138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)

Proud_Muslim said:
Dear brother:

As salamo Alikum,

Please ignore Flores comments, she is very confused and does not know the ABC about Islam as religion, I have been here long enough to know her, she attacks every muslim who comes here with horrible insults....she is not even a Muslim, she once insulted Islam by describing it as false religion, so please brother, dont take her seriously, just ignore her.

HA HA HA....... :D :D :D

Very effective communication.....Are you talking to yourself? You and Preacher X are one and the same...check out same IP address.

And you lier....when did I ever call Islam a false religion? Come on, show me my post? You filthy liar....

Then again, you both could be a cloned production of the Bin Laden university of Islamic studies. The royal seal and signature are all over your posts...
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Flores said:
HA HA HA....... :D :D :D

Very effective communication.....Are you talking to yourself? You and Preacher X are one and the same...check out same IP address.

And you lier....when did I ever call Islam a false religion? Come on, show me my post? You filthy liar....

Then again, you both could be a cloned production of the Bin Laden university of Islamic studies. The royal seal and signature are all over your posts...

if you really are Muslim, then i have no problem if you dont know the basics of Islam, but since you are a new Muslim with a lot to learn like you said, then please dont be so insulting when i say a piece of Islamic knowledge such as the coming of Mahdi. it is simple Islamic knowledge that before the day of judgement there will be signs and that there will be the Mahdi. the Mahdi is obviously NOT a prophet, but he will revive the Ummah, make the Muslims better and restore the Calipahate.

to not practice a verse of the Quran means you are doing an action of disbelief which is a great sin but you still aren't a disbeliver. if however, you dont believe in a certain verse of the Quran then that makes you a disbeliver.

another thing, do you belive in the coming of the Dajal (anti-christ)?
Flores said:
Again not a single Quranic verse....All you bring is sayings narrated by strangers and compiled by god knows who...

oh my God, how much ignorance of Islam are you showing. i have proven your ignorance loads of times now and you still continue. narrated by strangers? Tirmidi, Shah Muslim and Bukhari they are all the Sunnah of the prophet etc. they are all authenticated hadeeths. how are they strangers? without Hadeeths, Islam will be completely unable to follow Islam becasue the Quran tells us how to do acts of worships such as prayer and give charity but the Hadeeths actually tell us HOW to do them and many other things.

you said you're a Muslim right so do you pray? well the way you pray is from the hadeeths! so if these hadeeths are narrated by weird people like you say, then why do you follow them? Islam is a whole way of life so how would the Quran fit it all in a few hundred pages. Islam tells you how to prayer, give charity, talk to people, payback debts, how to be a husband/wife a brother/sister a lawyer, a doctor, a king... it tells you everything, so thats why there are hadeeths to explain things.
The Hour has drawn near and the moon has "shaqqa". (Quran, Surat al-Qamar: 1)

"shaqa" in Arabic means "ploughed" or "dug up" and also "split*"

as you know, the moon landing in 1969, the moon was "ploughed" or "Dug Up" and the soil was taken back to earth for experimentaion.

what is interesting though is The numeration of the Surat al-Qamar by alphabetical Arabic letters is 1969, the year when, American astronauts set foot on the moon.

*another sign is that the moon will actually be split one day

finally i would like to say. the signs of Doomsday will as the Prophet (saw) said, fall rapidly like pearls from a necklace that has been cut. when the doomsday becomes nearer, that is when, obvioulsy more signs will come rapidly in constant succesion.

many of the people on this thread are saying that some of these events are predictble and will happen anyway. well this is true for some of them. but, if you look all of the signs have come true rapidly in THIS century indicating the day is near. dont you think its funny that the prophiecies are coming rapidly in succsseion THIS century. anyway, answering the question of the haters, if the prophicies were spread out lets say for example if a prediction like the Iran-Iraq war happened 200 years after the prophecy, the prediction of the 2 eclipses in ramadan happened 312 years later, the war on the streets 100, the sharp increase in number of earthquakes and lightinig say 1000 years later. if this was the case and the events were so spread out and random and not in quick succsession then the prophicies then could be said to be fake. but the're NOT. dont you think its funny that Iraq-Iran war, occupationf of Afghanistan(by Russia), the Halley's comet all happened this century along with the 138. Earthquakes increasing very rapidly could be guessed but if you study earthquakes, they only got a RAPID (and very rapid) increase THIS CENTURY. the 2 eclipses was this century, Halleys comet that came from the east after a eclipses was this century.

look at "war on the streets" is easy to predict one can say but Guerilla warfare (war one the streets) was done MUCH MUCH MORE in this century and the full concept of it was really only done this century.

"widespread slaugheter" once again, easy to predict but THIS CENTURY saw a humongoues increase in the number of deaths. over 180 million have died because of war this century alone. the century before nowhere near that figure was reached. i doubt the million mark was surpassed last centruy and definately not over 10 mil (it wasn't even possible then becasue the tools needed for this weren't available)

the men who will come from Medina and take over the Kabbah, killing people could of happened anytime after the Quran but it happened in 1979 in THIS century.

the prophecy that a small part of the world will contain the vast amouunt of wealth while the majority will remain poor only really came into full swing these past 40 years (ofiicaly now 1/6 th of the world is straving and 2 billion people live on $2 dollar/day but one year of American tax profits alone can feed the ENTIRE world in wheat for a number of years) currently America,europe hold mst of the worlds wealth while Asia and Africa hold the majority of world population but a tiny amount of wealth. THIS CENTURY

the sanctions ("no food will be left in the hands of the iraqi children) was this century where 1 million Children died. the peac talks, the killing of the kings in Damascus and Egypt, the war between Israel and Muslims, the killing of the Jordanian king, the 2 eclipses in Ramadan, the halleys comet, the rest of the 138 signs all happened THIS CNETURY
(4) The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass
One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within three to nine years after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:

The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4)

Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.1 At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years. In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive victory of the Romans over the Persians, for the first time after the Romans’ defeat in 613.2 The prophecy was fulfilled just as God has said in the Quran.
Preacher X, please also provide the sources for each of these. Thank you very much. :)

  • 2 Iran-Iraq War
    3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates
    4 The Occupation of Afghanistan (1979-88 by Russia)
    5 Afghanistans vast natural resources (discovered lately)
    5 Stopping the Flow of the Euphrates river
    6 Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Ramadan
    7 The Rise of a Comet from east AFTER the eclipse (1986 halleys comet)
    8 Storming the Ka`ba and the Subsequent Bloodshed (1979 and 86)
    9 Sighting a Flare in the East
    12 Change of the Systems
    13 A Tribulation of Dust and Smoke
    15 The Killing of the Kings of Damascus and Egypt
    16 The Killing of Abdullah, the FormerKing of Jordan
    19 The Rebuilding of Ruined Places
    20 The Fourth Peace and Arab-Israel Peace Agreement
    24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
    25 An Embargo against Iraq and Damascus
    26 The Restructuring of Iraq
    27 The People of Iraq Flee to Damascus and the North
    29 Chaos in Damascus, Iraq and Arabia
    31 War On Streets
    32 War Between Muslims and Jews
    36 Religious Prohibitions Gaining Acceptance
    37 Openly Denying God
    47 The Current Situation of the Islamic World
    53 Loss of Hope in the Mahdi
    56 A Weakening Economy in Specific Years
    59The Division of National Wealth Amongst the Rich(big increase in 40 years)
    60An Increase in the Number of Earthquakes (very big increase within 100 years)
    66 The Rejection of the True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur'an
    69 Fitnahs (tribulation) Alienating People from the Qur'an
    70 Propagandists Distancing People From the Morality of Islam
    73 Abandoning "Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Wrong" as an Act of Worship
    76 The Number of True Believers Being Very Few in Number
    77 Use of Mosques and Masjids for Different Purposes
    79 Faith in Horoscope and Refutation of Fate
    86 Abandonce of Giving Alms
    87 Abandonment of Salah (Prayers)
    95 Weakening of the Family Structure (i in 2 marrages end in divroce now)
    104 Acceptance of Homosexuality (california allows them to get maried)
    114 The Close Approach of the Markets
    117 A Hand from the Firmament
    118 Increased Productivity
    119 The Greening of the Deserts
    120 Increased Life Expectancy
DoctorNO said:
Preacher X, please also provide the sources for each of these. Thank you very much. :)

  • 2 Iran-Iraq War
    3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates
    4 The Occupation of Afghanistan (1979-88 by Russia)
    5 Afghanistans vast natural resources (discovered lately)
    5 Stopping the Flow of the Euphrates river
    6 Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Ramadan
    7 The Rise of a Comet from east AFTER the eclipse (1986 halleys comet)
    8 Storming the Ka`ba and the Subsequent Bloodshed (1979 and 86)
    9 Sighting a Flare in the East
    12 Change of the Systems
    13 A Tribulation of Dust and Smoke
    15 The Killing of the Kings of Damascus and Egypt
    16 The Killing of Abdullah, the FormerKing of Jordan
    19 The Rebuilding of Ruined Places
    20 The Fourth Peace and Arab-Israel Peace Agreement
    24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
    25 An Embargo against Iraq and Damascus
    26 The Restructuring of Iraq
    27 The People of Iraq Flee to Damascus and the North
    29 Chaos in Damascus, Iraq and Arabia
    31 War On Streets
    32 War Between Muslims and Jews
    36 Religious Prohibitions Gaining Acceptance
    37 Openly Denying God
    47 The Current Situation of the Islamic World
    53 Loss of Hope in the Mahdi
    56 A Weakening Economy in Specific Years
    59The Division of National Wealth Amongst the Rich(big increase in 40 years)
    60An Increase in the Number of Earthquakes (very big increase within 100 years)
    66 The Rejection of the True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur'an
    69 Fitnahs (tribulation) Alienating People from the Qur'an
    70 Propagandists Distancing People From the Morality of Islam
    73 Abandoning "Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Wrong" as an Act of Worship
    76 The Number of True Believers Being Very Few in Number
    77 Use of Mosques and Masjids for Different Purposes
    79 Faith in Horoscope and Refutation of Fate
    86 Abandonce of Giving Alms
    87 Abandonment of Salah (Prayers)
    95 Weakening of the Family Structure (i in 2 marrages end in divroce now)
    104 Acceptance of Homosexuality (california allows them to get maried)
    114 The Close Approach of the Markets
    117 A Hand from the Firmament
    118 Increased Productivity
    119 The Greening of the Deserts
    120 Increased Life Expectancy

woah! one at a time! okay, ill provide the sources for each one. ill start them 2morrow okay? ill need to provide the full verse and they'll need explainations accompnaying them, so ill do like 10 a day until i get to all of them.
Preacher_X said:
ill add some more too
No you don't need to. Really. What you've already posted is enough to show you as the crackpot that you are.

it tells you everything, so thats why there are hadeeths to explain things.
Ah yes, but wouldn't that be left to the interpretation of the author of the hadeeth? And from what I've seen, such authors differ greatly in how they view each passage in the Quran and their interpretations of the verses vary from one extreme to the other. You have the Quran, which is the central written text to Islam, so why do you need the hadeeths? Why must you read someone else's interpretations of the Quran and why must you be so demanding that everyone believe it?
Preacher X
I addressed this little fancy of yours on page 4 of this thread. Anyway...

"widespread slaugheter" once again, easy to predict but THIS CENTURY saw a humongoues increase in the number of deaths. over 180 million have died because of war this century alone. the century before nowhere near that figure was reached. i doubt the million mark was surpassed last centruy and definately not over 10 mil (it wasn't even possible then becasue the tools needed for this weren't available)

I can say, without a doubt, that you are wrong. I know, I have studied the 20th century in depth. I am assuming you are talking about the 20th century but I feel I should let you know it's currently the 21st century of which four years have passed.

The flu of 1919 killed 20 million people. More than all the deaths of WWI.

The number of Russian troops to die in WWII reached 20 million. The greatest lost of men by any country by far.

If we are to tally that up as an estimate that is about 40 million people dead through fighting not slaughter. You seem to be running the ideas of death with slaughter together. I don't know where you get off calling it slaughter, nor do I know where you pull 180 million from... Your arse?

I would like to ask you where you get your ridiculous figures from. I would also like to point out specifically (if you haven't already managed to compute what I am saying) that war isn't slaughter, even though instances of slaughter would've happened during both wars.

Get some real facts. Don't bend existing ones to try and fulfil your useless little end of the world prophecies.
Flores said:
HA HA HA......

Very effective communication.....Are you talking to yourself? You and Preacher X are one and the same...check out same IP address.

You are such paranoid creature ! I wish the moderator will check the IP.

And you lier....when did I ever call Islam a false religion? Come on, show me my post? You filthy liar....

You are so mentally disturbed that you dont know what you wrote 2 weeks ago:


What an absolute hog wash? You are giving James two choices that may very well never happen. First, the cold wind you describe (if it indeed happen, and I highly doubt it) will affect only the few people (One or two generations) that remain alive to witness the end times....Not everyone will die by cold wind or horrible death. Most people have already died or will die as everyone else dies and will not live to see the last hour....so what are you talking about generalizing and handing out death sentences to believers and unbelievers.....You are such a terrorist. Stop terrorizing people with false religion.


Brother Preacher:

Just ignore Flores, she is nothing, nothing whatsoever, she is very confused creature looking for attention, ignoring her comments is the best way to treat her.....I feel sorry for her.
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How are those answers to my questions about the final hours coming along, Proud_Muslim?
Dear James:

I am watching the debate flowing back and forward, when there is a brother taking charge in the debate, I dont interfene, I just watch, I only participate when my brother pracher is in trouble, but so far, he is doing fine.

As to you, you are intelligent person, but you wont believe anything Muslims tell you..your mind is set !! ;)
If that's what you call "doing fine", I'd hate to see him doing badly. ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
You are such paranoid creature ! I wish the moderator will check the IP.

You are so mentally disturbed that you dont know what you wrote 2 weeks ago:
Heh, don't ask me why, but I find that hilarious!

Just ignore Flores, she is nothing, nothing whatsoever, she is very confused creature looking for attention, ignoring her comments is the best way to treat her.....I feel sorry for her.
Now there's the pot calling the kettle black! PM, as it is obvious that you were oblivious to what Flores meant, I don't know whether I should pity you. Her statement about 'false religion' was aimed at you. She meant your false religion.. as in YOUR interpretation is false. As in your brand of Islam is false.

She is ten times the Muslim you'll ever be.

James, do you realize brother Preacher is only 14 years old ???
It is obvious that preacherboy is a child. His arguments have proven that. However it is sad that a child as young as 14 could be so engrossed with theories about the end of the world.

Tell me something PM, do you believe the end is near as preached by preacherboy? You haven't stated whether you agree with what he's said, you've only come out and defended him against Flores, but you've never once voiced support for his theory. Why is that? After all, he's your 'brother' is he not? Why aren't you standing by his side arguing that the end of the world is close at hand? So do you agree with his comments and the hadeeth's he's presented here? Do you honestly believe that the moon will soon split... heh.. that one still has me laughing.. ? Do you believe in prophecies PM? Do you believe in Nostradamus and his ilk? Hmmmm? Because it is obvious so far that he can't provide any links to these prophecies, so why don't you help the kid out and provide them for him instead? Or is it that there are no articles, seeing that he made this statement in his very first post in this thread:
i will later make another bunch of prophicies that have COME TRUE VERY RECENTLY and have loads of detail. SOME OF THEM HAVE COME TRUE THIS YEAR
Could it be that this child has made the prophecies himself? Actually, I have a prophecy to make myself. One day in the future, we will all die. Yes that's right, we will all die. We were born but one day we will die. But then that's life isn't it? ;)
atheroy said:
Preacher X
The flu of 1919 killed 20 million people. More than all the deaths of WWI.

the flu is not "Slaughter".

the 6 million (if the jews aren't lying) slaughtered in the Concentration Camps is. so is the ethinic cleaeansing in Ruwanda which killed 1,000,000. so is the Serbs ethinically cleansing 500,000 Muslims. there are loads in this century.

Ethnic Cleansing of 6 million was completly unheard of before this 20th century, it wasn't even possible because the tools of mass mega genoicde weren't invented.