A Theory of Racism

spidergoat said:
They could be more politically involved... like MLK and the black leaders who...were....assassinated.
What other black leaders that were assassinated are you talking about?

spidergoat said:
I don't really think white people are more violent than any other human, I was just countering your extreme view to illustrate a point.
I noticed you make up things often.
J.B said:
Wow, whites have the power to control blacks lives so easly, whites can even make blacks kill each other.

Do you really believe whites are that superiour?
And again you twist shit to align with your own nazist views.
No, whites don't have power to do *make* people kill each other...
...it's just that Europeans are the only fucks stupid enough to carve a continent's political boundaries up specifically to make ethnic strife happen. Also, guns. That helped in conquering.
It's not a good thing to be that destructive.
Your the one that wrote:

Hapsburg said:
numerous civil wars in nearly every african country, and lets not forget the war in Uganda, the Rwandan Genocide, and the First and second Congo Wars which have cost some 10 million lives. All because of white Eurpean leader's shortsightedness and overzealous greed.

Now I don't believe that whites are so powerful that they can make blacks kill each other like you say. If you really thought of blacks as human you would hold them responsible for their own actions, as I do.

You treat blacks as if they are pets that are being raised improperly.
Hapsburg said:
...stupid enough to carve a continent's political boundaries up specifically to make ethnic strife happen.

Hmm? So it's not the ethnicity differences (and hatred?) that cause the problems, it's that imaginary line on a map??? Whoooooaaa!

Good one, Hap, good one.

Baron Max
J.B said:
You treat blacks as if they are pets that are being raised improperly.

Hmm, sorta' makes one wonder, don't it? And the many laws that have been passed, when viewed with that in mind, make a lot more sense, don't they?

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
You guys are still on this?? :confused:
Ya, nothing has changed, blacks are still very poor and violent.

I don't blame you though if you want to give up on them.
Ya, nothing has changed, blacks are still very poor and violent.

I don't blame you though for giving up.

Yeah, nothings changed alright. You're still weak and unimportant. Whites will still destroy the Earth. Your family will grow to hate you. Blacks will always be the direct descendants of Earth (first), will always be agressive, never submissive. Whites will also continue to be extremely poor and violent. Whites will always be the most racist people to walk the planet and blind to the very fact of their own inhumanity. ;)
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I think you are a very racist person with your divisions in white/black, etc.
Primitive thoughts for a primitive mind. :rolleyes:
Lucky for you that I don't give shitt what you think. All minds are primitive!
Everything I said above is a true fact of my opinion. :cool:
I'm not a racist because that means that I would think that one race is inferior to the other. That's just not true. I am however very discriminative against certain types of people.

It is funny though that you didn't disagree with what I said about White people hmmmm. ;)
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Lets see, you say this:

ReighnStorm said:
I'm not a racist because that means that I think one race is inferior to the other.

And then you say this:
ReighnStorm said:
Whites will still destroy the Earth. Blacks will always be the direct descendants of Earth (first), will always be agressive, never submissive. Whites will also continue to be extremely poor and violent. Whites will always be the most racist people to walk the planet and blind to the very fact of their own inhumanity.

Everyone is naturally racist IMO and all races would look after their own when push comes to shove.

I see racial divide in the UK, whenever i go to work, blacks sit at one table, whites sit at another table and asians sit at their own table too, each speaking their own language.

If multicultralism ACTUALLY existed the tables would be a complete mix, but they are not, not when *they* like to talk to each other in their own language.
ReighnStorm said:
Whites will always be the most racist people to walk the planet and blind to the very fact of their own inhumanity.

Then why in the hell would blacks and other races want to integrate with us? It makes not sense!! If whites are so terrible and racist, why don't blacks start their own towns, cities, factories, etc, and get out from under the white-rule? Blacks would like it, whites would like it ...what could be better?

It seems to me, Reighn, that ye're trying to change people ....and you, of all people, should know that you can't do that.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hmm? So it's not the ethnicity differences (and hatred?) that cause the problems, it's that imaginary line on a map??? Whoooooaaa!

Good one, Hap, good one.

Baron Max
It's both and it is none.. Neither one is wrong nor right.
Baron Max said:
Then why in the hell would blacks and other races want to integrate with us? It makes not sense!! If whites are so terrible and racist, why don't blacks start their own towns, cities, factories, etc, and get out from under the white-rule? Blacks would like it, whites would like it ...what could be better?

It seems to me, Reighn, that ye're trying to change people ....and you, of all people, should know that you can't do that.

Baron Max

Other races wish to integrate with whites because it suits them and suits the government, depends if you are talking people born in your country or people who have come over via immigration, people born in your country are no different to whites born,
however people from immigration have been social in a different culture and language they may be in your country because it is better than being in their home country, maybe there is violence, maybe they want a better life.

In the UK it suits blair because immigrants increase the economy, he welcomes it with open arms.
And everyone who does not is apparently a racist and should be put in prison under terrorism acts.
In fact i think anyone who does not agree with tony blair is considered a terrorist.

But at some point immigrants will be a problem, when they strive the same as us, they are just extra population meaning more houses more jobs to go around as they go for the higher up higher pay jobs.We are already full, a line has to be drawn.

The UK is going into areas of sillyness, it is your liberal pinko fucks that are the cause of racism by going on about it all the time, it makes people *OVER* aware to the point they pull a race card, you end up with races from other countries having more opportunity and advantages than those who were born there,thats what is happening.
I'm against it because nobody should be given more advantages over someone else based on skin colour or culture.
The government is racist but racist towards it's own people if it suits them to do so, it keeps the immigration machine going.Its business.
Although they could easily turn the other way if it no longer suits them, i dread to think what that might mean.
QUOTE by Baron Max
Then why in the hell would blacks and other races want to integrate with us? It makes not sense!! If whites are so terrible and racist, why don't blacks start their own towns, cities, factories, etc, and get out from under the white-rule? Blacks would like it, whites would like it ...what could be better?
Baron I never said whites are terrible just racist which again means that you think you're naturally superior over other races. Thinking that you are and acting the role are different. Most whites are enjoyable when the race card isn't being played! Black people did have their own towns at one point in America....but do you know what happened to them? Lets see...whites came and murdered, burned down, raped, destroyed whole towns simply because of untrusting (the) blacks! Again, it's not white people that we want to live with...it's the land (America) itself.
It seems to me, Reighn, that ye're trying to change people ....and you, of all people, should know that you can't do that.
I'm simply trying to educated you guys in the knowledge that there are other ways of doing and thinking in this world that would benefit culture as a whole Baron Max. Change will come naturally with time. And what do you mean by "you, of all people"?

Like BLACK Rain
QUOTE by GodlessEvil
Everyone is naturally racist IMO and all races would look after their own when push comes to shove.
I don't agree. No human is naturally racist. Certain "so called" civilizations created racism. IMO :m:
Hey Spidey,

Is their one thing in this world that blacks are doing wrong that is not somehow the fault of whitey?
YES! :)
Black Men dating White Women!!!!!!!

Let me remind you also that my mom who is Black is married to a White and wealthy man (german mix). My sister was married to a white man from Texas. :rolleyes:
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ReighnStorm said:
Baron I never said whites are terrible just racist
So now being racist is not terrible?

Hey is this statement of yours terrible or "just racist"?
ReighnStorm said:
Whites will still destroy the Earth. Blacks will always be the direct descendants of Earth (first), will always be agressive, never submissive. Whites will also continue to be extremely poor and violent. Whites will always be the most racist people to walk the planet and blind to the very fact of their own inhumanity.
ReighnStorm said:
YES! :)
Black Men dating White Women!!!!!!!
You think it is "wrong" for black men to date white women?
ReighnStorm said:
Let me remind you also that my mom who is Black is married to a White and wealthy man (german mix). My sister was married to a white man from Texas.
Now I better understand more about your confusion on racial issues.