A Theory of Racism

J.B said:
I don't think it is because their skin color is black.

I have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much lower IQ levels http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=black+IQ&btnG=Google+Search then ANY other groups of people.

I also have provided much proof that on the average people who skin color is black have much higher testosterone levels http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=blacks+and+testosterone&btnG=Google+Search then ANY other groups of people.

Low IQ + High testosterone = Violent crime and Unemployment

Check out the TWO Google searchs I have done for you.
You still don't understand.
You have not proved that lower IQ is due to their race. Racial characteristics drive all sorts of differences, some of them social. I suggest the difference is due to social conditions driven by white attitudes toward the black race, not because of the nature of the black race itself. (This would include Africa, where there are few white people, because of the influence of colonialism).

There are many black graduates holding university degrees in the US, so intellectual achievement by blacks is not uncommon. This proves that blacks are not intellectually inferiour, but rather socially disadvantaged.

As far as testosterone,
Studies have shown that inner-city youths, often exposed to danger in high-crime neighborhoods, may generate higher testosterone levels than unthreatened, secluded suburbanites.
So being forced through circumstance (white racism) into denser habitation combined with poverty may contribute to higher levels of testosterone, not the other way around as you suggest (with testosterone the initial instigator of violent tendencies).

spidergoat said:
You still don't understand.
You have not proved that lower IQ is due to their race. Racial characteristics drive all sorts of differences, some of them social. I suggest the difference is due to social conditions driven by white attitudes toward the black race, not because of the nature of the black race itself. (This would include Africa, where there are few white people, because of the influence of colonialism).

There are many black graduates holding university degrees in the US, so intellectual achievement by blacks is not uncommon. This proves that blacks are not intellectually inferiour, but rather socially disadvantaged.

As far as testosterone,

So being forced through circumstance (white racism) into denser habitation combined with poverty may contribute to higher levels of testosterone, not the other way around as you suggest (with testosterone the initial instigator of violent tendencies).


So how long untill you fix the blacks all over the world so that there not so violent and ignorant?
I don't know, when are you going to change your own attitude and realize that they are inherently no more violent or ignorant than people of other colors?

How long before we all work together to fix the inseparable problems of poverty and crime?
spidergoat said:
I don't know, when are you going to change your own attitude and realize that they are inherently no more violent or ignorant than people of other colors?

How long before we all work together to fix the inseparable problems of poverty and crime?
Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80% Black. West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White.
D.C. is also one of the most deeply divided cities in the US. I used to work there. There's the D.C. of well-paid politicians, and then there's the rest of it.

D.C. also has no federal representation.

D.C. also has a huge crack cocaine problem, which is the source of much of that violence.
So, Spidergoat, why don't you answer the point about West Virginia? And I'm sure that, say, Chicago or Detroit or Los Angeles or New York would serve just as well to show the high rate of violent crime by blacks. If poverty is the excuse, then why isn't West Virginia a hot-bed of violent crime???

Spidergoat: "I don't know, when are you going to change your own attitude and realize that they are inherently no more violent or ignorant than people of other colors?"

Good god, are you still clinging to your foolish dreams?? All of the statistics in the world point to blacks being much more violent than whites! Yet, even with the high rates of violent crime in Africa, you'll still excuse it as a throwback to colonialism? Why isn't that same argument true for West Virginia???

Baron Max
Whites make up the other 54% of crime. Whites have no excuses or reasons for their violence. So tell me why? Baron, Jew Boy? Why? All the questions you had about blacks I now ask you Baron Max. Why are there poor white people in America? Why are there white thieves (looters) in America? Why are there uneducated whites in America? Why??? Who gives the drugs and guns to be used and sold in America Baron? Huh? I can't hear you? Huh? Who built the projects and decided it was a good idea to leave them there uneducated? Huh? How good was the school system for blacks before desegregation? Huh? Why didn't they choose to keep segregation but equal teaching? Huh? Why did they decide that Black americans should not be taught to read or write? Huh? Less than 150 years ago. Who left the people to die after Hurricane Katrina whether the people decided to evacuate or not? Huh? Who decided what should be on the IQ test? Huh? You guys can't even speak ebonics (the lowest form of english). Who controls the media Baron Max? What? Say again?? What is your and J.B.s true intentions? Huh?

You won't answer because like JB you are weak!
I think JB has me on ignore because he can't find a true reason to further dispute what I say. You will just continue to ignore and ask the same questions over and over again like you've always been accused of on the forum. I did have some (little) respect for you (your opinion) but not anymore. :confused: Not that you care!

BLACK like rain.
by Baron Max
All of the statistics in the world point to blacks being much more violent than whites!
All of the so called by media statistics in the world you mean. The table has only turned in the last few decades. Whites and the Spanish all throughout history are some of the most violent creatures to ever walk (crawl) the planet. Lets do what JB said in another post. Lets look at the history of all countries, continents, places of origin for blacks. NOLA, Africa, Haiti, Jamaica are some...... What simularities will you find there? SLAVERY!!!!!!!
Again white crime in general history far outweighs black crimes of today and will surely rise again I'm sure. Again, whites have no reason for any of their violence, but they still have it. Once again, I'm not excusing anyones violence Baron. I'm stating facts and opinions. Education and equal opportunity, getting drugs off the streets are a sure way for black violence to decline in America. Theres your answer..... now what are you gonna do about it. Ask a gazillion questions off topic again?
Ignore me like JB does? :bugeye:

BLACK like Rain.
ReighnStorm said:
Huh? How good was the school system for blacks before desegregation? Huh? Why didn't they choose to keep segregation but equal teaching? Huh? Why did they decide that Black americans should not be taught to read or write? Huh? Less than 150 years ago. Who left the people to die after Hurricane Katrina whether the people decided to evacuate or not? Huh? Who decided what should be on the IQ test?
Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally.

In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. For 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In 1990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today's students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In 1983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation.
Baron Max said:
So, Spidergoat, why don't you answer the point about West Virginia? ...
Spidergoat: "I don't know, when are you going to change your own attitude and realize that they are inherently no more violent or ignorant than people of other colors?"

Good god, are you still clinging to your foolish dreams?? All of the statistics in the world point to blacks being much more violent than whites! Yet, even with the high rates of violent crime in Africa, you'll still excuse it as a throwback to colonialism? Why isn't that same argument true for West Virginia???

Baron Max

I don't know if you have ever been to West Virginia, but I used to live near Harper's Ferry. There are few cops, and just as much redneck violence as there is black violence in the inner city. Just watch "Deliverance", it's not just an overdramatized fantasy tale, that's what happens there.

As I have said before, the statistics mean nothing until you can separate what is purely a racial charateristic from social forces driven by racism.

I'm not saying blacks aren't violent, just that whites are just as violent, and have the resources to commit greater and more secret crimes.

Africa has been an area in decline for tens of thousands of years due to climate change. That's probably why Africans migrated northward, and became the other races. This, combined with the devastation of indigenous culture due to colonialism and slavery (more than 11 million taken), have resulted in the situation you see today. It has nothing to do with the evolved characteristics of African people. Yet somehow, racists overlook all the other factors that contribute to the well-being of a culture, and look only to surface qualities.

Civilizations come and go. During Europe's Dark Ages, I could have used the same flawed reasoning as you do, and say that the Native Americans like the Anasazi were a superior race, since they were perfectly adapted to their environment, while Europeans descended into chaos.
Baron Max said:
All of the statistics in the world point to blacks being much more violent than whites!
So, black people started the Crusades, the Inquisiton, the Thirty Year's War, SYW, Napoleonic Wars, ECW, ACW, World War I & II, and the modern war against terrorism?
And here I was thinking that it was the Catholic Church, enraged protestants, and egotistic white dudes that did that... :rolleyes:
Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally.
Again proving my point J.b.
There wil be no equal test among whites and blacks yet. Whites have had proper education 450 years longer than blacks in america. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!

by J.B.
In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one. Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers. For 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and bussing operations. (Few people realize how expensive bussing is. Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In 1990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation. In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results? Today's students rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks. Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results. Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In 1983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation.
Again White racist agenda J.B. Everything is done by whites seemingly disguised to look like their trying to help. I told you It Worked! They got exactly what they were hoping. And it's backfiring in your faces. :D
ReighnStorm said:
Everything is done by whites seemingly disguised to look like their trying to help.

So when the hell are blacks gonna' do something for themselves?! Why is it that whites have to keep trying new things, none of which fuckin' work?

At some point, blacks are gonna' have to stand up and tow the fuckin' mark, join the goddamned game or their "plight" will continue forever! ...and they can't keep blaming whites, and slavery and past history for their "woes" -- if so, will they still be blaming whites and slavery and their past history in 2095? In 2195? In 2295?

If, perchance, the blacks become the rulers of the world, are they gonna' blame THAT on the whites, too? :)

Baron Max
spidergoat said:
...West Virginia, but I used to live near Harper's Ferry. There are few cops, and just as much redneck violence as there is black violence in the inner city.

Can you show any statistics to back that up? Or is it just another bit of idle bullshit like telling us to watch an old fuckin' movie???

spidergoat said:
I'm not saying blacks aren't violent, just that whites are just as violent,...

There have been numerous and many posting/statistics that show that to be a total fucking lie ...and yet you keep repeating it like a ...what?... prayer?

Whites are NOT as violent as blacks today ...every statistics known points to blacks being the overwhelming leader in violent crime in the USA.

And I keep wondering what the violent crime rate is in, say, Nairobi? Does anyone know how to get that info via google? I can't ...google just takes me to porno sites and I have reboot my fuckin' computer!!!!

spidergoat said:
...the statistics mean nothing until you can separate what is purely a racial charateristic from social forces driven by racism.

The violent statistics don't make those distinctions ...only people like you, who are trying to lessen the facts, do! The violent crime stats simply say what they are, facts on violent crime. The excuses for that crime is then invented by people like you in an attempt to give EXCUSES for the crime!

Baron Max
I believe racism is an integral part of our thinking, a subset of induction on which all of our intuition is based. Anotherwords, if in your experience a black dude in the middle of the night on a certain street robs you with frequency .7 and a white dude does it with frequency .2, then there is no valid argument as to why you shouldnt be more cautios around the black dude and you would be a fool not to. (unless you say that both percentages are too high to risk not being cautious and your on the wrong damn street at the wrong damn time, in which case just substitute a different scenario with the same percentages per race for some desirable/undesirable trait to get my point... ie who to hire .4 good worker black etc)

If that a person is black has no signifigance relative to what you are trying to figure out, then this percentage would be .5 If it is not .5, then race is correlated with what you are trying to determine. There are plenty of statistics out there where the percent correlation between the various races and the trait in question is not 50%
QUOTE by Baron Max
So when the hell are blacks gonna' do something for themselves?! Why is it that whites have to keep trying new things, none of which fuckin' work?
This and you are a fukking joke! How you come up with this almost amazes me. You're getting more and more pathetic Baron with this nonsense. Blacks have never wanted ANYTHING from your kind. What they want you won't give! Just look at your post and how long we've been discussing (arguing about) this issue. All this evidence of the truth and you're still arguing! WOW! As to the why whites question.......the only thing you have to try and do is stop being RACIST, DISCRIMINATING, HATEFUL, BIGOTS! :bugeye: Equal education, Equal Opportunity! That's it!

By Baron Max
blacks are gonna' have to stand up and tow the fuckin' mark, join the goddamned game or their "plight" will continue forever! ...and they can't keep blaming whites, and slavery and past history for their "woes" -- if so, will they still be blaming whites and slavery and their past history in 2095? In 2195? In 2295?
Tow the mark??? Are you serious?? We've been carrying for you so long. You haven't done any work to sustain your own life. I've already educated you on this previously Baron....yet here you are again! Black people faught for a country that hates them, black people raised your children, black men have your women, black people built this country on their back. Are you Kidding Me?????
Blaming whites???? :bugeye: It is your (Ancestors) fault! Again, Blacks don't care about the past. We care about the present and future. Slavery is not a a "woe". Slavery is a fukking CRIME!

By Baron Max
the blacks become the rulers of the world, are they gonna' blame THAT on the whites, too? :)
We blacks don't want to rule the world....that's your kinds sick fantasy. This world belongs to all of us and none of us. We just want to have equal rights, equal education.
ReighnStorm said:
Blacks have never wanted ANYTHING from your kind.

But then you go on to say:

ReighnStorm said:
What they want you won't give!

So ...which is it ....blacks don't want anything or blacks do want something from whites, but whites don't want to GIVE it to blacks? And if the second, why should whites GIVE blacks any-fuckin'-thing??

ReighnStorm said:
...the only thing you have to try and do is stop being RACIST, DISCRIMINATING, HATEFUL, BIGOTS!

Let's see now ...the Chinese made it; the Vietnamese made it; the Indians made it; the Pakistanis made it; the Native Americans made it; even some of the Arabs/Muslims have made it, yet the blacks, who've had some 50 years head start can't make it? Why? All those others have been discriminated against, hated, etc. Why can't American blacks do as well as those others?

ReighnStorm said:
This world belongs to all of us and none of us. We just want to have equal rights, equal education.

No, you're wrong there! This world belongs to whoever can "conquer" it, whoever can make it work for them ...nothing is given to anyone!

Equal rights? Equal education? Shit ...ain't nothin' fuckin' equal and you know it!! If you want it, go get it ...don't wait for someone to give it to you or you'll never, ever have anything. If blacks don't know that, then ye're in for a long, long wait.

I saw some black newsmen on the news tonight ...they were good, they were professional, they spoke English perfectly, they dressed like professional newsmen and they knew what the hell they were talking about. How did they get that? How did they get their educations and their jobs? Why can't others do the same or similar? If people, black and white and any other color, want something enough, they'll work to get it ...my guess is that those blacks didn't wait for ti to be handed to them! (But most blacks call those people "Uncle Toms", don't they????)

No more excuses, Reighn ...they blacks want it, they should go get it themselves, work to make something of themselves. It works ....look at those black newsmen!

Baron Max