15 yr old girl, beat up by cop?

HIV has an an extremely low transmission via saliva -- not all bodily fluids are equal when it comes to transmission. Even in the cases where transmission via saliva occurred, it involves contact with open cuts in the mouth or other similar circumstance. Hepatitis A would have been a better example.

I guess I should actually comment on something relevant to the topic. I have not watched the video, but how much harm can an unarmed 15 year old girl cause to an adult male (transmission of infection notwithstanding)? Even taking her shoe off and throwing it full force at the officer, I mean, really. That does not justify the kind of reaction described by the posters here.

MZ3, physical violence or threat of violence is not the way to gain respect for authority. They should not have to do their job using fear.
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You have obnoxious views, receding hair, and dress like a cheap magician, what else do we need to know?

I dress like a cheap magician??? Really? Shows how much you know. That is my work shirt, hence the logo on the shirt.

And no, I don't have receding hair.

Are you really that superficial? I wouldn't doubt it, you're just a kid. Hell, I may not be the oldest guy on here by any means, but you are probably one of the youngest.

So, if you really would like to compare lives and insist on thinking you know me, by all means, go ahead. I'm sure many people here that actually know me can attest to my experience and what I've been through. Hell kid, bet you never even traveled around the world, been in combat, bought your own house, car, or anything else for that matter. Hell, you're barely old enough to even be in college. So please, quit while you're behind. Don't want you to humiliate yourself.

And furthermore, if you have some issue with me, handle it in private. I hate threadjacking good threads.

Ok, back on topic....
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She wasn't arrested. She was being held on suspiscion and was not read her rights.

But yes, being arrested forfeits your right, albeit temporarily, to freedom among other things until a court hears your case. But, you are also innocent until proven guilty. AND you are not allowed to speak to a child about an investigation (under the age of 18) without their parent or a lawyer present.
She wasn't arrested. She was being held on suspiscion and was not read her rights.

that is what arrest means.

An arrest is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the investigation and prevention of crime. The term is Anglo-Norman in origin and is related to the French word arrêt, meaning "stop".

so yes she was certainly arrested. it is a big deal because it was a cop, if it were a school teacher who this animal spit and threw a shoe at and cursed up and down and the teacher protected themselves from the assault everyone would be cheering.
that is what arrest means.

An arrest is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the investigation and prevention of crime. The term is Anglo-Norman in origin and is related to the French word arrêt, meaning "stop".

so yes she was certainly arrested. it is a big deal because it was a cop, if it were a school teacher who this animal spit and threw a shoe at and cursed up and down and the teacher protected themselves from the assault everyone would be cheering.

LOL, you are splitting hairs. Do you really need to bring in the semantics of the word to defend your position?
She was not arrested. If she was arrested and her rights weren't read to her, she is getting off scott free.


...The person in custody must, prior to interrogation, be clearly informed that he or she has the right to remain silent, and that anything the person says may be used against that person in court; the person must be clearly informed that he or she has the right to consult with an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning, and that, if he or she is indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent him or her.
She wasn't being interrogated yet, they were just holding her pending arrest and subsequent interrogation. Which CANNOT be done (Miranda Rights read or Interrogation) without a parent or lawyer present, period. She was being held for her own safety, until someon could be called, which is why her shoes were removed.

You can hold any juvenile without arrest if that juvenile is out past curfew, and without parental supervision. Which is the case in this instance.

Children are treated differently, and she is a child. But was NOT arrested or read her rights because her parents were not present.
I think ye're all probably missing the main point on this issue;

Some people in the world just deserve getting the shit beat out of them.

Y'all know that, why don't you just admit it? That girl was probably one of them. Admit it, go ahead, I dare you! :)

Baron Max
I think ye're all probably missing the main point on this issue;

Some people in the world just deserve getting the shit beat out of them.

Y'all know that, why don't you just admit it? That girl was probably one of them. Admit it, go ahead, I dare you! :)

Baron Max


@ Baron, no one knows if she actually did anything wrong. So no, she wasn't one of them.

You, on the other hand....I would happily lay into you :D
Maybe they were just treating that 15 yr old as an equal. You know, not as a weak female teenager. ;)
Baron, no one knows if she actually did anything wrong. So no, she wasn't one of them.

Well, VI, according to the posts so far, it seems the little bitch kicked or threw her shoe at the cop. That's enough to prove that she was/is deserving of getting the shit beat outta' her!!

You, on the other hand....I would happily lay into you.

See? You're no different to that cop, are you? If just a few words on a screen make you want to beat the shit outta' me, what would you do if I actually said something to you in real life? ...try to kill me?

Some people just deserve to have the shit beat outta' them!

Baron Max
This whole conversation is idiotic.

The girl was in no position to attack the police officers. For them to slam her into a wall, throw her to the ground, beat her in the head, and then drag her out by her hair is ridiculous and disgusting. What fucking assholes. I guess that's what happens when your ego is the size of jupiter and you can't control your power trip.

The police officers who did this give all police officers a bad name and I do have respect for the law and the people who put their lives in the line to uphold it. But this situation is unbelievable. This girl was not a threat and they blatantly attacked her and BEAT HER after she was on the ground and subdued. Rodney King anyone?