15 yr old girl, beat up by cop?

Bet she won't do that shit again ....wanna' bet? Sometimes a good beating is what it takes for some people to learn valuable lessons.

Baron Max

Some people like you? Here :spank: :spank:

Did you learn anything? No, I'm guessing not, your still going to keep saying the same shit and causing a negative reaction on my gag-reflex. :rolleyes:
Some people like you? Here :spank: :spank:

Did you learn anything? No, I'm guessing not, your still going to keep saying the same shit and causing a negative reaction on my gag-reflex. :rolleyes:

That's just his persona. Unfortunately, he's actually bought into his own idiosyncrasies and can't tell anyone that he's not really like that. It's become part of his charm to be the troll, and people actually welcome him back as some sort of rebel god. You know, like Sid Vicious... with the same amount of talent. Why bother actually thinking, when you can be a lazy idiot parroting what all the right-wing nut jobs say? Or just simply disagreeing with common sense.

Too bad too, because in the beginning both here and on other forums, he actually seemed to have a brain. Somewhere along the way, he stopped using it in favour of earning admirers of the antagonist. Fancies himself an outlaw even, with all the bans he's earned in various places... but he's just a fraud and the reason he goes away, is because even he gets sick of playing himself and needs a break. For him, it's much safer having an opinion you know 99% of the board would hate instead of taking the chance to actually earn respect the hard way.

In short, he's a joke. And a bad one at that. Just ignore him, eventually he'll go away again and be replaced with someone with at least half a brain.
Some people like you? Here :spank: :spank:

Did you learn anything? No, I'm guessing not, your still going to keep saying the same shit and causing a negative reaction on my gag-reflex. :rolleyes:

If this offends anyone here, then give me a damn infraction...

But this is stupid. Why the hell does this debate keep getting this personal??? There's no reason for it. As I said in my previous posts, shit like this needs to be handled privately. Don't threadjack!

And lastly, yes, there are people that like Baron, myself included.

It takes a while to understand him fully, as it does with anyone else. However, if you give it time, I'm sure you will realize that he is quite intelligent and knowledgable. But that's for you to decide.

But GOING BACK, AGAIN to the debate, there are simple facts that no one on here can deny.

1) The girl was far from cooperative. She was asked to remove her shoes yet there is no reason whatsoever for her to act the way she did (yelling, cussing, and kicking off her shoes violently.)

2) Maybe the officer did overreact, maybe not, but a police officers job, despite what anyone says about how it's to maintain peace and whatnot, an officers main responsibility is to himself; his safety and health. The officer clearly felt threatened by the girls actions and words, which is what lead to his actions.

3) One of the key things that we are taught, both in the military and in law enforcement, is to use necessary force to restrain the suspect. We are taught very thoroughly to not use excessive force. And that is what this all boils down to... Were his actions excessive, and where is that thin, fine line between "excessive" and "necessary" in this particular situation? And that is something that the courts will decide for themselves. However, one thing is certain as it stands now, the female was successfully subdued and restrained. She no longer posed a threat as a result of the officers actions.

And on a personal note, as Baron said, some people simply deserve a good beating to teach them a bit of respect. Law enforcement are in their position to help create the best community possible. They risk their lives daily for your safety and for the health of the town, city, county, or state. That alone deserves the utmost respect. And when you have some punk kid who thinks that they are somehow better, or thinks that they are somehow superior to an officer, they NEED to learn their place in society for their own success and well being.
No. Only law enforcement.

I was raised to respect my elders, as well as authority.

There is respect, then there is stupidity. This 15 year old was being bascially tossed around by two adults twice her size for somethng she might not have even done. They made her go to a holding cell even though she wasn't a suspect, just a witness to be questioned. She got a bit lippy becuase they were trying to scare her. Then when she complied with demands they beat her.
Where are you getting this info from? In the video one of the first lines is: she was in a holding cell following her ARREST.

She did assault the cop first, verbally and physically which would only mean additional charges.
Where are you getting this info from? In the video one of the first lines is: she was in a holding cell following her ARREST.

She did assault the cop first, verbally and physically which would only mean additional charges.

From continued reading of sources other than poster at YouTUBE.

And the cops would have to prove assualt, since they ordered her to remove the shoes and kick them over to them they would have to rove that she knowingly managed to hit the man;s shin with the shoe. He would have had to taken photgraphs of the injury and if there was the slightest discrepiency, like the fact that the wound did not match what a rubber shoe kicked by a nearly anarexic 15 year old would do....then he is toast.
That was from the televised news report . And now she is anorexic? This person gets arrested and assault police, you dont see this person having serious problems in the future? because i do.
That was from the televised news report . And now she is anorexic? This person gets arrested and assault police, you dont see this person having serious problems in the future? because i do.

It's just unbelievable how people keep trying to shift everything back to the kid. Newflash: Even if she was acting bratty, that was no excuse for the cops to throw her to the ground and beat her ass, *THAT'S NOT THEIR FUCKING JOB*. It's up to the courts to determine a fitting punishment, not some pigs on a power trip.

And for Christ's sake, she's fifteen years old, and the pigs (cops like this are pigs, sorry) clearly were using scare tactics against her. And you find it unreasonable that she got smart with them? Have any of you actually ever had any contact whatsoever with the police? Have you ever had any contact with them while detained? Why do people here labour under the delusion that all cops are nice and sweet when they are interrogating you and trying to get a confession?

Fuck cops like these, fuck them to hell, they deserve contempt. And fuck anyone who tries to defend their standover behaviour.
I think ye're all probably missing the main point on this issue;

Some people in the world just deserve getting the shit beat out of them.

Y'all know that, why don't you just admit it? That girl was probably one of them. Admit it, go ahead, I dare you! :)

Baron Max

I agree. These cops need the shit beat out of them. Perhaps some one ought to go handcuff them and punch them while they are immobilised? You wouldn't have a problem with that, would you Baron? :D
Well, VI, according to the posts so far, it seems the little bitch kicked or threw her shoe at the cop. That's enough to prove that she was/is deserving of getting the shit beat outta' her!!

I watched the video, and she lightly kicked one of her shoes outside of the cell door, and was about to remove the other one. Which is not surprising, since she had been asked to remove her shoes. There is no evidence that she was assaulting the police. It's most likely just an ad hoc justification the pigs pulled out of their ass to justify the beat down.
In short, he's a joke. And a bad one at that. Just ignore him, eventually he'll go away again and be replaced with someone with at least half a brain.

I wouldn't go that far. However, he definitely inspires my gag reflex. I imagine that he was raised believing that authority figures are by definition right. As I said before, respect shouldn't simply be given, it should be earned. Anyway, what's happened with this case? I've searched a while on google, but I only get the story of the girl getting beaten up and a little past history of the cop in question and his precinct (they deal with more crime then usual and are generally more violent as well; the cop in question killed a mentally disturbed man a while back and was acquitted, another cop in his precinct is on charges, another was acquitted in January).
scott3x said:
2- Why are police forces not weeding out these types of people?

Who says they are not?

Reported. Control your temper John. The guy already killed a mentally disturbed man, now this. 2 others in his precinct have gone up on charges (one aquitted, the other still on trial I believe).
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If this offends anyone here, then give me a damn infraction...

But this is stupid. Why the hell does this debate keep getting this personal??? There's no reason for it. As I said in my previous posts, shit like this needs to be handled privately. Don't threadjack!

And lastly, yes, there are people that like Baron, myself included.

It takes a while to understand him fully, as it does with anyone else. However, if you give it time, I'm sure you will realize that he is quite intelligent and knowledgable. But that's for you to decide.

But GOING BACK, AGAIN to the debate, there are simple facts that no one on here can deny.

1) The girl was far from cooperative. She was asked to remove her shoes yet there is no reason whatsoever for her to act the way she did (yelling, cussing, and kicking off her shoes violently.)

2) Maybe the officer did overreact, maybe not, but a police officers job, despite what anyone says about how it's to maintain peace and whatnot, an officers main responsibility is to himself; his safety and health. The officer clearly felt threatened by the girls actions and words, which is what lead to his actions.

3) One of the key things that we are taught, both in the military and in law enforcement, is to use necessary force to restrain the suspect. We are taught very thoroughly to not use excessive force. And that is what this all boils down to... Were his actions excessive, and where is that thin, fine line between "excessive" and "necessary" in this particular situation? And that is something that the courts will decide for themselves. However, one thing is certain as it stands now, the female was successfully subdued and restrained. She no longer posed a threat as a result of the officers actions.

And on a personal note, as Baron said, some people simply deserve a good beating to teach them a bit of respect. Law enforcement are in their position to help create the best community possible. They risk their lives daily for your safety and for the health of the town, city, county, or state. That alone deserves the utmost respect. And when you have some punk kid who thinks that they are somehow better, or thinks that they are somehow superior to an officer, they NEED to learn their place in society for their own success and well being.

Firstly, don't quote me unless you are responding to what I said.

Secondly, going back to the debate:

I disagree with you on all counts. Period. I already stated why in a previous post and arguing with you seems pointless as neither you nor I seem to be willing to change our minds.

And on a personal note, as Baron said, some people simply deserve a good beating to teach them a bit of respect

Didn't you JUST say that people shouldn't be making this thread personal?

Any grown adult police officer who punches someone half their size and age who is subdued and on the ground is a violent jerk who shouldn't be representing the law.
Any grown adult police officer who punches someone half their size and age who is subdued and on the ground is a violent jerk who shouldn't be representing the law.

Let's take this a step further, okay? What if everyone in the police station were to be permitted to act like that young girl? EVeryone who is brought into the station can throw shoes, kick at the cops, slam chairs into walls, yell, scream, whine, cry, shit and piss all over anything and everything .....without any intervention by the cops. Nice picture, huh?

The police should, by the authority vested in their uniforms and badges, should be accorded respect and obedience. If all suspects are permitted to flaunt that authority, then we're all in a world of trouble. It'll be something like some of the riots we see on tv ...burning buildings and cars, while the cops just stand by and do nothing. Is that what y'all want?

Baron Max
That is true Max. Or how about if people go into someone elses house and treat the inhabitants that way and they call the police and the police say 'sorry, that is permitted' and then they hang up the phone because they cant do anything about it.