75 yr old woman gets breast implants

no, she was always a she. She was just trapped in the body of a man

Orleander: Not legally

The law varies from state to state, and hopefully one day it'll get changed to reflect the way things are a lot better.
There is no such thing as a third gender in the law...but there are a whole lot of people out there who don't feel exactly male or female...

Its human to offend and life is rude.

Racist? You're PC attitude is seeping all over the place. I'm not laughing at you chimp, nor am I laughing at your friends or your wife even though its seems they are all transgendered…or something…not quite sure how they fell into the mix.

As far as I am concerned if the brain of a man tells him he's a woman it doesn't mean MY brain has to concur with his. I was going to make brain/crotch jokes but never mind.

As I once said to a friend of mine "You can eat cheese burgers with milk all you want, it doesn't make you any less Jewish"
not legally, but either you or chimpkin can feel free to start a thread or take a poll about it

Right now I've been up way too late as it is...I need to try and sleep, and the only reason I brought this up at all was out of anger, not careful consideration...or I would have had all sorts of linky goodness going.

I've been married to my wife for 9 years, and she struggles with this stuff still...waaay after transition, and I hurt for her fairly often.

I have my own gender identity issues.
In other words...

The linked article really chapped my ass.

Mrs Lucysnow:

Racist? You're PC attitude is seeping all over the place.

Someone once observed "The initials PC could also stand for 'plain courtesy'"
actually the law here treats transexuals as there true gender, not the sex they happened to be born with. Further more all goverment forms ask GENDER, not SEX now for that reason. Its a breach of the antidiscrimation act for anyone to (for instance) refuse to alow a women to use the womens bathroom because she happened to be born with testicals
do you have a link to that law? (in a new thread please!) this thread is about a senior citizen getting a boob job
do you have a link to that law? (in a new thread please!) this thread is about a senior citizen getting a boob job

Speaking of which. Why does it bother you? I mean so what if she hikes up her teets. At her age she should be able to do what she wants.
I don't know why it bothers me. I've started this thread to get opinions to see if I can work my way through it. I think it has to do with confidence and security. I would like to think a woman would be more confident and secure at that age. I can understand a boob lift, but implants?
I don't know why it bothers me. I've started this thread to get opinions to see if I can work my way through it. I think it has to do with confidence and security. I would like to think a woman would be more confident and secure at that age. I can understand a boob lift, but implants?

Yeah but how do we know the decision was borne from insecurity? Maybe she just always wanted big mama's and decided to have herself pumped up before she dies. She may be like the old bird in 'Harold and Maude'. Have you seen that film? Its really funny, check it out.
she showed a pic of how she looked in her younger days (all stretched out on a bed like a pin up girl. Quite attractive actually!) and she wanted that back.
she showed a pic of how she looked in her younger days (all stretched out on a bed like a pin up girl. Quite attractive actually!) and she wanted that back.

Well is that so bad? I mean really at her age is it so bad to try and re-live some of the advantages of her youth? I don't know. I'm more concerned about 16 year olds pumping in the saline than old women.
Well is that so bad? I mean really at her age is it so bad to try and re-live some of the advantages of her youth? I don't know. I'm more concerned about 16 year olds pumping in the saline than old women.


IMO, doctors should refuse to do that on anyone who hasn't finished adolescence.

I can see why someone would do reductions for an underager, because overlarge breasts can affect health. But enlarging them just so someone can feel more womanly? When that 16 year old is 22 she may well have size Fs due to growing naturally on top of the alteration and be unable to move without back pain...

Another thing that pisses me off is doctors giving hormonal contraception to 16 year old girls...wtf? Estrogen stunts growth. IMO they should only do that if a girl actually wants to stop growing...

Sorry...I digress.
I have no idea. I've never had that problem. Maybe we just haven't gone to the same locales. :shrug:

Yep. Bear in mind I live somewhere that vomiting on a girl is considered a legitimate way of hitting on her. And people wonder why I don't go out at night any more...
The world would be a better place if people didn't get offended so easily.

It's easy to see that a person who has gone through changing genders would feel particularly sensitive about the subject. But it's also not everyone's job to live their lives keeping tabs on what offends this or that person.

I guess this is an unusual middle-ground post for me but on the subject of what to say or not say while taking consideration all the different groups of people out there who might get offended at it, my usual stance is fuck it.

However, when a person goes out of their way to say something hurtful like this:

Grow a pair or maybe you can borrow them from your mister wife or.:p

Then, you're on bitch.
/gloves off
I think there needs to be a statute of limitations on how far back in a thread you can quote them for a backhand(or bitch) post.
I think there needs to be a statute of limitations on how far back in a thread you can quote them for a backhand(or bitch) post.

That may not be as easy to implement as logic and common sense would imply. :D

Precedent has been set, here and elsewhere on this forum. :bugeye: