With athiest I'm not exactly sure what they are trying to prove other than there is no god. How can they do this? By using something God created. It's called science. Man is always trying to event ways of disproving that God did something so they can take the credit. It relates back to that thing called pride I think. I'll give an example of this. One example is in the Bible God told people not to eat the fat of animals. Don't question that. Why should we not eat the fat of animals. Modern science has proved it to be unhealthy for us. It can become the cause of a disease called obisity. Why does science want to take credit for something God already knew. There are so many examples of this type of situation in the Bible that I can't even begin list them all. But, another example is God had sent an angel to warn this women that she was with child. And because she was with chid this angel warned her not to drink wine. Why? Medical science shows today that driking alcoholic beverages while you are pregnant can have serious birth effects on a child. But it's not a new discovery exaclty. So why does science take credit for such info.? I could go on and on with more examples of situations like this. The question is this, why do we as men want to disprove the knowledge of God and make it our own? Thus giving God no credit.