A God We Know Nothing About

LG..... we, neither of us, are diametrically opposed on the same page. It will never always change the same. :D

Goodnight and wake up, entertaining boredom and funny displeasure. You not me one or two strange familiar bumpkin dude.
LG..... we, neither of us, are diametrically opposed on the same page. It will never always change the same. Goodnight and wake up, entertaining boredom and funny displeasure. You not me one or two strange familiar bumpkin dude.
On the contrary, I don't think I even began to introduce my ideas during this little bout.

The topic of god aside, any argument that makes the assertion "X is not real" while lacking any frame of reference to what is "real" will forever have problems

I'm simply trying to help you form a coherent argument.


How would everyone know that it was God?
There would undoubtedly be the same divisions we have now.

Not at all.

You're basically saying, "i can't see God, therefore he does not exist".
Or if you're trying to appear rational, "...therefore there is a probable chance
that such an entity does not exist".

Actually they pretty much have all the bits and pieces now.

Care to share? :)

So what truth Jan?

jan said:
The "fact" is that PE is not interested in finding out the truth about God, the evidence is in his writings (masqueraded as enquiry) .

The truth of the nature and characteristics of God.

You're basically saying, "i can't see God, therefore he does not exist".
Or if you're trying to appear rational, "...therefore there is a probable chance
that such an entity does not exist".

Which god? Can you see gods? No. Can anyone see gods? No.

Therefore, it is more along the lines of, "No theist can support their claims to their gods existence, therefore there is no reason to believe those gods exist."

Is that better?
Which god? Can you see gods? No. Can anyone see gods? No.

Therefore, it is more along the lines of, "No theist can support their claims to their gods existence, therefore there is no reason to believe those gods exist."

Is that better?

Seeing is not the only way to gain knowledge.

Whether or not you believe God exists, is not the issue here.

The topic of god aside, any argument that makes the assertion "X is not real" while lacking any frame of reference to what is "real" will forever have problems

For what seems like the hundredth time this thread I will once again state that at no point have I said God is not real. I have steadfastly maintained that I cannot entirely rule out the possibility of a god existing. I have admitted to knowing nothing about a god that many people claim exists.

I have asked you to relate to us that what you know about this god yet you are reluctant to do so. Maybe you can provide us with this frame of reference you speak of in order to help me and those like me along here. Show us something about the god you say is real. How hard can it be?
Did I say I can smell God?


Thanks for answering the question. Typical theist evasive behaviour.

In any case, no. What you did do is assert that besides seeing, there are ways of knowing. So I ask you clearly: of the remaining 4 senses we have at our disposal, by which do we have knowledge of god?
Is there anybody here who believes in God(s) and yet is quite prepared to leave it at that. IOW, admit that it is impossible to speculate on God's existence or non-existence, thus eliminating anything religiously associated with a god or gods as the case may be. All you have is a belief that a God exists.

Would atheists be more receptive to a believer that does not try to expand their beliefs.... i.e. philosophies, bibles, churches, rites, etc.? Would atheists/theists be less inclined to argue? Would such a belief be seen as too close to being atheist for most theists and vice versa? Would society benefit or be constantly muddled in the belief/non-belief controversy?

Personally I can accept someone's belief in a god if only they were willing to leave it at that. Does the willingness of both sides to accept the other become greater if both parties agree to disagree?

For atheists, is it possible that it isn't the belief in a god that we find most perturbing but how all the trappings eventually become integrated with everyday life's decisions and policies?

How is it, up there on that stalion?.

Did you know that your life would be more content and happier if you forgot about this question and explored the natural beauty of the world that god put here for us. It's more fun to play in a forest with the animals and climb mountains watching all kinds of different sunsets and horizon settings in all kinds of diff regions of the world.

It's ok dont worry life is just like a long dream, it's not over when you wake up, you get to still exist afterwards. But im not sure if you get to keep your body, I dont think you do, god hasn't told me the answer to that yet.

How would everyone know that it was God?

It would be a pretty suck ass god that couldn't handle that personally.

There would undoubtedly be the same divisions we have now.

You mean like the great divisions over the nature of water? or rocks?

I think we all could live with that.

You're basically saying, "i can't see God, therefore he does not exist".

Not in the least. You are saying there is a god and I'm saying "a what?" What evidence do you offer to convince me?

I think you are just making shit up, or have been conned in to passing on shit some one else made up.

Prove differently. Offer up some hard evidence that you aren't dead wrong.

Synthetic Life

Hmm, can't find the fellow with the self organizing membranes.

At any rate the major pieces are all there.

The truth of the nature and characteristics of God.

What god?
Seeing is not the only way to gain knowledge.

How then, exactly do you gain knowledge of god?

Whether or not you believe God exists, is not the issue here.

That's exactly what I said. The issue is the claims of gods existence by theists. I clearly demonstrated that point in another thread where I claimed to be the next messenger of god. Every theist wanted to know what my claims were and weren't interested in believing that god sent a messenger.
Thanks for answering the question. Typical theist evasive behaviour.

In any case, no. What you did do is assert that besides seeing, there are ways of knowing. So I ask you clearly: of the remaining 4 senses we have at our disposal, by which do we have knowledge of god?
I don't think God is detectable with any senses. Otherwise God would be a commodity measurable to science. That would not be God. Yet God is everything and can be known through any and all senses, like beauty.

With what sense do you tell if a joke is funny? Two people can hear the same joke, one is unmoved and the other finds it hilarious. Are they hearing something different, or is the humour in the perception of the hearer?

God is 'ineffable' which means outside our conceptual or sensory world. We humans find that hard to understand so we use similies and metaphors a lot. The 'via negativa' was a way of direct knowing 'God' by empying your mind of all concepts. Buddhists still do that kind of thing.
god hasn't told me the answer to that yet.

Finally we have some indication that perhaps God talks to some folks, I think. It appears Chi has been told one answer and is expecting another to follow.

Can you relate to us the actual conversation with God if one took place? Or did you deduce knowledge of God and His answers from everyday experience?

Daily life experiences that proved God`s existence to you consists of what in your mind? (Don't have to answer if you actually did have a conversation with God).

But for the theists who haven`t had the honor of physically talking and listening to God and have deduced the reality of God by other means, what piece of knowledge convinced you without a doubt that God exists?

If you possess some irrefutable proof, evidence or knowledge of God then I have trouble calling you theists, for you are no longer believers.....is that a fair compromise? I don`t have a name for people who know God exists and if there is one can someone supply it? Knowists?

Diogenes' Dog
God is 'ineffable' which means outside our conceptual or sensory world.

No disrespect intended but....

You just stated that God is....anything after that is moot. You cannot say that and be a believer at the same time. In fact the rest of the sentence contradicts the first 2 words. Knowing that God is this or that is telling us that you know without a doubt that God exists. Outside our conceptual and sensory world gives us no chance of knowing God is. I think the second part is theistic reasoning and qualifies you as a believer.

I think this is why LG won't respond to my earlier request. Beyond our conceptual and sensory world, how could anyone know that's where any God is unless they have proof?
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