A God We Know Nothing About

it was obvious. if i were to have been confused, or it been unclear, he would not have done such a good job right? honestly, the only answer that makes sense to me after what i've experienced and why is that a lot of people don't want to know. this isn't an intellectual thing. it's not trivial either. it's not a bit of knowledge that you can take lightly. it changes everything and i'm not sure how many people are really willing to have their lives turned upside down and give up that much control. i guess what i'm saying is that the knowledge isn't just for the sake of knowledge. maybe it depends on what you'll do with it once you have it. after all, he knows all that before you do. i don't know...

You say "it was obvious" that it was God.
What did you know about God beforehand, to conclude that
it was God?

Or are you saying you had no pre-concieved ideas or notions, but knew instantly upon the moment of your experience?

If so, how could you know that it was God?
What are his characteristics?

Please know that I am not questioning your belief, understanding, or experience, I am attempting to show that belief and faith must be involved.

You say "it was obvious" that it was God.
What did you know about God beforehand, to conclude that
it was God?

Or are you saying you had no pre-concieved ideas or notions, but knew instantly upon the moment of your experience?

If so, how could you know that it was God?
What are his characteristics?

Please know that I am not questioning your belief, understanding, or experience, I am attempting to show that belief and faith must be involved.


well, i suppose i was exposed to mostly the christian idea of him. not that he is a christian idea alone. but i didn't really take much stock in christianity, or religion in general. it turned me off at a young age. which i think factored in when considering what the truth about him really was. i had the idea that no matter what he (it) was, that if his existence was to mean anything, at least to me, he would have to be able to show himself to me, or communicate with me on some level. i figured if he was god, he would have to be able to prove it somehow, otherwise i obviously didn't need to know. i guess i envisioned a creator, a law-maker, and i was hoping he was something i could learn from. about myself, about a purpose, about right and wrong and why it is, and why am i even here. i wanted to know about religion too. so much to do about a religion. he wasn't what i expected. he wasn't what a lot of religious people make him out to be. and if i'm not mistaken, he's not a big fan of religion. he wants something a lot more personal than that with those who want that too.
i see now why you jumped on my butt before; as i was confiring with her on another post

i did not know she 'talked with god'

talk about a 'spooky action at a distance'

that is almost scary to read from someone

could you imagine if i said that and not on 'shrooms'............. i'd scare myself!

i would probably be ready to fly at that point........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Well, we all know what the mental disorder is when one pretends to talk with gods, or hears gods talking to them, if they aren't on drugs. Lori clearly needs to seek professional help.
Not surprising..... almost losing a mind, reconciling with the real world, difficult to function in everyday life. No disrespect intended but isn't it interesting that Lori was in such an emotional state that it appears collapse was imminent...nervous breakdown & severe depression being a couple of potential hazards. Lori, I'm not saying that was the case for you but there have been many such situations for a lot of people with similar feelings as yours, where finding God is the only way out.

"Finding God" is just another replacement for losing her mind, and is not the answer to her problems. Unfortunately for Lori, she will live in a continuous delusional state until she does reconcile the problem and not replace it with a false facade.
"Finding God" is just another replacement for losing her mind, and is not the answer to her problems. Unfortunately for Lori, she will live in a continuous delusional state until she does reconcile the problem and not replace it with a false facade.

I agree but she did what she had to do to keep from going insane. She crossed that boundary between reality and false reality. In fact she has done just about everything you would expect from someone who found God through emotional duress. Her story has been repeated ad infinitum by untold millions. She'll never let go of it because she fears what she had going on in her mind beforehand.

I have no doubt that because she knew of the God story beforehand, her epiphany was duly influenced. I don't believe for one minute that she would have found God if she had never heard of Him previous.
AND if I had been raised by wolves on a deserted island I am convinced my relationship with god would have fostered even sooner, uninhibited by the likes of you.
Well, we all know what the mental disorder is when one pretends to talk with gods, or hears gods talking to them, if they aren't on drugs. Lori clearly needs to seek professional help.

If you actually thought that, you wouldn't be so rude about it on the board.

Nastiness just makes you look like you have a lack of a real argument, and I say that as a non-religious person.
Nastiness just makes you look like you have a lack of a real argument

What's nasty about saying people who talk to gods should seek professional help? I'm sure there's more than a baker's dozen of those buried here.
AND if I had been raised by wolves on a deserted island I am convinced my relationship with god would have fostered even sooner, uninhibited by the likes of you.

Only He would have communicated to you by barking, howling, growling, pissing on a tree trunk or letting you sniff His arse or He sniffs yours, whatever.
What's nasty about saying people who talk to gods should seek professional help? I'm sure there's more than a baker's dozen of those buried here.

You meant it in a nasty way. Look, gods, fairies, or wise fuckin' elves haven't talked to me yet, but if that's how people experience God and seem otherwise sane, far be it from me to call them nuts. A lot of people experience God on a personal level or have seen angels or whatever that seem pretty sane, including people in my own family.
For atheists, is it possible that it isn't the belief in a god that we find most perturbing but how all the trappings eventually become integrated with everyday life's decisions and policies?
For atheists, is it possible that it isn't the belief in a god that we find most perturbing but how all the trappings eventually become integrated with everyday life's decisions and policies?

You might say that. My platform all along has been this: you have 2 choices, yes there's a god, no there isn't. The choice is personal, it stays with you and you leave it at that. Yes or no, there is no need to extrapolate since neither choice will ever be proven or disproved. Anything else is meaningless and that includes all of religious text, for all it can ever be is fiction. Why? Because nobody knows for sure or will ever find out. Go ahead and believe whatever you want. Just don't start spouting off about whatever you think is going on, religiously speaking, and preach it as a gospel truth.

My choice is atheism. I think God doesn't exist but I am unable to walk down Main Street, The World, without being constantly reminded of a god. I prefer to say nothing but I just can't sit here and not respond to the religious who without any true knowledge of their god are influencing my daily life. It's totally unwarranted.
well, i suppose i was exposed to mostly the christian idea of him. not that he is a christian idea alone. but i didn't really take much stock in christianity, or religion in general. it turned me off at a young age. which i think factored in when considering what the truth about him really was. i had the idea that no matter what he (it) was, that if his existence was to mean anything, at least to me, he would have to be able to show himself to me, or communicate with me on some level. i figured if he was god, he would have to be able to prove it somehow, otherwise i obviously didn't need to know. i guess i envisioned a creator, a law-maker, and i was hoping he was something i could learn from. about myself, about a purpose, about right and wrong and why it is, and why am i even here. i wanted to know about religion too. so much to do about a religion. he wasn't what i expected. he wasn't what a lot of religious people make him out to be. and if i'm not mistaken, he's not a big fan of religion. he wants something a lot more personal than that with those who want that too.

Actual ''religion'' means ''to bind with God, again'', ''yoga'', means to ''link with God''. Any religious institute that doesn't have that at it's core, is irreligious.
In the Bhagavad Gita, God say's to Arjuna ''abandon all varieties of religion and surrender unto me, I will protect you. This is real religion in my opinion.


You might say that. My platform all along has been this: you have 2 choices, yes there's a god, no there isn't. The choice is personal, it stays with you and you leave it at that. Yes or no, there is no need to extrapolate since neither choice will ever be proven or disproved. Anything else is meaningless and that includes all of religious text, for all it can ever be is fiction. Why? Because nobody knows for sure or will ever find out. Go ahead and believe whatever you want. Just don't start spouting off about whatever you think is going on, religiously speaking, and preach it as a gospel truth.

You mean you want what you want.
This is what you seem to be about, as it is obvious you are
unwilling to cultivate any serious understanding of why people
believe in God.

My choice is atheism. I think God doesn't exist but I am unable to walk down Main Street, The World, without being constantly reminded of a god. I prefer to say nothing but I just can't sit here and not respond to the religious who without any true knowledge of their god are influencing my daily life. It's totally unwarranted.

So you want to change the world so that whent you walk down Mains street, you are not constantly reminded of God, despite the fact that other people don't see life the way you see it?

Aside from the point of focus, where are you any different to the christian
institute whose goal is/was to change to world to their way of thinking, regardless of what others think?

Actual ''religion'' means ''to bind with God, again'', ''yoga'', means to ''link with God''. Any religious institute that doesn't have that at it's core, is irreligious.
In the Bhagavad Gita, God say's to Arjuna ''abandon all varieties of religion and surrender unto me, I will protect you. This is real religion in my opinion.


that sounds like him.
A lot of people experience God on a personal level or have seen angels or whatever that seem pretty sane, including people in my own family.

Oh yes, they "seem" sane. They see angels, that's sane. They talk to gods, that's sane. Uh-huh. Sane.
You mean you want what you want.
This is what you seem to be about, as it is obvious you are
unwilling to cultivate any serious understanding of why people
believe in God.

No Jan, I want you to be free. I want you to be as you were before indoctrination. I want you deprogrammed. I want you to stand on your own two feet. I want you to be free from unjust fear. I never want to see you harm anyone in the name of religion nor feel spite or hate for the same cause. I want you to walk down Main Street and not be constantly reminded of religion. i want you to understand you would be better off without the crutch of religion holding you together. I want you to learn to experience reality for what it is, not for what it isn't....yada, yada, blah, blah, blah

Aside from the point of focus, where are you any different to the christian
institute whose goal is/was to change to world to their way of thinking, regardless of what others think?

Once you are deprogrammed I wouldn't say another word to you. There would be no reason to. Atheism doesn't need constant re-enforcing.