A God We Know Nothing About

just so we can be absolutely clear about this, perhaps you can give an example of something that you "truly" know , completely divorced from issues of belief

You mean I'm not really tragically linear?

Stay on topic LG. Tell me about God, the known truth, stuff you're sure of. If you want to refute the thread's title then I'm all ears......er eyes.:D
With God there is a bigger problem....there is nothing to describe. No clue, no old photograph.

What if I had a photograph?
Do you think that would make a difference?
Probably not.
Jesus told the "rich young ruler" in hell asking for a messenger to be sent to earth to warn his family....
If they don't believe the law and the prophets, they wouldn't believe if one raised from the dead.
No clue for you.
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What if I had a photograph?
Do you think that would make a difference?

I'll tell you what Viz. Once LG tells us what he knows for certain about God I would like to know if you agree 100% with him. I think both of you will probably share many of the same known truths re God. In fact all God believers must share common knowledge. So I would like all believers to honestly agree or disagree with LG's known God facts. There should be no disagreement about common knowledge, would you not agree?

I'm done for the nite? I know I'm off to bed.
How is it worthwhile to describe to someone something you know nothing about? Don't include what humans have told you and if you can, please tell us the worth of describing to me a god, without any knowledge of that god.

If you want to tell me what you believe then fine. If what you are telling me is unknowable & untestable then I would quickly discard it to the bottom of my list of things people say they believe in.

Unfortunately the test for God is a futile endeavor. I can't test to prove God doesn't exist, if that is my chosen belief. Knowing this I am satisfied with not giving it much more thought, and I am unencumbered by it in my daily regimen. I post this thread because I am in a discussion forum that encourages point/counterpoint rapport between its members. If I knew everyone agreed with me then this thread would never have happened.

You didn't answer my question.

Then why are you posting here, if you see no reason to believe what you are told?
just so we can be absolutely clear about this, perhaps you can give an example of something that you "truly" know , completely divorced from issues of belief

PE, you didn't answer this question either.

And until you answer such questions, any conversation you will enter on the topic of 'God' will be nothing but political quibbling for you, with no hope to ever get anywhere.
What can be established as the fact that God exists, which would make the entire population of the world know that God exists?


These are your conditions, which, to me is another way of saying "God does not exist".

Not at all.

You most probably think the theory of evolution is a fact, but can you, or anyone produce life from nought, in a lab?

Actually they pretty much have all the bits and pieces now.

So what truth Jan?
You didn't answer my question.

Then why are you posting here, if you see no reason to believe what you are told?

If I was to have no reason to believe in what you're saying then I would first have to hear it or read it. The point which you can't seem to grasp is why would you tell me about something you know nothing about in the first place? As an intelligent creature inhabiting this Earth, does it make sense for you to tell me truths about things you can't possibly know? If you were to preface your commentary with the words...."I'm just speculating...." then at least you're being more honest to yourself. If I then believed that your speculation is the truth then I would be a fool. The world is full of people who believe in just that fashion.

I don't pretend to know if God is or isn't. I don't know so I can only believe one way or the other. Since I don't know then I have no reason to explain a truth about God or no God to you or anybody else. Capiche?

Isn't the thread Title a tad superfluous??

I thought of that briefly but it appears so far at least, that you're the only one wise enough to call me on it. I wanted the title to gain attention and to stir things up a bit. In hindsight an if-then might have been better but I think most get my drift. It was just a thought off the top of my head and perhaps I could have reworked the title to suit it. :D

PE, you didn't answer this question either.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
just so we can be absolutely clear about this, perhaps you can give an example of something that you "truly" know , completely divorced from issues of belief

And until you answer such questions, any conversation you will enter on the topic of 'God' will be nothing but political quibbling for you, with no hope to ever get anywhere.

This is a favorite tactic of LG.(Is that something I know from experience?) I have seen this many times before. I thought I would turn the table on him this time.

Besides, whatever I said I knew, LG is going to question it. I have a general deep disrespect for religious philosophers if you didn't know. Naturally he feels strongly against my views. How many more things do you need to know that I know? Anyway, the thread is about a God we know nothing about. I freely admit I know nothing about God either way but LG says he knows differently. What's wrong with me asking him to tell me what he knows about God that could prove the thread title wrong.? Why aren't you interested in reading his facts instead of hounding me on some frivolous matter?

Now that I answered most relevant questions I want to pursue this down another avenue.

If there are people who claim they know at least one truth about God then why can't they agree with one another. What purpose does more than one religion with God in it serve? So many people claim to know about God yet they belong to separate religions that preach things they know about God that contradicts what someone else knows about God.

In a rational, logical, sensible and reasonable world this should not happen to people who know all about God. One religion knowing God, one truth for all to see.....yet it isn't that way is it? How come? This should be a no brainer.... Monotheists in particular should not be differentiating in their knowledge of the one and only God. What does that tell you?

It tells me that no one knows a damn thing about whether God exists or not. It tells me the futility of trying to learn about something there is no information for. It tells me that if God exists then He has left us with no choice but to believe He is or isn't. It tells me that as intelligent creatures we have no choice but to either say Yes or No and leave it at that. It tells me that people staking their lives on what they know of God are really wasting their lives.
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Anyway, the thread is about a God we know nothing about.
I freely admit I know nothing about God either way...

There is a reference in the bible to this same topic believe it or not.
Paul came across some Greeks who had erected a temple to the "Unknown God" on Mars Hill.
Acts 17:22-34

This addresses the issue pretty well.
There is a reference in the bible to this same topic believe it or not.
Paul came across some Greeks who had erected a temple to the "Unknown God" on Mars Hill.
Acts 17:22-34

This addresses the issue pretty well.

It says two things: one that they believe a god exists and secondly, other than that there isn't much else to tell about Him/Her/It. However building a church to even an unknown God suggests our Greek friends thought they knew something about Him/Her/It. I'm beginning to think the writer had a sense of humor or a good satirical wit.
PE, you didn't answer this question either.

And until you answer such questions, any conversation you will enter on the topic of 'God' will be nothing but political quibbling for you, with no hope to ever get anywhere.
something conspicuous by its absence in many atheistic arguments is a breakdown of what is "reality" and/or the epistemological means for determining it.

So discussions about how anything is "real" becomes as effective as greasing down the tail of a dog.

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You mean I'm not really tragically linear?
no, you're not.

Only when one has an argument that requires them to be tragically linear do we find that people assert themselves as such

Stay on topic LG. Tell me about God, the known truth, stuff you're sure of. If you want to refute the thread's title then I'm all ears......er eyes.:D

but first lets hear something (anything) that is a known truth from your mouth. Then we can examine what general epistemological principles you are applying.

(hint - might be helpful to think whether one is vouching for a qualitative or quantitative model before one lays it on the table)
This is a favorite tactic of LG.(Is that something I know from experience?) I have seen this many times before. I thought I would turn the table on him this time.
on the contrary, its a standard response to a person who shrieks "that's not real" while maintaining a convenient vagueness about what is.
What's wrong with me asking him to tell me what he knows about God that could prove the thread title wrong.?
nothing at all .... once we deal with the minor issues of epistemology that deal with states of knowing.

If there are people who claim they know at least one truth about God then why can't they agree with one another. What purpose does more than one religion with God in it serve? So many people claim to know about God yet they belong to separate religions that preach things they know about God that contradicts what someone else knows about God.
kind of like the non-consensus on water

some people call it "aqua"
others call it "jal"

There is even no consensus on how people approach it.

Some people get it out of a tap
Others draw it from a river
Some even collect it from the sky.

When will the hypocrisy end?
In a rational, logical, sensible and reasonable world this should not happen to people who know all about God. One religion knowing God, one truth for all to see.....yet it isn't that way is it? How come? This should be a no brainer.... Monotheists in particular should not be differentiating in their knowledge of the one and only God. What does that tell you?
If there's no consensus on water, why would you expect a consensus on god?

It tells me that no one knows a damn thing about whether God exists or not. It tells me the futility of trying to learn about something there is no information for. It tells me that if God exists then He has left us with no choice but to believe He is or isn't. It tells me that as intelligent creatures we have no choice but to either say Yes or No and leave it at that. It tells me that people staking their lives on what they know of God are really wasting their lives.
It tells me that if people insist on determining secondary qualities as primary, they have sufficient means to even problematize water.
but first lets hear something (anything) that is a known truth from your mouth. Then we can examine what general epistemological principles you are applying.

(hint - might be helpful to think whether one is vouching for a qualitative or quantitative model before one lays it on the table)

Hint all you want, I have little interest in this game. Epistemological, qualitative, quantitative.... nice philosophical buzz words. The topic is about a god we know nothing about. I know nothing about the God in question.

During the discussion so far I have claimed that belief doesn't consist of any known facts. I have asked how one can justify a belief as a known fact. I claim that one cannot believe an unknown and know it at the same time. I will retract my claim if someone can prove it otherwise. How many times do I have to say it?
Hint all you want, I have little interest in this game. Epistemological, qualitative, quantitative.... nice philosophical buzz words. The topic is about a god we know nothing about. I know nothing about the God in question.
hint - your bold quote is a philosophical assertion

(you must at least know enough about god to make the assertion that you know nothing about him... otherwise you could just have easily posted this thread in the mathematics forum :shrug: IOW perhaps you don't have such a wonderful quantitative model to call upon but you certainly have a qualitative one)

During the discussion so far I have claimed that belief doesn't consist of any known facts. I have asked how one can justify a belief as a known fact. I claim that one cannot believe an unknown and know it at the same time. I will retract my claim if someone can prove it otherwise. How many times do I have to say it?

all this talk about what isn't a fact indicates that you must have a clear idea what is a fact, wouldn't you think?
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hint - your bold quote is a philosophical assertion

Marvelous. Hooray for philosophy.

(you must at least know enough about god to make the assertion that you know nothing about him... otherwise you could just have easily posted this thread in the mathematics forum IOW perhaps you don't have a quantitative model to call upon but you certainly have a qualitative one)

There is no God as far as I know. To say I know something about something I don't know about is a contradiction of terms. However, philosophers have something in common, a view that what is unknowable is knowable by philosophic reasoning. Philosophic reasoning is not contingent upon known facts. This has been the premise of the entire thread and you continue to prove it.

In order for philosophic reasoning to be taken seriously one must accept that there are really no known facts. This makes every thought, every action and every thing equal. I could step in dog shit and ponder whether the dog really exists, or the shit, or what came first. In the end I could conclude that the shit exists because its on my shoe, the dog doesn't exist because it isn't observable or the dog was first cause (no shit without a dog). You can throw all those conclusions in a bag, mix them up and pour out 3 new conclusions if you wish.

all this talk about what isn't a fact indicates that you must have a clear idea what is a fact, wouldn't you think?

Yes, it is anything but a belief.
Marvelous. Hooray for philosophy.
No less than a "hooray" for your assertions .....

There is no God as far as I know. To say I know something about something I don't know about is a contradiction of terms.
Then what exactly did you hope to accomplish by posting this in the religious subforum as opposed to the mathematics one?

IOW its obviously not the case that you know nothing about god.

(at the very least, you are sensitive to the contextual information that surrounds god, unless you are a piraha tribesman who has no cultural grounding in religion ... or even mathematics for that matter)
However, philosophers have something in common, a view that what is unknowable is knowable by philosophic reasoning. Philosophic reasoning is not contingent upon known facts. This has been the premise of the entire thread and you continue to prove it.
.... and thus the tragically linear psychotic episode takes the stage once more.

Ironically, how do you propose that the body of "known facts" increases?

In order for philosophic reasoning to be taken seriously one must accept that there are really no known facts.
given your absolute hesitance to mention a single known fact, then I guess its obvious that this idea of yours about philosophy is paramount,eh?

This makes every thought, every action and every thing equal. I could step in dog shit and ponder whether the dog really exists, or the shit, or what came first. In the end I could conclude that the shit exists because its on my shoe, the dog doesn't exist because it isn't observable or the dog was first cause (no shit without a dog). You can throw all those conclusions in a bag, mix them up and pour out 3 new conclusions if you wish.
You might want to watch what your stepping in before you open with a philosophical assertion in an OP then, don't you think?

Yes, it is anything but a belief.
So its more a case of I may not know what a fact is but I sure know what it isn't?
Then what exactly did you hope to accomplish by posting this in the religious subforum as opposed to the mathematics one?

To listen to more of your philosophic doubletalk. Mission accomplished.

Then what exactly did you hope to accomplish by posting this in the religious subforum as opposed to the mathematics one?

Math is not one of my strong suits

IOW its obviously not the case that you know nothing about god.
I needed to hear that nothing counts as something. Why don't you post it in the Nothingness thread?

(at the very least, you are sensitive to the contextual information that surrounds god, unless you are a piraha tribesman who has no cultural grounding in religion ... or even mathematics for that matter)

Is that your God fact?

.... and thus the tragically linear psychotic episode takes the stage once more.

I needed to get some popcorn. I, not me was, wasn't hungry full.

Ironically, how do you propose that the body of "known facts" increases?

When the body of unknown facts decreases.

given your absolute hesitance to mention a single known fact, then I guess its obvious that this idea of yours about philosophy is paramount,eh?
As compared to unknown facts? I'm not an oxymoron.;)

You might want to watch what your stepping in before you open with a philosophical assertion in an OP then, don't you think?

No, I knew I was going to have to step in shit in order to clean the stable.

So its more a case of I may not know what a fact is but I sure know what it isn't?

As I said, everything is equal using philosophic reasoning
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Then what exactly did you hope to accomplish by posting this in the religious subforum as opposed to the mathematics one?

To listen to more of your philosophic doubletalk. Mission accomplished.
erm .... the mathematics forum is just as accessible to me as it is to you

Then what exactly did you hope to accomplish by posting this in the religious subforum as opposed to the mathematics one?

Math is not one of my strong suits

a further suggestion that you have a knowledge base in religion, eh?

IOW its obviously not the case that you know nothing about god.

I needed to hear that nothing counts as something. Why don't you post it in the Nothingness thread?
inasmuch there was "something" that made you decide to post this in the religion thread as opposed to maths one, its quite clear you are using the word "nothing" in novel ways

(at the very least, you are sensitive to the contextual information that surrounds god, unless you are a piraha tribesman who has no cultural grounding in religion ... or even mathematics for that matter)

Is that your God fact?
on the contrary my dear chap, its yours


.... and thus the tragically linear psychotic episode takes the stage once more.

I needed to get some popcorn. I, not me was, wasn't hungry full.

Ironically, how do you propose that the body of "known facts" increases?

When the body of unknown facts decreases.

so when one decides to go about decreasing the body of unknown facts what exactly do they do?

(bonus points if you can establish how they do it by remaining fully within the perimeter of being contingent on known facts)

given your absolute hesitance to mention a single known fact, then I guess its obvious that this idea of yours about philosophy is paramount,eh?

As compared to unknown facts? I'm not an oxymoron.
The bottom line appears to be there are no (mentionable) known facts but an abundance of false ideas


For one who apparently has great disdain for radical postmodernism, you sure have an affinity for it!

You might want to watch what your stepping in before you open with a philosophical assertion in an OP then, don't you think?

No, I knew I was going to have to step in shit in order to clean the stable.
Talking of your values divorced from issues of philosophy makes you sound like a fanatic

So its more a case of I may not know what a fact is but I sure know what it isn't?

As I said, everything is equal using philosophic reasoning
probably explains why you having such a dreadful time trying to clean the stable