A Theory of Racism

ReighnStorm said:
And before you ask Baron.....NO.....I don't think segregation is the key.....

But ye're gettin' damned close to it. Just keep thinking the way ye're going and soon you, too, will see that segragation is the only way out of the problem. Just keep thinking about it .....

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
J.B thinks that black people are inferior
No I don't,

I have just simply pointed out some of the factual differences between blacks and whites.

It was then you who claimed that these differences made blacks inferior.
J.B said:
No I don't,

I have just simply pointed out some of the factual differences between blacks and whites.

It was then you who claimed that these differences made blacks inferior.
REALLY :bugeye:

All by J.B
Ya, nothing has changed, blacks are still very poor and violent.

I have just simply pointed out some of the factual differences between blacks and whites

You are correct, color is a excellent way to perdict crime in a area

I'm different from you, and it would be wrong (racist) to think I was...

I knew that blacks said the word asking like "aksin", but I did not know you guys wrote it that way too

To live in or work in a area that has a majority of black folks creates a situation that odds are a peaceful healthy standard of living can not be achived as well.

My "racist" point is that it really does not matter why blacks are so unintelligent and violent, I don't want to be around them because they are.

The fact that blacks are more violent and less intelligent is the way nature intended...

Maybe if I was a single black homeless mother on crack with aids, well then you could feel guilty and sorry for me and feel better about yourselves

Anytime blacks have a problem it is whitey's fault.
Who really expects blacks to be able to take care of themselves?

OOOO you poor poor poor poor black person.

It is because you recognize a greater intelligence in whites is why you and the whole world hold whites to a higher standard

I don't hate "darkies", because I understand the way they are is just their nature.

OOO it's probably just duendy kind of be rubbing off on you.

If faced with a disaster like Katrina I would much rather go threw it with a community of whites, then a community of blacks.

The way blacks acted by looting, murdering and raping was perfectly natural for them.

So how long untill you fix the blacks all over the world so that there not so violent and ignorant?

Obesity is a result of lazyness, something blacks are famous for.

The way blacks treat the word nigger, is just another sign of their low IQ's
Baron Max said:
Then there can't be any such thing as "racism", right? :)
me::::so quit widya BS,,,?

Yeah, but some are less human than others! :)

Baron Max
frightful thing is ...dont think yer jokin
ReighnStorm said:
It has nothing to do with their color of skin. The slavers just happened to be White european (american). It's the history I'm disgusted with.
Okay. It has nothing to do with the colour of their skin but as you said yourself, the slavers of the past were white. It has everything to do with the colour of their skin. You don't know that the white woman the black man dates is a descendant of a slaver. For all you know, her ancestors could have been abolutionists who fought for the end of slavery. Don't let the sins of the fathers in the past taint the world today. By doing so, you only continue to further perpetuate the hate of the past and bring it into the present and the future. Everyone is disgusted with the history of slavery. At least most people are. But you can't keep living in the mindset of that history and the past. My African ancestors were also slaves... many of them died deaths so horrible that I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. But I don't hate the white Europeans whose ancestors were the perpetrators of slavery. To do so would only continue the racism and hate. The history is disgusting, but hate or distrust should not be allowed to continue from that disgusting history. By doing so, we are only insulting what the blacks of the past died trying to do. They died for equality and to be allowed the freedom to make a choice and live as they wished.

I know it doesn't make sense to you. It shouldn't. J.B asked the question and I gave my honest answer.
It makes more sense to me than you can ever know or realise. If that is your opinion then that's fine. JB and his ilk also have their opinions and not everyone will ever see eye to eye with them. Just as I don't see eye to eye with your opinion on this particular sub-issue in this topic. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't agree with it.

I think that a black american mans view of a white american woman is different than how a white american man views a black american woman. Thats the (my) difference.
For some yes. For others no. If any person dates another for reasons of having a trophy by their side (regardless of the colour of either of the people in the relationship), then that is just wrong. I have one white friend who is engaged to be married to a black American man. And I have to admit I have issues with their relationship because of how he treats her. He told her that he did not want her to tan during the summer because he wanted her to remain as white as possible and he has also demanded that she bleach her naturally dark hair blonde. Stupid woman did it. On the flip side of that, I have been friends with a black American guy for more than 12 years who's married to a white woman and not once has he ever even referred to her colour or viewed her as some form of trophy or swanned her around as though proud he snared a white woman. He loves her for who she is, not for her colour.

It's also about balance. Black americans are only 12% and look two people have already posted that their grandfathers and fathers are black! Their are more black women in america than black men. Lot of them are in prison, murdered, and married to white women. Not much left for black women. My issue is with history and balance. But balance is the major problem. Not many sisters with white husbands. Lots of black women alone. It's a major problem and I blame black american males and white american women.
And here is the crux of the issue I think. You wish to maintain the black American 'race'. As little interbreeding between the races as possible. You see, I find that to be racist. Even if there were more black men available in the US, it does not mean that they would date black women. As you have admitted yourself, one cannot dictate that one will only fall in love with someone of a particular colour. You can't educate black boys to only look to black women as potential mates because to do so would be disgustingly racist. You can't blame the black male or the white female for the so called imbalance. Maybe colour is not the sole or major concern when they date someone. If it is for you, then that is your choice, but it might not be the same for others. Love and attraction is not restrained by the boundary of skin colour.

I do discriminate against certain things and ideas. But racist......noooooooo
Mmmhmm.. :rolleyes:

That's a BIG stretch don't cha think Bells?
No. I think I was quite restrained in the comparison actually.

History, Bells, remembers everyone! Yes, they fought for something and died for something that was theirs by birth! I would do more harm to their memory by playing the card "to forget and forgive"! They were soiled! I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to keep their race of people one color. You've never seen me dispute that.
You do realise that what you are preaching is segregation. You don't mind them living next door to one another, just not 'breeding' with each other. So if someone like JB came out and said that white people should not date black people because it would water down their white genes, you'd agree with him? You don't have a problem with people wanting to keep their race 'one colour', but you do have a problem with people not wanting to keep their race one colour. And you aren't a racist? "Nooooooo"...

White people are no less valued than black people or any other race are. We are all the same species. We do have different cultural values and different beliefs though.
No, you just think that white people who happen to be female are less valued if they date a black male because you wish to keep and maintain the superiority of your race in regards to its colour. If we are all the same species, you would not be do disagreeable to a black American man dating a white American woman.

Everytime someone speaks you guys shout RACISM!!! All you're doing is watering down the very Race card itself by applying it where it doesn't belong.
LOL! And you don't? Right...

Name calling isn't necessary.
Where in that previous post did I call you a 'name'? :bugeye: Since you highlighted 'you bitch and moan', I take it you think that I was calling you a bitch? Lordy! When I say 'you bitch and moan', it is meant in the sense that you complain.

White blood is Black blood. Not about the blood.
No, your whole argument is about colour..

And before you ask Baron.....NO.....I don't think segregation is the key....I think all colors can live in peace with each other even if they remain with their own color.
You do realise that that is segregation don't you? By not allowing the different 'colours' to breed, you are in fact segregating them sexually.
ReighnStorm said:
One reason J.B is that I feel it's disrespectful of black americans history when a black man dates a white (considered white) female.
You reason is clearly a racist one.

I thought it was because black males have by far the highest rates of domestic violence, AIDS, unemployment, incarceration and the abandoment of mothers and there off-spring.
QUOTE by Bells
But I don't hate the white Europeans whose ancestors were the perpetrators of slavery. To do so would only continue the racism and hate. The history is disgusting, but hate or distrust should not be allowed to continue from that disgusting history. By doing so, we are only insulting what the blacks of the past died trying to do. They died for equality and to be allowed the freedom to make a choice and live as they wished.
Ok, firstly....you keep bringing up hate. I choose my feelings very carefully and as I've stated several times now, I don't hate anyone. That emotion is too strong even for me to have. I will never forgive or forget the history of the Americas. Plain and simple. I will never forgive. Plain and simple. I don't want my black american men to date white american women. It has nothing to do with who's inferior to whom. Anyone living on this planet has a right to think whatever the hell they want to think as long as they aren't acting on the hate of it. You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't dislike you any more than I already do know.

by Bells
For some yes. For others no. If any person dates another for reasons of having a trophy by their side (regardless of the colour of either of the people in the relationship), then that is just wrong. He loves her for who she is, not for her colour.
Remember, these are your examples. I never stated what the difference or view was IMO that each share. Look at what you told me....now there are at least 4 black men on this subject that are married to white women. That concerns me. Doesn't concern you then fine. I have a very legitimate reason to be concerned just like anyone would of an endangered specie. I'm very concerned when a black woman (such as my daughter to become) can't find a black man to procreate with. Again, I don't care who she falls in love with in the end but my preference would be the darker the better. That's because I love dark men, not because their superior! There has never been anything wrong with a person with or without color to want to keep the lines drawn. It's the acting upon that gets sticky.
by Bells
And here is the crux of the issue I think. You wish to maintain the black American 'race'. As little interbreeding between the races as possible. You see, I find that to be racist.
You can't find that to be racist. It either is or it isn't. And by definition, it is not.

No, your whole argument is about colour..
You do realise that what you are preaching is segregation. You don't mind them living next door to one another, just not 'breeding' with each other. So if someone like JB came out and said that white people should not date black people because it would water down their white genes, you'd agree with him? You don't have a problem with people wanting to keep their race 'one colour', but you do have a problem with people not wanting to keep their race one colour. And you aren't a racist? "Nooooooo"...
No, I'm not a racist...check def.
If J.B said he would prefer that there be some Jews left in the world, that is not being racist. That's giving a statement on how he feels about Jews. He's not acting on anything to make it happen.
Segregation means this.............
The policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination.
Has nothing to do what I'm talking about. I said once again...that I don't want black men to date white women but black women should date white men to even the balance of our 13%. You're, as usual, going off on a tangent.
by Bells
you just think that white people who happen to be female are less valued if they date a black male because you wish to keep and maintain the superiority of your race in regards to its colour. If we are all the same species, you would not be do disagreeable to a black American man dating a white American woman
Your words not mine. That would be racist.
Actually,I think that black american men would be of less value when they date white women. Mostly because of the reasons they choose white women.
By not allowing the different 'colours' to breed, you are in fact segregating them sexually.
It's an opinion, not a practice or policy. That would be segregating gay people? So all pure breeds of animal are being treated with racism? Even pure bred dogs? Is that a bad thing? Should all dogs be muts?

Now I'm not saying that there isn't a negative word that fits my discription on how I feel about black men dating white women. If you find it then please call me by it's name. But racist isn't it. I look down on any black man that dates a white woman depending on his why. :D
J.B said:
You reason is clearly a racist one.

I thought it was because black males have by far the highest rates of domestic violence, AIDS, unemployment, incarceration and the abandoment of mothers and there off-spring.
And yours isn't :bugeye:
ReighnStorm said:
I said once again...that I don't want black men to date white women but black women should date white men to even the balance of our 13%. You're, as usual, going off on a tangent.

Actually,I think that black american men would be of less value when they date white women. Mostly because of the reasons they choose white women.
That would be segregating gay people? So all pure breeds of animal are being treated with racism? Even pure bred dogs? Is that a bad thing? Should all dogs be muts?

I look down on any black man that dates a white woman depending on his why.
WOW, And I'm the racist?
ReighnStorm said:
Now I'm not saying that there isn't a negative word that fits my discription on how I feel about black men dating white women. If you find it then please call me by it's name.
How about the word Nazi?

Because what you say and think is exactly how the Nazi's thought.
J.B said:
My reasons have to do with safety.
If your concern is safety, you are much more likely to get murdered by a white man, it's just a matter of statistics.
spidergoat said:
If your concern is safety, you are much more likely to get murdered by a white man, it's just a matter of statistics.
You are correct, if it was only white men that I associated with.

But if I associated with both black and white men equaly, the chances of me being murdered by a black man then a white man are extreamly higher.
What's this? Affirmative action? Why do you associate with them equally, when blacks are only like 12% of the population?
Men are more likely to commit a violent crime than women, does that mean that you should avoid men?
spidergoat said:
What's this? Affirmative action? Why do you associate with them equally, when blacks are only like 12% of the population?
Even at 12% blacks commit the most violent crime of any group.

Here let a black man explain this to you:

How does one artfully say that out of a small percentage of America's population — 13 percent — blacks account for 37.2 percent of all those arrested for violent crimes, 54.4 percent of all robbery arrestees, and are the known offenders in 51.3 percent of all murders? The murder rate in the city of New Orleans stands at over 7.5 times the national average, and authorities convict only one in four arrested for homicide.
spuriousmonkey said:
And shouldn't we analyse why they are so prominent in the crime statistics. Or should we just believe whatever we want to believe?
High testosterone levels and low intelligence levels.
spuriousmonkey said:
The crime rates in every all black community must be outrageous then.

I'll bet it isn't.
Yes, the crime rates in every all black community will be higher, then any all white or all Asian community