15 yr old girl, beat up by cop?

That is true Max. Or how about if people go into someone elses house and treat the inhabitants that way and they call the police and the police say 'sorry, that is permitted' and then they hang up the phone because they cant do anything about it.

Yep, our ideals of "individual rights" has gone so far overboard that people no longer recognize anything that resembles "good behavior". It seems that "individual rights" means that people can do any-fuckin'-thing that they want to do ....even in a police station while being processed for arrest!

See? I've said it many times before ....people are just fucked up! :D

Baron Max
It is unrealistic to hold every police officer to a higher standard than we hold the average person. They come from society at large so the only way to eradicate this is through a eugenics program.
i disagree with this 100%.
we, as citizens have every right to hold, and expect, a higher standard of performance from cops for the simple reason that they have the public trust.

would you really put the average citizen in a cops place?
I fail to see how anyone can stand up for that policeman.

If she was a 6ft and 200lbs mutant, sure, use some force to subdue her.

But even then, there was NO excuse to keep beating the crap out of her when she was in no position to be a threat.
How can you disagree that they come from the same society as everyone else?
i never said they didn't john.
i said we had every right to hold cops to a higher standard than we do the average citizen.

don't forget that there is the little matter of "spin" when it comes to things like what the OP stated.

i haven't dug into the girls background so i can't really comment on the OP.
I fail to see how anyone can stand up for that policeman.

If she was a 6ft and 200lbs mutant, sure, use some force to subdue her.

But even then, there was NO excuse to keep beating the crap out of her when she was in no position to be a threat.

I don't know why Baron holds the views he does. Perhaps he could explain, but he may be discouraged from doing so due to atleast one person here calling him a troll...
So what if Baron DOES hold these views. You can learn a lot more about people or a subject from someone with a different viewpoint, even if it's "wrong".
Well, VI, according to the posts so far, it seems the little bitch kicked or threw her shoe at the cop. That's enough to prove that she was/is deserving of getting the shit beat outta' her!!

See? You're no different to that cop, are you? If just a few words on a screen make you want to beat the shit outta' me, what would you do if I actually said something to you in real life? ...try to kill me?

Some people just deserve to have the shit beat outta' them!

Baron Max

I take the Baron 100 to 1, as to who walks away.
This whole conversation is idiotic.

The girl was in no position to attack the police officers. For them to slam her into a wall, throw her to the ground, beat her in the head, and then drag her out by her hair is ridiculous and disgusting. What fucking assholes. I guess that's what happens when your ego is the size of jupiter and you can't control your power trip.

The police officers who did this give all police officers a bad name and I do have respect for the law and the people who put their lives in the line to uphold it. But this situation is unbelievable. This girl was not a threat and they blatantly attacked her and BEAT HER after she was on the ground and subdued. Rodney King anyone?

Rodney King deserved the ass whiping he recieved, and He should have gotten a lot more.
i disagree with this 100%.
we, as citizens have every right to hold, and expect, a higher standard of performance from cops for the simple reason that they have the public trust.

would you really put the average citizen in a cops place?

Guess what they are the average citizen, and they come from all walks of life.
Let's take this a step further, okay? What if everyone in the police station were to be permitted to act like that young girl? EVeryone who is brought into the station can throw shoes, kick at the cops, slam chairs into walls, yell, scream, whine, cry, shit and piss all over anything and everything .....without any intervention by the cops. Nice picture, huh?

The police should, by the authority vested in their uniforms and badges, should be accorded respect and obedience. If all suspects are permitted to flaunt that authority, then we're all in a world of trouble. It'll be something like some of the riots we see on tv ...burning buildings and cars, while the cops just stand by and do nothing. Is that what y'all want?

Baron Max

Ever heard of the saying 'sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me'? Kindergartners are taught this shit! I don't care if this little idiot was calling them fat fucking pigs...they should have more control over their temper when it comes to a 15 year old girl who poses no obvious threat; no weapons, no physcial assualt. Insulting words do not a justified beating make.

People will respect the police when they start respecting the public. This girl KICKED HER SHOE in their general direction as they ASKED her to do. Why? Because they probably treated her like shit and yelled at her and accused her of crimes that she didn't commit. This shoe-kicking did not harm, wound, or mentally damage any of the PO's involved. For them to beat the living shit out of her because their testosterone levels were running high is just ridiculous. Fucking assholes.
Don't you ever bother reading anything. What civil rights are forfeit on arrest?

And why do you think she was in a cell and asked to remove her shoes? I really dont see why you are asking me these stupid questions, do you think i have some inside information or am a mind reader?
And why do you think she was in a cell and asked to remove her shoes? I really dont see why you are asking me these stupid questions, do you think i have some inside information or am a mind reader?

Being in a cell doesn't mean you are arrested not does being asked to remove your shoes.

You keep claiming she was arrested, she wasn't.
You keep claiming arrestees forfeit their civil rights, they don't.

You only forfeit some civil rights upon conviction of a criminal offense. Until conviction you are presumed innocent and are fully protected by the normal civil rights. For example, to hold you they have to follow due process.
i never said they didn't john.
i said we had every right to hold cops to a higher standard than we do the average citizen.

don't forget that there is the little matter of "spin" when it comes to things like what the OP stated.

i haven't dug into the girls background so i can't really comment on the OP.

i never defended anyones actions in the video. To make an assessment there should be more facts.

Sometimes in a video, shot from above and grainy, it is hard to ascertain exactly what really happened. The investigation will bear these things out.
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Being in a cell doesn't mean you are arrested not does being asked to remove your shoes.

You keep claiming she was arrested, she wasn't.
You keep claiming arrestees forfeit their civil rights, they don't.

You only forfeit some civil rights upon conviction of a criminal offense. Until conviction you are presumed innocent and are fully protected by the normal civil rights. For example, to hold you they have to follow due process.

The news reporter said she was arrested. They lock you in a cell, you are arrested. Do you have some other definition?
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Originally Posted by John99
It is unrealistic to hold every police officer to a higher standard than we hold the average person.

That is why not every one can be a cop and realistic or not, cops are held to a higher standard:

Section 1983 Litigation: Jury Instructions

The defendant police officers claim they had probable cause to arrest the plaintiff for obstructing a police officer in the conduct of his lawful duties. The parties agree that when police officer Doe attempted to arrest the plaintiff, the plaintiff called the officer [words].

The First Amendment protects a significant amount of verbal criticism, challenges, and even profanity directed as police officers. The freedom of individuals to verbally oppose police action without risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free society from a police state.

Speech, even if provocative, is protected by the First Amendment unless it is shown likely to produce serious harm to government operations. This harm must be far more than mere inconvenience, annoyance or unrest.

The plaintiff’s speech in this case, while perhaps vulgar and offensive to some, was protected by the First Amendment unless you the jury, find, under all of the circumstances, that they constituted "fighting words." By fighting words the law means face-to-face epithets that are likely to provoke the average person to anger and a breach of the peace. In considering whether the plaintiff’s language directed at the police officer constituted fighting words, you may take into account the fact that a properly trained police officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than an average citizen, and thus be less likely to respond belligerently to fighting words than other persons.
[legal attributions cited]