a non-physical thing

I have sensed non physical beings.

How and how can this be verified in some manner.

At times it seems like just a knowing, like implanted knowledge, and other times I've actually experienced physical sensations and even manifestations in my body from their presence around me or interacting with me somehow.

What you are describing so far seems like a problem in the temporal lobe.

As an actual being, I can give you knowledge you don't have. I can do things independent of you. I can go to some one else and interact with them.

There are ways of establishing my presence.

Can you have the non physical beings come by?
What I was getting at Lori was that no religion can claim a non physical God. For those that do make such a claim then I think it is back to the drawing board.

so because you can not define god in a physical sense, you deny the possibility of him? if science adopted that philosophy it would have come to a screeching halt before it ever began.
so because you can not define god in a physical sense, you deny the possibility of him? if science adopted that philosophy it would have come to a screeching halt before it ever began.

Science started as investigation into phenomena that we can experience directly: i.e. physical things.
Science started as investigation into phenomena that we can experience directly: i.e. physical things.

we are spiritual beings. if you're limiting your understanding of life to what is investigated in a lab, then you're naive.
Science started as investigation into phenomena that we can experience directly: i.e. physical things.

i have experienced god. so i guess it's my investigation. i'm impressed with the results.
yeah well you wouldn't be saying that if it turned your life upside down.

Another supposition.
Based on you knowing nothing about me, my life or my experiences.
Personal experiences remain personal and subjective, not evidence.
Given that you experienced those things, how do you know it's god?

Some spiritual beings I've experienced have been human. Some made it a point to let me know they were not human. And in regards to god, I certainly can't define it, but it all made sense. It all had meaning. To the tiniest of detail. The things so sorted, so seemingly random came together to have the most profound meaning. And I examined myself. And in myself I found god, and in god I found myself, and I found freedom. Sometimes I feel like I live in a world full of zombies. And sometimes I feel like I live in a world of people who are trapped in cages. And I see the pain on their faces. And sometimes I feel that cage around me. And god has blown my cage open. And I want to blow all of the cages sky high. To bits.
All you have to do is stop being a snide jerk for one moment and produce one of these non physical objects

there's the request for evidence
you intimate you have access to instead of the copious excuses you seem to specialize in.
there's the indication of a "knower"

But as you well know, you have nothing.
the validity of a claim of evidence by a person who "knows" is tested at the point of methodology

If your demand is "I want to know but I don't want to apply myself" you place yourself in an epistemological paradox.

It doesn't matter whether we are discussing the soul or the price of eggs in china

well what the hell do you want him for then?

I'm open minded enough to give you a chance to make good on your claims and curious enough about the world to see what happens.

It is unfortunate that all you offer is empty talk.
i have experienced god. so i guess it's my investigation. i'm impressed with the results.

I don't think you have. I don't think you would recognize a reall god if he bit you on the ass. I think you just worship your fantasies of god.

I'm not impressed with the results.

i have witnessed spiritual phenomenon, as have many others. this is evidence.

So far all I have from you are empty claims.
I'm open minded enough to give you a chance to make good on your claims and curious enough about the world to see what happens.

It is unfortunate that all you offer is empty talk.
actually all I have seen from you is an insistence that the answer be in line with your preconceived notions

IOW you haven't moved a millimeter in the direction of methodology

It doesn't matter whether we are discussing the soul or the price of eggs in china

Sure it matters. One is real and can be found out. Here you go....

here in hunan province we pay .35 yuan for one egg. thats a bit less than 4 pennies for one fresh egg.

The other is not and all I get from you is worthless evasions, not even semi interesting ones.

At least lori's evasions seem heart felt. You seem totally devoid of faith or heart. I'm just glad you are a theist. It would be embarrassing to have you an atheist.