75 yr old woman gets breast implants

what makes you think your opinion even matters?

LOL, I think that statement will come back to bite you in the ass :D I wonder how many people are gonna copy your own words and post them right back at ya. silly child. lol
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Well, I would suggest that, since fake boobs generally aren't about feeding children, and often taken in a sexual context, it is probably less likely that you would, even subconsciously, associate a face/neck lift with the idea of your mother splayed out on the kitchen table, rutting away like an animal in heat, making noises you never wanted to hear her make, sweat glistening on her face, neck, and fake breasts, with Jolly Joe's hairy ass bouncing up and down as he drills her into sometime next week.

Except my mom has breasts that are nice and loooooooooong.:p

And she's a big woman, I'm not sure the table's up to that.
Its not a sexual thing to me, its a security/confidence thing. I would just hope at 75 a person would be confident in themselves.

and doesn't surgery get riskier the older you get?
Yes, I realize that most of this type of work is done by private resources, yet I still raise my eyebrows at the priorities of our society as a whole. :bugeye:
You and me both! I've never understood things like that, it's not even like they end up looking or feeling real.
I think I shall stick to animal friends, at least I understand their priorities!
A 75 yr old wanting 25 yr old boobs looks odd. Just like a 75 year old wanting the unwrinkled skin of a 25 yr old looks odd (Joan Rivers anyone?) Is she so insecure that she thinks a 75 yr old man wants a 75 yr old woman with young boobs. Hell no. He wants the young woman, not the fake one

But unless he's rich he can't get the young one, so he'd probably have her over others her age. I think plastic surgery looks weird on everyone, they end up looking oddly proportioned with china doll skin. It's hardly alluring.
Its not a sexual thing to me, its a security/confidence thing. I would just hope at 75 a person would be confident in themselves.

and doesn't surgery get riskier the older you get?

Perhaps taking a surgery at that age, knowing the risks - is the act of confidence in themselves.
I wonder how many 75 yr old men get a testicle life, because those start to sag just like boobs
wow i have a stalker, how amusing is this:p

I have chosen to post this here so as not to disterb one of the threads which actually has a purpose
Is she so insecure that she thinks a 75 yr old man wants a 75 yr old woman with young boobs. Hell no. He wants the young woman, not the fake one

Suppose the 75 year old man doesn't have that choice? What if his choice is between a 75 y.o woman with old boobs or a 75 year old woman with implants?

Then, speaking as a guy and projecting out to that age, I think it is 100% clear that the woman with implants has an edge if all else is equal.
Its not a sexual thing to me, its a security/confidence thing. I would just hope at 75 a person would be confident in themselves.

So, then, why are you okay with "any" plastic surgery? Why are some cosmetic procedures evidence of an emotional deficiency for older women, but other equally non-medically necessary ones are hunky-dory?
Repeat after me :

What other people do with or to their own bodies of their own will is not really my business.

That having been said...I would think the only plastic surgery one might really want at that age would be a reinstatement of a more northward location for things. Hey, she's doing the horizontal hokey-pokey at 75...good for her.

Love might make the world go around.
But hot sex prevents the apocalypse.

We all have an obligation to humanity.
*Looks determined*
We have a job to do.
Get busy.
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What other people do with or to their own bodies of their own will is not really my business.

What height of PC nonsense. :rolleyes:

At a discussion forum, we should consider it completely taboo to investigate the reasons for why people do things!

Down with science!
What height of PC nonsense. :rolleyes:

At a discussion forum, we should consider it completely taboo to investigate the reasons for why people do things!

Down with science!

LOL. good sarcastic point.

why do people want to grab back their physical youth? I'd rather embarrass my children. Hmmm, maybe that's what she is doing
Repeat after me :

What other people do with or to their own bodies of their own will is not really my business.

Meant in terms of regulating what people can do with their bodies. Which is a different thing, but moral judgment may end up there sometimes.

Investigating though?
*flaps hands*
Carry on.
Perhaps because they have not developed their character over the course of their lives.

That's why women wear makeup too, because they lack character.

Everyone wants to be attractive. It's an inbred trait of the species. Even men want that, though we go about attaining it in a different way. We can pretend all we want that beauty is only skin deep or that physical beauty isn't important, but only if e lie to ourselves. Beauty and youth are related, but not identical signals that we are geared to respond to as a matter of our evolutionary biology. It's silly to pretend we are not that way, or that "wisdom" or "character" somehow completely eclipses that basic truth.

That was sarcasm, the point being that people do not try to make themselves look more attractive because they "have not developed character over the course of their lives." It's perfectly normal to want to look good and try to improve your looks, not a sign of insecurity or a failure of personal character, as Signal suggested it was.

If having a boob job, at any age, shows a lack of character, then it must be the case that any purely cosmetic improvement stems from the same failure, whether surgical or through the use of make-up.
That was sarcasm, the point being that people do not try to make themselves look more attractive because they "have not developed character over the course of their lives." It's perfectly normal to want to look good and try to improve your looks, not a sign of insecurity or a failure of personal character, as Signal suggested it was.

If having a boob job, at any age, shows a lack of character, then it must be the case that any purely cosmetic improvement stems from the same failure, whether surgical or through the use of make-up.

Beauty is important.
But beauty is not about cosmetics.