A God We Know Nothing About

I forgot to include the drug induced hallucinogenic losers who also accomplish the same thing. Quite a select group. Philosophers, freaks and morons all sharing a common knowledge of God.
With your already existing qualitative models of god you might as well cut yourself a party hat and join the party too

if they have a specific argument for god's logical non-existence, its hard to imagine how they don't ....


You're not trying to tell me that in order to argue against God I need to formulate a model of a god so I can argue against it. You can provide any model of a god you wish and I will maintain that it's not there. Sorry but what part of no god don't you understand.
You're not trying to tell me that in order to argue against God I need to formulate a model of a god so I can argue against it.
You're not trying to tell me that you haven't formulated an idea of god amongst your numerous posts?

Sorry but what part of no god don't you understand.
the bit where you claim to be as blissfully ignorant as a new born baby yet somehow post things like this, this, this, this and this.

You're not trying to tell me that you haven't formulated an idea of god amongst your numerous posts?

For some reason I think understand theism more than ever after that.

To not believe, I need a god to not believe in? Not just any God but one I formulate, design or engineer.

So I guess you have a little atheism in you then?
For some reason I think understand theism more than ever after that.

To not believe, I need a god to not believe in? Not just any God but one I formulate, design or engineer.

So I guess you have a little atheism in you then?
To form an antithesis you need a thesis.

No need to introduce ideas of god to understand this concept.
To form an antithesis you need a thesis.

No need to introduce ideas of god to understand this concept.

You want me to start an argument against a man made god by making one up myself. Let's see....there is no god and I'll prove it to you by talking about my version of Him. Nothing like getting the upper hand in that dissertation. :rolleyes:

the moment you make the assertion that god is man made the horse has already bolted in your (apparently) non-thesis wielding antithesis.


I am a declared atheist, any god of mine is man made and so is any god of yours. Since there is no god for me, I have trouble giving you a personal version of Him.
light said:
To form an antithesis you need a thesis.
So if I say there are no square triangles, I must first formulate the concept of a square triangle and then negate it?

If I say there is no color green, what is the antithesis involved? A rainbow of the other colors? A rainbow with a band of missing color? White light? Grey? Black?

Antithesis is the wrong concept here. There is no "antithesis" to the existence of a general, unspecified deity. So the general denial involves not an antithesis, but a judgment call: none of those kinds of things make sense. In the case of a specific God, an antithetical conception can be imagined in some cases, maybe.
So if I say there are no square triangles, I must first formulate the concept of a square triangle and then negate it?
more precisely you must have a concept of what a square and a triangle is

If I say there is no color green, what is the antithesis involved? A rainbow of the other colors? A rainbow with a band of missing color? White light? Grey? Black?
If you say that there is no colour green, that is the antithesis (to the commonly held notion that there is the colour green ... IOW you require the concept of the colour green)
Antithesis is the wrong concept here. There is no "antithesis" to the existence of a general, unspecified deity.
If that was the case, you wouldn't see atheists lodge complex break downs of issues of (apparent) logic and social critiques of religious history to lend credibility to their claims

So the general denial involves not an antithesis, but a judgment call: none of those kinds of things make sense. In the case of a specific God, an antithetical conception can be imagined in some cases, maybe.
errr .... feel free to explain how you can make a judgment call without approaching issues of value

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Your antithesis is duly acknowledged but certainly not agreed with

Any god is a man made god for an atheist. It can't be anything else. No matter how you translate it you must agree.

Oh but you do have a god .... more specifically a man-made god .... as your antithesis details

You acknowledge there is no gods for an atheist then tell me I have one. I really, really am learning more about the theist mind than ever before.
Any god is a man made god for an atheist. It can't be anything else. No matter how you translate it you must agree.

of course its the atheist antithesis

You acknowledge there is no gods for an atheist then tell me I have one.
Even you acknowledge above the specific type of god that an atheist is working with


I really, really am learning more about the theist mind than ever before.
Well there's a first time for everything I guess ...
light said:
So if I say there are no square triangles, I must first formulate the concept of a square triangle and then negate it?

more precisely you must have a concept of what a square and a triangle is
That's less precise - I'm not denying the existence of squares or triangles.

If I were, though, what would the antithesis be?
light said:
If you say that there is no colour green, that is the antithesis
"That" is not an entity. It cannot be the focus of a belief.
light said:
IOW you require the concept of the colour green)
Blind people can't deny the existence of colors?
light said:
So the general denial involves not an antithesis, but a judgment call: none of those kinds of things make sense. In the case of a specific God, an antithetical conception can be imagined in some cases, maybe.

errr .... feel free to explain how you can make a judgment call without approaching issues of value
Feel free to explain how issues of value require the formulation of the antitheses of logical impossibilities, colors, general negations of unspecified genres of entity, and so forth.
That's less precise - I'm not denying the existence of squares or triangles.

If I were, though, what would the antithesis be?
"squares and triangles do not exist"
And technically they don't, according to precise mathematicians.

This antithesis of course requires a very precise thesis ....

"That" is not an entity. It cannot be the focus of a belief.
"that" cannot exist independent of the thesis. IOW the disposition of your avid "non-green'ist" doesn't enter into the picture untill "green'ness" does. Such is the nature of antithesis.

Blind people can't deny the existence of colors?
First of all they are required to understand what a "colour" is though.

Feel free to explain how issues of value require the formulation of the antitheses of logical impossibilities, colors, general negations of unspecified genres of entity, and so forth.
Well to take your example of a blind person denying colour. If they can't express the word "colour" in any semantically comprehensible fashion, how on earth do you suppose their ideological stance (aka value system in regards to colour) could ever be communicated or comprehended?
Even you acknowledge above the specific type of god that an atheist is working with

Oh for God's sake...... did I give you an out by saying
Any god is a man made god for an atheist.

Your using semantics to squirm out of a tight situation...... that's about as cheap as a one toothed hooker.:D That's about as deep into the bag that you've ever dug... fun though.