique ability of higher intelligence is hijacked by sensual pursuits .... IOW the extra intelligence on offer in the human form of life is not meant to be applied to meeting the bodily necessities of life (in fact such an application of intelligence seems to threaten the entire planet)

I've noticed that artists often have lots of casual sex. That suggests to me that art and sex are not mutually exclusive. Not to mention all the art that has sexual themes.
That's a whole topic in itself, but I will try and reduce it to two points

  1. Post industrial era (with all its emergent horrors - such as WW1 & 2) saw both the emergence and portrayal of the artist as a more sort of primal entity (IOW the artist as the "tortured soul", "bohemian", "madman" etc). Previously it was a different situation
  2. Art has a preoccupation with beauty, which in a more basely situated society becomes a preoccupation with sex (so beauty and sex become synonymous)

Actually much in the same way that such art sustains one on a lower level of performance, so does science (or philosophy or morality) similarly hijacked by the pursuit of bodily necessities of life
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Because the sole purpose of planting seeds is to grow trees. Like it or not, the main purpose of sex for human beings is not procreation.
oK... in what way does it depend on the person... an you for esample... was ther reasons why you misused you'r free will.???
not sure if I understand your question (misused my free will in regard to what?) but generally it begins with something like "it seemed like a good idea at the time ...."
making its purpose any other means it is artificial ... which then requires a host of artificial procedures to solve the consequent problems

My endocrine system kinda disagrees with you there. And probably that of every other human over the age of 14.

We want sex, but don't want a baby right now. How is that artificial?
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Its an oxymoron to suggest that some people are created with the propensity to misuse their free will.

So what did you mean by this:::

"what I would do is create a virtual world where persons who had the inclination to misuse their free will in destructive ways could play out their dramas."

Are ther reasons why som people are inclined to misuse ther free will.???

"It depends on the person who misused it ... or more specifically, their free will"

oK... in what way does it depend on the person... an you for esample... was ther reasons why you misused you'r free will.???

(misused my free will in regard to what?)

In the regard you spoke of earlier:::

"what I would do is create a virtual world where persons who had the inclination to misuse their free will in destructive ways"

but generally it begins with something like "it seemed like a good idea at the time ...."

God created everbody equal... so what makes som people thank usin ther free will in destructive ways seems like a good idea... i mean... are ther reasons which causes certan people to use ther free will in destructive ways... such as whare they was borned... who ther parents are... ect.???
God created everbody equal... so what makes som people thank usin ther free will in destructive ways seems like a good idea... i mean... are ther reasons which causes certan people to use ther free will in destructive ways... such as whare they was borned... who ther parents are... ect.???
I'm not sure I understand your q.
Do you think that it is the nature of having free will that everyone who has it uses it in the same manner?

As for the type of association one takes (family, geography, species etc) upon taking birth in the material world, the bull has already fled the gate on that one (IOW birth in the material world already a consequence of having utilized one's free will) ... that said, there is no material condition (at least as far as the human form is concerned) that can prevent one from taking up the devotional service to god.
I missed the part in the link where they kill their young in the womb or even some other part that suggests the main purpose is something other than procreation

That not what you were talking about. You said: "making its [sex] purpose any other [then procreation] means it is artificial.."
Clearly you are wrong.
That not what you were talking about. You said: "making its [sex] purpose any other [then procreation] means it is artificial.."
Clearly you are wrong.
we were talking about rendering sex outside of issues for procreation ... a position not at all established by a population of randy monkeys
I'm not sure I understand your q.
Do you think that it is the nature of having free will that everyone who has it uses it in the same manner?

Yes, this is the way I tend to think about free will too. I suppose such (mis)understanding of free will is a given in the materially conditioned form of life.
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