A Challenge of significant proportions

Does a small electromagnetic disc attached to the right temple of a power crazed idiot qualify as a em wav source generator? [ any way it is a quantum device which transends EM.]

hmmm Maybe...yes?

QQ, let me throw a little bit of hard reality into the mix. Let's entertain the idea that a small group of people:

* Have figured out how to entangle their brains with those of other people.
* Have the power requirements to achieve and sustain such entanglement without instantanenously electrocuting themselves.
* Have perfected a means to override the thoughts and actions of their targets through this technology.

If this were all true, there is still one obstacle they could not overcome... and that is entangled brains would instantly kill people. Lets say for example, 1 square inch of my brain is entangled with one square inch of yours. If I take a step forward while you are standing still, guess what is going to happen? One square inch of your brain is going to squish into one square inch of grey matter in front of it. Instantaneous 2 square inches of brain damage. You see the point? Similarly, because of the entanglement, the absolute reverse could happen (there is no such thing as unidirectional entanglement). Think... QQ... think.
holy Shit!

fantastic...ha...and unexpected...
very welcomed too I might add.....

ha....CC you put a smile on my lips for the first time in ages...well done!

I shall be continuing posting from the local shopping centre cafe/ restaurant La Porchetta.....[which is where I run the business from and observe the transition under way.] They know where I sit......

also my estranged wife has reported big improvements in her well being.

awaiting further news....

I am glad it put a smile on your face and I hope it helps you make the website all it can be :).
QQ, let me throw a little bit of hard reality into the mix. Let's entertain the idea that a small group of people:

* Have figured out how to entangle their brains with those of other people.
* Have the power requirements to achieve and sustain such entanglement without instantanenously electrocuting themselves.
* Have perfected a means to override the thoughts and actions of their targets through this technology.

If this were all true, there is still one obstacle they could not overcome... and that is entangled brains would instantly kill people. Lets say for example, 1 square inch of my brain is entangled with one square inch of yours. If I take a step forward while you are standing still, guess what is going to happen? One square inch of your brain is going to squish into one square inch of grey matter in front of it. Instantaneous 2 square inches of brain damage. You see the point? Similarly, because of the entanglement, the absolute reverse could happen (there is no such thing as unidirectional entanglement). Think... QQ... think.

Actually I must admit years ago I had to consider just this as I skeptically had to deal with certain things, however the entanglement does not have it's effect in reality as such.

The effect is through a zero point [ tunnel if you like - however it has no dimensions so tunnel would be inappropriate in a strict sense, even gateway woudl be incorrect]

I was going to publish "zero point theory" ages ago but discovered my posts were being monitored and surprisingly I suddenly lost interest. I pondered on why I had lost interest for a few weeks then it dawned upon me that I was possibly being manipulated beyond that which I would normally allow.

A bit of steady research and consistant testing has shown with out doubt the influence and it's signature.
To me it is evident in refraction of imagination, or more importantly spatial imagination or what I call Promagination [ projections of self through space and time.
And what is more distressing and initially confusing is witnessing it in other people around me especially when I can sense their struggle against the influence [ usually by way of over correction, loss of balance, short term memory loss, self awareness loss and dropping things all the time]

hmmmm...I shall stop for a moment as I am not accustomed to having this freedom to express myself freely again.
[ one of the main reasons for the Global pandemic in persons suffering depression could very well be their reaction to the Oppression being applied. The similarity between symptoms of depression and the symptons of oppression can be confused very easilly.]

shall post again soon...
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QQ, Entanglement has very specific behaviors and what you are describing is something else entirely. I would find it very unlikely that some group of people in Eastern Europe have perfected some kind of mind control technology that are far beyond the knowledge of mainstream physics and neuroscience. And you know... demonstratable objective evidence is the key.

I semi-recently saw an Oprah episode (yes my wife watches it so I have to as well :grumble: ) where she had Jennifer Mcarthy as a guest to discuss Autism (her son was afflicted). One day it just seemed to happen (almost out of the blue) and the symtoms she described are very similar to the ones you seemed to have experienced. She did alot of research in conjunction with a group parents and she found strong correlary evidence that man-made toxic chemicals found in various foods were present in each of the cases. After removing those foods in conjunction with alot of TLC, her son recovered. The point is, there are alot of poisions in our environment that can really mess us up (temporarily or permanently).
QQ, let me throw a little bit of hard reality into the mix. Let's entertain the idea that a small group of people:

* Have figured out how to entangle their brains with those of other people.
* Have the power requirements to achieve and sustain such entanglement without instantanenously electrocuting themselves.
* Have perfected a means to override the thoughts and actions of their targets through this technology.

If this were all true, there is still one obstacle they could not overcome... and that is entangled brains would instantly kill people. Lets say for example, 1 square inch of my brain is entangled with one square inch of yours. If I take a step forward while you are standing still, guess what is going to happen? One square inch of your brain is going to squish into one square inch of grey matter in front of it. Instantaneous 2 square inches of brain damage. You see the point? Similarly, because of the entanglement, the absolute reverse could happen (there is no such thing as unidirectional entanglement). Think... QQ... think.

a good example....

I was thinking North western Europe when typing the location and what did I type but North Eastern Europe [ blind spot memory lapse ].....I tend to think Sweden or Finland ,yet to be confirmed. [ I normally do not make such silly mistakes. ]
QQ, Entanglement has very specific behaviors and what you are describing is something else entirely. I would find it very unlikely that some group of people in Eastern Europe have perfected some kind of mind control technology that are far beyond the knowledge of mainstream physics and neuroscience. And you know... demonstratable objective evidence is the key.

I semi-recently saw an Oprah episode (yes my wife watches it so I have to as well :grumble: ) where she had Jennifer Mcarthy as a guest to discuss Autism (her son was afflicted). One day it just seemed to happen (almost out of the blue) and the symtoms she described are very similar to the ones you seemed to have experienced. She did alot of research in conjunction with a group parents and she found strong correlary evidence that man-made toxic chemicals found in various foods were present in each of the cases. After removing those foods in conjunction with alot of TLC, her son recovered. The point is, there are alot of poisions in our environment that can really mess us up (temporarily or permanently).

all good points CC all good.

Local toxins in food stuffs would be ok if it involved only persons in a close community. Here it involves persons spread over an entire capital city and interstate, and over seas.

True that current mainstream understanding of quantum entaglement is such and limited.I used the words because they would recognise what I was talking about.

Entanglement itself suggests temporary states or at least the ability to dis-entangle.
In current understanding dis-entanglement is possible however in this issue the whole universe is entangled via the zero point. And is a fundamental of how inertia functions not to mention various other aspects of quantum or hyper space universe physics. According to my own research and understanding the human mind is also entangled similarilly.

Of course objects of mass do appear to have independant movement with out the crushing effect you talked of earlier however their resistance to changes in momentum is a direct result of all masses being entangled via a zero point. The zero poit iteslf offers no resistance to independance however the transferred effects between masses does provide the effect of inertia and why it is a universal constant as it is with gravity.

Objective evidence is currently not available however I am very confident this will become so in the future.

After all this crap has passed I shall publish the theory and provide evidence to support it using conventional methods.

It is in the interests of these people to ensure psychic pheno can not be proven as to do so would expose their shitty behaviour.

we shall see something very soon I reckon.....
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Have you tried one of these?

if it would work I wouldn't hesitate. But unfortunately you seem to miss the important point I was making about the fact that it utilises a sort of quantum tunneling effect or in other words it doesn't produce EM.

Now if you post again about Em type devices I can only refer you back to this post...ok?
Update - day 3:
If you thought the thread so far was incredible you aint going to believe whats happened since posting!

So I am not going to bother posting the detail....

but would like to ask any persons who have suffered sudden coughing fits, dizziness, insomnia, or stomache complaints, or hallucination type psychosis [ auditiory or visual ] since reading this thread to post if they can.
I have been feeling great all weekend QQ.
good to hear that you have been well. CC

So far 4 people associated have reported dramatic improvement.

Mostly insomnia issues greatly reduced. However their persistant hacking cough has calmed somewhat as well. [thyroid glands appear to be stabilising] Of course they do not realise what is happening but will eventually.

Got a bit go yet though.
there are 28 persons from different locations around the world all seeking to find the perps HQ.....at present it appears to be North Eastern Europe
The quantum signature can be traced by it's resonance at source guys!

N.E.Europe? nooo, you are very cold. We are using HAARP for you. we care enough to send the very best.:rolleyes:
Excellent thread! I haven't read the 2nd page, and, cannot exactly say I understood the exact source of the first pages issues...

With that being said, I go on to what I want to say :p

I'll read the rest of the thread.

QQ, I'm not quite sure if you refered to me in this thread, but the way you write kicks ass. Anyway.


It's pretty certain that people do understand the mind. I can't be totally sure but had to comment there about that. As far as the mind control goes, will control and other real issues presented by QQ, I'd have to say. If I think that I'm being affected by them, or, get this: they somehow affect my reality... and, how can you deny what your reality is... then they must without doubt be real. Will control. Affect control. It's all pretty straight forward.

If you can't understand the fucking basics don't even bother.

But since this thread is about other things I won't bother either, as QQ said specifically this thread isn't entirely about, proving the "psychic" realm but wouldn't it be a treat :D LOL Anyhow.

I am skeptical too, but, there's no reason to be entirely skepticial, although of course that is exactly what keeps us alive, possibly, is, our skepticism.
It's a defense mechanism or a protection ability, which eases our way of being. Of course there are plenty of ways of being. ... Sigh/// :/

So. Let me check out the thread again, and try again to understand some things I might get back but might have to stay away from this computer for a while until I get my own...

Hi QQ. Been a while. I hope you're being serious here. I remember seeing a pic of you and your wife. Sorry to hear about your difficulties on that front. As for the rest of it, I really have no idea what to say. Given your post history I'm a bit confused.
Hi QQ. Been a while. I hope you're being serious here. I remember seeing a pic of you and your wife. Sorry to hear about your difficulties on that front. As for the rest of it, I really have no idea what to say. Given your post history I'm a bit confused.

Yes SL I understand your concerns for my state of mind.
Which I must admit is ironic in a sense that my posts above are actually in concern with the state of mind seemingly inflicted upon the persons I have assocations with.

Unfortunately if I could consider it all to be just a fabrication of an over active imagination I would be even more crazy...[ and angry too I might add ]

The only thing I can say at this stage is that "the proof is in the pudding" or should I say the outcome.
So far it has been nearly 7 days and so far I have seen remarkable recoveries from many persons some I didn't even know about have since seen fit to contact me and indicate how well they are feeling although they have no idea what is happening here or with regards to this incredible issue.

My ex partner is slowly regaining her wits and health due to better sleep.
My friends very young <5yoa children are now more comfortable regarding their chronic gastro type complaints.
Persons suffering severe depression are becoming more active etc etc...

I can count at this stage over 12 significant imporvements and frankly opnions about my state of mind are irrelevant given what has been happening and is now happening to the people I care about.

For example my son has now managed to complete the exams successfully for his degree in Music and education. An enourmous effort was put in the last 5 days once he was freed up [ in his mind ] to finish his essay tasks.

My first wife [ the mother of my son ] also reports huge improvement in her own health [ hacking cough and severe dizziness]

My father has survived his 5th major cancer surgery [ 2* lung ]

The human body is incredible in it's adaptability to the environmant it must survive in.

To cripple a person by forcing them to deny their emotional being [ love, affection, truths by cohercing them into self suppression and oppression has a devastating effect on a "sane" persons health. [ nothing new in that hey?]

The heart knows the truth but the mind is forced to deny it.

The situation here has been seriously dangerous to my person on 2 separate yet associated occassions over the past 7 days.

The first occasion happened the morning after this thread was instigated.
A person impersonating a police officer threatened to have me charged with child molestation. The person concerned is a serious interstate criminal who is wanted by the police for questioning. [ according to surveilence footage and the local police]

Why a known Crim on the run would expose himself as he did is bewildering and obviously due to timing I would suggest that this thread had a lot to do with it.
The second occasion was due to the sophisticated security at the Shopping Center failing.

The general manager of security that is a friend of mine can not explain the failure.
This meant that my usual and deliberate sitting position which is external to the plaza was totally free of video surveilance.
Police presence in the immediate area was non-existant [ normally regular patrols occur every 60 minutes or so.]

The same crim approached me again took pictures and made threats of his "boys" taking actions. This time he maintained his intimidation attack for nearly 60 minutes with out any concern for surveilance.

[ Don't get me wrong the guy involved is one mean SOB and with out doubt leathal. Built like a brick Shit house too I might add]

After this the situation staterted to improve with reports coming in from all over the place.....
Psychic warfare can be a very traumatic experience SL and one day maybe when the evidence is presented properly we can sit down and go into it a bit. However it can be stated that most mental health issues suffered today are due to some form of psychic warfare not necessarilly just due to this mind control issue regarding the topic of this thread, but also social and community based psychic warefare.

The mind controllers I am referring to have simply learned how to capitalise on what normally occures between people and manipulating it to their ends.

In esio-meta-physical terms they woud be refered to as black wicca or worse.

In this case however it appears to be well organised and money profit [power]orientated. Which of course is their ultimate weakness. {desire for money thus power of money existentialises their pyschic abilities thus the need for a frigging electro mechanical device}

Whilst I am not prepared to say so with total confidence [ if there is ever such a thing as total] The words "Illuminati" keep croping up.
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