A Theory of Racism

by J.B
So now being racist is not terrible?

Hey is this statement of yours terrible or "just racist"?

“ Originally Posted by ReighnStorm
Whites will still destroy the Earth. Blacks will always be the direct descendants of Earth (first), will always be agressive, never submissive. Whites will also continue to be extremely poor and violent. Whites will always be the most racist people to walk the planet and blind to the very fact of their own inhumanity.
Being who you are is not terrible....acting on those feelings may be terrible.
Also this statement is neither terrible or racist (IMO). It is the simple TRUTH

You think it is "wrong" for black men to date white women?
Now I better understand more about your confusion on racial issues.
Yes, I believe it is wrong for black men to date white women....lots of reasons why. ;)
J.B you don't even understand your own confusion about racial issues. As a matter of opinion....There is no confusion on racial issues. It is what it is :bugeye: .
ReighnStorm said:
Being who you are is not terrible....acting on those feelings may be terrible. Also this statement is neither terrible or racist (IMO). It is the simple TRUTH.

So all those neo-Nazi hate sites on the Internet is NOT racist sites? I mean, they think what they're writting is "the truth", too.

But are you saying that anyone can say or think anything that they want, but they're NOT racists unless they actually act on those feelings??? Ya' know, that's not the way most people would feel about racism ....ya' know???

ReighnStorm said:
Yes, I believe it is wrong for black men to date white women....lots of reasons why.

Well, if you can believe that, why can't other believe that blacks should be segragated from the white population? What's the difference? Is one racist and the other not? ...just becuase YOU say so? Please explain.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
Yes, I believe it is wrong for black men to date white women....lots of reasons why.

Hmm, interesting. And do you also believe that white MEN shouldn't date black WOMEN? And, like J.B. asked, why?

Baron Max
by J.B
How about naming just one reason?

by Baron Max
And do you also believe that white MEN shouldn't date black WOMEN? And, like J.B. asked, why?

One reason J.B is that I feel it's disrespectful of black americans history when a black man dates a white (considered white) female.
I'm fine with any other race of man dating and marrying black women. ;)
ReighnStorm said:
One reason J.B is that I feel it's disrespectful of black americans history when a black man dates a white (considered white) female.

What if the black man is from Africa and the white woman is, say, Russian? How would/does the "American History" come into play?

And you still didn't answer how you feel about a WHITE MAN dating a BLACK WOMAN? (And again, what if the white man is from, say, Russia and the black woman is from, say, Africa? I.e., not born in America.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
Yes, I believe it is wrong for black men to date white women....lots of reasons why.
J.B you don't even understand your own confusion about racial issues.
I'd suggest you straighten out your own confusion about racial issues.

ReighnStorm said:
One reason J.B is that I feel it's disrespectful of black americans history when a black man dates a white (considered white) female.
I'm fine with any other race of man dating and marrying black women. ;)
Of course, the 'black man' is only a product of America. :rolleyes:

So please enlighten us Reighn, how is it disrespectful of "black American history" for the black man to now have the freedom to date who he chooses? My grandfather was a black man who married a white woman... neither of whom are or have anything to do with America. So how does his marrying my white grandmother in any way disrespect "black American history"? No offence Reighn, but that would have to be one of the most pitiful excuses for this kind of argument I have ever heard.

I would say that your racist and sexist attitude is more disrespectful of "black American history".
Baron Max said:
What if the black man is from Africa and the white woman is, say, Russian? How would/does the "American History" come into play?

And you still didn't answer how you feel about a WHITE MAN dating a BLACK WOMAN? (And again, what if the white man is from, say, Russia and the black woman is from, say, Africa? I.e., not born in America.

I thought I was clear when I made this comment but after re-reading it I see the flaw.

I think it is disrepectful when a black american dates/marries a white american...I don't care about anyone else. I can't speak for anyone in Africa. Never been and will never go. Not up to date on all of Africas history. I have also already answered your question about whites or any other race of man marrying black women. :D I see no problem with that. My problem is with black men dating/marrying white women/spanish women. ;)
by Bells
I'd suggest you straighten out your own confusion about racial issues.
If you look closely you will see that there is no confusion about my feelings. They are very clear. I can't help that you can't follow something that clear. Whether you understand it or not is your problem. I know exactly how I feel about this situation. I DON'T LIKE IT!

So please enlighten us Reighn, how is it disrespectful of "black American history" for the black man to now have the freedom to date who he chooses? My grandfather was a black man who married a white woman... neither of whom are or have anything to do with America. So how does his marrying my white grandmother in any way disrespect "black American history"? No offence Reighn, but that would have to be one of the most pitiful excuses for this kind of argument I have ever heard.
Frankly Bells, and you should already know this, I could care less about how you feel. Your feelings are of no value to me. I feel how I feel because that's how I feel. Plain and simple. J.B. asked the question and I gave the answer. It is very disrespectful to black americans history for a black man to date even the descendants of white americans. It just is. This is only my opinion. It's not a LAW. I have every right to have this feeling. And don't you forget also that my grandfather and grandmother are mixed with white blood. Doesn't mean that I have to like it! :bugeye:

I would say that your racist and sexist attitude is more disrespectful of "black American history".
You would say that. And you would be very wrong to do so. I'm not sexist or racist. I remember history and history will remember me. The forgive and forget rule will not apply to me on this subject. I will never forgive and never forget the horror.
sniffy said:
Is this thread still going?

No, it's been over for days .....or can't you read the previous messages?

Racism is an emotion in no way different to, say, love. Many people say that they don't like broccolli, but have never even tried it! Should we FORCE those people to eat broccolli? And should we condemn them for their "reasoning"? Should we segragate them from the general population?

You either feel it or you don't .....or, in some/many cases, ignore it and pretend that you don't feel it so you're more politically correct (in keeping with the majority of society!). Even those people who claim that they aren't racist, often have those feelings surface in varying situations. My personal feeling is that everyone on Earth is racist ...they just don't admit it.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, it's been over for days .....or can't you read the previous messages?

Racism is an emotion in no way different to, say, love.

me:::eek:pposte of love

Many people say that they don't like broccolli, but have never even tried it! Should we FORCE those people to eat broccolli?

me::eek:h my daYYYS. what a comparison!

And should we condemn them for their "reasoning"? Should we segragate them from the general population?

me:::you mean like you wanna do wit black broccoli...err i mean people?

You either feel it or you don't .....or, in some/many cases, ignore it and pretend that you don't feel it so you're more politically correct (in keeping with the majority of society!). Even those people who claim that they aren't racist, often have those feelings surface in varying situations. My personal feeling is that everyone on Earth is racist ...they just don't admit it.

Baron Max

and thatidea is propably how you justify your own entrenched racism Baron Max
duendy said:
and thatidea is propably how you justify your own entrenched racism Baron Max

Who says that I'm a racist? And if you do, can you show me why you feel that way?

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
Frankly Bells, and you should already know this, I could care less about how you feel. Your feelings are of no value to me. I feel how I feel because that's how I feel. Plain and simple.
And yet you are under the misapprehension that I care about how you feel how you feel. I am merely pointing out the discrepency and the hypocrisy in calling others racist when you are in your beliefs and "feelings" racist yourself... "Plain and simple"..

It is very disrespectful to black americans history for a black man to date even the descendants of white americans. It just is.
Why? So you are quite fine for a black woman to date a white American because it suits your purposes and your needs. So why is it ok for a black woman to date the descendant of the white slave owners but it is not ok for a black man to do the same? What if a black man dates a white Russian woman? After all, she would not be a descendant of a white American. Is it that you think the black American male should remain true to his heritage and keep the racial lines going while the black American woman can date whom she chooses, regardless of race? I don't understand why you distinguish the black male and the black female to such an extent... Do you think the heritage of the black woman is worth less than that of the black man? Is she worth less in general in regards to African American history?

It is no more or less disrespectful for a black man to date a white woman as it is for a black woman to date a white man.

This is only my opinion. It's not a LAW. I have every right to have this feeling.
Yes it is only your opinion and thankfully your opinion does not mean much in the grand scheme of things. You are but one lone little voice preaching your own version of hate, just as JB preaches his little versions of hate. Don't point the finger at others for racism when you are yourself racist Reighn.

And don't you forget also that my grandfather and grandmother are mixed with white blood. Doesn't mean that I have to like it!
So you hate your ancestry and heritage? Have you told your family that? Have you told your grandparents that you hate that they "are mixed with white blood". My God, you sound like the reverse version of a KKK member denigrating someome who is mixed with 'black blood'. Don't forget that if it weren't for your grandparents and for their heritage, you would not be who you are.

You would say that. And you would be very wrong to do so. I'm not sexist or racist. I remember history and history will remember me. The forgive and forget rule will not apply to me on this subject. I will never forgive and never forget the horror.
History will remember you? LOL! You did not live the horror my dear. Your ancestors did. They fought for their freedom and they died for it. You, on the other hand keep reminding everyone on here of your wealthy upbringing and how you went to an expensive university... So what horror are you keeping alive? That they suffered? You are keeping the horror of the racism they faced alive. Instead of being proud of who they are and what they may have achieved to get you to where you are today, you bitch and moan that they "are mixed with white blood" as though they were somehow soiled. They would not be who they are... in fact, they would probably not exist if it weren't for that 'white blood'. That white blood is part of who they are and part of who you are. Be proud that they were born so that you could also be born.
I agree he IS being racist. as much as that other bugger b max and j.b!

i am what zeycall mixed race. actually the whole notion of race is an invention of a white dude....it means nothing, butleave that for another thread maybe

i LOVE when people mix andmatch.....we are all human. Cupid cn strike his arroe at any couple, young and old, black and white, red indian an chinese, russian and american. muslim and christian, etc etc etc......for fuks sake see through tis crap where your coneptual brain holds prominence over you and you fall into te categores trip....or classification trip, where you box pople in boxes verses pople in othe boxes. tis is the SOURCE of conflict inside and out
My mum has more guts than a zillion racists. she decided to marry my dad who was black with te intention of changing the world......se got utter rejection form all her amily cept one aunty, her dad, my grandpa when friggin BLIND wit shock!....tis is what racism does......yet she is the coolest lady you can ever meet. VERY accepting....we need more o that not te other
QUOTE by Bells
And yet you are under the misapprehension that I care about how you feel how you feel. I am merely pointing out the discrepency and the hypocrisy in calling others racist when you are in your beliefs and "feelings" racist yourself... "Plain and simple"..
You do in fact Bells, care how I feel. I'm not a racist. I'm pointing how I feel about black men dating white AMERICAN women only. If I were being racist then I would have never said that it's ok for a black american woman to marry a white american man! That's it. It has nothing to do with their color of skin. The slavers just happened to be White european (american). It's the history I'm disgusted with. I know it doesn't make sense to you. It shouldn't. J.B asked the question and I gave my honest answer. I could have lied or ignored him. But why? I think that a black american mans view of a white american woman is different than how a white american man views a black american woman. Thats the (my) difference. It's also about balance. Black americans are only 12% and look two people have already posted that their grandfathers and fathers are black! Their are more black women in america than black men. Lot of them are in prison, murdered, and married to white women. Not much left for black women. My issue is with history and balance. But balance is the major problem. Not many sisters with white husbands. Lots of black women alone. It's a major problem and I blame black american males and white american women.
by Bells
What if a black man dates a white Russian woman? After all, she would not be a descendant of a white American.
I keep saying "I'm only talking about black american men and white american women. I don't care about any other race. Not african or french. Not russian or german etc........

You are but one lone little voice preaching your own version of hate, just as JB preaches his little versions of hate. Don't point the finger at others for racism when you are yourself racist Reighn.
It all starts with one voice Bells. Has nothing to do with hate. Disrespect, distrust, angry, disappointed maybe but not hate. J.B thinks that black people are inferior.....that's racist.....
I do discriminate against certain things and ideas. But racist......noooooooo :rolleyes:

by Bells
My God, you sound like the reverse version of a KKK member denigrating someome who is mixed with 'black blood'.
That's a BIG stretch don't cha think Bells? :bugeye:
History will remember you? LOL! You did not live the horror my dear. Your ancestors did. They fought for their freedom and they died for it. You are keeping the horror of the racism they faced alive. Instead of being proud of who they are and what they may have achieved to get you to where you are today, you bitch and moan that they "are mixed with white blood" as though they were somehow soiled. They would not be who they are... in fact, they would probably not exist if it weren't for that 'white blood'. That white blood is part of who they are and part of who you are. Be proud that they were born so that you could also be born.
History, Bells, remembers everyone! Yes, they fought for something and died for something that was theirs by birth! I would do more harm to their memory by playing the card "to forget and forgive"! They were soiled! I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to keep their race of people one color. You've never seen me dispute that. But what someone wants and what someone murders for are two totally different things. White people are no less valued than black people or any other race are. We are all the same species. We do have different cultural values and different beliefs though. Everytime someone speaks you guys shout RACISM!!! All you're doing is watering down the very Race card itself by applying it where it doesn't belong. You don't have to agree with me. I don't care. I'm an individual like you who has different points to make. We don't see eye to eye on many things. So what! Name calling isn't necessary. I think you're a grown up, I know that I am. Name calling should be left on the play ground begins. And don't forget. White blood is Black blood. Not about the blood.
And before you ask Baron.....NO.....I don't think segregation is the key....I think all colors can live in peace with each other even if they remain with their own color.
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duendy said:
she decided to marry my dad who was black with te intention of changing the world......se got utter rejection form all her amily cept one aunty, her dad, my grandpa when friggin BLIND wit shock!....tis is what racism does......yet she is the coolest lady you can ever meet. VERY accepting....we need more o that not te other
That doesn't apply to me. I would never disown anyone because of who they marry or what their children look like....It's not the same. I'm simply stating that I don't like it. I don't hate it. If a person is happy with being interracial then thats fine. It's not the same exact thing. No one should have to go through what your mom and dad went through. I agree, love is love no matter who you find it with. I prefer one race of man. But not simply and only because of his skin color. That's just the start of it not the only ending.
ReighnStorm said:
That doesn't apply to me. I would never disown anyone because of who they marry or what their children look like....It's not the same. I'm simply stating that I don't like it.

me:::but that would tell in youre manner, body language, looks etc. that would seem as bad as if you out and out were hostile. you would be cold. a large part of you wouldn't be there. horrible. i know you cant help how you feel, but you should look deeply into this and resolve it

I don't hate it. If a person is happy with being interracial then thats fine. It's not the same exact thing. No one should have to go through what your mom and dad went through.

me:::we were talkin the 50s a particularly vile narrowminded time. my dad had to cange his African surname to an Irish soundin one..haha. so as to tryand be accepted. as it is he became a criminal. b max will LOVE that bey B? my goody 2 shoes......but you see. if people DIDN't challenge the accepted taboos ...NUTHI WOULD change. that is the poijt. IF we ar gonna radically change things, we cant get all comfy in some cofort zone. e hafve to get our hands dirtty. i dont mean wit blood, war. but with standing up for what WE see is right as individuals. not lookin round like sheep and doing what all the other sheep do

I agree, love is love no matter who you find it with. I prefer one race of man. But not simply and only because of his skin color. That's just the start of it not the only ending.

there Is no race. we are all of us humans. as soon eas we astart exploring tis we gewt out of te rut of me/us versus her/them