75 yr old woman gets breast implants

I can see why someone would do reductions for an underager, because overlarge breasts can affect health. But enlarging them just so someone can feel more womanly? When that 16 year old is 22 she may well have size Fs due to growing naturally on top of the alteration and be unable to move without back pain...

The perhaps not so well-known fact about breast implants is that they require maintainance surgery every five years or so.
It's easy to see that a person who has gone through changing genders would feel particularly sensitive about the subject.

I don't understand this. Why would they be particularly sensitive about the subject?

I mean, they took loads of hormones and had their body parts cut off or added.

I imagine that someone who does this much to themselves is as sure of themselves as anyone can ever be. So I don't understand why they would be sensitive about the subject.

But it's also not everyone's job to live their lives keeping tabs on what offends this or that person.

I'll tell you a story:
I never had a dog, and don't intend to. But in my neighborhood, almost every household has a dog. Most of them are free-running, barking and even biting creatures.
At first, I resented having to deal with them at all. That didn't work.
Then I tried to deal with each dog the same way. That didn't work either.

Eventually, I learned every dog's name, what he or she likes and dislikes, what gets him or her to shut up and calm down, and what doesn't. My goal is to be able to walk through the neighborhood without getting bitten or barked at too much.
So Tarzan, the big German shepherd must be passed by silently, or he lashes out. Kookie, a poodle, must be talked to assertively. Lola, a Golden Retriever, requires several strategies, depending on whether she is inside or outside of the fence and whether her owners are around or not. Then there's Lilly, Timmy, Mikey, (Faust - I don't know his real name), Lana and several others.

It seems people are kind of similar. In fact, with people, I sometimes use essentially the same strategies as I do with dogs!
I think you are accountable for what you say. Forever.

the question is if you see the light and change your mind can you be forgiven.
I would forgive . I do . Holding grudges can get in the way of productivity . Hell it is my opinion that people don't really mean the things they say . Mouth opens and shit plops out . It is extremely evident in children . Think about that ? If you were held accountable for every thing you ever said . Accountable in what way comes to mind also ? Ownership of what you say is another story as I believe a person is responsible for what they say and there is nothing that can be done about owning what comes out of your mouth . Sure you can try and shift blame onto someone else , but it still comes out of your mouth , out of you . You own it no matter what and even when you fool the entire world it still is part of you . The question in my mind is how much mercy is there . Lashing out looks like someones pain to Me . Think about it ? Recall pain ,lash out . I got to ask my self , What caused the person pain that made them lash out ? If you can successfully understand the underlying pressures that cause it to boil to the surface, put your self in that position , you might find you too would react the same way . This is all part of Me peripheral life of outside influence Me talks about . We are so quick to judge . I do it too so don't think I am getting on anybody . I am good at it actually . I been known to crush people with a single word , They may not get out of bed for a week and I will be in la la land of " What ? Whadeye Do ? Then they don't want to talk about it because they so hurt they might even cry as they start to open there mouth . This is someone eles life that is peripheral to you. The underlying motivation to the conflict . The shit you have no idea about . Shit you think small cause of the selves will of the standard mind set of Me It is my life . I call it the disconnection in human form . To lack sensitivity to your surroundings . Now we all know about the criminal element of reading a room right ? That is were you do an analysis of the people occupying a room as you walk in . The size up so to speak . This is basic thievery 101 . You learn it as a kid and it don't go away unless you be free like me . O.K. now I forgot what I was talking about cause I be free . I can Wish . No bodies free . We are subject to others peripheral life . Peripheral to you , but to them Up front and personal . War What is it good for absolutely nothing . No worries you can't pull out a pistol an instantly kill on the internet . I don't Think ?? Look out bullies flying in
I am jerking the dog right now as I got to go , but I wanted to use Me new friend as an example . I am fixing his basement and he is making a contribution to Wood for Haiti . Now typically a person will get all bent out of shape and want to lay the hammer done on the help. Kick em good like a bad dog . You do it . don't think you don't . It is a "human nature" but as they say it takes 2 to tango . So the help is thinking they do not appreciate and the owner of the slave relationship is picking up the vibe and thinking " You not getting the job done fast enough " I am stating to think you are not competent. Well the slave picks up on that one real quick and the escalation exacerbates. So hells bells anyway it took me a long fucking time to rise above that Human Nature . But I did by Me trick of saying to my self about the other person " I Love You "
So for my Builder career It was always the same . The question : When are you going to be done , You are taking forever ( all thing beautiful take time ) . Well I would tell em " You will miss us when we are gone and a year or so latter they will agree cause it was some of the most exiting times of there life ( Remodels and building your own custom house is an adventure is why ) It was always the same like kids waiting for Christmas . They would throw tantrums like children too . Now they feel the love . They pick up the vibe . Now they want Me to stay . There is no rush for they want to be loved . They like it when I am there showing them love . Unconditional love . What I call " The first move "
This took Me butt loads of years to understand so I don't expect anyone to get it and implement it instantly . I can tell you this < Your life will improve if you take to heart what I said . Not to go in blind but to offer the first olive branch in a situation of conflict . Better put, put the fire out before the roar of the lion
I more thing before I go .
Me personally ^^ I do like to fight cocky bastards sometimes . It is Fun .
I do it cause it is fun
I'm not going to fight you, I don't give a shit if you offend chimp.
I was exemplifying.

That's just the thing I wasn't aware still don't understand what he's offended with, I mean I didn't write the article. I could see if the author referred to transgendered as 'it' but simply sticking to the term they were born with? Don't know.