A God We Know Nothing About

I asked god to, if he was real, to prove it to me and he did.

My point is, there must have been some "belief", and "faith", why you
decidec to ask in the first place. This contradicts your inquiry;

Lori_7 said:
I don't understand this question. How can one claim to truly believe that something exists when they don't really know it exists.

I also know of many religious people who say they believe without such experience, because they were told to, or because they think it will make them a "good" person, or it's the right thing to do, or because they simply really want it to be true for whatever reason (not always a good one).

At least there is a chance they will understand God to some degree, at some

What do you think the scripture means when the people are pleading with him, saying "but we've done this and that in your name (casting out demons and such), and he says to them "I never knew you"? It means that there are people out there throwing his name around and claiming to be authorities that do not know him.

Or it could mean that people are envious, and want to use the power of God
for their own selfishness.

My point is, there must have been some "belief", and "faith", why you
decidec to ask in the first place. This contradicts your inquiry;

At least there is a chance they will understand God to some degree, at some


what i admitted to was that i didn't know either way. what i said was "if you are real, then let me know." i didn't expect an answer if he wasn't. that did not require faith or belief. other than that i figured if he was god he wouldn't have a problem letting me know. and if he was god and couldn't let me know then what good is he anyway?
Is there anybody here who believes in God(s) and yet is quite prepared to leave it at that. IOW, admit that it is impossible to speculate on God's existence or non-existence, thus eliminating anything religiously associated with a god or gods as the case may be. All you have is a belief that a God exists.

Would atheists be more receptive to a believer that does not try to expand their beliefs.... i.e. philosophies, bibles, churches, rites, etc.? Would atheists/theists be less inclined to argue? Would such a belief be seen as too close to being atheist for most theists and vice versa? Would society benefit or be constantly muddled in the belief/non-belief controversy?

Personally I can accept someone's belief in a god if only they were willing to leave it at that. Does the willingness of both sides to accept the other become greater if both parties agree to disagree?

For atheists, is it possible that it isn't the belief in a god that we find most perturbing but how all the trappings eventually become integrated with everyday life's decisions and policies?

I can talk to god now, There is no room for doubt left in my mind wether or not a god exists.

Im not a fully fledged member of any religion. I go church sometimes, I pray with my girl, I go mosque with my friend and temple. I study and practice Bhuddhism and Daoism as a Lifestyle though if I had to label and catagorize my lifes spiritual aspects. I talk to god but I dont hear a voice or see much in the way of visions. I still have te same dreams wierd and as unusual as always, usualy Violent fun and messed up. But I can actualy alk to god and I get a reply either directly in my mind and I just know what he said somehow in an instant then my brain just decyphers everything in a slow human way then like 10/20 seconds later I know what to do. God doesn't like talking to some people because he let's them figure shit out themselves some people need him more than others he knows everybodies limit's and breaking points. he uses people kind of as his pawns indirectly. He does not really interfere with the course of worldly events he is more of a spectator and narator. He does send people into each others path though sometimes and give nudges if he wants to see something happen or spark.

He is not good or evil he is above those words. Good would describe him far better than Evil does though, He is not te only force at work though he has a counterpart kind of like the yin yang symbol, god would be the Masculine Side of the coin, yang. the good natured side.

You have to humble yourelf before god but he likes strong willed outspoken people, It is not supposed to be too easy here, but there are tastes of his beauty and gracefullness everywhere to keep a healthy balence, do you know how difficult it was for the universe to come into being, even this world alone or even a square mile of earthly ecosystem, you try designing a cyclic system that is totaly self sufficient and can sustain itself without help. Not to mention sentient beings who have the capability and potential to be truley great in their own right.

God is a funny guy you should get to know him.

what i admitted to was that i didn't know either way. what i said was "if you are real, then let me know."

What made you realise it was God?

i didn't expect an answer if he wasn't. that did not require faith or belief. other than that i figured if he was god he wouldn't have a problem letting me know. and if he was god and couldn't let me know then what good is he anyway?

Your testament begs a question; why did God let you know if He was real, yet other people in similar positions as you were, do not get that privelidge?

I apologies in advance if these questions are too personal, and will understand if you refuse to answer.

What made you realise it was God?

Your testament begs a question; why did God let you know if He was real, yet other people in similar positions as you were, do not get that privelidge?

I apologies in advance if these questions are too personal, and will understand if you refuse to answer.


what an awesome post :eek:

yEa............... why YOU?

what makes every single human being to have ever walked, want the same questions answered, and yet you have the confirmation?

meaning; if you have that confirmation, then why can't you give it to the world? Everyone want to know WHY?

Everyone wants to know HOW?

Give us all that 'purpose' of life!


If you are talkin to God, then damnit, 'we the people' want the truth!

spit it out..................... and i don't care about being personnal!

we the people are mankind................. we are equal and ONE, so if you have that truth, then open that thread, and give it to us

or do we need to talk about the OR ELSE?

meaning; either you have it and can share it or the lying of another 'self' is standing high on the soap box

either what you say is true or it is another I being a selfish u (there is no middle ground)
Please Lori, don't confuse your imagination with reality.

i see now why you jumped on my butt before; as i was confiring with her on another post

i did not know she 'talked with god'

talk about a 'spooky action at a distance'

that is almost scary to read from someone

could you imagine if i said that and not on 'shrooms'............. i'd scare myself!

i would probably be ready to fly at that point........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What made you realise it was God?

Your testament begs a question; why did God let you know if He was real, yet other people in similar positions as you were, do not get that privelidge?

I apologies in advance if these questions are too personal, and will understand if you refuse to answer.


it was obvious. if i were to have been confused, or it been unclear, he would not have done such a good job right? honestly, the only answer that makes sense to me after what i've experienced and why is that a lot of people don't want to know. this isn't an intellectual thing. it's not trivial either. it's not a bit of knowledge that you can take lightly. it changes everything and i'm not sure how many people are really willing to have their lives turned upside down and give up that much control. i guess what i'm saying is that the knowledge isn't just for the sake of knowledge. maybe it depends on what you'll do with it once you have it. after all, he knows all that before you do. i don't know...
what an awesome post :eek:

yEa............... why YOU?

what makes every single human being to have ever walked, want the same questions answered, and yet you have the confirmation?

meaning; if you have that confirmation, then why can't you give it to the world? Everyone want to know WHY?

Everyone wants to know HOW?

Give us all that 'purpose' of life!


If you are talkin to God, then damnit, 'we the people' want the truth!

spit it out..................... and i don't care about being personnal!

we the people are mankind................. we are equal and ONE, so if you have that truth, then open that thread, and give it to us

or do we need to talk about the OR ELSE?

meaning; either you have it and can share it or the lying of another 'self' is standing high on the soap box

either what you say is true or it is another I being a selfish u (there is no middle ground)


most of the time when i talk about these things people either don't want to hear it or try to argue with me or tell me i'm crazy or it's my conscious. it's personal too. this is no special gift. it's been a life long journey and quite an endeavor. i'll answer any question you've got to the best of my ability. if i do though, you have to know that i'm not into arguing or being insulted. ok?
i see now why you jumped on my butt before; as i was confiring with her on another post

i did not know she 'talked with god'

talk about a 'spooky action at a distance'

that is almost scary to read from someone

could you imagine if i said that and not on 'shrooms'............. i'd scare myself!

i would probably be ready to fly at that point........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

are you making fun of me already bishadi? i'm not on shrooms. and what i've had to deal with in relation to spiritual experiences i've had has nearly put me out of commission. i almost lost my mind trying to reconcile what i was going through with the real world around me. i found it very difficult to function for a while in everyday life. my experiences have been very intense and it hasn't been fun or recreational like your acid trip. what happened to me wasn't fun.

most of the time when i talk about these things people either don't want to hear it or try to argue with me or tell me i'm crazy or it's my conscious.

so is it best to simply hold your opinion without offering the integrity to at least, make sure what you represent can be experienced by each person?

it's personal too. this is no special gift.
hey i know, all are equal and all are capable; but all are not of the depth to explain it because of misleading tangents that have soaked up many minds to believing rather than knowing.

it's been a life long journey and quite an endeavor. i'll answer any question you've got to the best of my ability. if i do though, you have to know that i'm not into arguing or being insulted. ok?

what is causing the associations?

what is the mechanism so each can do the same? (is there a phone number to God?)

How and why does it work?

What is the meaning of life?

Why am i here?
are you making fun of me already bishadi? i'm not on shrooms.
i said IF I WAS

rather than just call you a name, i put myself on the block

and what i've had to deal with in relation to spiritual experiences i've had has nearly put me out of commission.
i have seen a bunch of the same folk from all over the world; be certain the same arguments you are having every human being on earth has experienced

i almost lost my mind trying to reconcile what i was going through with the real world around me. i found it very difficult to function for a while in everyday life.
because you are ulta sensitive...... and you arr capturing more data than many can handle.

if you know God as all of existence, then you are associating with God at all times; but no talking (words) are exchanging with you and the 'total' (that is poppy cop)

my experiences have been very intense and it hasn't been fun or recreational like your acid trip. what happened to me wasn't fun.

everyone also has experienced dejavu. Prophetic experiences are of the same 'reality' but understanding what you saw is where your integrity takes only you to ruin them or convey them.

sure wish we would have talked a long time ago when the experience occurred; as then we could perhaps work thru them together but i am not going to argue with anyone about the concept of 'talkin' to god'

as technically, all interactions wit existence and anyone it is, would be 'talkin' to God' (existence itself; all mass, all energy, all time; the total)

now if you want my personal opinion; it seems you and i were to exchange and that is what you haven't taken into consideration, you knew this a long time ago; the truth will unfold and that spark will walk in your time

you have no idea how many 'coincidences' that occur as such; the key is the choice when you capture the truth
so is it best to simply hold your opinion without offering the integrity to at least, make sure what you represent can be experienced by each person?

i can express my opinion and do when i'm asked or think it's relevant, but i in no way think it's my responsibility to convince anyone of anything. i'm a very honest person, and believe me, i tried like hell to convey my experiences, but not many (if any) could relate really. i would also not suggest it prudent that someone would take my word for anything. my testimony is just that...mine. people need their own experience, and i can't make it happen for anyone else.

hey i know, all are equal and all are capable; but all are not of the depth to explain it because of misleading tangents that have soaked up many minds to believing rather than knowing.

it is my opinion that you can't truly believe without knowing. maybe if people would realize that, they would stop wasting time on opinions and egos and an intellect, and actually experience something that would change them forever.

what is causing the associations?

i think that desire causes them, but who places the desires in my heart? i've been inclined to think that freewill is at play. i've offerred myself up to help a group of people in need. but i also think that we're all part of a master plan i had nothing to do with creating, and i play my part. maybe it's some of both.

what is the mechanism so each can do the same? (is there a phone number to God?)

god knows what's going on inside you. it's intentions, desire, humility, honest seeking of knowledge. i call it prayer, you call it entanglement, some call it a collective conscious. all i know is that it seems in my case that i asked for it and i got it. i really can't help but think intentions are key. ask yourself why you want to know. the answer to that may be, do i really want to know this?

How and why does it work?

i don't know.

What is the meaning of life?

my opinion is to seek the truth.

Why am i here?

same answer. but not everyone does. we're definitely here to learn though.
i can express my opinion and do when i'm asked or think it's relevant, but i in no way think it's my responsibility to convince anyone of anything. i'm a very honest person, and believe me, i tried like hell to convey my experiences, but not many (if any) could relate really. i would also not suggest it prudent that someone would take my word for anything. my testimony is just that...mine. people need their own experience, and i can't make it happen for anyone else.
thanks as that was a straight up answer.

my question is, if we communicate an experience, is it not prudent to use words we can each agree on to understand what you experienced?

it is my opinion that you can't truly believe without knowing.
that is my point. Of course we all experience many of the same 'feelings' and emotions, even some of the same inner experiences (deja vu) but to articulate them occurrances, before making claims, each should at least try and learn the knowledge and language to convey the opinion so others can comprehend.

what was seen in prophecies are not my real question for example of theology; it is that i question the words used to articulate what was seen (eg.... there is no such thing as seven headed dragons in the 21st century)

saying 'i spoke with God' is not being fair; as god could be zeus to some and and the sun to another, so that frame of conveyance is unrealistic but a metaphorical rendition (opinion; unfounded in knowing or reason, just opinion of what was felt from the experience)

maybe if people would realize that, they would stop wasting time on opinions and egos and an intellect, and actually experience something that would change them forever.
sounds like a buddha or krishna claim

i say, we experiencing at each moment and it is the intellect that can isolate the truth from being the actual explaination. Point being, all can experience; and the growth to comprehend them is by seeking answers rather than believing opinions.

Most legends came from the core of a storied opinion but reality only works ONE way; all cases

i think that desire causes them, but who places the desires in my heart?
ah..... the 'intent' of life. Has no magical implementation by a source. The rule is of life itself, to continue; like the wave rolling thru a pond.

i've been inclined to think that freewill is at play.
that is what our choices show us, as we define even the term and title, 'free willy' to convey that ideology.

god knows what's going on inside you. it's intentions, desire, humility, honest seeking of knowledge. i call it prayer, you call it entanglement,


i know god aint some dude controlling existence and using prayers to do it

but in reality, energy has a potential that affects mass over time and space.

some call it a collective conscious.
collective conscious is when many are 'collectively aware'

but it seems you back on some 'other' (away from NOW) as being that associating conscious, i guess

all i know is that it seems in my case that i asked for it and i got it.


the majority on the globe praying for 'it' and you got it and no one know it

perhaps its the wrong sh

i really can't help but think intentions are key.
intentions is where choice finds its root

ask yourself why you want to know.
so that other can know too

the answer to that may be, do i really want to know this?

i asked myself that question 30yrs back almost

i don't know.
then there is more to learn,

especially, since god didn't tell you at your last meeting

my opinion is to seek the truth.
for conscious mind; i could see that

but what about life itself?
Bishadi, I think people often use different terms to describe the same experiences due to what we're taught. Maybe I'm mistaken to think this way but I don't really care about the terminology, I care about the experiebce itself and what it means. And not about what's happening behind the scenes to bring it about but where its taking me, and having gone through this I am stronger and feel a sense of purpose and peace than I ever thought was possible. I feel like I am becoming more god-like myself therefore understanding more about him (it). I find him to be not nice, but very loving and therefore all business working all things toward the greater good.
Bishadi, I think people often use different terms to describe the same experiences due to what we're taught.
that is correct but most learn by what they experience and what 'they' choose to learn

Maybe I'm mistaken to think this way but I don't really care about the terminology,
it is quite evident

I care about the experiebce itself and what it means. And not about what's happening behind the scenes to bring it about but where its taking me, and having gone through this I am stronger and feel a sense of purpose and peace than I ever thought was possible. I feel like I am becoming more god-like myself therefore understanding more about him (it). I find him to be not nice, but very loving and therefore all business working all things toward the greater good.

ah................... this conversation is not about an 'i'

meaning; thanks for you candor but since the definitions are unapplicable to reality and just for the 'i' called you, then perhaps move over and allow your 'integrity' to keep face with yourself, as it ain't applicable to mankind (we the people; existence; the boss; god)

as it is all YOUR words for making YOU a happy go lucky camper!

that is fine lori

we can see that claim 'you spoke to god'..........and it makes 'you feel better' (the i syndrom)

perhaps the solution is; every body smoke a fatty and we ALL can be happy go lucky campers cuz it don't matter what words we use to articulate

we just experience and enjoy the ride.................. cool :confused:

my point is not to step on your experience but the words you hold true are misleading as ungrounded in articulate form.

if you really want to learn that, well then ask (as you said you did, but for some reason not taking the truth to heart)

go figure

me no god, but perhaps the boss put this together (in his own way)

i don't know; i just choose to do what is right and forget the preconceptions.

life's a blast but i don't believe it is fair to continue misreprsentations; even if only to protect the future from going thru what we all have

walk for tomorrow's life, not your own
and what i've had to deal with in relation to spiritual experiences i've had has nearly put me out of commission. i almost lost my mind trying to reconcile what i was going through with the real world around me. i found it very difficult to function for a while in everyday life. my experiences have been very intense and it hasn't been fun or recreational like your acid trip. what happened to me wasn't fun.

Not surprising..... almost losing a mind, reconciling with the real world, difficult to function in everyday life. No disrespect intended but isn't it interesting that Lori was in such an emotional state that it appears collapse was imminent...nervous breakdown & severe depression being a couple of potential hazards. Lori, I'm not saying that was the case for you but there have been many such situations for a lot of people with similar feelings as yours, where finding God is the only way out.

What I think happened is Lori's brain went into a kind of safe mode, locking out the real world, substituting with or finding another reality . Downplaying the real world isn't uncommon for those who find God. I really wonder if for some reason she had never heard of God prior to her emotional turmoil that He would have showed up? Anyway the experience doesn't seem to have been a pleasant one according to her words and she seems absolutely positive that she suffered to feel better.

Why finding God would be unpleasant and painful is certainly a mystery. Others have experienced sheer joy from the onset. However, whether it is painful or pleasurable, there is little doubt that being saddled with deep emotional problems plays a significant role in discovering God.

There is no joy for people who suffer from a mental illness such as depression. Panic can very easily set in as Lori alluded to when she mentioned the struggle with regaining her faculties. This panic is an unbelievably negative force. You seem destined to go insane because you can't get the torturous obsessive thoughts out of your mind. Even if you think your free from them there is more panic thinking they'll come back. One of the methods I've seen work is to visualize yourself on a cloud looking down upon your problems. In that way your troubles seem remote....does God have that same affect? I'd say yes but it is better than going bananas.

Lori, I'm not making fun of you. You've faced adversity and seem to have found your way out, if you think it is God than more power to you.
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