A Challenge of significant proportions

No Brent I am not directing this thread at you personally but at the disc wearing morons only. I am not implying your situation is the subject of this thread in particular. I am not alluding or being anything but totally transperant.
I understand.
Sorry for my rude outbursts... :/

Btw, what is the situation with these morons exactly.
Currently their influence has weakened considerably. The general feeling is much smoother and not as aggresive.
My ex-partner has reported her 5th day of consectutive >6hours sleep and looks much better.

Also the ambient tension here has diminished considerably. My own sleep has improved also.

There is a threshhold where their influence will shift dramatically as their own sleep patterns are worsening.

"Yes they do have to sleep too you know"

Any way a breakthrough should happen as soon as their fatigue over whelms their ability to concentrate.
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ha...they sometimes say that "truth is stranger than fiction" well I reckon there is some "truth" in that ......hmmmm

and yeah it would make for a good sci fi thriller.......so hows it going to end CC? Care to speculate?:)
I predict the ending will involve little grey anal-probing aliens with big black eyes and they will call themselves "Illuminaughty".
I predict the ending will involve little grey anal-probing aliens with big black eyes and they will call themselves "Illuminaughty".

aww cc "illuminaughty" is bit harsh don't you think?

Any way their eyes are grey and tiny little itty bitty pin holes in the side of their arse!
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QQ, so how is this tale unfolding?

Actually it is hard to say at this point. Although the battle itself seems to be over and peace seems to have been achieved in the main a sort of "repairing" is under way.
[After my grandson and daughter were taken to hospital emergency with sever gastro type symptoms an dgrand son had sever tonsilitis [ he is 6 months old]]. [ Both are currently recovering]

The hunt of course, still continues for the group responsible but at yet they haven't been sighted "visually".
The truth of it all is rising up through the subconscious and will make it's revelation soon enough.

The monitoring of this thread has ceased other than the usual stuff. [ military bots etc etc.....]
The monitoring of my position at the local shopping center has also ceased to be so intruisive. In other words plaza security monitoring is now as it would normally be. My relationship with Plaza Security [ which has always been very good] has been restored.

A sort of hiatus period I think.....

A couple of key people in this battle have come out of the wood work and made contact for the first time in years. [ I never force contact with any one so it is entirely up to them and their circumstances as to what they contact me or not...I remain open to contact both materially and psychic-ally at all times ]

You may recall Ozzie's [ my brother in law] fears about freewill interventions or violations {SDV's} during the telepathic trial thread run some years ago with you and Prince James. This is just because the respect for freedom of will and self-determination and the values this imparts are enourmously important to us.

An interesting time lies ahead...for sure

and thats about it for now.....
Ooooh QQ, you have to see this link:


Scroll down to the 'Telepathic War' link on the left hand scroll panel. I told you there would be aliens.

ahhh! I wondered where me ole' mate Rizzo got to [ re: photo of alien on said web link site] ha!

Don't be fooled he is only sleeping which is why they can't find him now....he escaped when they weren't looking and the governement is soooo embarrassed.....ha
Not alot happening at present ...well not much that I can discuss unfortunately. However what I can say is that it appears that the "relative" peace is sustainable and apart from the occassional blip of behaviour issues everything seems almost "ordinary".....