75 yr old woman gets breast implants

Someone wake me up at "Centenarian gets sex change operation"

Wakey wakey:

A 77-year-old man has had a sex change operation, which cost him $20,000. Currently, Mr. Ramsay is the oldest person ever to have had a sex change.
Renee Ramsay (formerly known as Richard Ramsay), a 77-year-old Viet Nam veteran, has had a sex change operation and told CBS, “I’m as happy as any woman could be.” The sex change operation costs anywhere upwards of $20,000 and it took him four decades to save up the money.
The final process was to remove his genitals, which he did recently. Renee further told CBS, “Since I was about 13, I always knew something was different.”

Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/276485#ixzz1WdNOC8Dm
but he didn't do it for vanity like this old woman did. Good for him

says you (and its she BTW, not HE), what makes you qualified to judge the motives of either person? What would your comment be if someone said "your old you should be dressing like an itallian nana, how discusting that you think you need to show off your breasts" (i will bet money that you dont wear turtle necks all the time, that you still wear V necks and scope necks ect
who cares ? Little ones big ones fat one short ones tall ones, there they were !

I think all natural is best . I will take a real hanging boob over a perk perfect fake boob any day . Big brown nipples are O.K. too . Nipples that stand out a half inch or better there good . I like little ball point pin nipples too . O.K. what ever the old lady wants . I don't care . She ain't taking Me medical opportunities to be sick cause well i am not that big on getting sick , so she can Have my time in the hospital.

Get rid of that perfume too . I don't understand shaving arm pits and legs either . Good for razor sales . Why do girls shave there legs and there arm pits ? What is the reason for make up ? If you are going to a Halloween party I can understand , but every day living , No ! It is ridiculous . O.K. think about how Girls that put on Make up are killing the planet. All that electricity in the winter months with the lights on just to put on Make Up . The energy it takes to make make up too . Make up is an environmental drain on the planet . I think we should roll them a big fatty and let them forget about putting on planet death by the short term memory loss ( They won't know they didn't put on there make up
Wakey wakey:

A 77-year-old man has had a sex change operation, which cost him $20,000. Currently, Mr. Ramsay is the oldest person ever to have had a sex change....http://digitaljournal.com/article/276485#ixzz1WdNOC8Dm

That article was written by A Moran...Yes, that's the reporter's actual name...

When a person is female in their heads, then drops 20$k to become comfortable in their bodies and recognized to the world as female...


It just ain't polite.

That's your transgender etiquette lesson for today, tune in next time...

(And, no, not mad at you-all, mad at the guy who wrote the article...carry on...)
That article was written by A Moran...Yes, that's the reporter's actual name...

When a person is female in their heads, then drops 20$k to become comfortable in their bodies and recognized to the world as female...


It just ain't polite.

That's your transgender etiquette lesson for today, tune in next time...

(And, no, not mad at you-all, mad at the guy who wrote the article...carry on...)

So what the hell are you griping towards me about it for? Go and write to Mr. Moran. Personally I don't consider it any breach of etiquette to call a transgender person Mr. just because a doctor has inverted their penis and given them hormones. I don't consider this man a woman no matter what he thinks in his head.
For one, I'd have to log into facebook, to talk to the Moran...and I'm boycotting facebook....

Two, I would not ever recommend you call my wife mister. Not to her face anyway.
You have no idea how offensive your attitude is, and you probably don't really care.

Let me put it another way.
Calling a post-op transwoman sir is the equivalent of calling a black person the "N" word. In terms of insult level.
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Well what's the big deal. You're offensive and I don't care:shrug:

You're pissed at my posting a quote from an article where nothing in the post can be ascribed to myself. Then you bring up your pet peeves as if I'm here to appease you in some way. Grow a pair or maybe you can borrow them from your mister wife or.:p
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Would you care to explain precisely how I have offended you? Do I owe an apology?

I made it clear I was pissed at the article, not you. At first.

At this point you're deliberately provoking me. Why is it that you think transphobic behavior is acceptable, eh?
So, again, How have I offended you?

By expressing outrage at the ham-handedness of the author of that report?

He's not following what's considered good guidelines...I believe most of the major media use GLAAD's guidelines on reporting on the transgendered : http://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender.

I would really like to know what it is that offends you, Mrs Lucysnow.
I generically offend. I see.
And if you linked a racist article and were blasted, would you accuse the person who was angered of bringing up their pet peeve?

Grow a pair or maybe you can borrow them from your mister wife or.

And again with the transphobic provocations. And I am to "grow a pair," by which I guess you mean ignore this sort of garbage when it's waved in my face, just laugh it off, because it should be okay to laugh at me, laugh at my wife, laugh at my friends...

You are deliberately provoking me, insulting my spouse and refusing to plainly answer a direct question.

Okay...I'm going to try to explain why what you said is offensive very carefully here:

Personally I don't consider it any breach of etiquette to call a transgender person Mr. just because a doctor has inverted their penis and given them hormones. I don't consider this man a woman no matter what he thinks in his head.
You do not, but the person so addressed absolutely would.
That should mean something to you.
It's like this...
When you decide you are better equipped to determine what a person's sex or gender is than that person is... it means you consider that your determination of what gender a person is deserves more recognition than that person's own right of self-determination.

You, not even someone who knows them personally, just some random stranger born happy with their genetic and physical sex.

You delegate to yourself the authority to declare something about someone else's body, mind and life, and to declare it in a way that that person would find painful and demeaning.

I'm not exactly a normal female either, you know, so you are declaring that right to determine precisely what I am too.
Do you imagine I am not angered by this?

The reporter callously misgendered his subject.

You have now deliberately insulted my wife.

I asked you to explain how I was being offensive, so that I could apologize. Admittedly, not in the most contrite of tones.

Do you understand how you have been offensive now?
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Et tu, Orleander?

An M t F Transwoman has always been female in their being. An F t M Transman has always been a guy inside.

To go through all the pain, difficulty and expense of transitioning to still have people call you by that other gender, to deny your right to be who you really are...is really disheartening.

And what does it cost you two to give someone that?
What does it cost you?

You merely have to look at them differently and treat them kindly, is all. Apparently too much to ask.
Generally, one calls a person by female pronouns as soon as they present themselves as female.
Or vice versa...

What I'm trying to say here...is that deciding what gender you are going to call someone irrespective of said person's wishes...is hurtful and callous to that person.

If you all can understand that I'm happy to move on, but it's important.