
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Well look at it this way. If Pro-Life groups get their way, abortion will be illegal. Therefore, women will be forced to have carry on with the pregnancy they do not want and thus, be forced to have a child they do not want or cannot have for whatever reason. Unless of course they get illegal abortions which will put their lives and health at risk.
Do you think its possible that in the lead up for legislating certain acts as criminal that there is a requirement for society to be rightly adjusted? For instance suppose that meat eating became criminalized (which it has been in some civilizations), do you think that it would require that people have at least a few clues about subsisting off a vegetarian diet?
“ Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do thank it woud be mor moral to force a woman to cary the baby to term.??? ”

Do you think "Force" is the right term?
People are "Forced" to wear seatbelts. To pay taxes. To drive at safe speeds...
Should a burgler be "forced" to go to jail?

"There always have been and always will be consequences to choices."

Yes... we as a society have determind that people who dont pay taxes or speed or are burglers may wind up in jale... an yes... a consequence of sex can be pregnancy... so which do you thank is the mos moral... that women who get abortons to go to jale... or that women shoud have the rite of choise.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do thank it woud be mor moral to force a woman to cary the baby to term.??? ”

Well they knew it could happen, so if it does why should they be allowed to not face the consequence?

"Unfortunately they are given the right to choose. And meanwhile the baby gets no say."

oK... so women who get abortons shud go to jale... woud you also want the mornin after pill to be illeagle... an the use of it to lead to jale time.???
Do you think its possible that in the lead up for legislating certain acts as criminal that there is a requirement for society to be rightly adjusted? For instance suppose that meat eating became criminalized (which it has been in some civilizations), do you think that it would require that people have at least a few clues about subsisting off a vegetarian diet?

What clues would be required about carrying a child to term against one's will?

You still have not said why you should have a say about what I or any other woman does with her uterus. I understand you have the need to call women who get abortions 'murderers' and liken them to people who push others down the stairs or commit mass murder against their families, but you have yet to provide a single sound reason as to why or how you should have a say over what a woman does with the contents of her uterus.

In other words, why should you have a say over a woman's reproductive rights?
In other words, why should you have a say over a woman's reproductive rights?

What about the reproduced rights?
What about mens "reproductive rights?"

This topic does get very one sided. It really is a shame.

"As long as others accept my ideas as valid, I don't have to think about the validity of theirs."
That doesn't seem right, to me.

Why is it changed into "against her will?"
Can her will be Flexible? Can she be talked to in order to see other perspectives of her situation?
If it's about how she wears her make up, we can all readily agree that she can do what she wants. It's her body.
But in reproduction- another Life Is At Stake.

Why is it so easy to dismiss that?
Or to forget that and only focus on the one life while pretending the other life involved is nothing at all?
Seriously-- does that REALLY seem right? It's pretty clear why it becomes a hot issue.

Because some people want to think about self interest and others want to think about that life. Even the timing of when it is life and when it is not considered a life... It's like... Wow...

I'm not a woman. I'll never experience pregnancy first hand or its effects... I admit this. But you know... If I had another life already begun riding on a decision... I'd like to make that decision without it being based solely on "Self is all that matters." Even if I must suffer a bit for it.

I do not think that is extreme, at all. I do not think that's ridiculous. I do not think it is forcing anyone or infringing on a persons Self Rights. I do not think it's telling someone what to do about something that is ONLY about themselves.
What clues would be required about carrying a child to term against one's will?
there are many clues about how we do things against our will ... usually it takes the course of avoiding it or readjusting the environment that lands one in a state of being unwillful about it in the first place
You still have not said why you should have a say about what I or any other woman does with her uterus.
judgments apply to people as a consequence of what they do with their bodies ... you ar eyet to explain how a uterus stands outside of this principle
I understand you have the need to call women who get abortions 'murderers' and liken them to people who push others down the stairs or commit mass murder against their families, but you have yet to provide a single sound reason as to why or how you should have a say over what a woman does with the contents of her uterus.
I understand that you have a need to relegate life in the womb as being less than human so you can let the needs, interests and concerns of the woman completely occupy the slate of the issue, but there is a similar absence in your posting.

In other words, why should you have a say over a woman's reproductive rights?
actually I was asking you a completely different question (if you want an answer to this , you might be better off asking it in the other thread since it primarily deals with the pro-life POV) ... It was more about your constant calling upon about how if pro-lifer's get their way, it will be legislated and then all these problems will arise. My question was whether you think in the course of something getting legislated that there is an element of social adjustment. IOW do you think that legislative politics only functions on the platform of sending in the tanks overnight or that it gradually solidifies as social adjustment comes to bear?
What about the reproduced rights?

It is not yet deemed human, in that its survival that early in the pregnancy is yet unknown. In other words, a foetus does not get rights until it becomes viable (can exist or survive outside of the mother's womb). So what rights do you give something that does not yet exist or is not deemed human enough to exist?

Should it have more rights than the mother?

Should you, a stranger to me, have a say over the contents of my uterus?

What about mens "reproductive rights?"
That's a good one.

Do you think as a man, you should have a say in whether a woman has a child or not?

"As long as others accept my ideas as valid, I don't have to think about the validity of theirs."
That doesn't seem right, to me.
So long as the child grows in the woman's body, then the validity of ideas of people I don't even know means fuck all to me, sorry. In short, if I fall pregnant tomorrow to my husband, your ideas and opinion about whether I should keep it or not really don't factor into my decision. Nor would LG's. Why? Because your opinions aren't valid. You have no right to a say over what I do with my uterus. If I want to remove my uterus tomorrow, my husband has no say in the matter. Nor does he have a say in whether I want to have its contents removed. Something even he recognised when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. His words to me were to the effect that whatever I decide to do, he was okay with.. in short, he respected the fact that it was my decision alone, even when I asked him what he wanted. After reading some of the posts from some males on this topic, I have to say that I am thankful for marrying someone who respected me enough to trust for me to do what is right for me..

Why is it changed into "against her will?"
Because, if you deny someone the right over her body, then it becomes against her will if she wants to have an abortion and is not allowed to do so.

Can her will be Flexible? Can she be talked to in order to see other perspectives of her situation?
You mean she can only be flexible if she can be talked or persuaded to believing as you believe?

How can I put this..

You can, as the father, state your opinion. But if you really respect her, then you should also respect her decision, regardless of what it is.

But in reproduction- another Life Is At Stake.
But is it a life though? Can said life survive outside of her body? Or is it a potential for life? A mere possibility? She could miscarry 2 days later. A "life is at stake" during the whole of the pregnancy, if she chooses to go ahead with it. Pregnancy is not assured, nor is life assured.

Why is it so easy to dismiss that?
Because I don't consider a 12 week old foetus to be a "life". I don't think I did with my own children when I was carrying them. They were "it's" to me. They became "he" when I saw their sex and saw them clearly for the first time. But even then, their survival was not something I could count on. They became alive for me when I knew I was past that 27 week mark when they had a slim chance of surviving outside of my body. Before that, they were mere possibilities of life.

Or to forget that and only focus on the one life while pretending the other life involved is nothing at all?
Visit any hospital in the world and you will see just how much the focus is on the mother's life. If a pregnant woman is in an accident, her life is what is focused on and the baby's life is secondary. Always. Even in the process of giving birth, if something goes wrong, as I found out, the mother's life is primary and getting the baby out alive is secondary to the mother surviving. In other words, the doctors will strive to ensure the mother survives first, not the baby.

Seriously-- does that REALLY seem right? It's pretty clear why it becomes a hot issue.
Here is how I see it. You can be anti-abortion all you like. If that is the case, then you should not have an abortion. But what you deem to be right or not should not then be imposed upon other people. If you believe life begins at conception, then so be it. Again, don't have an abortion and don't take the morning after pill. But do not ever think that you then have the right to impose your personal beliefs upon others.

Because some people want to think about self interest and others want to think about that life. Even the timing of when it is life and when it is not considered a life... It's like... Wow...
Everyone has the right to their own beliefs and their own self interests. What you and others do not and should not have a right is to impose your beliefs upon others. I do not impose mine on you in that I do not force you to believe as I believe. What I do not appreciate is when complete strangers seem to think that they have a right to a say with what I do with my right to reproduce as I see fit.

I'm not a woman. I'll never experience pregnancy first hand or its effects... I admit this. But you know... If I had another life already begun riding on a decision... I'd like to make that decision without it being based solely on "Self is all that matters." Even if I must suffer a bit for it.
Good for you. But not everyone believes as you do. Their opinions and their wishes are just as important and thus, if it involves their bodies, their opinions should hold more sway than yours, since you know, it's their body and not yours. If you ever fall pregnant (we'll assume you are a woman), you should be free to decide as you wish to decide and take into account that you view the mass of cells taking over your body as being a life and thus, you deem that "life" as having equal rights to you. But until you are in that position (pregnant), you do not have the right to foist your beliefs and opinions upon others in what they do with their bodies and their reproductive rights.

I do not think that is extreme, at all. I do not think that's ridiculous. I do not think it is forcing anyone or infringing on a persons Self Rights.
The instant you demand that a woman do as you say, or the very moment that you deny someone the rights to their body or to decide for themselves, you are infringing upon that individual's rights.
there are many clues about how we do things against our will ... usually it takes the course of avoiding it or readjusting the environment that lands one in a state of being unwillful about it in the first place

Or it can be a matter of luck in getting your government of choice into power and in the case of the US, a stacked Supreme Court.

judgments apply to people as a consequence of what they do with their bodies ... you ar eyet to explain how a uterus stands outside of this principle
So who made you God and be in a position to judge others?

I'm sorry, but what I do with my uterus is my business, not yours. If you want to call me a murderer for getting an abortion, that's your issue, not mine.

I understand that you have a need to relegate life in the womb as being less than human so you can let the needs, interests and concerns of the woman completely occupy the slate of the issue, but there is a similar absence in your posting.
Well if the child were able to be incubated outside of the woman's body for the duration of the pregnancy, than the woman's needs, interests and concerns would not really factor into it. But since it is her body, she has a say. I understand you wish to give rights to even a newly fertilised egg that hasn't even divided yet, but even the law does not agree with you. In any given situation, the mother's life will always hold precedence over the child she is carrying.

IOW do you think that legislative politics only functions on the platform of sending in the tanks overnight or that it gradually solidifies as social adjustment comes to bear?
Refer to my first point in this post.

You have assigned things to me you shouldn't, put a lot of words in my mouth and continue to disregard valid arguments.
It's tiresome and annoying.

Please READ everything I say in this long post. Yes, it's long. But at least READ my stance instead of throwing so many assumptions at me. I shouldn't have to keep refuting your misconceptions over and over.

Some of my responses are frankly, curt and even angry at points. Sarcastic too. I'm tired of having to repeatedly clarify myself to someone who argues with ears (eyes)closed.
If you're going to supply a rebuttal-- At least ensure you have an accurate idea of what I'm saying as clearly as I can.

It is not yet deemed human, in that its survival that early in the pregnancy is yet unknown. In other words, a foetus does not get rights until it becomes viable (can exist or survive outside of the mother's womb). So what rights do you give something that does not yet exist or is not deemed human enough to exist?
Ok, this is where a line has been draw on a shade of gray. A compromise, if you will. That's all it is.

Should it have more rights than the mother?
Should anyone have more rights than anyone?

Should you, a stranger to me, have a say over the contents of my uterus?
Should you, a stranger to me, have a say over my taxes? My health plan? Whether or not I wear my seatbelt?
That's a good one.
Gee, thanks. It's nice to see how you think fathers are nothing to a childs life.
Yeah, that was a good one, alright.

Do you think as a man, you should have a say in whether a woman has a child or not?
I absolutely think so if she is due to bear mine. And if you even TRY claiming men have no rights as a father, you best start googling up what courts think about that.

So long as the child grows in the woman's body, then the validity of ideas of people I don't even know means fuck all to me, sorry. In short, if I fall pregnant tomorrow to my husband, your ideas and opinion about whether I should keep it or not really don't factor into my decision.
If you're narrow minded enough, you can exclude ALL ideas except your own. But then, a person wouldn't really grow and develop that way, would they?
Nor would LG's. Why? Because your opinions aren't valid. You have no right to a say over what I do with my uterus.
I am not telling you what to do with your Uterus. Stay on topic.
If I want to remove my uterus tomorrow, my husband has no say in the matter.
And you have no say if he cuts off his man dangler?
I think you'de want to express your opinions to him and try to convince him not to.
Nor does he have a say in whether I want to have its contents removed.
The Uterus is not another human life.
Stay on topic.
Something even he recognised when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. His words to me were to the effect that whatever I decide to do, he was okay with...
That's him.
I am a different person and if I had a wife that was due to have a baby and wanted to abort, I WOULD try to convince her otherwise. Her idea would disturb me greatly and frankly- cause me pain.

MOST women I know would be happy to discuss their side, their reasons why they are thinking of abortion and would be open to hearing what I had to say on it, I'm sure.

I would NOT force her to carry the child to term. But I cannot help but think that if she heard my arguments and considered it carefully, she would have to have a very good and strong reason not to carry the child to term.
If she still chose not to at that point, I would have to let that go.
in short, he respected the fact that it was my decision alone,
Respect? Don't make it something it may not be. He may respect YOU, but that doesn't mean his choice to be Uninvolved with his child means he respects you.
even when I asked him what he wanted.
Shit. I'da told you straight up.
After reading some of the posts from some males on this topic, I have to say that I am thankful for marrying someone who respected me enough to trust for me to do what is right for me...
Oh whatever. I'm not buying that in the least.
He can respect and trust you fine- DOESN'T MEAN that he can never have his own opinion, wants or exspressions.
You're distorting his apathy on that topic into something else.
Because, if you deny someone the right over her body,
Dismissing all other bodies as if they do not exist to pander to her selfish wants...
then it becomes against her will if she wants to have an abortion and is not allowed to do so.
Allowing means LAW or that she's somehow FORCED.
I'm not advocating those.

I'm advocating discussion and encouragment and influence.

You mean she can only be flexible if she can be talked or persuaded to believing as you believe?
People CAN listen to other ideas and consider them. I do it all the time and I change my mind on occassion, too. You're continuing to paint inaccurate images just to validate your claim. It's annoying.

You can, as the father, state your opinion. But if you really respect her, then you should also respect her decision, regardless of what it is.
And she, as the mother, should respect mine enough to consider my points heavily, too. That is NOT infringment of rights, me telling her what to do, forcing her or lacking respect for her. So get over all the basic CRAP you're spewing.

But is it a life though? Can said life survive outside of her body? Or is it a potential for life? A mere possibility? She could miscarry 2 days later. A "life is at stake" during the whole of the pregnancy, if she chooses to go ahead with it. Pregnancy is not assured, nor is life assured.
She could. But natural ocurrances do not validate intentional ones.

I could get hit and killed by a drunk driver two days from now. Doesn't mean I can get drunk and go hit and kill someone.

Because I don't consider a 12 week old foetus to be a "life".
On this, you're right. I have a different stance--- But I can see and ACCEPT yours. I would not have any grounds, even through disagreement- to force or tell someone what to do with something that is not defined well.
However, to me, that lack of definition is a big part of why people can take such very different and opposing sides. That in itself is telling that it is not simple or cut and dry as you and others are trying to make it out to be.
Visit any hospital in the world and you will see just how much the focus is on the mother's life. If a pregnant woman is in an accident, her life is what is focused on and the baby's life is secondary. Always. Even in the process of giving birth, if something goes wrong, as I found out, the mother's life is primary and getting the baby out alive is secondary to the mother surviving. In other words, the doctors will strive to ensure the mother survives first, not the baby.
I have never disagreed with this.

Here is how I see it. You can be anti-abortion all you like. If that is the case, then you should not have an abortion. But what you deem to be right or not should not then be imposed upon other people.
Murder? Rape?
Whether your car is insured? Obamas Health Care Plan?
Like it or not- ideas ARE imposed on other people and when they are something you agree with being imposed- you are supportive of them.

The instant you demand that a woman do as you say,
I have never advocated this. Stop claiming that I have.
or the very moment that you deny someone the rights to their body or to decide for themselves, you are infringing upon that individual's rights.
That is not the case with abortion. You are dismissing the other Body. Pretending it lacks existence TOTALLY in order to support your claim.
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Or it can be a matter of luck in getting your government of choice into power and in the case of the US, a stacked Supreme Court.
and then what?
Let fly with Prohibition?
Send tanks into central park?
Get real .....

So who made you God and be in a position to judge others?
I think we all share a pretty similar sense on these things. I mean most people in most societies don't view killing another as normal or an act on par with experiencing a stomach ache or something. Of course what greatly contributes to a society normalizing such acts is relegating the victim to something less than human (so its not killing, its "termination" ,,, its not a living entity, its "tissue", etc etc).

I'm sorry, but what I do with my uterus is my business, not yours. If you want to call me a murderer for getting an abortion, that's your issue, not mine.
try smuggling cocaine in there and get back to us with the results when you announce it to a customs official

Well if the child were able to be incubated outside of the woman's body for the duration of the pregnancy, than the woman's needs, interests and concerns would not really factor into it.
so whats the general principle you are applying here?

That if another exists in a completely contingent relationship with another on biological grounds, they have no rights and that whom they are dependent on has no duty of care?
Interesting .....

But since it is her body, she has a say. I understand you wish to give rights to even a newly fertilised egg that hasn't even divided yet, but even the law does not agree with you.
so if the law did agree with me, you would concede my point?

(\gets on the radio to send in the tanks and pass prohibition)

In any given situation, the mother's life will always hold precedence over the child she is carrying.
but if one is factoring in the mother's probability to experience difficulty (as in the difficulty that living in this world accommodates) as sufficient for getting rid of the child, the moral scales are out of whack .... which may warrant a further investigation of the social structure that normalizes such an act (as opposed to sending in the tanks)

Refer to my first point in this post.
so you think that all that is required for any legislation to be upheld is to pass it through the relevant channels?
How do you explain the failure of Prohibition?

You have assigned things to me you shouldn't, put a lot of words in my mouth and continue to disregard valid arguments.
It's tiresome and annoying.

Please READ everything I say in this long post. Yes, it's long. But at least READ my stance instead of throwing so many assumptions at me. I shouldn't have to keep refuting your misconceptions over and over.

Some of my responses are frankly, curt and even angry at points. Sarcastic too. I'm tired of having to repeatedly clarify myself to someone who argues with ears (eyes)closed.
If you're going to supply a rebuttal-- At least ensure you have an accurate idea of what I'm saying as clearly as I can.
I have read everything that you have said.

To say that you are a tad confused about the issue would be polite.

Ok, this is where a line has been draw on a shade of gray. A compromise, if you will. That's all it is.
What compromise?

Should anyone have more rights than anyone?
Is an embryo an "anyone" though? Do you give equal rights to an embryo over the mother?

Should you, a stranger to me, have a say over my taxes? My health plan? Whether or not I wear my seatbelt?
Nope. Whether you pay or not pay, have or not have one and wear or not wear one is entirely up to you.

Gee, thanks. It's nice to see how you think fathers are nothing to a childs life.
Yeah, that was a good one, alright.
Sarcasm escapes you, doesn't it? The father has the right to give his opinion. And only he. Men thousands of miles away do not have that right.

You'll excuse me if I don't take the emotional rantings of a man who lives on another continent, and has nothing to do with me or the father, seriously, if I am to get an abortion.

I absolutely think so if she is due to bear mine. And if you even TRY claiming men have no rights as a father, you best start googling up what courts think about that.
She can take yours into consideration, but at the end of the day, the ultimate decision is hers alone. I would suggest you start googling up what the courts think about that.

If you're narrow minded enough, you can exclude ALL ideas except your own. But then, a person wouldn't really grow and develop that way, would they?
You're still not getting it, are you? Your ideas mean fuck all to me because you are nothing to me. My husband's mean something because well, he's my husband and it would have been his child in question. But you? You don't have a say or an opinon in what I do if I am pregnant if that child is not yours. Do you get it now?

I am not telling you what to do with your Uterus. Stay on topic.
Actually, yes you are. You have insulted and abused one because you deemed her reasons for wanting an abortion if she ever fell pregnant to be invalid and insulting to you personally, even though her uterus has nothing to do with you. You are demanding that I give equal rights to an embryo if one existed in my uterus, even though my uterus has nothing to do with you. You are placing demands and giving opinions about the wombs of women you don't even know. You have no right to do that.

And you have no say if he cuts off his man dangler?
I think you'de wnat to express your opinions to hima nd try to convince him not to.
No. They're his danglers. Not mine.

The Uterus is not another human life.
Stay on topic.
You missed the word "contents"?

That's him.
I am a differnt person and if I had a wife that was due to have a baby and wanted to abort, I WOULD try to convince her otherwise. Her idea would disturb me greatly and frankly- cause me pain.

MOST women I know would be happy to discuss their side, their reasons why they are thinking of abortion and would be open to hearing what I had to say on it, I'm sure.
Yes, that is him in how it affected me. Just as you have the right to tell your other half of the pain it would cause you if she opted to rid herself of your spawn. You'd have every right to give her your opinion. But at the end of the day, if she walks into that abortion clinic for an abortion, you cannot stop her from doing so, short of breaking the law and denying her her freedoms. Now, if you did such a thing, who would be in the wrong? Her for wanting an abortion or you for denying her the rights over her own body to have one?

Respect? Don't make it something it may not be. He may respect YOU, but that doesn't mean his choice to be Uninvolved with his child means he respects you.
My my, angry little thing, aren't you?

What meant more to you when you found out you may be a father? The child or the woman carrying him? Was she suddenly invisible to you? Her rights and choices no longer mattered to you?

He respected me to do what was right. You know, decide for myself to do what was right? He was not uninvolved, nor is he now. When at 2am I started bleeding and thought I was miscarrying, he drove me to the hospital or called an ambulance and this was a weekly event in my first pregnancy. He supported me in what I wanted to do through both pregnancies. Ultimately it was my choice.

Shit. I'da told you straight up.
Hence why I would never ever become involved with someone like you. At the time I was quite ill. Do you think it would have been right for him to start emotionally ranting about the child's right to life at that time? That you would put the child's life over that of your partner's says more about you than you may wish to let on.

Oh whatever. I'm not buying that in the least.
He can respect and trust you fine- DOESN'T MEAN that he can never have his own opinion, wants or exspressions.
You're distorting his apathy on that topic into something else.
Of course he does and he continues to do so. Hence why I asked him what he wanted when I found out I was pregnant. His response wasn't apathy. How can I put this so that even you would understand. His response was to tell me that whatever I wanted to do, he would support me either way. In that I mattered more to him that his potential offspring. You know, he chose me before the cells dividing in my uterus at that point in time. You, if your responses are anything to go by, cared more for your potential offspring than the poor girl you got pregnant. And that is your right. But do not accuse others of apathy because he didn't behave as you did.

Dismissing all other bodies as if they do not exist to pander to her selfish wants...
Is her right. You have fuck all say in it.

I'm advocating discussion and encouragment and influence.
Then I would suggest you word your posts in a way that would support what you are apparently "advocating".

People CAN listen to other ideas and consider them. I do it all the time and I change my mind on occassion, too. You're continuing to paint inaccurate images just to validate your claim. It's annoying.
Cherie, your words are painting images that you may not exactly like at the moment.

What is annoying is that some individual from another country deems it necessary to have an opionion over what women around the world do with their reprodcutive rights. I'm sorry, but you do not have that right.

And she, as the mother, should respect mine enough to consider my points heavily, too. That is NOT infringment of rights, me telling her what to do, forcing her or lacking respect for her. So get over all the basic CRAP you're spewing.
She can respect yours as far as she chooses to. Just as you can respect her opinion as far as you choose to. But you cannot force her to do what you want. At the end of the day, for all your emotional ranting, is the crux of the issue. She can do what she bloody well likes and you'd have no say in the matter. So do you respect her enough to do what is right? Or do you have to hound her or force her to do what you think is right?

Murder? Rape?

Like it or not- these ideas ARE imposed on other people and when they are something you agree with being imposed- you are supportive of them.
Quite the contrary. No one has the right to impose upon others, be it in regards of murder, rape or abortion.

I have never advocated this. Stop claiming that I have.
Your posts on this subject do not support this claim.

For example:

That is not the case with abortion. You are dismissing the other Body. Pretending it lacks existence TOTALLY in order to support your claim.
I have read everything that you have said.
As follows, you Obviously Have Not.

Nope. Whether you pay or not pay, have or not have one and wear or not wear one is entirely up to you.
Not according to the Law.

Actually, yes you are. You have insulted and abused one because you deemed her reasons for wanting an abortion if she ever fell pregnant to be invalid and insulting to you personally
I abused No one. Your claim is ridiculous.
You are demanding that I give equal rights to an embryo if one existed in my uterus, even though my uterus has nothing to do with you.
I have made No such Demand and AGAIN you CONTINUE to put words in my mouth I never said.
I NEVER ONCE said Equal Rights and have repeatedly been clear as to that.

You are Ignoring most of what I say- Assuming what I say-- Saying I said things I never did. I was SEMI polite and asked you to review and to actually see what I am actually saying.
Now I'm NOT polite. CUt That Shit Out. OR do not reply to me. One or the other. I do not need to have to refute your CLAIMS about what I say- I only need to defend what I ACTUALLY Say.

Do not tell me I am confused.

You are.
You are placing demands
I have made no demands.
and giving opinions about the wombs of women you don't even know. You have no right to do that.
I have EVERY RIGHT to give my opinion. Deal with it.

No. They're his danglers. Not mine.
I do not believe you. Yeah, I said it. I think you just lied to support you claim.
OF COURSE you would have an opinion on it.

You missed the word "contents"?
You missed where you kept saying Uterus Alone?

Yes, that is him in how it affected me. Just as you have the right to tell your other half of the pain it would cause you if she opted to rid herself of your spawn. You'd have every right to give her your opinion. But at the end of the day, if she walks into that abortion clinic for an abortion, you cannot stop her from doing so, short of breaking the law and denying her her freedoms. Now, if you did such a thing, who would be in the wrong? Her for wanting an abortion or you for denying her the rights over her own body to have one?
Obviously- You did Not Read My Post.

You continue to put words in my mouth I never said.

What meant more to you when you found out you may be a father? The child or the woman carrying him? Was she suddenly invisible to you? Her rights and choices no longer mattered to you?
Stop Claiming that I am forcing, demanding or making people do ANYTHING.
You FAIL to read what I say-- then you emotionally INVENT whatever you want to THINK I said. Re-Read My Last Post.


For you to ask that after I made that post demonstrates your failure to Read and Understand What I said.

You are confused, not me.

He respected me to do what was right. You know, decide for myself to do what was right? He was not uninvolved, nor is he now. When at 2am I started bleeding and thought I was miscarrying, he drove me to the hospital or called an ambulance and this was a weekly event in my first pregnancy. He supported me in what I wanted to do through both pregnancies. Ultimately it was my choice.
I apologize for the commentary I made. I was emotionally influenced.

Hence why I would never ever become involved with someone like you.
You have no idea who I am
At the time I was quite ill.
A fact that you left out til now. That makes a difference.
Do you think it would have been right for him to start emotionally ranting about the child's right to life at that time?
Stop claiming I'm a ranting raving Lunatic. This is an Unusual Post by me in which I'm expressing a lot of my anger toward your bad behavior. Your claims, accusations and assumptions are totally frustrating. It's like you're projecting what OTHER people have said to you onto me.

You do not know me at all- Keep your assumptions to yourself.
That you would put the child's life over that of your partner's says more about you than you may wish to let on.
I have repeatedly stated that I WOULD NOT DO THAT.

You fail to read my posts, you assume whatever and then apply it to me.

Is her right. You have fuck all say in it.
And you claim I'm emotionally ranting? Pot, meet kettle.

Then I would suggest you word your posts in a way that would support what you are apparently "advocating".
I suggest you actually read them.

What is annoying is that some individual from another country deems it necessary to have an opionion over what women around the world do with their reprodcutive rights. I'm sorry, but you do not have that right.
I do have every right to an opinion. Deal with it.
But you cannot force her to do what you want.
You failed to read my post.
At the end of the day, for all your emotional ranting, is the crux of the issue. She can do what she bloody well likes and you'd have no say in the matter. So do you respect her enough to do what is right? Or do you have to hound her or force her to do what you think is right?
Do not accuse me of Hounding and Forcing. You do not know me in spite of all your accusations and assumptions and complete failure to read my CLEAR stance.

Your posts on this subject do not support this claim.

For example:

Irrelevant. By claiming it's ONLY YOUR BODY you ARE dismissing that growing within. That is just the Way It Is.

That alone does NOT determine my total stance nor can you invent off the top of your head whatever the hell you THINK I said.

Bells, You have Repeatedly failed to READ my stance, and instead, choose to invent entirely opposing views that I never advocated. I am finished discussing this with YOU since you're unable to do so rationally.
I absolutely think so if she is due to bear mine. And if you even TRY claiming men have no rights as a father, you best start googling up what courts think about that.

I just checked and found this:

"A male who suspects he has fathered a child can only assert parental rights after paternity has been established. Most states now require a paternity test to be made by using DNA testing rather than a blood test. The U.S. Supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional and a violation of a woman's civil rights for an abortion to be refused on the grounds that the "possible" father objected. In other words a man who believes he is the father has no legal grounds or procedure to oppose the woman's decision to obtain an abortion."

What are you referring to exactly in terms of 'father's rights'?
I just checked and found this:

"A male who suspects he has fathered a child can only assert parental rights after paternity has been established. Most states now require a paternity test to be made by using DNA testing rather than a blood test. The U.S. Supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional and a violation of a woman's civil rights for an abortion to be refused on the grounds that the "possible" father objected. In other words a man who believes he is the father has no legal grounds or procedure to oppose the woman's decision to obtain an abortion."

What are you referring to exactly in terms of 'father's rights'?

Clearly, the Father.
Your quote states that he DOES have rights, they simply require a paternity test to show that he is the father.

It must be that way to prevent people who are not the father (Kinda the stereotype that Bells was attempting to shove me into) from attempting to prevent an abortion.
Bells, You have Repeatedly failed to READ my stance, and instead, choose to invent entirely opposing views that I never advocated. I am finished discussing this with YOU since you're unable to do so rationally.

I am addressing this first, because it is the crux of your issue with this subject.

What exactly is your stance?

You appear to be all over the place at the moment. So where do you sit on this issue? Do you support a woman's right to choose? Yes or no.

As follows, you Obviously Have Not.
Actually, I have.:)

Not according to the Law.
Which has what to do with me or whether you follow said law or not?

The law grants women the right to choose. So why do you insist that the woman look at things you way and gives consideration to what you call life?

I abused No one. Your claim is ridiculous.
Really? You called her selfish, amongst other things. I found your response to her to be quite astounding, truth be told. She is much younger than you but she showed herself to be more mature about it in the end than you did.

I have made No such Demand and AGAIN you CONTINUE to put words in my mouth I never said.
I NEVER ONCE said Equal Rights and have repeatedly been clear as to that.
Sorry, recognition? You are demanding that women consider the life in their wombs. I would strongly suggest you go back and re-read what you have written. You keep going on and on about the rights of the other life (ie the child) and how those rights should also be recognised. It is a demand you have stated several times. You may not mean it as a demand, but you sure as hell word it as one.

You are Ignoring most of what I say- Assuming what I say-- Saying I said things I never did. I was SEMI polite and asked you to review and to actually see what I am actually saying.
Now I'm NOT polite. CUt That Shit Out. OR do not reply to me. One or the other. I do not need to have to refute your CLAIMS about what I say- I only need to defend what I ACTUALLY Say.

Do not tell me I am confused.

You are.
This is obviously a very emotional issue for you. You keep wringing your hands and contradicting yourself constantly. I am not ignoring most of what you say, nor am I making assumptions. You have stated your point several times in this thread. You were not semi-polite. I honestly do not think you actually know what you are saying or what you actually believe in in regards to this issue. You seem uncomfortable at being lumped with pro-lifer's but you feel anger when a woman says she would get an abortion because of her figure and you insulted her as a result, because to you, she was not taking responsibility for the life in her womb and you referred to her as selfish. You're telling me you didn't actually say all that.

I called you confused because you appear to be confused.

I know exactly where I stand on this issue. The question is, do you?

I have made no demands.
Yes actually, you are.

I have EVERY RIGHT to give my opinion. Deal with it.
You have every right to an opinion when the reproductive issue concerns you. You have no right to foist your opinion on other women and call them selfish because they disagree with you. If you do not like what the response is to your opinion, I suggest you learn to deal with it. What you do not have the right to do is to foist your opinion upon others to have them believe just as you do or do as you say. Which you cannot quite seem to grasp.

I do not believe you. Yeah, I said it. I think you just lied to support you claim.
OF COURSE you would have an opinion on it.
No, actually I did not. He considered it and my response was, do what you think is right.. do what you want to do. It is his body. If he wants to get the snip, he is free to do so. You still don't get it, do you? He has the right to do what the hell he wants with his "danglers".

You missed where you kept saying Uterus Alone?
And you missed context.

Obviously- You did Not Read My Post.

You continue to put words in my mouth I never said.
Talk to her and try to convince her to do what you want?

And if she refused, what would you have done then?

Stop Claiming that I am forcing, demanding or making people do ANYTHING.
You FAIL to read what I say-- then you emotionally INVENT whatever you want to THINK I said. Re-Read My Last Post.


For you to ask that after I made that post demonstrates your failure to Read and Understand What I said.

You are confused, not me.
I would suggest you go back and read what you have stated in this thread. With a clear head.

Something you seem unable to have on this subject matter.

I apologize for the commentary I made. I was emotionally influenced.
Really? I wouldn't have guessed.

You have no idea who I am
I can only go by what you say and how you portray yourself on here..

A fact that you left out til now. That makes a difference.
Why? So it would only make a difference if she was ill? You'd have held your tongue then?

Stop claiming I'm a ranting raving Lunatic. This is an Unusual Post by me in which I'm expressing a lot of my anger toward your bad behavior. Your claims, accusations and assumptions are totally frustrating. It's like you're projecting what OTHER people have said to you onto me.

You do not know me at all- Keep your assumptions to yourself.
Advice I would suggest you also take.

I am saying you are ranting and emotional about this issue because it is obvious you are. Something you have admitted to being yourself in previous posts. So I should stop confirming what you have claimed yourself?

I have repeatedly stated that I WOULD NOT DO THAT.

You fail to read my posts, you assume whatever and then apply it to me.
No. You'd have told me "straight up".

And you claim I'm emotionally ranting? Pot, meet kettle.
I claimed you are emotionally ranting because you are.

I suggest you actually read them.
I have read them and that is my opinion of what you have said.

I do have every right to an opinion. Deal with it.
And you still have not stated why you have the right to an opinion on the reproductive rights of women around the world. Who gave you that right? Why do you think you have the right to an opinion to the reproductive rights of women in the UK or Australia, for example?

Do not accuse me of Hounding and Forcing. You do not know me in spite of all your accusations and assumptions and complete failure to read my CLEAR stance.
You are hounding and forcing.

For example:

Irrelevant. By claiming it's ONLY YOUR BODY you ARE dismissing that growing within. That is just the Way It Is.
Firstly, it is my body and I am well within my rights to dismiss what may be growing within it. You have no say in the matter. And "that is just th way it is".

That alone does NOT determine my total stance nor can you invent off the top of your head whatever the hell you THINK I said.
I am inventing by quoting you directly?

Bells, You have Repeatedly failed to READ my stance, and instead, choose to invent entirely opposing views that I never advocated. I am finished discussing this with YOU since you're unable to do so rationally.
I have read your supposed stance, but said stance seems to be all over the place. You advocate that the woman's right to her body is irrelevant because she is dismissing what is growing within her.

I am quite rational and cool about this issue Neverfly. You, on the other hand, are not. If this last post by you is any indication, you are very angry that another person dares tell you to mind your own business about things that do not concern you at all. VI's reproductive rights and her decisions do not concern you, nor does any other woman's who has posted in this thread or elsewhere. And yet, you have taken it upon yourself to judge them as being selfish and me a liar, because it does not fall in with what you believe personally. You have admitted to ranting about this issue and also about being emotional about this issue, and then you accuse me of calling you that, when I am only re-asserting your own claims in this thread.

I would strongly suggest you clear your head and read back through your responses in this thread. You are on an emotional roller-coaster here and that is quite obvious.
oK... so women who get abortons shud go to jale... woud you also want the mornin after pill to be illeagle... an the use of it to lead to jale time.???

You and Bells are putting words into my mouth. I am merely saying they knew it could happen so they should take responsibility for the child. They Should Not go to jail. Unfortunately abortion is legal, and I believe strongly in justice. I don't have much of an opinion on the morning after pill, I could go either way with it. Please don't jump to conclusions from just one post.
Clearly, the Father.
Your quote states that he DOES have rights, they simply require a paternity test to show that he is the father.

It must be that way to prevent people who are not the father (Kinda the stereotype that Bells was attempting to shove me into) from attempting to prevent an abortion.

After the child is born. A DNA test indicates it would be performed after the child is born, as one cannot do a cheek swab while the child is inutero. Read the rest of her quote:

"The U.S. Supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional and a violation of a woman's civil rights for an abortion to be refused on the grounds that the "possible" father objected. In other words a man who believes he is the father has no legal grounds or procedure to oppose the woman's decision to obtain an abortion."​
I did not read that long post you just addressed to me. I got as far as "Actually I have" and said 'screw this.'
HAD You read it and understood it without inventing what you THINK I said-- You would never have given me the responses you had. You have clearly projected your personal thoughts of what you think I said onto me in spite of several times where I made it clear what I think and where you were completely off the track.

I am TIRED of repeatedly telling you over and over and over again what my stance is. I have fullfilled that obligation too much.
It's now on YOU to go back up and RE-READ what's been provided. Without all your bias.
I will NOT address those points any longer until you can tell ME what my stance is.
After the child is born.
Yeah, ok. The father has parental rights to contest an abortion only after the child is born. Got it.
A DNA test indicates it would be performed after the child is born, as one cannot do a cheek swab while the child is inutero. Read the rest of her quote:
In other words- You assumed.
That is Not the only method of DNA testing and YES--children within the womb can be DNA tested.
THAT is what the court would require for a contest of abortion.
You assumed incorrectly and your claim was wrong.
"The U.S. Supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional and a violation of a woman's civil rights for an abortion to be refused on the grounds that the "possible" father objected. In other words a man who believes he is the father has no legal grounds or procedure to oppose the woman's decision to obtain an abortion."​

Note the quotation "POSSIBLE." That is because without the paternity test, he cannot make a claim to rights as parent.
Clearly, the Father.
Your quote states that he DOES have rights, they simply require a paternity test to show that he is the father.

It must be that way to prevent people who are not the father from attempting to prevent an abortion.

Yes but the paternity test can only be done after the child is born. What I was asking is whether you were referring to paternal rights after birth or before. The father even if he is the husband cannot legally stop an abortion if its what the mother wants, if this is incorrect please show evidence.

By the way (a little off topic) an in utero paternity tests are not often recommended for the following reasons:

Unfortunately both methods of harvesting cells from the baby carry risks so it is ill advised to proceed without being fully informed.

Injury to mother or fetus from the needle. There is the potential for placental puncture but this usually heals without further concern.
Since the procedure allows bacteria into the amniotic sac, it's possible to develop an infection however this is rare.
There is a slight risk of the mother's blood being exposed to the fetus's blood. This is only problematic if the mother's is rhesus-negative and the baby's is rhesus-positive.
Amniocentesis carries a risk of producing clubfoot in the baby, however the potential for this to occur is higher if the procedure takes place before the fifteenth week of pregnancy.


In order to perform this the mother would have to be between her 14 and 24 weeks. Most women have abortions within the first trimester when these procedures are not possible
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