A God We Know Nothing About

Oh for God's sake...... did I give you an out by saying

Your using semantics to squirm out of a tight situation..

I don't understand why you are having such a problem with this.

The moment you say "(an object) is (a value)" is the moment you are working with something particular (even if we are playing exquisite corpses) .

Doesn't matter whether we are discussing god or your colons
The moment you say "(an object) is (a value)" is the moment you are working with something particular (even if we are playing exquisite corpses) .

God is a sample of religious parlance. God is not an object per se. Maybe to you but not me. You told me I needed a god model to argue against god.... well I might as well quit arguing and just start disagreeing. I disagree with the above quote.
God is a sample of religious parlance. God is not an object per se.
that's the party line of the group consensus your subscribing to

Maybe to you but not me. You told me I needed a god model to argue against god.... well I might as well quit arguing and just start disagreeing. I disagree with the above quote.
Perhaps I would be inclined to agree with you if you could lodge a disagreement that doesn't bring any values to the table

Must be something to do with the values you hold I guess ....


With my values intact I prefer to decline comment on your remarks. Disagreeing is as negative as sticking out tongue smilies are infantile.

I tried meditating the other night. A bit rusty and I lost some circulation a couple of times. I wonder if lack of oxygen to the brain had anything to do with the vision I encountered. I saw the entity and asked why it was that I could see him/her/it and not see my own brain, or the back of my head for that matter. The entity told me that without the brain I couldn't see him/her/it. But I stammered, 'how do I know my brain exists?' The entity replied 'because I'm telling you it does.' I guess that's how it works, authentication by my own personal vision. I asked if all people have a brain and the entity told me that, initially, some people do not. I feel so fortunate.
With my values intact I prefer to decline comment on your remarks. Disagreeing is as negative as sticking out tongue smilies are infantile.

once again your values curtail further discussion!


I tried meditating the other night. A bit rusty and I lost some circulation a couple of times. I wonder if lack of oxygen to the brain had anything to do with the vision I encountered. I saw the entity and asked why it was that I could see him/her/it and not see my own brain, or the back of my head for that matter. The entity told me that without the brain I couldn't see him/her/it. But I stammered, 'how do I know my brain exists?' The entity replied 'because I'm telling you it does.' I guess that's how it works, authentication by my own personal vision. I asked if all people have a brain and the entity told me that, initially, some people do not. I feel so fortunate.
next time it might pay to try it without the plastic bag.
I don't understand this question. How can one claim to truly believe that something exists when they don't really know it exists. Now I know for a fact that is exactly what many religious people do every day, adding somewhat of another contention to what you're saying. Wouldn't it just be more truthful to say, "I don't know."? You can always speculate, contemplate, seek god, if he is real to prove himself to you, show himself to you. But until he does, to say you believe is a lie.
I don't understand this question. How can one claim to truly believe that something exists when they don't really know it exists.
Existence isn't the issue.
We merely apply names to things.
Reality, just, is.

Now I know for a fact that is exactly what many religious people do every day, adding somewhat of another contention to what you're saying.

How many times have you thought you knew someone, only to find
out that they weren't who you thought they were? Or thought you knew something only to find out that other know more than you about that thing?

Wouldn't it just be more truthful to say, "I don't know."?

Saying "i don't know" is non-different than saying "i know", as people do know things. They just don't know things entirely, which "i know" may well suggests.

You can always speculate, contemplate, seek god, if he is real to prove himself to you, show himself to you. But until he does, to say you believe is a lie.

Again, I doubt existence is the issue.
What is the point of thinking God will show himself to you, if you don't believe in God?
That's like a man going up to a woman, and saying;

I wish to marry you, please prove to me that you will love me, or I will not
marry you.

I asked god to, if he was real, to prove it to me and he did. That's not to say I can entirely define him or that I know all there is to know about him because given what I do know, I'm certain that is not the case. But I do know enough to not be lying or speculating when I say that I believe he exists. I also know of many religious people who say they believe without such experience, because they were told to, or because they think it will make them a "good" person, or it's the right thing to do, or because they simply really want it to be true for whatever reason (not always a good one). There are even those who can study and observe and use their intellect to arrive at a conclusiob, and who are relying on imperfect knowledge. In my book, it's personal, has nothing to do with religion, is not verifiable to anyone else, and is irrefutible to you. And that goes for everyone.
God is a sample of religious parlance. God is not an object per se. Maybe to you but not me. You told me I needed a god model to argue against god.... well I might as well quit arguing and just start disagreeing. I disagree with the above quote.

what an intelligent post! :)

thanks for the lesson!
What do you think the scripture means when the people are pleading with him, saying "but we've done this and that in your name (casting out demons and such), and he says to them "I never knew you"? It means that there are people out there throwing his name around and claiming to be authorities that do not know him.
What do you think the scripture means when the people are pleading with him, saying "but we've done this and that in your name (casting out demons and such), and he says to them "I never knew you"? It means that there are people out there throwing his name around and claiming to be authorities that do not know him.

i agree

the same as many claiming to 'know him' when in reality we ALL part of him (existence itself, rather than some dude (a god), talkin to people; that's just crazy)

unless a person or yourself is using words, don't believe it when someone says; 'well god told me'..........
God's told me stuff. I've gotten many messages from the spirit, substantiated by a variety of means. Don't always interpret them correctly I don't think but they have served a purpose nonetheless.
God's told me stuff.

be serious.......

as to say such is blatant

I've gotten many messages from the spirit, substantiated by a variety of means.
weren't voices, they were realizations; bridges being made within your mind and experiences

but not some dude talkin at ya, be real

Don't always interpret them correctly I don't think but they have served a purpose nonetheless.

then you answered your own

you know it aint god talkin but your mind and environment associating consciously.

keep the feet planted; hold on with your toes if need be

but please, no 'false witness' as on 'shrooms' i have talked to walls and spoken to critters who came to me and even experienced the crossing of the altantic from the crows nest, on the second mast of a tall ship

We all can experience a lot from many points of view (some monks share to see thru the eyes of an eagle and yet they are within the cave sitting in meditation)

that is entanglement, not some god dude

learn to humble yourself to existence and the exchanges occuring between your surrounding rather than consider the omnipotence of a god doing the actions by choice to/upon you.

Hope that helps.
I didn't say anything about a dude and please don't patronize. You don't have to believe me and its safe to say you haven't walked in my shoes nor I yours.
I don't care how the spiritual realm interacts with us humans. I know from experience it does. What I care about is why.