
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Wasn't trying to distort your argument simply pointing out that the averages of educated vs. non educated women who choose abortion are approximately the same. There is no way to quantify how many child bearing women (or men for that matter) are self-propelled in any of those areas and it would seem to me that the criteria you outline has little bearing on whether a woman would choose to undergo an abortion.

She for example may be quite educated or even professional in all of those areas and still find herself in a situation where she would opt for an abortion.

Then you misunderstood what I had said.
Maybe my fault for using that particular word... I forget that what the word means to me isn't universal.

Being Formally educated is one thing. Being educated on issues is another.
I don't agree at all. Yes there is a responsibility, a decision to be made if the result is a pregnancy but by choosing to abort IS taking responsibility.

No, it's a quick fix. An easy way out, so to speak.
Why is it my responsibility to have it, even if it consists of 12 cells, even if I conceived LAST WEEK?

Because you gambled. And when you gamble you understand there are risks. And when the risk becomes reality you can't just decide to take the easy way out, you must face the consequences.

Sorry, it's my body. I don't owe it to anyone to have a baby.

But you risk your body when you choose to have sex. And so when you risk it you acknowledge that something wrong could happen. And I didn't say that you owe it to anyone, you owe it to the life you just created, wether or not you wanted to.
So whats rong wit a quick-fix/easy-way-out if you thank its to you'r long term benifit.???

Suicide is considered a quick-fix, do we find that acceptable? Now granted suicide and abortion are different, but it too is an easy way out. And alot of things benifit people long term that harm others, war for instance. And we find that unacceptable.
Because you gambled. And when you gamble you understand there are risks. And when the risk becomes reality you can't just decide to take the easy way out, you must face the consequences.

Facin the consequences cant be avoided an everone takes what they thank is the bes course of acton.!!!

But you risk your body when you choose to have sex. And so when you risk it you acknowledge that something wrong could happen. And I didn't say that you owe it to anyone, you owe it to the life you just created, wether or not you wanted to.

All one can do is what they thank is bes... which may or may not include aborton... perty simple realy.!!!
Facin the consequences cant be avoided an everone takes what they thank is the bes course of acton.!!! All one can do is what they thank is bes... which may or may not include aborton... perty simple realy.!!!

I see what you're saying. That they think it is best course of action. But what it is is immoral. If people don't want a baby then they shouldn't take the risk. It's like if you don't want to lose your money don'play poker.
Yeah I know it's strange, but it's the only analogy I could think of off the top of my head.
...what it is is immoral. If people don't want a baby then they shouldn't take the risk. It's like if you don't want to lose your money don'play poker.

I dont see aborton as immoral... but i do see it as stoopid to unnecesarly have a baby you dont want... an this ant a perfect world an people take risks till the day they dye... an som of the "luckyest" people are the ones who wont be brow-beaten into havin regrets about pas decisions.!!!
I dont see aborton as immoral... but i do see it as stoopid to unnecesarly have a baby you dont want... an this ant a perfect world an people take risks till the day they dye... an som of the "luckyest" people are the ones who wont be brow-beaten into havin regrets about pas decisions.!!!

Immoral because in escence it is killing a life. If you don't want it then why take the risk? It's like if I wanted to live, why would I play Russian Roulette? Yeah we do take risks. I take risks riding the bus to school, but we do have choices as to what risks we take, most of the time. It's all a matter of perspective, in fact alot of issues are that way.
Immoral because in escence it is killing a life.

Do thank it woud be mor moral to force a woman to cary the baby to term.???

If you don't want it then why take the risk?

Why indeed???... an yet it hapens all the time... mayb thers an obvous answr which evades us at the moment.???

...we do have choices as to what risks we take, most of the time.

If everbody was as capable as you at makin good choices it woud shurly be heaven on earf... but until then... i like thangs the way they are... that women have the final say whether to abort or not... or woud you like it beter if women didnt have that choise.???
Do thank it woud be mor moral to force a woman to cary the baby to term.???
Do you think "Force" is the right term?

People are "Forced" to wear seatbelts. To pay taxes. To drive at safe speeds...

Should a burgler be "forced" to go to jail?

If everbody was as capable as you at makin good choices it woud shurly be heaven on earf... but until then...
...until then there are consequences.

Well it isn't heaven- It has consequences.
There always have been and always will be consequences to choices.
Do thank it woud be mor moral to force a woman to cary the baby to term.???

Well they knew it could happen, so if it does why should they be allowed to not face the consequence?

Why indeed???... an yet it hapens all the time... mayb thers an obvous answr which evades us at the moment.???

Well alot of answers to difficult questions have eluded us for centuries, why should now be any different?

If everbody was as capable as you at makin good choices it woud shurly be heaven on earf... but until then... i like thangs the way they are... that women have the final say whether to abort or not... or woud you like it beter if women didnt have that choise.???

Well I don't always make good decisions, but then again who does? Unfortunately they are given the right to choose. And meanwhile the baby gets no say.
...until then there are consequences.

Well it isn't heaven- It has consequences.
There always have been and always will be consequences to choices.

Absolutely. But some people don't want to deal with the consequences.
No, it's a quick fix. An easy way out, so to speak.

We'll just have to disagree on the description, but certainly it IS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY.

Not acknowledging the situation, ignoring it or not taking any action based on it would be not taking responsibility.
Suicide is considered a quick-fix, do we find that acceptable? Now granted suicide and abortion are different, but it too is an easy way out. And alot of things benifit people long term that harm others, war for instance. And we find that unacceptable.

Uhhh....no. I have no issue with suicide, and in fact that may remove unwanted genes from the pool. I also have no issue with euthanasia. It is a choice by an individual in a particular situation.

Well they knew it could happen, so if it does why should they be allowed to not face the consequence?

Akin to committing a crime and being forced to face the consequences, such as going to jail for said crime?

Do you think a child is a consequence and women who fall pregnant should face said consequence? Do you assume that women who have sex should be forced to have a child they do not want as a form of punishment?


Neverfly said:
Do you think "Force" is the right term?
Well look at it this way. If Pro-Life groups get their way, abortion will be illegal. Therefore, women will be forced to have carry on with the pregnancy they do not want and thus, be forced to have a child they do not want or cannot have for whatever reason. Unless of course they get illegal abortions which will put their lives and health at risk.
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